CNRM (UMR CNRS & Météo-France)

Centre d’Etudes de la Neige


1441, rue de la Piscine
Domaine universitaire

tel : +33 (0)4 76 63 79 07
fax : +33 (0)4 76 51 53 46

courriel : marie dot dumont at meteo dot fr

mots-clefs : neige, couleur, modélisation, mesures, poussières, satellite, assimilation


  Thèmes de recherche

Neige et impuretés

Télédétection du manteau neigeux

Propriétés optiques de la neige

Modélisation de la neige lien vers le site du projet ERC IVORI

  Selection de communications academiques ou non

12-07-2023 : On the color of snow (France Inter, la matinale, link) (french)

24-02-2023 : On the importance of snow (France Inter, la terre au carrée, link) (french)

10-12-2023 : Y aura-t-il de la neige cet hiver ? video (french)

21-09-2022 : On the impact of dust and black carbon on dust on snow evolution video (french with english subtitles)

14-06-2021 : Why is snow white ? video (french)

11-12-2024 : La neige, l’âme de nos montagnes (Chroniques d’en haut, France 3) video (french)

4-11-2024 : Présentation du film "ma vie de flocons" au JT TéléGrenoble video (french)

29-05-2024 : Preserve ta montagne video (french), France 3 Alpes

12-2022 : Snow and climate change video (french)

05-2022 : On the impact of dust on snow evolution video (french)

08-03-2024 : Nouvelles d’en haut, Chroniques d’une montagne en surchauffe (Académie des sciences, replay) (French, time : 2:22)

23-09-2023 : Blanc comme neige ? lien (french)

03-2022 : La neige et ses multiples facettes , séminaire CARTEL (Canada), replay (french)

03-12-2021 : Midis-Minatec : "Neiges blanches ou orange : ça change quoi ?" replay, slides (french)

01-12-2021 : "Le neige vivante" organized by the Kilian Jornet Fundation replay (french)

11-2012, #Indust webinar : Dust impacts on snow, replay (english)

21-11-2024 : Pour la neige est blanche, The conversation lien (french)

12-02-2024 : IVORI, le figaro lien (french)

29-08-2023 : La neige et les poussières de sable, Le Monde, lien (french)

07-04-2023 : IVORI team at the international arctic snow school link (english)

14-10-2020 : Météo-France news (french)


 2021 .... : Chercheur, directrice du CEN , CNRM/CEN.

 2019 : Arne Richter Award for Outstanding Early Career Scientists (European Geoscience Union) and Early Career Scientist Awards of the International
Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG)

 2017 : Habilitation à diriger des recherches : On the colour of snow, measurements, modeling and applications. Univ. Grenoble Alpes.

 2015 -2020 : Chercheur, responsable de l’équipe "Manteau Neigeux", adjointe scientifique , CNRM/CEN.

 2011 ... 2015 : Chercheur dans l’équipe "Météorologie de montagne et Avalanches", CNRM-GAME/CEN.

 2011 : Postdoc au Norwegian Polar Institute, Tromso, Norvège : Classification automatique des différents types de glace de mer à partir de photographies aeriennes

 2007 ... 2010 : Doctorante au LGGE : Détermination de l’albédo des surfaces enneigées par télédétection – Application à la reconstruction du bilan de masse du glacier de Saint Sorlin.

 2002 ... 2007 : Ecole Polytechnique, Paris ; Master Univ Paris 6 .

  Encadrement en cours

 2024..2027 : Diégo Monteiro avec Pascal Hagenmuller et Léo Viallon-Galinier,
Climatologie des avalanches

 2024..2026 : Simon Filhol avec Pascal Hagenmuller,
Météorologie, neige et ROGP

 2024..2026 : Lisa Bouvet,
Evaluation détaillée des modèles de neige (ERC IVORI)

 2023..2026 : Basile de Fleurian,
Modélisation de l’évolution de la neige (ERC IVORI)

 2022..2024 :Kévin Fourteau,
Modélisation physique de l’évolution de la neige (ERC IVORI)


 2023 ... 2026 : Léon Roussel, CNRM/CEN
Impacts des impuretés absorbantes sur le bilan de masse des glaciers ; co-direction avec D. Six et M. Reveillet (IGE).

Etudiants Master 2

  Encadrements passés


 2021-2023 :Julien Brondex,
Modélisation physique de l’évolution de la neige (ERC IVORI)

 2021-2022 :François Tuzet
Architecture d’un modèle de neige (ERC IVORI)

 2020 - 2021 : Rafife Nheili,
Effets du terrain complexe sur les images satellites optiques.

 2019-2021 : Marion Reveillet,
Réanalyses de l’enneigement sur les pyrennées et les Alpes avec prise en compte explicit des impuretés absorbantes

 2017-2020 : Maxim Lamare (IGE puis CEN),
Rayonnement solaire en relief complexe

 2017-2019 : Jesus Revuelto,
Assimilation distribuée des réflectances optiques pour la simulation du manteau neigeux

 2018-2019 : Chloé Largeron,
Revue sur l’utilisation de l’assimilation pour le suivi de l’enneigement en montagne


 2020 - 2024 : Ange Haddjeri, CNRM/CEN
Assimilation de données pour la simulation spatialisée du manteau neigeux ; co-direction avec M. Lafaysse (CNRM/CEN).

 2021 - 2023 : Alvaro Robledano, IGE-CNRM/CEN
Microstructure et propriétés optiques de la neige ; co-direction avec G. Picard (IGE).

 2017 - 2021 : César Deschamps-Berger, CESBIO,
Apport de la stéréoscopie satellite pour la modélisation du manteau neigeux ; co-direction avec S. Gasoin (CESBIO).

 2017 - 2020 : Bertrand Cluzet, CNRM/CEN,
Simulation d’ensemble et assimilation pour la prévision du manteau neigeux ; co-direction avec M. Lafaysse (CEN).

- 2016 ...2019 : François Tuzet, CNRM/CEN,
Impact des impuretés absorbantes sur le manteau neigeux ; co-direction avec G. Picard (IGE).

- 2015 ...2018 : Théo Masson, CNRM/CEN - GIPSA-Lab,
Fusion de données haute résolution pour le suivi de la neige ; co-direction avec Mauro Dalla Mura et Jocelyn Chanussot (GIPSA-Lab).

 2013 … 2017 : Luc Charrois, CNRM-GAME/CEN - LGGE,
Assimilation des réflectances satellites visible et infrarouge pour la simulation distribuée du manteau neigeux ; co-direction avec Emmanuel Cosme (LGGE).

 2010 … 2014 : Xuan Vu Phan, GIPSA-Lab,
Assimilation de données radar satellitaires dans un modèle de métamorphisme de la neige. Co-direction avec Laurent Ferro-Famil, Michel Gay et Yves Durand

Etudiants Master 2

 2023  : Léon Roussel, CNRM/CEN
Estimation des blooms d’algues des neiges par imagerie satellitaire ; co-direction avec S. Gascoin (CESBIO).

 2023  : Nicolas Allet, CNRM/CEN
Conductivité thermique de la neige et aiguilles chauffées ; co-direction avec K. Fourteau (CEN).

 2020-2021 : Oscar Dick, CNRM/CEN
Effect des dépôts de poussières sur la stabilité du manteau neigeux ; co-direction avec L. Viallon et P. Hagenmuller (CNRM/CEN).

 2020 : Ange Haddjeri, CNRM/CEN
Diffusion de la chaleur dans un modèle détaillé de manteau neigeux ; co-direction avec M. Lafaysse (CNRM/CEN).

 2018 : F. Veillon, Optimisation des calculs de transfert radiatif dans le manteau neigeux ;
co-supervision avec M. Fructus (CEN).

 2016 : F. Tuzet (Supaero), Modelisation de l’impact des impuretés absorbantes sur le manteau neigeux ;
co-supervision avec G. Picard (LGGE).

 2014 : A. Regensheit (Univ. Grenoble ), Réflectance angulaire de la neige, mesure et modélisation ;
co-supervision avec F. Flin (CNRM-GAME/CEN).

 2014 : Lilly-Rose Lagadec (Univ. Grenoble ), Utilisation d’images optique haute résolution pour l’étude du manteau neigeux ;

 2013 : L. Charrois (Univ. Grenoble ), Evaluation de SURFEX/Crocus sur les Alpes à l’aide d’images MODIS ;
co-supervision avec M. Lafaysse (CNRM-GAME/CEN).

 2013 : L. Décaux (IGA, Grenoble ), Etude des relations entre le bilan de masse annuel, l’altitude de la ligne d’équilibre et l’albédo minimal des glaciers alpins à partir d’images MODIS ;
co-supervision avec D. Six and A. Rabatel (LGGE).

 2012 : L. Décaux (Univ. Grenoble ), Etude des relations entre le bilan de masse annuel, l’altitude de la ligne d’équilibre et l’albédo minimal des glaciers alpins à partir d’images MODIS ;
co-supervision avec D. Six and A. Rabatel (LGGE).

 2012 : A. Briot (Univ. Grenoble ), Etude des propriétés du manteau neigeux par télédétection spatiale ;
co-supervision avec F. Karbou (CNRM-GAME/CEN)

Autres Etudiants

 2016 : A. Missiaen (ENS Lyon, L3), Modelisation de l’impact des impuretés absorbantes sur le manteau neigeux ;

 2016 : P.-F. Desroche. (IGA, M1 ), Détection automatiques des dépots d’avalanches à partir d’images Sentinel-1
co-supervision avec F. Karbou (CNRM-GAME/CEN) ;

 2015 : P.-F. Desroche. (IGA, L3 ), Détection automatiques des dépots d’avalanches à partir d’images Sentinel-1
co-supervision avec F. Karbou (CNRM-GAME/CEN) ;

 2013 : F. Brun (ENS ULM) L’albédo des glaciers himalayens par imagerie satellitaire
co-supervision avec P. Wagnon (IRD) ;

 2013 : O. Nakad and A. Iaagoubi, Détéction des nuages et de l’altitude de ligne de neige par télédétection VIS/NIR
co-supervision avec F. Karbou (CNRM-GAME/CEN) ;

 2013 : D. Vial (L3) , Analyse de la pénétration de la lumière dans la neige ;

 2010 : Alix Guillot (LGGE, L3), Suivi de l’albédo du glacier de Saint Sorlin à l’aide d’images MODIS co-supervision avec Y. Arnaud (IRD) ;

 2009 : Julie Gardelle (LGGE), Détermination de l’albédo large-bande en zone montagneuses à partir d’images MODIS co-supervision avec Y. Arnaud (IRD).



Articles en discussion

Gaillard, M., Vionnet, V., Lafaysse, M., Dumont, M., and Ginoux, P. : Improving large-scale snow albedo modelling using a climatology of light-absorbing particle deposition, EGUsphere [preprint], https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-2024-1795, 2024.

Publications dans revues avec comité de lecture

98 - Menard, C. B., Rasmus, S., Merkouriadi, I., Balsamo, G., Bartsch, A., Derksen, C., Domine, F., Dumont, M., Ehrich, D., Essery, R., Forbes, B. C., Krinner, G., Lawrence, D., Liston, G., Matthes, H., Rutter, N., Sandells, M., Schneebeli, M., and Stark, S. : Exploring the decision-making process in model development : focus on the Arctic snowpack, The Cryosphere, 18, 4671–4686, https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-18-4671-2024, 2024.

97 - Roussel, L., Dumont, M., Gascoin, S., Monteiro, D., Bavay, M., Nabat, P., Ezzedine, J.A., Fructus, M., Lafaysse, M., Morin, S. and Maréchal, E., 2024. Snowmelt duration controls red algal blooms in the snow of the European Alps. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(41), p.e2400362121.

96- Harris Stuart, R., Landais, A., Arnaud, L., Buizert, C., Capron, E., Dumont, M., Libois, Q., Mulvaney, R., Orsi, A., Picard, G., Prié, F., Severinghaus, J., Stenni, B., and Martinerie, P. : On the relationship between δO2∕N2 variability and ice sheet surface conditions in Antarctica, The Cryosphere, 18, 3741–3763, https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-18-3741-2024, 2024.

