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Let be guided on the CNRM-GAME web site and follow the advices on how to find the best information according to your profile.


You would like to get scientific information about research undertaken at CNRM-GAME.

Go to : "Research themes"
Browse the list of projects and field campaigns.
Look at our scientific output; publications, defended thesis, HDR…

You are seeking information about CNRM-GAME or affiliated labs.

If you want to learn more about our software, our data for your own research, please go to “Products”

 Teachers or Students

You want to know more about the research undertaken at CNRM-GAME, go to “Projects & Field campaigns” and “Research themes”.

You wish to have more information about our teaching activities, go to “Tutorial, Thesis and HDR”.


You want to know all about our training courses, thesis and employment conditions, go to “Jobs opportunities”

You want to know the latest news about :

Example of some thematic projects:

*- climate modelisation
*- prediction of the evolution of the snow cover
*- air quality prediction or prediction of the Ozone depletion using atmospheric chemistry models

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