Source code for vgrid

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Package **vgrid**:

Contains handling of Hybrid-Pressure vertical grid generation and plotting.
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals, division

import io
import os
import re
import six
from collections import OrderedDict
import itertools

    import bokeh
    from bokeh import models as bkm
    from bokeh import io as bkio
    from bokeh import plotting as bkp
    from bokeh import core as bkc
    from bokeh.palettes import Category10
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError('Seems like bokeh is not installed: install locally with "pip install --user bokeh" !')

from bronx.datagrip import namelist
from epygram.geometries.VGeometry import VGeometry
from epygram.profiles import hybridP2fluxpressure, flux2masspressures

MKVGRID_BINARY = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),

[docs]class HybridPressureVGrid(object): """Handle and represent information about a Hybrid-Pressure Vertical Grid.""" _re_grid_labels = '\s+'.join( ['(ILa)', '(A)', '(B)', '(Sigma)', '(1 - Sigma)', '(Rap Si-Hy)', '(Prehyd\(lbar\))', '(Prehyd\(l\))', '(\[D Prehyd\]\(l\))', '(Alti\(l\))', '(Alti\(lbar\))', '(\[D Alti\]\(l\))']) colors = itertools.cycle(Category10[10]) complete_tooltips = [('level', "@level"), ('p', "@p{0.2f} hPa"), ('z', "@z{0.2f} m"), ('top', "@psup{0.2f} hPa | @zsup{0.2f} m"), ('bottom', "@pinf{0.2f} hPa | @zinf{0.2f} m"), ('thickness', "@pthickness{0.2f} hPa | @zthickness{0.2f} m")] @classmethod def next_color(cls): return def __init__(self, source, vertical_mean=None, reference_pressure=101325., ptop=0., vgrid_name=None): """ Build the grid object from a **source**, which may be - an infosup file from ``mkvgrid.x`` - an epygram Hybrid-Pressure VGeometry; in which case the below arguments must/may be provided: Case of an epygram Hybrid-Pressure VGeometry **source**: :param vertical_mean: mandatory, among ('geometric', 'arithmetic', 'LAPRXPK=False') :param reference_pressure: at the surface, for building a standard atmosphere :param ptop: pressure at the top of the model (upper boundary of the upper layer) :param vgrid_name: name of the grid, for plot/saving purpose """ if isinstance(source, six.string_types): = os.path.basename(source).replace('.infosup', '') self._parse_infosup(source) elif isinstance(source, VGeometry): assert vertical_mean is not None, \ "must provide a **vertical_mean** among ('geometric', 'arithmetic', 'LAPRXPK=False')" self._from_epygram(source, vertical_mean=vertical_mean, reference_pressure=reference_pressure, ptop=ptop, vgrid_name=vgrid_name) else: raise NotImplementedError('construction from else that source:' + str(type(source))) def _parse_infosup(self, infosup_file): """Parse an infosup file from ``mkvgrid.x`` program.""" # read with, 'r') as f: lines = [line.strip('\n').strip() for line in f.readlines()] lines = [line for line in lines if line != ''] # dimensions self.dimensions = dict() for line in lines[0:5]: k,v = line.split('=') k = k.strip('*').strip() self.dimensions[k] = int(v) # domains = list() cursor = 5 for line in lines[cursor:cursor + self.ndoms]: k,v = line.split('=') k = k.strip('*').strip() k = k.split()[-1], int(v))) =[::-1] cursor += self.ndoms # domains