95 - Haddjeri, A., Baron, M., Lafaysse, M., Le Toumelin, L., Deschamps-Berger, C., Vionnet, V., Gascoin, S., Vernay, M., and Dumont, M. : Analyzing the sensitivity of a blowing snow model (SnowPappus) to precipitation forcing, blowing snow, and spatial resolution, The Cryosphere, 18, 3081–3116, https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-18-3081-2024, 2024.

94 - X. Briottet, K. Adeline, T. Bajjouk, V. Carrère, M. Chami, Y. Constans, Y. Derimian, A. Dupiau, M. Dumont, S. Doz, S. Fabre, P.Y. Foucher, H. Herbin, S. Jacquemoud, M. Lang, A. Le Bris, P. Litvinov, S. Loyer, R. Marion, A. Minghelli, T. Miraglio, D. Sheeren, B. Szymanski, F. Romand, C. Desjardins, D. Rodat, B. Cheul, End-to-end simulations to optimize imaging spectroscopy mission requirements for seven scientific applications, ISPRS Open Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Volume 12, 2024, 100060,
ISSN 2667-3932,

93 - Fourteau, K., Brondex, J., Brun, F., and Dumont, M. : A novel numerical implementation for the surface energy budget of melting snowpacks and glaciers, Geosci. Model Dev., 17, 1903–1929, https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-17-1903-2024, 2024.


92 - Brondex, J., Fourteau, K., Dumont, M., Hagenmuller, P., Calonne, N., Tuzet, F., and Löwe, H. : A finite-element framework to explore the numerical solution of the coupled problem of heat conduction, water vapor diffusion, and settlement in dry snow (IvoriFEM v0.1.0), Geosci. Model Dev., 16, 7075–7106, https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-16-7075-2023, 2023.

91 - Morin, S., François, H., Réveillet, M., Sauquet, E., Crochemore, L., Branger, F., Leblois, É., and Dumont, M. : Simulated hydrological effects of grooming and snowmaking in a ski resort on the local water balance, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 27, 4257–4277, https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-27-4257-2023, 2023.

90 - Sicart, J. E., Ramseyer, V., Picard, G., Arnaud, L., Coulaud, C., Freche, G., Soubeyrand, D., Lejeune, Y., Dumont, M., Gouttevin, I., Le Gac, E., Berger, F., Monnet, J.-M., Borgniet, L., Mermin, É., Rutter, N., Webster, C., and Essery, R. : Snow accumulation and ablation measurements in a midlatitude mountain coniferous forest (Col de Porte, France, 1325 m altitude) : the Snow Under Forest (SnoUF) field campaign data set, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 15, 5121–5133, https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-15-5121-2023, 2023.

89 - Ezzedine, J.A., Uwizeye, C., Si Larbi, G. et al. Adaptive traits of cysts of the snow alga Sanguina nivaloides unveiled by 3D subcellular imaging. Nat Commun 14, 7500 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-43030-7

88 - Robledano, A., Picard, G., Dumont, M. et al. Unraveling the optical shape of snow. Nature Communications 14, 3955 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-39671-3

87 - Brun, F., King, O., Réveillet, M., Amory, C., Planchot, A., Berthier, E., Dehecq, A., Bolch, T., Fourteau, K., Brondex, J., Dumont, M., Mayer, C., Leinss, S., Hugonnet, R., and Wagnon, P. : Everest South Col Glacier did not thin during the period 1984–2017, The Cryosphere, 17, 3251–3268, https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-17-3251-2023, 2023.

86 - Dumont, M., Gascoin, S., Réveillet, M., Voisin, D., Tuzet, F., Arnaud, L., Bonnefoy, M., Bacardit Peñarroya, M., Carmagnola, C., Deguine, A., Diacre, A., Dürr, L., Evrard, O., Fontaine, F., Frankl, A., Fructus, M., Gandois, L., Gouttevin, I., Gherab, A., Hagenmuller, P., Hansson, S., Herbin, H., Josse, B., Jourdain, B., Lefevre, I., Le Roux, G., Libois, Q., Liger, L., Morin, S., Petitprez, D., Robledano, A., Schneebeli, M., Salze, P., Six, D., Thibert, E., Trachsel, J., Vernay, M., Viallon-Galinier, L., and Voiron, C. : Spatial variability of Saharan dust deposition revealed through a citizen science campaign, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 15, 3075–3094, https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-15-3075-2023, 2023.

85 - Krampe Daniela, Kauker Frank, Dumont Marie, Herber Andreas, Snow and meteorological conditions at Villum Research Station, Northeast Greenland : on the adequacy of using atmospheric reanalysis for detailed snow simulations, Frontiers in Earth Science, 11, https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/feart.2023.1053918, 2023

84 - Dick, O., Viallon-Galinier, L., Tuzet, F., Hagenmuller, P., Fructus, M., Reuter, B., Lafaysse, M., and Dumont, M. : Can Saharan dust deposition impact snowpack stability in the French Alps ?, The Cryosphere, 17, 1755–1773, https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-17-1755-2023, 2023.

83 - Zhang Z, Jiang L, Sun Y, Sirguey P, Dumont M, Liu L, Gao N, Gao S. Reconstruction of Annual Glacier Mass Balance from Remote Sensing-Derived Average Glacier-Wide Albedo. Remote Sensing. 2023 ; 15(1):31. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15010031


82 - Réveillet, M., Dumont, M., Gascoin, S. et al. Black carbon and dust alter the response of mountain snow cover under climate change. Nat Commun 13, 5279 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-32501-y

81 - Tsang, L., Durand, M., Derksen, C., Barros, A. P., Kang, D.-H., Lievens, H., Marshall, H.-P., Zhu, J., Johnson, J., King, J., Lemmetyinen, J., Sandells, M., Rutter, N., Siqueira, P., Nolin, A., Osmanoglu, B., Vuyovich, C., Kim, E., Taylor, D., Merkouriadi, I., Brucker, L., Navari, M., Dumont, M., Kelly, R., Kim, R. S., Liao, T.-H., Borah, F., and Xu, X. : Review article : Global monitoring of snow water equivalent using high-frequency radar remote sensing, The Cryosphere, 16, 3531–3573, https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-16-3531-2022, 2022.

80 - Lackner, G., Domine, F., Nadeau, D. F., Lafaysse, M., and Dumont, M. : Snow properties at the forest–tundra ecotone : predominance of water vapor fluxes even in deep, moderately cold snowpacks, The Cryosphere, 16, 3357–3373, https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-16-3357-2022, 2022.

79 -Baladima, F., Thomas, J. L., Voisin, D., Dumont, M., Junquas, C., Kumar, R., et al. (2022). Modeling an extreme dust deposition event to the French alpine seasonal snowpack in April 2018 : Meteorological context and predictions of dust deposition. Journal of Geophysical Research : Atmospheres, 127, e2021JD035745. https://doi. org/10.1029/2021JD035745.

78 - Cluzet, B., Lafaysse, M., Deschamps-Berger, C., Vernay, M., and Dumont, M. : Propagating information from snow observations with CrocO ensemble data assimilation system : a 10-years case study over a snow depth observation network, The Cryosphere, 16, 1281–1298, https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-16-1281-2022, 2022.

77 - Deschamps‐Berger, C., Cluzet, B., Dumont, M., Lafaysse, M., Berthier, E., Fanise, P. and Gascoin, S., Improving the spatial distribution of snow cover simulations by assimilation of satellite stereoscopic imagery. Water Resources Research, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021WR030271

76 - Lackner, G., Domine, F., Nadeau, D. F., Parent, A.-C., Anctil, F., Lafaysse, M., and Dumont, M. : On the energy budget of a low-Arctic snowpack, The Cryosphere, 16, 127–142, https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-16-127-2022, 2022.


75 - Barrou Dumont, Z., Gascoin, S., Hagolle, O., Ablain, M., Jugier, R., Salgues, G., Marti, F., Dupuis, A., Dumont, M., and Morin, S. : Brief communication : Evaluation of the snow cover detection in the Copernicus High Resolution Snow & Ice Monitoring Service, The Cryosphere, 15, 4975–4980, https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-15-4975-2021, 2021.

74 - Veillon, F., Dumont, M., Amory, C., and Fructus, M. : A versatile method for computing optimized snow albedo from spectrally fixed radiative variables : VALHALLA v1.0, Geosci. Model Dev., 14, 7329–7343, https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-14-7329-2021, 2021.

73 - J. Revuelto, B. Cluzet, N. Duran, M. Fructus, M. Lafaysse, E. Cosme, M. Dumont, Assimilation of surface reflectance in snow simulations : impact on bulk snow variables, Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 126966, ISSN 0022-1694,

72 - Dumont, M., Flin, F., Malinka, A., Brissaud, O., Hagenmuller, P., Lapalus, P., Lesaffre, B., Dufour, A., Calonne, N., Rolland du Roscoat, S., and Ando, E. : Experimental and model-based investigation of the links between snow bidirectional reflectance and snow microstructure, The Cryosphere, 15, 3921–3948, https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-15-3921-2021, 2021.

71 - Royer A, Picard G, Vargel C, Langlois A, Gouttevin I and Dumont M (2021) Improved Simulation of Arctic Circumpolar Land Area Snow Properties and Soil Temperatures. Front. Earth Sci. 9:685140. doi : 10.3389/feart.2021.685140

70 - Sandells, Melody, Henning Löwe, Ghislain Picard, Marie Dumont, Richard
Essery, Nicolas Floury, Anna Kontu, Juha Lemmetyinen, William Maslanka, Samuel
Morin, Andreas Wiesmann, Christian Mätzler, X-ray tomography-based
microstructure representation in the Snow Microwave Radiative Transfer model,
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, https://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TGRS.2021.3086412, 2021.

69 - Pascal Dkengne Sielenou, Léo Viallon-Galinier, Pascal Hagenmuller, Philippe Naveau, Samuel Morin, Marie Dumont, Deborah Verfaillie, Nicolas Eckert, Combining random forests and class-balancing to discriminate between three classes of avalanche activity in the French Alps, Cold Regions Science and Technology, Volume 187, 2021, 103276, ISSN 0165-232X, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coldregions.2021.103276.

68 - Cluzet, B., Lafaysse, M., Cosme, E., Albergel, C., Meunier, L.-F., and Dumont, M. : CrocO_v1.0 : a particle filter to assimilate snowpack observations in a spatialised framework, Geosci. Model Dev., 14, 1595–1614, https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-14-1595-2021, 2021.

67 - Helbig, N., Bühler, Y., Eberhard, L., Deschamps-Berger, C., Gascoin, S., Dumont, M., Revuelto, J., Deems, J. S., and Jonas, T. : Fractional snow-covered area : scale-independent peak of winter parameterization, The Cryosphere, 15, 615–632, https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-15-615-2021, 2021.


66 - Lamare, M., Dumont, M., Picard, G., Larue, F., Tuzet, F., Delcourt, C., and Arnaud, L. : Simulating optical top-of-atmosphere radiance satellite images over snow-covered rugged terrain, The Cryosphere, 14, 3995–4020, https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-14-3995-2020, 2020.

65 - Revuelto, J, Billecocq, P, Tuzet, F, Cluzet, B, Lamare, M, Laure, F and Dumont, M. Random forests as a tool to understand the snow depth distribution and its evolution in mountain areas. Hydrological Processes. 2020 ; 1– 18. https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.13951

64 - Dumont, M., Tuzet, F., Gascoin, S., Picard, G., Kutuzov, S., Lafaysse, M., et al. (2020). Accelerated snow melt in the Russian Caucasus mountains after the Saharan dust outbreak in March 2018. Journal of Geophysical Research : Earth Surface, 125, e2020JF005641. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JF005641

63 - Tuzet, F., Dumont, M., Picard, G., Lamare, M., Voisin, D., Nabat, P., Lafaysse, M., Larue, F., Revuelto, J., and Arnaud, L. : Quantification of the radiative impact of light-absorbing particles during two contrasted snow seasons at Col du Lautaret (2058 m a.s.l., French Alps), The Cryosphere, 14, 4553–4579, https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-14-4553-2020,

62 - Chloé Largeron, Marie Dumont, Samuel Morin, Aaron Boone, Matthieu Lafaysse, Sammy Metref, Emmanuel Cosme, Tobias Jonas, Adam Winstral and Steven A. Margulis : Towards snow cover estimation in mountainous areas using modern data assimilation methods : A review, Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.3389/feart.2020.00325, 2020.

