After the success of the first coding spring organised from 5 to 7 September 2017 within HIGH-TUNE, a second coding sprint was organised from 2 to 4 May 2018 at LMD (Paris).
The first half day consisted of presentations on :
– the tuning tool developped for the tuning of free parameters based on the comparison of single-column models and Large-eddy simulations. This code used the statistical tools developped at the University of Exeter is a tool shared between LMD and the CNRM that can be applied either on LMDZ or any models of Meteo-France (AROME, ARPEGE and ARPEGE-Climat).
– the new developments realised at the University of Exeter by Daniel Williamson and its team in particular the use of more complex metrics (vertical profiles, time series) as well as the account for non-linearity in the response of the model to free parameters.
Afterwards, a coding sprint allows us to update the tools with the inclusion of multi-metrics as well as more complex metrics such as vertical profiles. This coding sprint also permits us to start to interpret the results obtained from these tools.
- Introduction and Status of the LES
F. Couvreux - How to standardize 1D/ES comparison
M.P. Lefebvre
- Available shared scripts: description and illustration
F Hourdin
- Application to the polar boundary layers
J.B. Madeleine & O. Audouin