Source code for vgrid.mkvgrid

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals, division
import os
import argparse
import subprocess
import sys

default_yaxis = 'z'
default_xaxis = 'pthickness'
default_to_clean = ['.latex', '.mapping', '.namvv1']

[docs]def generate_vertical_grid(namelist_file, to_clean=default_to_clean): """ Run the (Fortran) ``mkvgrid.x`` binary used to generate a vertical grid according to a **namelist_file**, and get back the name of the so-called *infosup* file to read data to plot from. """ from vgrid import MKVGRID_BINARY subprocess.check_call([MKVGRID_BINARY, namelist_file]) infosup_file = namelist_file + '.infosup' for f in to_clean: if os.path.exists(namelist_file + f): os.remove(namelist_file + f) return infosup_file
[docs]def main(namelist_files, plot_grid=True, show_figure=True, yaxis=default_yaxis, xaxis=default_xaxis, outputfilename=None, to_clean=default_to_clean, fig_kwargs={}): """ Run the generation of grid, read grid, plot. :param namelist_files: namelist(s) to use to generate grid(s) (1 or 2) :param plot_grid: to plot the grid or not :param show_figure: whether to open the plot in a WebBrowser tab or not :param yaxis: 'level', 'p' (pressure), 'z' (height) or 'pthickness'//'zthickness' :param xaxis: 'level', 'p' (pressure), 'z' (height) or 'pthickness'//'zthickness' :param yaxis: 'p' (pressure) or 'z' (height) :param outputfilename: a specific html filename for output: if None, name of file auto-generated :param to_clean: additional files to clean :param fig_kwargs: to be passed to bokeh's figure() """ from vgrid import HybridPressureVGrid if not isinstance(namelist_files, list): namelist_files = [namelist_files] assert len(namelist_files) <= 2 vgrids = [] for n in namelist_files: infosup_file = generate_vertical_grid(n, to_clean=to_clean) vg = HybridPressureVGrid(infosup_file) vg.write_AB_to_namelist() vgrids.append(vg) if plot_grid: if outputfilename is None: if len(vgrids) == 1: outputfilename = infosup_file.replace('infosup', '.'.join([yaxis, xaxis, 'html'])) elif len(vgrids) == 2: outputfilename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(infosup_file), vgrids[0].name + '+' + vgrids[1].name + '.'.join([yaxis, xaxis, 'html'])) fig = vgrids[0].bokeh_plot_y_vs_x(yaxis, xaxis, plot_domains=True, fig_kwargs=fig_kwargs) if len(vgrids) == 2: fig = vgrids[1].bokeh_plot_y_vs_x(yaxis, xaxis, over=fig, hover_attachment='left', plot_domains=True, fig_kwargs=fig_kwargs) vgrids[0].bokeh_fig_to_html(fig, htmlname=outputfilename, show_figure=show_figure) return fig
if __name__ == '__main__': loc_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) sys.path.insert(0, loc_dir) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Wrapper for generating hybrid-pressure vertical grids.") parser.add_argument('namelist', help="Namelist(s) to be read for generating the grid(s). 1 or 2 namelists.", nargs='+') parser.add_argument('-y', dest='yaxis', default=default_yaxis, help="Y-axis for the plot, 'level' (=='l'), 'p' (pressure), 'z' (height) or 'pthickness'//'zthickness'.") parser.add_argument('-x', dest='xaxis', default=default_xaxis, help="X-axis for the plot, 'level' (=='l'), 'p' (pressure), 'z' (height) or 'pthickness'//'zthickness'.") parser.add_argument('-o', dest='output', default=None, help='specify output html filename of the plot.') parser.add_argument('-n', dest='noplot', action='store_true', default=False, help="NOT to show the plot.") parser.add_argument('--xlog', dest='xlog', default=False, action='store_true', help="set logscale to x-axis") parser.add_argument('--ylog', dest='ylog', default=False, action='store_true', help="set logscale to y-axis") parser.add_argument('--nc', '--no_clean', dest='to_clean', action='store_const', const=[], default=default_to_clean, help="NOT to clean '.latex', '.mapping' and '.namvv1' files.") args = parser.parse_args() if args.xaxis == 'l': args.xaxis = 'level' if args.yaxis == 'l': args.yaxis = 'level' fig_kwargs = {} if args.xlog: fig_kwargs['x_axis_type'] = "log" if args.ylog: fig_kwargs['y_axis_type'] = "log" main(args.namelist, plot_grid=not args.noplot, xaxis=args.xaxis, yaxis=args.yaxis, outputfilename=args.output, to_clean=args.to_clean, fig_kwargs=fig_kwargs)