61 - Deschamps-Berger, C., Gascoin, S., Berthier, E., Deems, J., Gutmann, E., Dehecq, A., Shean, D., and Dumont, M. : Snow depth mapping from stereo satellite imagery in mountainous terrain : evaluation using airborne laser-scanning data, The Cryosphere, 14, 2925–2940, https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-14-2925-2020, 2020.

60 - Picard, G., Dumont, M., Lamare, M., Tuzet, F., Larue, F., Pirazzini, R., and Arnaud, L. : Spectral albedo measurements over snow-covered slopes : theory and slope effect corrections, The Cryosphere, 14, 1497–1517, https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-14-1497-2020, 2020.

59 - Larue, F., Picard, G., Arnaud, L., Ollivier, I., Delcourt, C., Lamare, M., Tuzet, F., Revuelto, J., and Dumont, M. : Snow albedo sensitivity to macroscopic surface roughness using a new ray-tracing model, The Cryosphere, 14, 1651–1672, https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-14-1651-2020, 2020.


58 - Cluzet, B., Revuelto, J., Lafaysse, M., Tuzet, F., Cosme, E. , Picard, G., Arnaud, L. & Dumont, M. Towards the assimilation of satellite reflectance into semi-distributed ensemble snowpack simulations, Cold Regions Science and Technology.(in press, 2019)

57 - Lievens, H., Demuzere, M., Marshall, H.-P., Reichle, R. H., Brucker, L. , Brangers, I., de Rosnay, P., Dumont, M., Girotto, M., Immerzeel, W. W., Jonas, T., Kim, E. J., Koch, I., Marty, C., Saloranta, T., Schöber, J. and De Lannoy, G. J. M., Snow depth variability in the Northern Hemisphere mountains observed from space, Nature Communications, 4629, 10(1), doi : 10.1038/s41467-019-12566-y, 2019.

56 - Kokhanovsky, A. , Lamare, M., Danne, O., Brockmann, C., Dumont, M., Picard, G., Arnaud, L., Favier, V., Jourdain, B., Le Meur, E., Di Mauro, B., Aoki, T., Niwano, M., Rozanov, V., Korkin, S., Kipfstuhl, S., Freitag, J., Hoerhold, M., Zuhr, A., Vladimirova, D., Faber, A., Steen-Larsen, H.-C., Wahl, S., Andersen, J. , Vandecrux, B., van As, D., Mankoff, K., Kern, M., Zege, E. and Box, J., Retrieval of Snow Properties from the Sentinel-3 Ocean and Land Colour Instrument, Remote Sensing,11, 19, 2280, doi : 10.3390/rs11192280, 2019

55 - T. Masson, M. D. Mura, M. Dumont and J. Chanussot, "Snow Cover Estimation From Image Time Series Based on Spectral Unmixing," in IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 337-341, March 2019.
doi : 10.1109/LGRS.2018.2873836

54 - Vionnet Vincent, Six Delphine, Auger Ludovic, Dumont Marie, Lafaysse Matthieu, Quéno Louis, Réveillet Marion, Dombrowski-Etchevers Ingrid, Thibert Emmanuel, Vincent Christian, Sub-kilometer Precipitation Datasets for Snowpack and Glacier Modeling in Alpine Terrain, Frontiers in Earth Science, 7, 182, 10.3389/feart.2019.00182, 2019

53 - Hagenmuller, P., Flin, F., Dumont, M., Tuzet, F., Peinke, I., Lapalus, P., Dufour, A., Roulle, J., Pézard, L., Voisin, D., Ando, E., Rolland du Roscoat, S., and Charrier, P. : Motion of dust particles in dry snow under temperature gradient metamorphism, The Cryosphere, in press, 2019.

52 - Tuzet, F., Dumont, M., Arnaud, L., Voisin, D., Lamare, M., Larue, F., Revuelto, J., and Picard, G. : Influence of light-absorbing particles on snow spectral irradiance profiles, The Cryosphere, 13, 2169–2187, https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-13-2169-2019, 2019.

51 - Ménard, C. B., Essery, R., Barr, A., Bartlett, P., Derry, J., Dumont, M., Fierz, C., Kim, H., Kontu, A., Lejeune, Y., Marks, D., Niwano, M., Raleigh, M., Wang, L., and Wever, N. : Meteorological and evaluation datasets for snow modelling at ten reference sites : description of in situ and bias-corrected reanalysis data, Earth Syst. Sci. Data , 11, 865-880, https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-11-865-2019, 2019.

50 -Rhae Sung Kim, Michael Durand, Dongyue Li, Elisabeth Baldo, Steven A. Margulis, Marie Dumont, Samuel Morin, Estimating alpine snow depth by combining multifrequency passive radiance observations with ensemble snowpack modeling, Remote Sensing of Environment, 226, 1-15, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2019.03.016, 2019.

49 - Di Mauro, B., Garzonio, R., Rossini, M., Filippa, G., Pogliotti, P., Galvagno, M., Morra di Cella, U., Migliavacca, M., Baccolo, G., Clemenza, M., Delmonte, B., Maggi, V., Dumont, M., Tuzet, F., Lafaysse, M., Morin, S., Cremonese, E., and Colombo, R. : Saharan dust events in the European Alps : role on snowmelt and geochemical characterization, The Cryosphere, https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-2018-241, in press, 2019.

48 - Colombo R., Garzonio R., Di Mauro B., Dumont M., Tuzet F., Cogliati S., Pozzi G., Maltese A, Cremonese E. Introducing thermal inertia for monitoring snowmelt processes with remote sensing, Geophys. Res. Let., DOI:10.1029/2019GL082193, 2019.

47 - Lejeune, Y., Dumont, M., Panel, J.-M., Lafaysse, M., Lapalus, P., Le Gac, E., Lesaffre, B., and Morin, S. : 57 years (1960–2017) of snow and meteorological observations from a mid-altitude mountain site (Col de Porte, France, 1325 m of altitude), Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 11, 71-88, https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-11-71-2019, 2019.


46 - Helmert, Jürgen and Şensoy Şorman, Aynur and Alvarado Montero, Rodolfo and De Michele, Carlo and de Rosnay, Patricia and Dumont, Marie and Finger, David Christian and Lange, Martin and Picard, Ghislain and Potopová, Vera and Pullen, Samantha and Vikhamar-Schuler, Dagrun and Arslan, Ali Nadir, Review of Snow Data Assimilation Methods for Hydrological, Land Surface, Meteorological and Climate Models : Results from a COST HarmoSnow Survey, Geosciences, 8, 12 (489), doi : 10.3390/geosciences8120489, 2018.

45 - Skiles, S. M., M. Flanner, J. M. Cook, M. Dumont and T. H. Painter, 2018 : Radiative forcing by light-absorbing particles in snow. Nature Climate Change, Doi : https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-018-0296-5.

44 - Masson T., Dalla Mura M., Dumont M. and Chanussot, J. Snow cover estimation from image time series based on spectral unmixing, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, in press

43 - Gaillardet, J. et al., OZCAR : The French network of Critical Zone Observatories, Vadose Zone Journal, doi:10.2136/vzj2018.04.0067, in press

42 - Florent Domine, Gilles Gauthier, Vincent Vionnet, Dominique Fauteux, Marie Dumont, Mathieu Barrere, Snow physical properties may be a significant determinant of lemming population dynamics in the high Arctic, Arctic Science, 0, 0, https://doi.org/10.1139/AS-2018-0008, 2018.

41 - Revuelto, J. ; Lecourt, G. ; Lafaysse, M. ; Zin, I. ; Charrois, L. ; Vionnet, V. ; Dumont, M. ; Rabatel, A. ; Six, D. ; Condom, T. ; Morin, S. ; Viani, A. ; Sirguey, P. Multi-Criteria Evaluation of Snowpack Simulations in Complex Alpine Terrain Using Satellite and In Situ Observations. Remote Sens., 10, 1171, https://doi.org/10.3390/rs10081171, 2018.

40 - Kokhanovsky, A., Lamare, M., Di Mauro, B., Picard, G., Arnaud, L., Dumont, M., Tuzet, F., Brockmann, C., and Box, J. E. : On the reflectance spectroscopy of snow, The Cryosphere, 12, 2371-2382, https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-12-2371-2018, 2018.

39 - Condom, T., Dumont, M., Mourre, L., Sicart, J. E., Rabatel, A., Viani, A., and Soruco, A. : Technical note : A low-cost albedometer for snow and ice measurements – Theoretical results and application on a tropical mountain in Bolivia, Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., in press, 2018.

38 - Masson, T. ; Dumont, M. ; Mura, M.D. ; Sirguey, P. ; Gascoin, S. ; Dedieu, J.-P. ; Chanussot, J. An Assessment of Existing Methodologies to Retrieve Snow Cover Fraction from MODIS Data. Remote Sens. 2018, 10, 619, doi:10.3390/rs10040619.

37 - VINCENT, C., DUMONT, M., SIX, D., BRUN, F., PICARD, G. and ARNAUD, L., 2018. Why do the dark and light ogives of Forbes bands have similar surface mass balances ?. Journal of Glaciology, pp.1-11.

36 - Réveillet, M., Six, D., Vincent, C., Rabatel, A., Dumont, M., Lafaysse, M., Morin, S., Vionnet, V., and Litt, M. : Relative performance of empirical and physical models in assessing the seasonal and annual glacier surface mass balance of Saint-Sorlin Glacier (French Alps), The Cryosphere, 12, 1367-1386, https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-12-1367-2018, 2018.

35 - Davaze, L., Rabatel, A., Arnaud, Y., Sirguey, P., Six, D., Letreguilly, A., and Dumont, M. : Monitoring of glacier albedo from optical remote-sensing data : application to seasonal and annual surface mass balances quantification in the French Alps for the 2000–2015 period, The Cryosphere, 12, 271-286, https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-12-271-2018, 2018.

34 - Jerome Vidot, Pascal Brunel, Marie Dumont, Carlo Carmagnola, James Hocking, The VIS/NIR land and snow BRDF atlas for RTTOV : Comparison between MODIS MCD43C1 C5 and C6, Remote Sensing, 10(1), 21, doi:10.3390/rs10010021, 2018.


33 - Tuzet, F., Dumont, M., Lafaysse, M., Picard, G., Arnaud, L., Voisin, D., Lejeune, Y., Charrois, L., Nabat, P., and Samuel, M. : A multi-layer physically-based snowpack model simulating direct and indirect radiative impacts of light-absorbing impurities in snow, The Cryosphere, 11, 2633-2653, https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-11-2633-2017, 2017.

32 - Vidot, J., Bellec, B., Dumont, M. and Brunel, P., 2017. A daytime VIIRS RGB pseudo composite for snow detection. Remote Sensing of Environment, 196, pp.134-139.

31 - Antoine Rabatel, Pascal Sirguey, Vanessa Drolon, Philippe Maisongrande, Yves Arnaud, Etienne Berthier, Lucas Davaze, Jean-Pierre Dedieu and Marie Dumont, Annual and seasonal glacier wide surface mass balance quantified from changes in glacier surface state : a review on existing methods using optical satellite imagery, 9-(5), 507 ; doi:10.3390/rs9050507, Remote Sensing, 2017.

30 - Lafaysse, M., Cluzet, B., Dumont, M., Lejeune, Y., Vionnet, V., and Morin, S. : A multiphysical ensemble system of numerical snow modelling, The Cryosphere, 11, 1173-1198, doi:10.5194/tc-11-1173-2017, 2017.

29 - Dumont, M., Arnaud, L., Picard, G., Libois, Q., Lejeune, Y., Nabat, P., Voisin, D., and Morin, S. : In situ continuous visible and near-infrared spectroscopy of an alpine snowpack, The Cryosphere, 11, 1091-1110, doi:10.5194/tc-11-1091-2017, 2017.


28 - Sirguey, P., Still, H., Cullen, N. J., Dumont, M., Arnaud, Y., and Conway, J. P. : Reconstructing the mass balance of Brewster Glacier, New Zealand, using MODIS-derived glacier-wide albedo, The Cryosphere, 10, 2465-2484, doi:10.5194/tc-10-2465-2016, 2016.