altitudes and heights self.domains_altitudes = dict() self.domains_widths = dict() for line in lines[cursor:cursor + self.ndoms]: alt, height = line.split(';') k,v = alt.split('=') k = k.strip('*').strip() self.domains_altitudes[k] = float(v) k,v = height.split('=') k = k.strip() self.domains_widths[k] = float(v) cursor += self.ndoms alt, height = lines[cursor].split(';') k,v = alt.split(':') k = k.strip('*').strip() self.domains_altitudes[k] = float(v) k,v = height.split('=') k = k.strip() self.domains_widths[k] = float(v) cursor += 1 # parameters self.params = dict() for line in lines[cursor:cursor + 5]: k,v = line.split('=') k = k.strip('*').strip() try: self.params[k] = float(v) except ValueError: self.params[k] = True if v.strip() == 'T' else False cursor += 5 # levels self.levels = dict() match = re.match(self._re_grid_labels, lines[cursor]) if match: labels = match.groups() else: raise SyntaxError('Labels of levels table !') cursor += 2 for line in lines[cursor:cursor + self.nlevels]: line = line.split() i, vals = int(line[0]), [float(v) for v in line[1:]] self.levels[i] = dict(zip(labels[1:], vals)) def _from_epygram(self, vgeometry, vertical_mean, reference_pressure=101325., ptop=0., vgrid_name=None): """ Convert an epygram Hybrid-Pressure VGeometry object. :param vertical_mean: among ('geometric', 'arithmetic', 'LAPRXPK=False') :param reference_pressure: at the surface, for building a standard atmosphere :param ptop: pressure at the top of the model (upper boundary of the upper layer) :param vgrid_name: name of the grid, for plot/saving purpose """ from . import standard_atmosphere assert vgeometry.typeoffirstfixedsurface == 119 A = [level[1]['Ai'] for level in vgeometry.grid['gridlevels'][1:]] B = [level[1]['Bi'] for level in vgeometry.grid['gridlevels'][1:]] # compute standard atmosphere at levels p_lbar = hybridP2fluxpressure(A, B, reference_pressure).squeeze() p_l = flux2masspressures(p_lbar, vertical_mean, Ptop=ptop) a_l = standard_atmosphere.altitude_at(p_l) a_lbar = standard_atmosphere.altitude_at(p_lbar) # dimensions self.dimensions = {'Number of levels':len(p_l)} # parameters self.params = { 'LLAPRXPK':vertical_mean != 'LAPRXPK=False', 'Reference pressure at 0m: ZVP00PR':reference_pressure} if vgrid_name is not None: = vgrid_name else: = 'from_field_L' + str(self.nlevels) # levels self.levels = dict() for i in range(1, self.nlevels + 1): if i == 1: D_a = 2 * (a_lbar[0] - a_lbar[1]) else: D_a = (a_l[i - 2] - a_lbar[i - 2]) + (a_l[i - 1] - a_lbar[i - 1]) self.levels[i] = { 'A':A[i - 1], 'B':B[i - 1], 'Alti(l)':a_l[i - 1], 'Alti(lbar)':a_lbar[i - 1], '[D Alti](l)':D_a, 'Prehyd(l)':p_l[i - 1], 'Prehyd(lbar)':p_lbar[i - 1]} def _as_bokeh_ColumnDataSource(self): """Convert to a bokeh ColumnDataSource object.""" return bkm.ColumnDataSource(self.grid) @property def nlevels(self): return self.dimensions['Number of levels'] @property def ndoms(self): return self.dimensions['Number of vertical domains'] def unit(self, yaxis): return {'p':'hPa', 'z':'m', 'l':'#'}[yaxis] @property def grid(self): """ Get grid height and pressure of full(mass) levels and frontiers. Pressures are given in hPa. """ grid = {'z':[self.levels[i]['Alti(l)'] for i in range(1, self.nlevels + 1)], 'zinf':[self.levels[i]['Alti(lbar)'] for i in