le modèle de climat urbain TEB est maintenant open-source et disponible sur le site : |
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Informations complètes disponibles en version anglaise
CLIMAT URBAIN Je coordonne le développement de et la validation du schéma de ville TEB. La validation uitilise les données de diverses campagnes de mesures internationales, et notamment avec les données de la campagne CAPITOUL et de la nouvelle campagne PANAME2022. Cette campagne PANAME2022 a permis d’observer les processus en jeu, ainsi que la variabilité spatiale à haute résolution de l’ilot de chaleur urbain, ainsi que sa structure verticale (et l’influence des parcs). Ces données de PANAME2022 seront précieuses pour valider les modèles atmopshérique à échelle hectométrique. J’ai aussi participé à un projet financé par le CNRS/PIRVE avec l’université Toulouse Jean Jeaurès sur microclimat et modes d’habiter. Au cours de ce projet la variabilité microclimatique a été observée avec des vélos instrumentés. Pendant les campagnes de mesures du projet EUREQUA, ce sont des systèmes de mesure portatif qui ont permis de documenter la qualité environnementale dans des quartiers de Toulouse, Paris et Marseille. Au cours de ces projets ont été mis en relation des mesures et résultats d’enquêtes.
En juillet 2015, j’ai organisé à Toulouse avec Aude Lemonsu la 9ème Conférence Internationale de Climat Urbain (ICUC9), à laquelle ont participé environ 550 scientifiques de 60 pays (
VILLES ET CHANGEMENT CLIMATIQUE J’ai poussé ces dernières années cet axe de recherches dans l’équipe. Ces études nécessitent une forte interdisciplinarité : architectes, géographes, économistes, sciences sociales, thermiciens du bâtiment...
Ces études sont donc menées au sein de projets interdisciplinaires :
– "Le Grand Paris" : nous avons quantifié, au sein du groupe Descartes mené par Yves Lion, l’impact sur le microclimat de stratégies d’aménagement à l’échelle de la région parisienne (augmentations des forets et des lacs, changement de cultures, ...)
– CLIM2, coordinateur CRNM : étude de l’impact de la climatisation à Paris (projet fini en 2010)
– EPICEA : projections climatiques sur Paris, analyse de la canicule 2003 et mise en évidence de leviers pour l’aménagement urbain (projet fini en 2010)
– VURCA (projet ANR VMCS) : vulnérabilité des villes aux canicules (présentes et futures)
– MUSCADE (projet ANR VD), coordinateur CRNM : consommation/production d’énergie en ville et changement climatique
– ACCLIMAT (projet RTRA STAE), coordinateur CRNM : construction d’une plateforme de modelisation de la ville pour l’étude des impacts du changement climatique
– BRIDGE (projet Européen) : participation (mise à disposition de TEB) à une plateforme d’aide à la décision pour limiter les emissions de gaz à effet de serre.
– MApUCE (projet ANR VBD), coordinateur CNRM : intégration dans les politiques urbaines et les documents juridiques les plus pertinents de données quantitatives de microclimat urbain, climat et énergie.
– PÆNDORA (projet ADEME), coordinateur CNRM : généralisation d’une base de données urbaines libre pour les études climat-énergie et méthodes d’accompagnement des acteurs urbains.
– URCLIM (projet européen ERA4CS) : Développement de Services Climatiques Urbains, depuis les modèles régionaux de climat jusqu’aux échelles intra-urbaines.
PREVISION DU TEMPS EN VILLE : Je coordonne le "Paris 2024 Olympics Research Demonstration Project" de l’Organisation Météorologique Mondiale. Ce projet regroupe une des centres météorologiques et universités d’une dizaine de pays, afin de développer les systèmes de prévision de demain à l’échelle des quartiers en ville (
TURBULENCE ATMOSPHERIQUE Je contribue à des recherches en lien avec la turbulence atmosphérique, notamment sur les effets des bâtiments sur l’écoulement, les interactions entre feux de forêts et turbulence atmosphérique, ainsi que l’influence des éoliennes sur la couche limite atmosphérique, et comment modéliser ces différents effets et couplages. Pour cela sont utilisées des Large Eddy Simulations (LES) avec le modèle MesoNH, jusqu’à des échelles métriques.