27 - Quéno, Louis, Vionnet, Vincent, Dombrowski-Etchevers, Ingrid, Lafaysse, Matthieu, Dumont, Marie, and Karbou, Fatima : Snowpack modelling in the Pyrenees driven by kilometric resolution meteorological forecasts, The Cryosphere, 1571-1589, doi:10.5194/tc-10-1571-2016, 2016

26 - Picard, G., Libois, Q., Arnaud, L., Vérin, G., and Dumont, M. Estimation of superficial snow specific surface area from spectral albedo time-series at Dome C, Antarctica, The Cryosphere, 10, 1297-1316,doi:10.5194/tc-10-1297-2016, 2016.

25 - L. Charrois, E. Cosme, M. Dumont, M. Lafaysse, S. Morin, Q. Libois, and G. Picard,
On the assimilation of optical reflectances and snow depth observations into a detailed snowpack model, The Cryosphere, 10, 1021-1038, doi:10.5194/tc-10-1021-2016, 2016

24 - Essery, R., Kontu, A., Lemmetyinen, J., Dumont, M., and Ménard, C. B. : A 7-year dataset for driving and evaluating snow models at an arctic site (Sodankylä, Finland), Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst. Discuss., 5,219-227,doi:10.5194/gi-5-219-2016, 2016.

23 - Bazin, L., Landais, A., Masson-Delmotte, V., Ritz, C., Picard, G., Capron, E., Jouzel, J., Dumont, M., Leuenberger, M., and Prié, F. : Phase relationships between orbital forcing and the composition of air trapped in Antarctic ice cores, Clim. Past Discuss., in press, 2016.


22 - Libois, Q., Picard, G., Arnaud, L., Dumont, M., Lafaysse, M., Morin, S., and Lefebvre, E. : Summertime evolution of snow specific surface area close to the surface on the Antarctic Plateau, The Cryosphere, 9, 2383-2398, doi:10.5194/tc-9-2383-2015, 2015.

21 - Verfaillie, D., Favier, V., Dumont, M. , Jomelli, V. , Gilbert, A. , Brunstein, D. , Gallée, H. , Rinterknecht, V. , Menegoz, M. , Frenot, Y. : Recent glacier decline in the Kerguelen Islands (49S, 69E) derived from modeling, field observations and satellite data, Journal of Geophysical Research : Earth Surface, 120(3), 637-654., 2015.

20 - Brun, F., Dumont, M., Wagnon, P., Berthier, E., Azam, M. F., Shea, J. M., Sirguey, P., Rabatel, A., and Ramanathan, Al. : Seasonal changes in surface albedo of Himalayan glaciers from MODIS data and links with the annual mass balance, The Cryosphere, 9, 341-355, 2015.


19 - X. V. Phan, L. Ferro-Famil, M. Gay, Y. Durand, M. Dumont, S. Morin, S. Allain, G. D’Urso, and A. Girard 3D-VAR multilayer assimilation of X-band SAR data into a detailed snowpack model,8, The Cryosphere , doi:10.5194/tc-8-1975-20147, 2014.

18 - Ginot, P., Dumont, M., Lim, S., Patris, N., Taupin, J.-D., Wagnon, P., Gilbert, A., Arnaud, Y., Marinoni, A., Bonasoni, P., and Laj, P. : A 10 yr record of black carbon and dust from Mera Peak ice core (Nepal) : variability and potential impact on Himalayan glacier melting, The Cryosphere, 8, 1479-1496, doi :10.5194/tc-8-1479-2014, 2014.

17 - Libois, Q., Picard, G., Dumont, M., Arnaud, L., Sergent, C., Pugatch, E., and Vial, D. Experimental determination of the absorption enhancement parameter of snow, Journal of Glaciology, 60(222), 714-724, 2014.

16 - M. Dumont, E. Brun, G. Picard, M. Michou, Q. Libois, J-R. Petit, M. Geyer, S. Morin and B. Josse. Contribution of light-absorbing impurities in snow to Greenland’s darkening since 2009. Nature Geoscience, 7, 509–512, doi :10.1038/ngeo2180, 2014.

15 - Gallet, J.-C., Domine, F., Savarino, J., Dumont, M., and Brun, E. : The growth of sublimation crystals and surface hoar on the Antarctic plateau, The Cryosphere , 8, 1205-1215, 2014.

14 - Gallet, J.-C., Domine, F., and Dumont, M. : Measuring the specific surface area of wet snow using 1310 nm reflectance, The Cryosphere,8, 1139-1148, 2014.

13 - Steen-Larsen, H. C., Masson-Delmotte, V., Hirabayashi, M., Winkler, R., Satow, K., Prié, F., Bayou, N., Brun, E., Cuffey, K. M., Dahl-Jensen, D., Dumont, M., Guillevic, M., Kipfstuhl, J., Landais, A., Popp, T., Risi, C., Steffen, K., Stenni, B., and Sveinbjörnsdottír, A. : What controls the isotopic composition of Greenland surface snow ?, Clim. Past , 10, 377-392, doi :10.5194/cp-10-377-2014, 2014.

12 - Wright ,P. , Bergin, M. , Dibb, J., Lefer, B., Domine, F., Carman, T. , Carmagnola, C., Dumont, M., Schaaf, C., Wang, Z. and Courville, Z. :
Comparing MODIS daily snow albedo to spectral albedo field measurements in Central Greenland, Vol. 140, 118-129, 2014.


11 - Libois, Q., Picard, G., France, J. L., Arnaud, L., Dumont, M., Carmagnola, C. M., and King, M. D. : Grain shape influence on light extinction in snow, The Cryosphere ,7, 1803-1818, doi : 10.5194/tc-7-1803-2013, 2013.
, 2013.

10 - Wagnon, P., Vincent, C., Arnaud, Y., Berthier, E., Vuillermoz, E., Gruber, S., Ménégoz, M., Gilbert, A., Dumont, M., Shea, J. M., Stumm, D., and Pokhrel, B. K. : Seasonal and annual mass balances of Mera and Pokalde glaciers (Nepal Himalaya) since 2007, The Cryosphere , 7, 1769-1786, doi :10.5194/tc-7-1769-2013, 2013

9 - Carmagnola, C. M., Domine, F., Dumont, M., Wright, P., Strellis, B., Bergin, M., Dibb, J., Picard, G., Libois, Q., Arnaud, L. and Morin, S. : Snow spectral albedo at Summit, Greenland : measurements and numerical simulations based on physical and chemical properties of the snowpack, The Cryosphere ., 7, 1139-1160, doi :10.5194/tc-7-1139-2013, 2013.

8 - Mary, A., Dumont, M., Dedieu, J.-P., Durand, Y., Sirguey, P., Mihlem, H., Mestre, O., Kokhanovsky, A.A., Negi, H.S., Lafaysse, M. and Morin, S. Intercomparison of retrieval algorithms for the specific surface area of snow from near-infrared satellite data in mountainous terrain, and comparison with the output of a semi-distributed snowpack model, The Cryosphere 7, 741-761, doi :10.5194/tc-7-741-2013, 2013.

7 - Renner, A. H. H., Dumont, M., Beckers, J., Gerland, S., and Haas, C., Improved characterization of sea ice using simultaneous aerial photography and sea ice thickness measurements, Cold Regions Science and Technology, 92, 37-47,doi :10.1016/j.coldregions.2013.03.009, 2013.

6 - Haapala, J., Lensu, M., Dumont, M., Renner, A. H. H., Granskog, M. A., and Gerland, S., Small scale horizontal variability of snow, sea ice thickness adn freeboard in the first year ice region north of Svalbard, Ann. Glaciol, in press, 2013.


5 - Dumont, M., Gardelle, J., Sirguey, P., Guillot, A., Rabatel, A. and Arnaud, Y., Linking glacier annual mass balance and glacier albedo retrieved from MODIS data, The Cryosphere, 6, 1527-1539, doi :10.5194/tc-6-1527-2012, 2012.

4 - Dumont, M., Durand, Y., Arnaud, Y. and Six, D. , Variational assimilation of albedo in a snowpack mdoel and reconstruction of the spatial mass-balance distirbution of an alpine glacier, Journal of Glaciology , 58, 207, 151–164, doi :10.3189/2012JoG11J163, 2012.


3 - Dumont, M., Sirguey, P., Arnaud, Y. and Six, D. , Monitoring spatial and temporal variations of surface albedo on Saint Sorlin Glacier (French Alps) using terrestrial photography, The Cryosphere , 5, 759–771, doi :10.5194/tc-5-759-2011, 2011.


2 - Dumont, M., Brissaud, O., Picard, G., Schmitt, B., Gallet, J.-C., and Arnaud, Y. : High Accuracy measurement of snow Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function at visible and NIR wavelengths, Atm. Chem. and Phys., 10, 2507-2520, doi :10.5194/acp-10-2507-2010, 2010.


1 - Dumont, M., Arnaud, Y., Six, D., and Corripio, J. : Retrieval of glacier surface albedo using terrestrial photography, La houille blanche, 2, 102–108, doi :10.1051/lhb/2009021, 2009.

Autres publications

Rabatel A., Berthier E., Arnaud Y., Dedieu J.-P., Dumont M., Gascoin S., Gay M., Guerreiro K., Karbou F., Kouraev A., Picard G., Rémy F., Sirguey P., Trouvé E., Zakharova E. Télédétection satellitaire des surfaces enneigées et englacées, la météorologie, in press, 2016

Carmagnola C. M. , Dominé , F., Morin, S., Arnaud, L., Picard, G., Champollion, N., Bergin, M., Dibb, J., Wrigth, P. and Dumont, M., Ricerche sulla neve in Groenlandia : misure e risultati della campagna alla base Summit, Nimbus 63-64, March 2012, 6-14, 6303


Dumont M.. Détermination de l’albédo des surfaces enneigées par télédétection et application à la reconstruction du bilan de masse du glacier de Saint Sorlin. Thèse de doctorat de l’université Paris-Est, soutenue le 17 décembre 2010

Rapports / livres

M. Dumont and S. Gascoin, Chap. Télédétection optique du manteau neigeux,Observation des Surfaces Continentales par Télédétection,ISTE Editeur, Elsevier, ;Système Terre – Environnement ; version anglaise et française, in press, 2016



P. Hagenmuller et al., Seasonal observations of the microstructure of snow in an Arctic
environment, IGS Verification and Validation of Cryospheric Models, 2024

B. de Fleurian et al., Development of a new snow model in the framework of the ERC IVORI ERC project, IGS Verification and Validation of Cryospheric Models, 2024

K. Fourteau, P. Hagenmuller, N. Calonne, J. Brondex, O. Dick, M. Fructus, L. Vedrine, L. Arnaud, V. Vionnet, L. Bouvet, J. Meloche, Y. Lejeune, A. Silis, D. Kramer, J. Roulle, N. Nantel-Fortier, B. de Fleurian, F. Domine, K. Jondeau, C. Cancès, M. Dumont, Avancées pour la représentation des manteaux neigeux arctiques Journées de Modélisation des Surfaces Continentales, 2024.