range(1, self.nlevels + 1)], 'zsup':([self.levels[1]['Alti(l)'] + self.levels[1]['[D Alti](l)'] / 2.] + # TOBECHECKED: [self.levels[i - 1]['Alti(lbar)'] for i in range(2, self.nlevels + 1)]), 'p':[self.levels[i]['Prehyd(l)'] / 100 for i in range(1, self.nlevels + 1)], 'pinf':[self.levels[i]['Prehyd(lbar)'] / 100 for i in range(1, self.nlevels + 1)], 'psup':[0.] + [self.levels[i - 1]['Prehyd(lbar)'] / 100 for i in range(2, self.nlevels + 1)], 'level':range(1, self.nlevels + 1), } for y in ('p', 'z'): grid[y + 'thickness'] = [abs(grid[y + 'sup'][i] - grid[y + 'inf'][i]) for i in range(self.nlevels)] return grid
[docs] def domains_lower_limit(self): """ Get the lower limit of each domain in pressure, height and level number. Pressures are given in hPa. Lower level is "last included level + 0.5". """ domains_lower_limit = OrderedDict() i = 0 for d, d_nlev in # these are ordered from top to bottom i += d_nlev d_lower_pressure = self.levels[i]['Prehyd(lbar)'] / 100 d_lower_height = self.levels[i]['Alti(lbar)'] domains_lower_limit[d] = {'z':d_lower_height, 'p':d_lower_pressure, 'level':float(i) + .5} return domains_lower_limit
[docs] def domains_upper_limit(self): """ Get the upper limit of each domain in pressure, height and level number. Pressures are given in hPa. Lower level is "last included level - 0.5". """ domains_upper_limit = OrderedDict() domains_upper_limit[[0][0]] = {'z':self.grid['z'][0] + self.grid['zthickness'][0] / 2., 'p':self.grid['p'][0] + self.grid['pthickness'][0] / 2., 'level':0.5} domains = list(self.domains_lower_limit().keys()) limits = list(self.domains_lower_limit().values()) for i in range(1, len(domains)): # the upper limit of the below domain is the lower limit of the above domain domains_upper_limit[domains[i]] = limits[i - 1] return domains_upper_limit
[docs] def get_AB(self): """Get the lists of A & B coefficients of the N+1 flux levels.""" return {'A':[0.] + [self.levels[i]['A'] for i in range(1, self.nlevels + 1)], 'B':[0.] + [self.levels[i]['B'] for i in range(1, self.nlevels + 1)]}
[docs] def set_domains(self, domain_names, domain_levels_numbers): """ Set a series of domains. :param domain_names: list of the name of each domain, ordered from top to bottom :param domain_levels_numbers: list of the number of levels in each domain, ordered from top to bottom """ assert len(domain_names) == len(domain_levels_numbers) assert sum(domain_levels_numbers) == self.nlevels self.dimensions['Number of vertical domains'] = len(domain_names) = list() for i in range(len(domain_names)):[i], domain_levels_numbers[i]))
# applicative methods
[docs] def write_AB_to_namelist(self): """Write A and B coefficients to namelist(s).""" AB = self.get_AB() A = AB['A'] B = AB['B'] NAM = namelist.NamelistBlock('NAMFPG') NAM['FPVALH(0)'] = A NAM['FPVBH(0)'] = B with'.'.join([,]), 'w') as o: o.write(NAM.dumps(sorting=namelist.FIRST_ORDER_SORTING)) NAM = namelist.NamelistBlock('NAMVV1') NAM['DVALH(0)'] = A NAM['DVBH(0)'] = B with'.'.join([,]), 'w') as o: o.write(NAM.dumps(sorting=namelist.FIRST_ORDER_SORTING))
