Multidisciplinary evaluation and environmental requalification of neighborhoods.

Study of the environmental quality of the living conditions at the scale of neighborhoods, in terms of climate, air quality and noise: an crossed-approach using measurements, surveys and numerical modelling

Coordinator LISST (Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Solidarités, Sociétés, Territoires)
CNRM contact Aude LEMONSU
Project website
Type ANR : Bâtiments et Villes Durables 2011 - Ref ANR-2011-VILD-006
Start 1st March 2012
Duration 28th February 2017


EUREQUA is a project proposes an interdisciplinary approach with sociologists, geographers, meteorologists, accousticians and architects, in order to renew the reflexion on environamental quality of the living conditions in cities.

Applied to the 3 cities of Marseilles, Paris and Toulouse, this approach will combine experimental campaigns and modelling, with the following objectives:

  1. to better understand the physical phenomenons at the neighborhood scales on urban micro-climate, air quality and noise. The physical processes have been analyzed in relation to the perception of the inhabitants and users of the neighborhoods.
  1. to characterize the environmental quality of the living conditions depending on their social and policy dimensions. This has been performed using surveys and focus groups.
  1. to build a multidisciplinary methodology to define reconstruction scenarios in the neighborhoods, with participative meetings. The methodology has been consolidated into a guide adressed to stakeholders.

 Actions from CNRM

  • to participate to the definition of the crossed measurements-surveys protocol of the experimental campaigns.
  • to realize the in-situ measurements of urban climate at neighborhood scale, in order to quantify the variuability of the meteorological fields.
  • to validate and improve the urban micro-climate model TEB from the in-situ measurements
  • to analyse the cross-relationships between physical quantities and comfort indicators with the perception of inhabitants, in an interdisciplinary effort.

 Description of the project

From a methodological point of view, the project as been conducted as the following:

  1. identification of environmental issues in 6 neighborhoods, in Marseilles, Paris, toulouse
  2. realization of interdisciplinary campaigns in 3 of these neighborhoods (one in each city)
  3. transversal analysis of the results crossing physical and sensible informations, in order to characterize the environmental quality of the outdoor environment.
  4. improvement of modelling tools and coupling of tools at different scales
  5. participative co-production and evaluation of scenarios of urban changes and reconstructions in the neighborhoods
  6. production of the guide for stakeholders and societal actors.


3 in-situ interdisciplinary campaigns have been conducted on Marseille, Paris and Toulouse neighborhoods.The corss analysis allowed to improve the understanding of the notion and environmental quality, and the links between objective indicators and human perception.

A video on experimental campaigns is available here:

The main output of the project is the guide for stakeholders.

An interdisciplinary workshop took place the 23rd and 24th February 2017 to present the results of the EUREQUA project.


9 partners were involved in the project :

  1. LISST Urban planning, urban spaces, urban policies, surveys
  2. CEREA - air-quality, micro-meteorology
  3. CNRM - urban climate
  4. CRH-LAVUE (Paris) - surveys, sociology
  5. IFSTTAR – Acoustics
  6. -*LPED - Laboratoire « Population Environnement Développement, Marseille » - surveys
  7. LRA-ENSA Laboratoire de Recherche en Architecture. Architecture, morphology, indicators
  8. YL - Cabinet d’architectes Yves Lion, urban planner
  9. Institut d’Aménagement et Urbanisme Ile de France, urban planning agency