X. Briottet, K. Adeline, T. Bajjouk, V. Carrère, M. Chami, Y. Constans, Y. Derimian, A. Dupiau, M. Dumont, S. Doz, S. Fabre, P.Y. Foucher, H. Herbin, S. Jacquemoud, M. Lang, A. Le Bris, P. Litvinov, S. Loyer, R. Marion, A. Minghelli, T. Miraglio, D. Sheeren, B. Szymanski, F. Romand, C. Desjardins, D. Rodat, B. Cheul, BIODIVERSITY – End-user driven optimization of the SWIR spectral sampling for a future hyperspectral sensor
using end-to-end simulations, 3rd Workshop on International Cooperation in Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy, 2024

Romilly Harris Stuart, Amaëlle Landais, Laurent Arnaud, Christo Buizert, Emilie Capron, Marie Dumont, Quentin Libois, Robert Mulvaney, Anaïs Orsi, Ghislain Picard, Frédéric Prié, Jeffrey Severinghaus, Barbara Stenni, and Patricia Martinerie, EGU24-10519 Oral,
Local climate influences δO2/N2 variability in ice core records, 2024

Léon Roussel, Marie Dumont, Simon Gascoin, Mathias Bavay, Pierre Nabat, Eric Maréchal, Diego Monteiro, Mathieu Fructus, Remote sensing of red algal blooms on snow in the European Alps, Snowhydro 2024 (oral), Grenoble, 2024

Marie Dumont, Kévin Fourteau, Julien Brondex, Basile De Fleurian, Henning Loewe, Mathias Bavay, François Tuzet, Pascal Hagenmuller, Neige Calonne, Recent advances in snow modelling in the framework of the ERC IVORI project, Snowhydro 2024 (oral), Grenoble, 2024

Pascal Hagenmuller, Neige Calonne, Julien Brondex, Kévin Fourteau, Rémi Granger, Pierre Lhuissier, François Tuzet, Louis Vedrine, Oscar Dick, Mathieu Fructus, Alvaro Robledano, Laurent Arnaud, Vincent Vionnet, Henning Loewe, Julien Méloche, Daniel Kramer, Alexandre Langlois, Florent Domine, Alper Bakic, Yannick Deliot, Jacques
Roulle, Yves Lejeune, Marie Dumont, Seasonal observations of the microstructure of snow in Alpine and Polar environments, Snowhydro 2024 (poster), Grenoble, 2024


Hélène Angot et al., Deposition pulses of black carbon and their impact on snow, MOSAiC conference, 2023

Marie Dumont, Simon Gascoin, Marion Reveillet, Didier Voisin et Collectif neige orange, Citizen science as an effective means to reveal the spatial variability of dust deposition on mountain snow, solicited talk, AGU 2023, San Fransisco.

R. Harris Stuart, A. Landais, P. Martinerie, M. Dumont, Q. Libois, A. Orsi, A. Grisart, F. Prié, C. Buizert, J. Severinghaus, Towards an understanding of the controls on δO2/N2 variability in ice core records, poster, IUGG, Berlin, July 2023

A. Robledano Perez, G. Picard, M. Dumont, L. Arnaud, F. Flin. Exploring the impact of dust-snow mixing structures on snow optical properties with a ray-tracing model, poster, IUGG, Berlin, July 2023

G. Picard, L. Arnaud, F. Domine, M. Dumont, F. Flin, Q. Libois, H. Löwe, A. Robledano, A. Royer, M. Sandells. Representing snow in optical and microwave radiative transfer models : From snow grains to a two-phase porous medium, poster, IUGG, Berlin, July 2023

K. Fourteau, J. Brondex, M. Dumont, Impacts of the implementation of the skin-layer method to model snowpack and glacier melt, oral, IUGG, Berlin, July 2023

M. Lafaysse, M. Dumont, V. Vionnet, T. Cenmod, A. Boone, B. Cluzet, C. Deschamps-Berger, S. Gascoin, EDELWEISS : An Ensemble Distributed modEL of snoW Evolution wIth aSSimilation, oral, IUGG, Berlin, July 2023

C .M. Tanış, F. Marti, J. Dorandeu, K. Luojus, T. Nagler, G. Schwaizer, S. Gascoin, O. Hagolle, M. Dumont, F. Karbou, J. Przystawska, L. Solari, M. Mattiuzzi, A. Dupuis, N. Picot, Copernicus pan European high-resolution snow & ice products in support to water resources monitoring, . oral, IUGG, Berlin, July 2023

Haddjeri, M. Baron, M. Lafaysse, L. Le Toumelin, S. Gascoin, V. Vionnet, Z. Lv, C.B. Marsh, J. Pomeroy, M. Dumont, Benefits of fuzzy methods for the evaluation of high-resolution snow models A. oral, IUGG, Berlin, July 2023

M. Dumont, The many facets of snow, ESM2025 General assembly, keynote talk, Grenoble, May 2023

M. Dumont, Neige orange et sciences participatives, Journée de nouveaux arrivants de l’INSU, oral invité, Meudon, May 2023

M. Dumont, The optical properties of snow, Arctic Snow School, invited lecture, Cambridge Bay, April. 2023.

M. Dumont, Surface Energy Balance of snow, Arctic Snow School, invited lecture, Cambridge Bay, April. 2023.

M. Dumont, Snow in a changing climate, feedback and trends, 7th Snow Science Winter School, invited lecture, Davos, Jan. 2023.


Marie Dumont, Simon Gascoin, Marion Reveillet, Didier Voisin, Collectif neige orange, Unraveling the complexity of Saharan dust deposition in snow using citizen science (oral), IGS Snow symposium, Davos, sept., 2022

Kévin Fourteau, Julien Brondex, Pascal Hagenmuller, Matthieu Lafaysse, Laurent Oxarango, Marie Dumont Modelling the simultaneous heat conduction, liquid water transport and melt/refreezing in a snowpack (oral), IGS Snow symposium, Davos, sept., 2022

Pascal Hagenmuller, Neige Calonne, Marie Dumont, Julien Brondex, Kévin Fourteau, Jacques Roulle Fast tomography of snow microstructure (poster), , IGS Snow symposium, Davos, sept., 2022

Julien Brondex, Kevin Fourteau, Marie Dumont, Pascal Hagenmuller, Neige Calonne, Francois Tuzet, Henning Löwe A finite-element framework to explore the numerical resolution of the coupled problem of heat conduction, water vapor diffusion and settlement in snow (oral), , IGS Snow symposium, Davos, sept., 2022

Haddjeri, A., Baron, M., Le Toumelin, L., Nheili, R., Deschamps-Berger, C., Lievens, H., Gascoin, S., Dumont, M. and Lafaysse, M. Opportunities and challenges for hectometric scale simulations of Alpine snow cover (poster), IGS Snow symposium, Davos, sept., 2022

Dumont, M., Gascoin, S., Reveillet, M., and Voisin, D. and the Collectif neige orange : Orange snow and citizen science, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-3132, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-3132, sollicited, 2022.

Zuhr, A., Landais, A., Casado, M., Minster, B., Prié, F., Harris-Stuart, R., Picard, G., Arnaud, L., Dumont, M., Ollivier, I., and Laepple, T. : What is driving the isotopic composition of surface snow in East Antarctica ? - Insights from a multi-year time series of surface snow at Dome C, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-10188, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-10188, 2022.

Haddjeri, A., Baron, M., Lafaysse, M., Nheili, R., Le Toumelin, L., Gascoin, S., and Dumont, M. : Sensitivity of a new hectometric scale snow transport scheme to various parameterizations for sublimation and accumulation/erosion, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-9954, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-9954, 2022.

Harris Stuart, R., Landais, A., Martinerie, P., Dumont, M., Fructus, M., Orsi, A., Libois, Q., Arnaud, L., Stevens, C. M., Grisart, A., and Prié, F. : Investigating the influence of local insolation on near-surface snow grain properties to constrain the mechanisms of pore close-off and associated elemental fractionation in polar firn, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-9092, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-9092, 2022.

Hagenmuller, P., Calonne, N., Dumont, M., Brondex, J., Tuzet, F., and Roulle, J. : Multiscale tomography of the seasonal evolution of the snow microstructure, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-8516, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-8516, 2022.

Voisin, D., Voiron, C., Denis, H., Darfeuil, S., Ginot, P., Dumont, M., Reveillet, M., and Gascoin, S. : Dust particles size distributions in snow and its importance for optical properties of snow, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-5541, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-5541, 2022.

Robledano, A., Picard, G., Dumont, M., Arnaud, L., and Flin, F. : Linking snow optical properties to snow microstructure, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-3463, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-3463, 2022.


M. Dumont, Observing and modelling snow dynamics over extended mountain areas : Sate of the art and future challenges, Sept. 2021, El reto de la gestión de la nieve como recurso hídrico y turístico ante el cambio climático, Huesca, Spain, invited talk.

Réveillet, M., Dumont, M., Gascoin, S., Lafaysse, M., Nabat, P., Ribes, A., Nheili, R., Tuzet, F., Menegoz, M., and Ginoux, P. : Modulation of the snow cover changes in the French Alps and the Pyrenees by the deposition of light absorbing particles over the last 40 years , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10657, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10657, 2021

Baladima, F., Thomas, J., Dumont, M., Voisin, D., Junquas, C., Kumar, R., Marelle, L., Raut, J.-C., Lavaysse, C., Tuzet, F., and Biron, R. : Modeling large dust deposition events to alpine snow and their impacts : the role of model resolution, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8334, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8334, 2021.

Dick, O., Viallon-Galinier, L., Hagenmuller, P., Fructus, M., Lafaysse, M., and Dumont, M. : Can Saharan dust deposition impact snow stability in the French Alps ?, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6600, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6600, 2021.


M. Dumont, Snow and impurities in the warming role : On the role of the color of snow, GFDL invited seminar, Dec. 2020.

Bertrand Cluzet, Matthieu Lafaysse, Emmanuel Cosme, Clement Albergel, Marie Dumont and Louis-François Meunier, Can we propagate informations from sparse snowpack observations into space using a Particle Filter ?, C068-03, invited oral, AGU fall meeting, Dec. 2020.

Flanner M., Dumont, M. & Skiles, M., Indirect effects and feedbacks associated with light-absorbing constituents in the cryosphere, C011-0001, AGU fall meeting, (poster : C011-0001), Dec. 2020.

Dumont, M., Tuzet, F., Picard, G., Lamare, M., Voisin, D., Nabat, P., Lafaysse, M., Larue, F., Revuelto, J., and Arnaud, L. : Measurements and modelling of the impacts of light absorbing impurities during two contrasted snow seasons at Col du Lautaret, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-3633, 2020

Réveillet, M., Dumont, M., Gascoin, S., Nabat, P., Lafaysse, M., Nheili, R., Tuzet, F., Menegoz, M., and Ginoux, P. : Role of Saharan dust and black carbon deposition on snow cover in the French mountain ranges over the last 39 years., EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-15209, 2020

Voisin, D., Witwicky, J., Tuzet, F., Osmont, D., and Dumont, M. : Dust and Black Carbon size distributions in snow and some links to snow physics., EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-8723, 2020

Helbig, N., Bühler, Y., Eberhard, L., Deschamps-Berger, C., Gascoin, S., Dumont, M., Deems, J., and Jonas, T. : Towards a scale-independent fractional snow-covered area parameterization for complex terrain, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-14575, 2020

Lafaysse, M., Dumont, M., Nheili, R., Viallon-Galinier, L., Carmagnola, C., Cluzet, B., Fructus, M., Hagenmuller, P., Morin, S., Spandre, P., Tuzet, F., and Vionnet, V. : Latest scientific and technical evolutions in the Crocus snowpack model, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-10217, 2020

Cluzet, B., Lafaysse, M., Dumont, M., Cosme, E., and Albergel, C. : CRAMPON : A Particle Filter to assimilate sparse snowpack observations into a semi-distributed geometry, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-9037, 2020

Helmert, J., Şensoy Şorman, A., Alvarado Montero, R., De Michele, C., De Rosnay, P., Dumont, M., Pullen, S., Finger, D. C., Lange, M., Picard, G., Potopová, V., Vikhamar-Schuler, D., and Arslan, A. N. : Snow Data Assimilation Methods for Hydrological, Land Surface, Meteorological and Climate Models : Results from COST HarmoSnow (2014-2018), EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-8348, 2020


B. Cluzet, M. Lafaysse, J. Revuelto, E. Cosme, C. Albergel, M. Dumont, A Particle Filter to Spatially Assimilate Synthetical Satellite Reflectance Observations into a Detailed Snowpack Model, IUGG 2019, Montreal, oral presentation.

M. Dumont, A thousand shades of white, IUGG 2019, Montreal, sollicited talk.

F. Tuzet, M. Dumont, L. Arnaud, D. Voisin, M. Lamare, F. Larue, J. Revuelto, G. Picard, Influence of Light Absorbing Particles on Snow Spectral Irradiance Profiles, IUGG 2019, Montreal, oral presentation.

M. Dumont, M. Lamare, G. Picard, F. Tuzet, F. Larue, C. Delcourt, L. Arnaud. Remote sensing of snow in complex terrain, IUGG 2019, Montreal, sollicited talk.

B. Cluzet, J. Revuelto, M. Lafaysse, F. Tuzet, E. Cosme, G. Picard, L. Arnaud, M. Dumont, Comparison of MODIS and Sentinel2 Observations of Snow Reflectance and Snow Cover Fraction with Ensemble Simulations of the Snowpack Properties, IUGG 2019, Montreal, poster.

Lamare, M., Arnaud, L., Picard, G., Tuzet, F., Larue, F., Revuelto, J. and Dumont M. A2.03 : Two Years of Snow Optical Measurements for Satellite Cal/Val at the Col du Lautaret Site (poster). ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2019, Milan, Italy.

César Deschamps-Berger, Simon Gascoin, Etienne Berthier, Marie Dumont, Ethan Gutmann, and Jeffrey Deems : Measuring mountainous snowpack thickness with Pléiades high resolution stereo-images, oral, EGU 2019, Vienna.

Alexander Kokhanovsky, Olaf Danne, Carsten Brockmann, Maxim Lamare, Ghislain Picard, Laurent Arnaud, Marie Dumont, Michael Kern, and Jason Box :Snow Processor for Sentinel Application Platform : underlying algorithm and its validation, poster, EGU2019-2374, EGU 2019, Vienna

M. Dumont, On the colour of snow, why does it matter ?, EGU Arne Ritcher award talk, EGU2019-7292, EGU 2019, Vienna

M. Dumont, On the colour of snow, WSL/SLF distinguished lecture, March 2019, Davos, Switzerland.


Hans Lievens, M. Demuzere, H.-P. Marshall, P. de Rosnay, M. Dumont, W. Immerzeel, I. Koch, C. Marty, T. Saloranta, J. Schöber and G. De Lannoy, Mapping snow mass in the Northern Hemisphere mountains with Sentinel-1 (oral), AGU fall meeting, 2018, USA.

F. Larue, G. Picard, L. Arnaud, M. Lamare, J. Revuelto, F. Tuzet, C. Delcourt, M. Dumont and H. Bellot, C41B-06 : Evaluation of a new 3-D radiative transfer model to simulate snow albedo over a macroscopic rough surface (oral), AGU fall meeting, 2018, USA.

C. Deschamps-Berger, S. Gascoin, E. Berthier, M. Dumont, E. Gutmann, J. Deems, C13E-1190 : Evaluation of Pleaides-derived snow height map using Airborne Snow Observatory data (poster), AGU fall meeting, 2018, USA.

M. Lamare, C. Delcourt, F. Tuzet, F. Larue, J. Revuelto, L. Arnaud, G. Picard and M. Dumont, C11B-03 : Optical satellite retrievals of snow physical properties in complex terrain (oral), AGU fall meeting, 2018, USA.

S. Gascoin, M. Dumont, O. Hagolle, G. Picard, M. Grizonnet, G. Salgues, W. Baba, Monitoring the seasonal snow in mountain regions using Sentinel-2 (Invited), C11B-02, AGU fall meeting, 2018, USA.

M. Dumont, H. Löwe, C. Largeron, M. Lafaysse, C. Fierz, G. Picard and S. Morin, Snow modelling : current status and future avenue, Harmosnow COST Action ES1404 Dissemination Workshop, Budapest, 2018, oral.

M. Dumont, J. Revuelto, B.Cluzet, M. Lafaysse, E. Cosme, and F. Tuzet, Towards a ensemble simulation system for snowpack state with assimilation of satellite data, Harmosnow COST Action ES1404 Dissemination Workshop, Budapest, 2018, poster.

S. Morin, C. Fierz, S. Horton, M. Bavay, C. Coléou, M. Dumont, A. Gobiet, P. Hagenmuller, M. Lafaysse, C. Mitterer, F. Monti, K. Müller, M. Olefs, J. S. Snook, F. Techel, A. van Herwijnen, V. Vionnet, Application of physical snowpack models in support of operational avalanche hazard forecasting : a status report on current implementations and prospects for the future, ISSW 2018, Innsbruck, Austria.

Bertrand Cluzet, Jesus Revuelto, Matthieu Lafaysse, Marie Dumont, Emmanuel Cosme, François Tuzet, Assimilation of MODIS obervsations of snowpack surface properties into one year of spatialized enesmeble snowpack simulations at a field site in the French Alps, ISSW 2018, Innsbruck, Austria.

Marie Dumont, Maxim Lamare, Ghislain Picard, Laurent Arnaud, François Tuzet, Bertrand Cluzet, Matthieu Lafaysse, Jesus Revuelto, Samuel Morin and Simon Gascoin, On the use of optical satellite data for snowpack monitoring in mountainous areas, poster, EO4Alps, Innsbruck, Austria.

Marie Dumont, Frédéric Flin, Pascal Hagenmuller, François Tuzet, Isabel Peinke, Philippe Lapalus, Anne Dufour, Jacques Roulle, Laurent Pézard, Sabine Rolland-du-Roscoat, Snow microstructure evolution in presence of mineral dust, poster, Polar2018, Davos, Switzerland.

Matthieu Lafaysse, Pascal Sirguey, Jonathan P. Conway, Nicolas J. Cullen, François Tuzet, and Marie Dumont, Can we use the same snow scheme to simulate alpine snow packs in France and New Zealand ? , EGU, PICO, Vienna.

Fatima Karbou, Maxime Lefort, Marie Dumont, Nicolas Eckert, Michael Deschrtres, and Rémy Martin , Multi-temporal avalanche debris mapping in the French mountains using synthetic aperture radar observations from Sentinel-1, EGU, PICO, Vienna.

Alexander Kokhanovsky, Olaf Danne, Carsten Brockmann, Maxim Lamare, Ghislain Picard, Marie Dumont, Mortimer Werther, Ken Mankoff, Robert Fausto, and Jason Box, The retrieval of snow spectral and broadband albedo using OLCI measurements, EGU, poster, Vienna.

Thomas Condom, Marie Dumont, Lise Mourre, Jean Emmanuel Sicart, Antoine Rabatel, Alessandra Viani, and Alvaro Soruco, A low-cost albedometer for snow and ice measurements – Theoretical results and application on a tropical mountain in Bolivia, EGU, poster, Vienna.

Jason Box, Alexander Kokhanovsky, Maxim Lamare, Ghislain Picard, Marie Dumont, Carsten Brockmann, Olaf Danne, Mortimer Werther, and Ken Mankoff, Snow optical retrievals from Sentinel-3, EGU, oral, Vienna.

Marie Dumont, Maxim Lamare, Ghislain Picard, Laurent Arnaud, François Tuzet, Pascal Sirguey, Théo Masson, Jason Eric Box, Alexander Kokhanovsky, and Simon Gascoin, Current challenges in optical remote sensing of snow, EGU, oral, Vienna.

Matthieu Lafaysse, Richard Essery, Marie Dumont, Bertrand Cluzet, Aaron Boone, and Samuel Morin, Multiphysics snowpack simulations over 10 contrasted local sites around the world, EGU, oral, Vienna.

Biagio Di Mauro, Roberto Garzonio, Micol Rossini, Gianluca Filippa, Paolo Pogliotti, Marta Galvagno, Umberto Morra di Cella, Mirco Migliavacca, Giovanni Baccolo, Barbara Delmonte, Marie Dumont, François Tuzet, Matthieu Lafaysse, Samuel Morin, Edoardo Cremonese, and Roberto Colombo, On the role of Saharan dust events on snow season duration in the European Alps, EGU, poster, Vienna.

Pascal Hagenmuller, Frederic Flin, Marie Dumont, Francois Tuzet, Isabel Peinke, Philippe Lapalus, Anne Dufour, Jacques Roulle, Laurent Pezard, and Edward Ando, Time series of the snow microstructure metamorphism in presence of mineral dust, EGU, PICO, Vienna.

Jason Box, Alexander Kokhanovsky, Maxim Lamare, Ghislain Picard, Marie Dumont, Carsten Brockmann, Olaf Danne, Mortimer Werther, Robert Fausto, Kenneth Mankoff, and Andrew Flemming, Greenland snow and ice albedo products from Sentinel-3 processed using PolarTEP infrastructure, EGU, oral, Vienna.

C. Vincent, M. Dumont et al., Why do the dark and light ogives of Forbes bands have similar surface mass balances ?, oral, AGM, Chamonix, France

C. Deschamps-Berger, E. Berthier, S. Gascoin et M. Dumont, Measuring mountainous snowpack thickness with Pléiades high resolution stereo-images, poster, AGM, Chamonix, France


Michael T Durand, Rhae Sung Kim, Dongyue Li, Marie Dumont and Steven A Margulis, Snowpack modeling in the context of radiance assimilation for snow water equivalent mapping, invited oral, AGU fall meeting, New Orleans, USA, Dec. 2017.

Marie Dumont , Frederic Flin, Aleksey Malinka, Olivier Brissaud, Pascal Hagenmuller, Anne Dufour, Philippe Lapalus, Bernard Lesaffre, Neige Calonne, Sabine Rolland du Roscoat and Edward Ando, Experimental and model based investigation of the links between snow bidirectional reflectance and snow microstructure , poster, AGU fall meeting, New Orleans, USA, Dec. 2017.

Rhae Sung Kim, Michael T Durand, Dongyue Li, Elisabeth Baldo, Steven A Margulis, Marie Dumont and Samuel Morin, Estimating snow depth of alpine snowpack via airborne multifrequency passive microwave radiance observations : Colorado, USA,
poster, AGU fall meeting, New Orleans, USA, Dec. 2017.

Hans Lievens, Rolf H Reichle, Manuela Girotto, Ludovic Brucker, Edward J Kim, Christoph Marty, Johannes Schoeber and Marie Dumont,Observing snow depth and snow water equivalent with Sentinel-1, oral, AGU fall meeting, New Orleans, USA, Dec. 2017.

Marie Dumont, François Tuzet, Matthieu Lafaysse, Laurent Arnaud, Ghislain Picard, Yves Lejeune, Maxim Lamare, Samuel Morin, Didier Voisin and Biagio Di Mauro, On the radiative effects of light-absorbing impurities on snowpack evolution, invited oral, AGU fall meeting, New Orleans, USA, Dec. 2017.

François Tuzet, Marie Dumont, Matthieu Lafaysse, Pascal Hagenmuller, Laurent Arnaud, Ghislain Picard and Samuel Morin, Implementation of a physically-based scheme representing light-absorbing impurities deposition, evolution and radiative impacts in the SURFEX/Crocus model, poster, AGU fall meeting, New Orleans, USA, Dec. 2017.

Jesus Revuelto, Marie Dumont, François Tuzet, Vincent Vionnet, Matthieu Lafaysse, Gregoire Lecourt, Matthieu Vernay, Samuel Morin, Emmanuel Cosme, Delphine Six and Antoine Rabatel, Advances in snow cover distributed modelling via ensemble simulations and assimilation of satellite data, invited oral, AGU fall meeting, New Orleans, USA, Dec. 2017.

Marie Dumont, Optical properties of snow : modelling and measurements, November 2017, Bremerhaven, Topical workshop, "Arctic snow and sea ice properties and interaction with the atmosphere", key note talk.

Marie Dumont, Luc Charrois and Emmanuel Cosme. Optical remotely sensed data in snow and ice modeeling,Workshop on Modeling Meltwater in Snow and Firn : Processes, Validation, Intercomparison and Model Uses of Optical Remotely Sensed Data, September 2017, Copenhaguen, invited talk.

Jesús Revuelto, Marie Dumont, Luc Charrois, Matthieu Lafaysse, and Samuel Morin, 2017. Optical satellite data assimilation in Crocus snowpack model to improveforecasting capabilities. IAHS Scientific Assembly, 10-14 July 2017, Porth Elisabeth, South Africa, oral

Marie Dumont, Frédéric Flin, Aleksey Malinka, Olivier Brissaud, Philippe Lapalus, Pascal Hagenmuller, Bernard Lesaffre, Anne Dufour, Neige Calonne, Sabine Rolland-du-roscoat, and Edward Ando. Experimental and model based investigation of the links between snow bidirectional reflectance and snow microstructure, poster, Vienna, Austria, EGU 2017.

Melody Sandells, Henning Löwe, Ghislain Picard, Marie Dumont, Richard Essery, Nicolas Floury, Anna Kontu, Juha Lemmetyinen, William Maslanka, Christian Mätzler, Samuel Morin, and Andreas Wiesmannhe . ASMEx snow slab experiment : snow microwave radiative transfer (SMRT) model evaluation, poster, Vienna, Austria, EGU 2017.