[docs] def back_to_mkvgrid_namelist(self, namel_filename=None): """Generate back a mkvgrid.x namelist.""" if namel_filename is None: namel_filename = '.'.join([, 'mkvgrid', 'nam']) # NAM_DIM assert hasattr(self, 'domains') NAM = namelist.NamelistBlock('NAM_DIM') NAM['JPN'] = self.nlevels NAM['JPNPRES'] = len([b for b in self.get_AB()['B'][1:] if b == 0.]) NAM['JPNSIGM'] = len([b for b in self.get_AB()['B'][1:] if b == 1.]) NAM['JPDOM'] = self.ndoms with, 'w') as o: o.write(NAM.dumps()) # NAM_REF NAM = namelist.NamelistBlock('NAM_REF') NAM['ZP1'] = self.grid['p'][0] * 100 NAM['ZVP00'] = self.grid['pinf'][-1] * 100 NAM['ZVP00PR'] = self.params['Reference pressure at 0m: ZVP00PR'] NAM['ZALT_BOT'] = self.grid['z'][-1] with, 'a') as o: o.write(NAM.dumps()) # NAM_DOM NAM = namelist.NamelistBlock('NAM_DOM') for i in range(1, self.ndoms): dom, nlev =[self.ndoms - i] NAM['ZALT_DOM({})'.format(i)] = self.domains_upper_limit()[dom]['z'] upper_level = int(self.domains_upper_limit()[dom]['level'] + 0.5) NAM['ZDALT_DOM({})'.format(i)] = self.grid['zthickness'][upper_level - 1] NAM['IT_DOM({})'.format(i)] = nlev NAM['CLNAM_DOM({})'.format(i)] = dom NAM['ZDALT_DOM({})'.format(self.ndoms)] = self.grid['zinf'][0] - self.grid['zinf'][1] dom, nlev =[0] NAM['IT_DOM({})'.format(self.ndoms)] = nlev NAM['CLNAM_DOM({})'.format(self.ndoms)] = dom with, 'a') as o: o.write(NAM.dumps(sorting=namelist.FIRST_ORDER_SORTING)) # NAM_PARAM NAM = namelist.NamelistBlock('NAM_PARAM') if 'LLAPRXPK' in self.params: NAM['LLAPRXPK'] = self.params['LLAPRXPK'] with, 'a') as o: o.write(NAM.dumps()) return namel_filename
[docs] def bokeh_plot_y_vs_x(self, yaxis, xaxis, over=None, hover_attachment='right', bokeh_kwargs={}, fig_kwargs={}, legend_location='top_right', plot_domains=None, add_domains_options={}): """ Plot grid and return the figure. :param yaxis: 'level', 'p' (pressure), 'z' (height) or 'pthickness'//'zthickness' :param xaxis: 'level', 'p' (pressure), 'z' (height) or 'pthickness'//'zthickness' :param over: an eventual existing bokeh figure on which to plot :param hover_attachment: position of the hover :param bokeh_kwargs: passed to bokeh's inner plot functions :param fig_kwargs: to be passed to bokeh's figure() :param plot_domains: plot a horizontal bar separating each vertical domain (True/False/None) :param add_domains_options: options to be passed to bokeh_add_domains() method """ import uuid thisid = str(uuid.uuid4()) cds = self._as_bokeh_ColumnDataSource() # options axes_domain = dict(xaxis=xaxis, yaxis=yaxis) kwargs = dict(source=cds, name=thisid) if yaxis in ('z', 'p') and xaxis in ('z', 'p'): # p/z or z/p method = 'vbar' kwargs.update(x=xaxis, top=yaxis + 'sup', bottom=yaxis + 'inf', width=xaxis + 'thickness') elif yaxis in ('z', 'p'): # z or p as y: thickness as bar kwargs.update(x=xaxis) if xaxis == 'level': method = 'vbar' kwargs.update(top=yaxis + 'sup', bottom=yaxis + 'inf', width=1.) else: method = 'circle' kwargs.update(y=yaxis, line_color='black', size=9) elif xaxis in ('z', 'p'): # z or p as x: thickness as bar kwargs.update(y=yaxis) if yaxis == 'level': method = 'hbar' kwargs.update(left=xaxis + ('inf' if xaxis == 'z' else 'sup'), right=xaxis + ('sup' if xaxis == 'z' else 'inf'), height=1.) else: method = 'circle' kwargs.update(x=xaxis, line_color='black', size=9) else: method = 'circle' kwargs.update(x=xaxis, y=yaxis, line_color='black', size=9) color = bokeh_kwargs.get('color', self.next_color()) legend = bokeh_kwargs.get('legend_label', kwargs.update(color=color, legend_label=legend) kwargs.update(bokeh_kwargs) # figure if over is None: def axes(axis): return ({'z':'Altitude', 'p':'Pressure', 'level':'Level', 'zthickness':'Thickness', 'pthickness':'Thickness'}[axis] + ' ({})' ).format(self.unit(axis[0])) fig = bkp.figure(sizing_mode='stretch_both', title="Vertical Coordinate Grid", **fig_kwargs) fig.xaxis.axis_label = axes(xaxis) fig.yaxis.axis_label = axes(yaxis) # reverse pressure axis if yaxis == 'p': extra = max([yaxis + 'inf']) * 0.05 fig.y_range = bkm.Range1d(max([yaxis + 'inf']) + extra, 0. - extra) elif yaxis == 'level': extra = float(self.nlevels) * 0.05 fig.y_range = bkm.Range1d(self.nlevels + extra, 1. - extra) else: fig = over if not any([isinstance(t, for t in]): fig.add_tools( # actual plot command getattr(fig, method)(**kwargs) # hover tooltips = self.complete_tooltips if 'legend_label' in kwargs: tooltips = [('GRID', kwargs['legend_label'])] + tooltips fig.add_tools(, mode={'circle':'mouse', 'vbar':'hline', 'hbar':'vline'}[method], attachment=hover_attachment, names=[thisid])) if plot_domains is None: if hasattr(self, 'domains'): plot_domains = True else: plot_domains = False if plot_domains: if 'thickness' in yaxis: axes_domain['yaxis'] = None if 'thickness' in xaxis: axes_domain['xaxis'] = None if hasattr(self, 'domains'): kwargs = dict(line_color=color, line_width=2) kwargs.update(axes_domain) kwargs.update(add_domains_options) self.bokeh_add_domains(fig, **kwargs) else: print("WARNING: **plot_domains** is True while grid has no domains information; **plot_domains** ignored.") fig.legend.location = legend_location return fig
[docs] def bokeh_add_domains(self, fig, yaxis=None, xaxis=None, **span_options): """ Add domains limits to figure. :param fig: the figure on which to plot. :param yaxis: 'level', 'p' (pressure), 'z' (height) or 'pthickness'//'zthickness' :param xaxis: 'level', 'p' (pressure), 'z' (height) or 'pthickness'//'zthickness' Other options are passed to bokeh's Span to plot domains limits. """ dll = self.domains_lower_limit() doms = [] border_line_color = span_options.get('line_color', 'black') border_line_width = span_options.get('line_width', 2) for d, lim in dll.items(): if yaxis is not None: # horizontal lines if yaxis in lim: doms.append(bkm.Span(location=lim[yaxis], dimension='width', **span_options)) fig.add_layout(bkm.Label(x=1, y=lim[yaxis], text=d, text_align='left',x_units='screen', border_line_color=border_line_color, border_line_width=border_line_width)) if xaxis is not None: # vertical lines if xaxis in lim: text_align = {'level':'right', 'z':'left', 'p':'right'}[xaxis] doms.append(bkm.Span(location=lim[xaxis], dimension='height', **span_options)) fig.add_layout(bkm.Label(y=0, x=lim[xaxis], text=d, text_align=text_align, y_units='screen', border_line_color=border_line_color, border_line_width=border_line_width)) fig.renderers.extend(doms) return fig
[docs] def bokeh_fig_to_html(self, fig, htmlname=None, show_figure=True): """ Outputs figure to html file, and optionally display it. :param htmlname: name of html file; if None, name of file is auto-generated from :param show_figure: to show the plot in a WebBrowser tab """ if htmlname is None: htmlname = + '.html' bkio.output_file(htmlname, title='VGrid') if show_figure: else: