GMME: Meso-scale modelling group
Head of division : Dr. Christine Lac |
The Mesoscale Meteorology Research Group (GMME : Groupe de Météorologie de Moyenne Echelle) is one of the 4 divisions of CNRM (UMR 3589, CNRS and Météo-France).
It leads basic research on mesoscale and microscale processes of the atmosphere and their interactions with surfaces. Research interest is disverse with an overarching goal to advance our understanding, modelling and prediction of high-impact weather, including clouds and fogs, urban climate, convection, heavy precipitation and hydrological impacts.
To increase our understanding of mesoscale and microscale processes, the Mesoscale Meteorology division develops detailed modelling (e.g. Large Eddy Simulation) and designs and participates to field campaigns. CAPITOUL, AMMA or HyMeX SOP1 & SOP2 are examples of field campaigns initiated and conducted by scientists of GMME.
Research aims at improving the representation of the mesoscale processes within the Météo-France numerical weather prediction and climate models through development and improvement of physical parametrizations, mesoscale data assimilation, ensemble forecasting methods, downscaled or impact modeling.
Collaborative Projects
More information about GMME collaborative projects on:
– Urban climate and climate change impacts: MUSCADE, ACCLIMAT, EUREQUA, VURCA, VEGDUD,MApUCE, EPICURE, EPICEA, CLIM2, BRIDGE,...
– Western Africa climate and tropical convection : AMMA, EMBRACE, ACASIS, CAVIARS, ESCAPE, EUCLIPSE...
– Mediterranean water cycle and heavy precipitation and flash floods: HyMeX, ASICS-MED, MEDUP, IODA-MED, PrediFlood, MobiCLIMeX, AMETHYST,...
– Surface reanalyses and remote sensing data assimilation : UERRA, CORE-CLIMAX, eartH2Observe
– Satellite observations of continental surfaces and EUMETSAT SAFs: LSA-SAF, GEOLAND 2, IMAGINES, H-SAF,...
– Continental hydrology and climate change impacts: Aquifr,REGARD, CLIMSEC, VULNAR
– Atmospheric boundary layer: BLLAST
– Mesoscale modelling: CNUM-NH, CO2-MEGAPARIS,IDEA...
– Ensemble prediction systems: DRIHM, METEOSWIFT
– Physical parameterizations: DEPHY2
GMME has a 46 permanent staff and an ever-revolving group of about thirty students and postdoctoral fellows.
GMME is organized along 7 research teams:
PHY-NH Team | Physical parameterisations and non-hydrostatic modelling |
Mesoscale modeling Meso-NHand AROME, LES Microphysics, Radiation, Turbulence, Fog | |
PRECIP Team | Mid-latitude convective precipitation systems |
Mediterranean heavy precipitation and flash-flood, HyMeX Ensemble prediction AROME, data assimilation of new observations Air-sea coupling | |
TROPICS Team | Tropical convection and clouds |
Boundary layer, convection, clouds, mesoscale convective systems, tropical waves Monsoon, Sub-seasonal variability Physical processes evaluation in climate and NWP models | |
ETC Team | Theoritical studies of convection |
Idealized models, basic analyses | |
SURFACE Team | Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere coupled modeling |
SURFEX modelling platform, SVAT scheme (SURFEX/ISBA) Surface reanalyses, SIM (SAFRAN-ISBA-MODCOU) system, AquiFr hydrogeological model | |
VEGEO Team | Land Surface monitoring and modeling and Remote Sensing |
Land data assimilation systems, Remote sensing products for continental surfaces(albedo, LAI) | |
VILLE Team | Urban meteorology and climate |
TEB model, town-atmosphere exchanges, impacts and climate change impacts |