Matthieu Lafaysse, Bertrand Cluzet, Marie Dumont, Yves Lejeune, Vincent Vionnet, and Samuel Morin. Multiphysics ensemble-based modelling of an alpine snowpack, poster, Vienna, Austria, EGU 2017.

François Tuzet, Marie Dumont, Matthieu Lafaysse, Anne Missiaen, Pascal Hagenmuller, Yves Lejeune, Matthieu Joly, Jonathan Guth, Pierre Nabat, Ghislain Picard, Laurent Arnaud, and Samuel Morin. On the impact of Saharan dust deposition on the evolution of an alpine snowpack, poster, Vienna, Austria, EGU 2017.

Ghislain Picard, Melody Sandells, Henning Löwe, Marie Dumont, Richard Essery, Nicolas Floury, Anna Kontu, Juha Lemmetyinen, William Maslanka, Christian Mätzler, Samuel Morin, and Andreas Wiesmann. SMRT : A new, modular snow microwave radiative transfer model, oral, Vienna, Austria, EGU 2017.

Vincent Vionnet, Delphine Six, Ludovic Auger, Matthieu Lafaysse, Louis Quéno, Marion Réveillet, Ingrid Dombrowski-Etchevers, Emmanuel Thibert, and Marie Dumont. Influence of sub-kilometer precipitation datasets on simulated snowpack and glacier winter balance in alpine terrain, PICO, Vienna, Austria, EGU 2017.

Lucas Davaze, Antoine Rabatel, Yves Arnaud, Pascal Sirguey, Delphine Six, Anne Letreguilly, and Marie Dumont. Quantification of seasonal to annual mass balances from glacier surface albedo derived from optical satellite images, application on 30 glaciers in the French Alps for the period 2000-2015. oral, Vienna, Austria, EGU 2017.

Théo Masson, Marie Dumont, Mauro Dalla Mura, Pascal Sirguey, Simon Gascoin, Jocelyn Chanussot, Jean-Pierre Dedieu
Accuracy Assessment of Existing Methodology to Retrieve Snow Cover Fraction From MODIS Data, 8th EARsel Land Ice and snow workshop, Bern, Feb. 2017

Ghislain Picard, Melody Sandells, Henning Löwe, Christian Mätzler, Anna Kontu, Marie Dumont, Will Maslanka, Samuel Morin, Richard Essery, Juha Lemmetyinen, Andreas Wiesmann, Nicolas Floury, Michael Kern
Snow Microwave Radiative Transfer (SMRT) : A New Model to Simulate Snow-Microwave Interactions for Active and Passive Remote Sensing, 8th EARsel Land Ice and snow workshop, Bern, Feb. 2017


M. Dumont, M. Lafaysse, L. Charrois, E. Cosme, M. Vernay, B. Cluzet, G. Picard, L. Arnaud, Q. Libois, G. Giraud, L. Mérindol, S. Morin, Ensemble approaches and data assimilation for snowpack detailed simulations (Invited), oral, AGU 2016, USA.

H. Loewe, G. Picard, M. Sandells, C. Mätzler, A. Kontu, M. Dumont, W. Maslanka, S. Morin, R. Essery, J. Lemmetyinen, A. Wiessman, N. Floury, M. Kern, Snow Microwave Radiative Transfer (SMRT) : A new model framework to simulate snow-microwave interactions for active and passive remote sensing applications, oral, AGU 2016, USA.

P. Sirguey, H. Still, N. Cullen, M. Dumont, Y. Arnaud, J. Conway, Reconstructing the mass balance of Brewster Glacier, New Zealand, using MODIS-derived glacier-wide albedo, oral, AGU 2016, USA.

M. Dumont, F. Tuzet, M. Lafaysse, L. Arnaud, G. Picard, Q. Libois, A. Missiaen, P. Hagenmuller, Y. Lejeune and S. Morin, Numerical investigation of the effect of light absorbing impurities in snow, oral, AGU 2016, USA.

M. Lafaysse, B. Cluzet, M. Dumont, Y. Lejeune, V. Vionnet and S. Morin, Multiphysical ensemble snowpack simulations at Col de Porte site (French Alps), , INARCH 2nd workshop, October 2016, Grenoble, France.

J. Revuelto, G. Lecourt, L. Charrois, M. Lafaysse, T. Condom, M. Dumont, S. Morin, A. Rabatel, D. Six, V. Vionnet, I. Zin, Evaluation of distributed snowpack simulation with in-situ and remote sensing information in Arve upper catchment, INARCH 2nd workshop, October 2016, Grenoble, France.

Q. Libois, G. Picard, M. Dumont, L. Arnaud, Snow specific surface area retrieval from reflectance measurements : the question of snow grain shape, Workshop on in-situ snow albedo measurements , Helsinki, 24-25 August 2016

G. Picard, L. Arnaud, Q. Libois, M. Dumont, Continuous spectral albedo measurements in Antarctica and in the Alps : instrument design, data post processing and accuracy, Workshop on in-situ snow albedo measurements , Helsinki, 24-25 August 2016

M. Dumont, L. Arnaud, G. Picard, Q. Libois, Y. Lejeune and S. Morin, In situ continuous spectroscopy of alpine and polar snowpacks, Workshop on in-situ snow albedo measurements , Helsinki, 24-25 August 2016

T. Masson, M. Dalla Mura, M. Dumont, P. Sirguey, M.A Veganzones, J. Chanussot, J.-P. Dedieu, Snow cover estimation based on spectral unmixing, poster, SFPT-2016, Grenoble, France

Jason E. Box, Alexander Kokhanovsky, Marie Dumont, Ghislain Picard, Aku Riihelä, Frank Paul, Teruo Aoki, Pascal Sirguey, Don Perovich, Jeff Key, Konrad Steffen, Arctic snow and ice optical properties from ESA Sentinels, oral, ESA living planet symposium

On the assimilation of MODIS reflectance into a detailed snowpack model, Luc Charrois, Marie Dumont, Emmanuel Cosme, Matthieu Lafaysse, Samuel Morin, Quentin Libois, and Ghislain Picard, poster EGU2016-12221

Accounting for spectral albedo, solar light penetration and impurity content in detailed snowpack simulations , Marie Dumont, Matthieu Lafaysse, Ghislain Picard, Laurent Arnaud, Quentin Libois, and Samuel Morin, poster EGU2016-12149

Evaluation strategies for vertical profiles of physical properties simulated by multilayer snowpack models , Samuel Morin, Pascal Hagenmuller, Marie Dumont, and Matthieu Lafaysse, poster, EGU2016-14071

Incorporating moisture content in modeling the surface energy balance of debris-covered Changri Nup Glacier, Nepal, Alexandra Giese, Aaron Boone, Samuel Morin, Yves Lejeune, Patrick Wagnon, Marie Dumont, and Robert Hawley, oral, EGU2016-7931

Contribution of rainfall, snow and ice melt to the hydrological regime of the Arve upper catchment and to severe flood events, Grégoire Lecourt, Jesús Revuelto, Samuel Morin, Isabella Zin, Matthieu Lafaysse, Thomas Condom, Delphine Six, Vincent Vionnet, Luc Charrois, Marie Dumont, Frédéric Gottardi, Olivier Laarman, Catherine Coulaud, Michel Esteves, Thierry Lebel, and Christian Vincent, oral, EGU2016-14944

Monitoring and modeling the snowpack dynamics in the Arve upper catchment for hydrological purposes, Jesús Revuelto, Grégoire Lecourt, Luc Charrois, Matthieu Lafaysse, Thomas Condom, Marie Dumont, Samuel Morin, Antoine Rabatel, Delphine Six, Vincent Vionnet, and Isabella Zin, poster, EGU2016-14289

M. Dumont, M. Lafaysse, G. Picard, L. Arnaud, Q. Libois, and S. Morin . On the benefit of using spectral albedo and light penetration depth in detailed snowpack simulations, oral, 4th Workshop on Remote Sensing and Modeling of Surface Properties, 14-16 March 2016, Grenoble, France

L. Charrois, E. Cosme, M. Dumont, M. Lafaysse, S. Morin, Q. Libois, and G. Picard .Towards the assimilation of MODIS reflectance into the detailed snowpack model SURFEX/ISBA-Crocus, oral, 4th Workshop on Remote Sensing and Modeling of Surface Properties, 14-16 March 2016, Grenoble, France

J. Vidot, E. Bordas, M. Dumont, C. Carmagnola and P. Brunel .A snow BRDF atlas for RTTOV : comparison with in situ measurements, oral, 4th Workshop on Remote Sensing and Modeling of Surface Properties, 14-16 March 2016, Grenoble, France

M. Dumont, Y. Lejeune, M. Lafaysse, J.-M. Panel, E. Le Gac, B. Lesaffre, G. Picard, L. Arnaud, R. Essery, B. Decharme, D. Verfaillie, B. Cluzet and S. Morin
Le Col de Porte : un observatoire nivométéorologique au service du suivi climatique en zone de montagne et du développement de modèles de manteau neigeux, oral, 18-22 janvier 2016, AMA, Toulouse, France.


Ghislain Picard, Quentin Libois, Laurent Arnaud, Marie Dumont, Matthieu Lafaysse, Samuel Morin :Observation and modeling of the seasonal evolution of the snow specific surface area at Dome C in Antarctica , poster, AGU fall meeting, December 2015, San Fransciso, USA

Marie Dumont, Matthieu Lafaysse, Ghislain Picard, Laurent Arnaud, Quentin Libois,Samuel Morin : On the benefit of using spectral albedo and light penetration depth in detailed snowpack simulations, poster, AGU fall meeting, December 2015, San Fransciso, USA

Luc Charrois, Emmanuel Cosme, Marie Dumont, Matthieu Lafaysse, Samuel Morin, Quentin Libois, Ghislain Picard : Towards the assimilation of MODIS reflectance into the detailed snowpack model SURFEX/ISBA-Crocus. , poster, AGU fall meeting, December 2015, San Fransciso, USA

M. Sandells, G. Picard, M. Dumont, R. Essery, N. Floury, A. Kontu, J. Lemmetyinen, H. Löwe, W. Maslanka, C. Mätzler, S. Morin, A. Wiesmann, Community snow microstructure-focused microwave model, Poster, Microsnow2 Workshop.

M. Dumont, E. Brun, G. Picard, M. Michou, Q. Libois, J.R. Petit, S. Morin, B. Josse. The recent darkening of the Greenland Ice Sheet from space and modelling, oral presentation, IUGG 2015, Pragua, 2015.

V. Vionnet, I. Etchevers, L. Auger, M. Lafaysse, J. Etchanchu, L. Charrois, M. Reveillet, D. Six, M. Dumont. Lapse rate based versus fully-dynamical meteorological downscaling for high-resolution modelling of snowpack and glacier mass balance in alpine terrain, oral presentation, IUGG 2015, Pragua, 2015.

L. Charrois, M. Dumont, E. Cosme, M. Lafaysse, S. Morin, Q. Libois, G. Picard, L. Arnaud. Towards the assimilation of MODIS reflectance into the detailed snowpack model SURFEX/ISBA-Crocus, poster presentation, IUGG 2015, Pragua, 2015.

Lucie Bazin, Amaelle Landais, Valérie Masson-Delmotte, Catherine Ritz, Ghislain Picard, Emilie Capron, Jean Jouzel, Marie Dumont, Markus Leuenberger, and Frédéric Prié, Phase relationships between orbital forcing and the composition of air trapped in Antarctic ice cores, oral, EGU 2015, EGU2015-11393, Vienna.



Bristol Workshop

Montreal conference L. charrois

Eric BRUN, Marie DUMONT, Ghislain PICARD, Observation and modelling of Greenland ice sheet albedo and consequences on the projections of the ice-sheet surface mass balance, IGS Symposium , Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, France, 2014.

Hans Christian Steen-Larsen, Valerie Masson-Delmotte, Motohiro Hirabayashi, Renato Winkler, Kazuhide Satow, Frederic Prie, Nicolas Bayou, Eric Brun, Kurt Cuffey, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen, Marie Dumont, Myriam Guillevic, Sepp Kipfstuhl, Amaelle Landais, Trevor Popp, Camille Risi, Konrad Steffen, Barbara Stenni, and Arny Sveinbjornsdottir, Using continuous measurements of near-surface atmospheric water vapor isotopes to document snow-air interactions, EGU2014-15477, EGU 2014, Vienna.

Véronique Carrère, Xavier Briottet, Stéphane Jacquemoud, Rodolphe Marion, Anne Bourguignon, Malik Chami, Jocelyn Chanussot, Stéphane Chevrel, Philippe Deliot, Marie Dumont, Pierre-Yves Foucher, Cécile Gomez, Audrey Roman-Minghelli, David Sheeren, Christiane Weber, Marie-José Lefèvre, and Mioara Mandea , The French proposal for a high spatial resolution Hyperspectral mission, EGU2014-11791, EGU 2014, Vienna.

M. Dumont, Snow science and remote sensing at Snow Study Center, 2nd snow remote sensing workshop, January 2014, Boulder, USA.


Marie DUMONT, Luc CHARROIS, Pascal SIRGUEY, Samuel MORIN , Matthieu LAFAYSSE, Fatima KARBOU Comparing different MODIS snow products with distributed simulation of the snowpack in the French Alps, oral presentation, ISSW 7-11 October 2013, Grenoble, France.

Fatima KARBOU, Eric BRUN, Samuel MORIN, Marie DUMONT, Yves DURAND Monitoring snowpack properties using passive microwave remote sensing data, oral presentation, ISSW 7-11 October 2013, Grenoble, France.

Yves LEJEUNE, Samuel MORIN, Jean-Michel PANEL, Bernard LESAFFRE, Laurent PEZARD, Carlo CARMAGNOLA, Marie DUMONT, Romain BIRON, Jean-Paul LAURENT, Laurent ARNAUD, Didier VOISIN, Christophe GENTHON, Paul CARRIER, Frédéric GOTTARDI Long-term (climatological) to short-term (intensive campaigns) field investigations of meteorological and snow conditions at the experimental site Col de Porte in the French mountains , oral presentation, ISSW 7-11 October 2013, Grenoble, France.

E. Brun and M. Dumont Snow albedo representation in GCMS : a critical point for the projection of Greenland Ice-Sheet surface mass balance. Ice-Sheet-Climate Workshop, Reading, September 2013.

V. CARRERE , X. BRIOTTET, R. MARION, S. JACQUEMOUD, A. BOURGUIGNON , M. CHAMI, J. CHANUSSOT, S. CHEVREL, P ; DELIOT, M. DUMONT, P. Y. FOUCHER, A. MINGHELLI-ROMAN, D. SHEEREN, C. WEBER, P. PRASTAULT, S. HOSFORD, M.J. LEFEVRE : The French Hyperspectral EO mission HYPXIM A second generation high spectral and spatial resolution imaging spectrometer, IGARSS, Melbourne, 21-26 July 2013

P. Ginot, S. Lim, M. Dumont, M. Ménégoz, J-D. Taupin, N. Patris, P. Wagnon, P. Laj , Black carbon and dust impact on Himalayan glacier : case study on Mera Glacier (Nepal), Conference : Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly 2013, 7-12 July 2013

Samuel Morin, Richard Essery, Ghislain Picard, Matthieu Lafaysse, Marie Dumont, Fatima Karbou, Towards assimilation of snow depth and SWE observations in multi-layer detailed snowpack, Models, Conference : Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly 2013, 7-12 July 2013

Matthieu Lafaysse, Samuel Morin, Marie Dumont, Alexandre Wegiel, Luc Charrois, Antoine Rabatel, Set up and evaluation of distributed and semidistributed simulations using SURFEX/ISBACrocus in the partly glacierized ArveMontBlanc catchment at Chamonix, France, Conference : Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly 2013, 7-12 July 2013

G. Picard, M. Dumont, Q. Libois, L. Arnaud, S. Morin, M. Lafaysse, D. Voisin, C. Carmagnola, Evolution of the profile of absorbed energy in the Alpine snowpack : extinction measurements and improvement of Crocus model´s optical scheme, Conference : Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly 2013, 7-12 July 2013

X.-V. Phan, L. Ferro-Famil, M. Gay, Y. Durand, M. Dumont, S. Morin, G. D’Urso, A. Girard, Study of spatial and temporal evolution of snowpack on Alpines glacier using TerraSAR-X acquisitions, TerraSAR-X Science Team Meeting, 10-14 Juin 2013.

Deborah Verfaillie, Vincent Favier , Marie Dumont , Vincent Jomelli, Adrien Gilbert , Daniel Brunstein, and Yves Frenot Recent glacier retreat over Kerguelen archipelago (49_S, 69_E) derived from field data, satellite imagery and modeling, EGU, Vienna, April 2013.

A. Mary, M. Dumont, J.-P. Dedieu, Y. Durand, P. Sirguey, H. Milhem, O. Mestre, H. S. Negi, A. A. Kokhanovsky, M. Lafaysse and S. Morin. Intercomparison of retrieval algorithms for the specific surface area of snow from near-infrared satellite data in mountainous terrain, and comparison with the output of a semi-distributed snowpack model, poster, Snow Grain Size meeting, Grenoble, France, 3-5 April 2013

G. Picard, L. Arnaud, C. Carmagnola, N. Champollion, E. Lefebvre, F. Domine, M. Dumont and S. Morin. Alpine Snowpack Specific Surface Area Profiler : a new instrument to retrieve snow specific surface area with 1 cm resolution using infrared reflectance. Oral, Snow Grain Size meeting, Grenoble, France, 3-5 April 2013

Q. Libois, G. Picard, L. Arnaud,M. Dumont, J. France, C. Carmagnola, S. Morin and M. King, Influence of the grain shape on the albedo and light extinction in snow, oral, Snow Grain Size meeting, Grenoble, France, 3-5 April 2013

S. Gerland, A. H. H. Renner, G. Spreen, C. Wang, J. Beckers, M. Dumont, M.A. Granskog, J. Haapala, C. Haas, V. Helm, S. R. Hudson, M. Lensu, R. Ricker, S. Standven, H. Skourup, M. Zygmuntowska, IN-SITU CALIBRATION AND VALIDATION OF CRYOSAT-2 OBSERVATIONS OVER ARCTIC SEA ICE NORTH OF SVALBARD, Cryosat Worshop, Dresden, March 2013.

Dumont, M., Gardelle, J., Sirguey, P., Guillot, A., Six, D., Rabatel, A., Arnaud, Y., Linking glacier annual mass balance and glacier albedo retrieved from MODIS data, oral, Snow and Ice Research Group (NZ) Annual Workshop, Dunedin, New Zealand, 11th-13th February 2013.

R. Essery , S. Morin , G. Picard , M. Dumont , F. Karbou , M. Lafaysse, J. Lemmetyinen, Assimilation de données de hauteur de neige, d’équivalent en eau et de température de brillance micro-ondes dans le schéma de neige multi-couches SURFEX/ISBA-Crocus - DMRT-ML , AMA, Toulouse, France,
21-24 janvier 2013.

F. Karbou, S. Morin, E. Brun, M. Dumont, Y. Durand, Suivi des propriétés du manteau neigeux par télédétection spatiale micro-onde, oral, AMA, Toulouse, France, 21-24 janvier 2013.

Q. Libois, M. Dumont , G. Picard, L. Arnaud, S. Morin, M. Lafaysse, C. Carmagnola, Un nouveau schéma optique pour le modèle de neige Crocus, oral, AMA, Toulouse, France, 21-24 janvier 2013.


Dumont, M., Decaux, L., Gardelle, J., Sirguey, P., Guillot, A., Six, D., Rabatel, A., and Arnaud, Y., Linking glacier annual mass balance and glacier albedo retrieved from MODIS data, poster, AGU Fall meeting 2012, 3-9 December 2012, San Francisco.

Ginot, P., Dumont, M., Lim, S., Cozic, J., Taupin, J-D., Patris, N., Wagnon, P., Arnaud, Y., Gilbert, A., and Laj, P., Anthropogenic influence in Himalaya revealed from Mera Glacier ice core (Nepal), IPICS 2012, poster, 1-5 October 2012, France.

Phan, X.-V, Ferro-Famil, L., Gay, M., Durand, Y., Dumont, M. and d’Urso, G.. Multilayer snowpack backscaterring model and assimilation of TERRASAR-X satellite data, IGARRS 2012, poster, Munich, 22-27 July 2012.

Libois, Q. ,Picard, G., Arnaud, L., Dumont, M., Carmagnola, C. M. and Morin, S.. Influence of snow grain shape on the penetration depth of light within a snowpack , EGU 2012, poster presentation 2012-9362, Vienna, Austria, 22-27 Avril 2012.

Dumont, M., Carmagonla, C. M., Domine, F., Wright, P. , Bergin, M., Dibb, J., Arnaud, L., Picard, G., Champollion, N., Libois, Q. and Morin, S. (2012), Modeled and measured albedo of surface snow over Central Greenland (Poster), EGU, 22-27 Avril 2012.

Dumont, M., Gardelle, J., Sirguey, P., Guillot, A. , Six, D., Rabatel, A. and Arnaud, Y. (2012), Linking glacier annual mass balance and glacier albedo from MODIS data (Poster), EGU, 22-27 Avril 2012.


Renner, A. H. H., Dumont, M., Gerland, S., Beckers, J., Granskog, M., Goodwin, H and Haas, C. (2011), On the relationship of sea ice thickness and sea ice classes in Fram Strait and North of Svalbard (Poster), AGU Fall meeting, 5-9 Décembre 2011.

Haapala, J., Lensu, M., Heiler, I., Renner, A., Dumont, M., Granskog, M. and Gerland, S. (2011), Spatial variability of freeboard, snow and sea ice thickness in the Svalbard CryoVEx 2011 CAL/VAL region (Poster), AGU Fall meeting, 5-9 Décembre 2011.

Renner, A., Dumont, M., Gerland, S., Beckers , J., Granskog, M., Goodwin, H. and Haas, C. (2011), On the relationship of sea ice thickness and sea ice type in Fram Strait (Poster), ResClim Summer School, Longyearbeen, Svalbard, 27 Juillet-7 août 2011.

Sirguey, P., Dumont, M., Arnaud, Y., Gardelle, J. and Durand, Y. (2011), Measurement of glacier albedo using terrestrial and spaceborne remote sensing, assimilation into a mass balance model, (Présentation orale), Snow and Ice Research Group New Zealand, Fox Glacier, New Zealand, 9-11 Février 2011.


Dumont, M., Durand, Y., Gardelle, J., and Arnaud, Y., ADAC : Assimilation de données d’albédo dans un modèle d’évolution du manteau neigeux, CROCUS (oral), 3ème colloque national sur l’assimilation de données, Grenoble, France, 9-10 Décembre 2010.

Dumont, M., Arnaud, Y., Durand, Y., and Gardelle J., Using Remote Sensing and Albedo Assimilation into a Snow Model to Simulate Mass Balance (Présentation orale), Workshop on Cold Regions Hydrology, Innsbruck, Autriche, 28.-30. Avril 2010.

Dumont, M., Arnaud, Y., Durand, Y. and Gardelle, J., Retrieval of spatio-temporal variations of surface glacier albedo using terrestrial photography and MODIS data ; Assimilation into a snow cover evolution model to simulate glacier distributed mass balance (oral), SHF-Grenoble, France, 31 Mars 2010.


Dumont, M., Brissaud, O., Schmitt, B., Picard G. and Arnaud Y., Snow bidirectionnal reflectance : measurements and modeling results (Poster), Alpine Glaciological Meeting, Innsbruck, Autriche, 26-27 Mars 2009.


Dumont, M., Arnaud, Y., Six, Y., Brissaud, O., Schmitt, B., and Wagnon, P., Retrieval of snow albedo using terrestrial photography (oral), SHF, Chamonix, France, 5 Mars 2008.


Niang M., Dedieu JP, Durand Y., Mérindol L., Bernier M. and Dumont M., New inversion method for snow density and snow liquid water content retrieval using C-band data from ENVISAT/ASAR alternating polarization in alpine environment, ENVISAT Symposium 2007 (oral), Montreux, Suisse, 23-27 Avril 2007.


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