MODELISATION DES ECHANGES SURFACE-ATMOSPHERE J’ai fortement contribué à écrire SURFEX. Ce code permet d’utiliser les mêmes schémas de surface (ISBA, TEB, FLAKE, divers schémas sur mer) quelque soit soit l’application ou le cadre d’étude : simulation forcée en foffline, modèle atmosphérique mesoNH, modèles de prévision AROME (et bientôt ARPEGE), ARPEGE climat, couplage avec des modèles hydrologiques.
Encadrement de Doctorants
Encadrement principal ou directeur de thèse
– Aude Lemonsu, 2000-2003 : "Modélisation des processus de surface et de la couche limite en milieu urbain "
– Séverine Tomas, 2003-2006 : "Modélisation et étude expérimentale de la turbulence au sein de la couche limite atmosphérique"
– Julia Hidalgo, 2005-2008 : "Approches expérimentale, numérique et théorique des brises urbaines diurnes"
– Julien Pergaud, 2005-2008 : "Etude et Paramétrisation de la Turbulence et des Nuages de Couche Limite"
– Rachel Honnert, 2009-2012 : "Quelle turbulence dans les modèles atmosphériques aux échelles kilométriques ?"
– Julien Le Bras, 2012-2015 : "Le micro-climat urbain à haute résolution : mesures & modélisation."
– Emilie Redon, 2013-2017 : "Modélisation de la végétation urbaine comme régulateur thermique et de la gestion des ressources en eau associées."
– Quentin Rodier, 2014-2017 : "Paramétrisation de la turbulence atmosphérique dans la couche limite stable sur relief."
– Maxime Daniel, 2014-2017 : "Ville, climat urbain et changement climatique sur la France : étude des interactions et évaluation de stratégies d’adaptation par une approche de modélisation climatique couplée."
– Marine Goret, 2016-2019 : "Étude avec la plateforme ACCLIMAT des stratégies d’adaptation en ville pour limiter l’îlot de chaleur urbain et les émissions de CO2."
– Pierre-Antoire Joulin 2016-2019 : "Modélisation des parcs éolien – Rendement des parcs et impact environnemental."
– Zahra Mhedhbi 2016- : "Adapter les villes du sud au changement climatique : quels outils pour accompagner la planification et l’aménagement urbains ?"
– Guillaume Dumas 2017- : "Enrichir un réseau de mesures de l’îlot de chaleur urbain opérationnel : apports de la science participative et nouvelles pistes d’exploitation par les acteurs."
– Eva Marquès 2019- : "Apport de l’intelligence artificielle pour étudier le climat urbain à partir de données d’opportunité connectées. "
– Erwan Jezequel 2019-2022 : "Simulation de sillages éoliens en conditions atmosphériques réelles : de la simulation aux larges échelles aux modèles analytiques"
– Arnaud Forster 2021- : "Apport de la modélisation hectomérique pour la prévision des phénomènes météorologiques extrêmes d’été en ville : application aux JO2024 de Paris."
– Julia Garcia Cristobal 2023- : "Prévision de la météorologie urbaine par intelligence artificielle"
– Paul Boumendil 2023- : "Interactions entre les parcs éoliens et la stratification stable de l’atmosphère : impacts sur la surface"
– Grégoire Pigeon, 2004-2007 : "Les échanges surface-atmosphère en zone urbaine- projets CLU-ESCOMPTE et CAPITOUL"
– Irina Sandu, 2005-2008 : "Impact de l’aérosol sur le cycle de vie des nuages de couche limite"
– Emilie Perraud, 2007-2010 : "Paramétrisation de la condensation sous-maille et amélioration de la représentation des nuages dans le modèle AROME et Méso-NH"
– Benjamin Aouizerats, 2007-2010 : "Impact de l’aérosol urbain sur la dynamique climatique urbaine : application à la campagne CAPITOUL"
– Laura Pinson, 2013-2016 : "Analyse et représentation des épisodes caniculaires en zones urbaines denses"
– Margot Ruiz, 2020- : "Evaluation de scénarios de réhabilitation énergétique et microclimatique dans les centres historiques"
– Gabriel Colas, 2022- : "Modélisation de l’état de surface des chaussées et des pistes d’aéroports dans SURFEX et applications opérationnelles (effets anthropiques, prévision probabiliste)"
Publications avec comités de lecture
Articles à comité de lecture soumis
André J, Le Roy B, Lemonsu A, Colombert M, Masson V : How to disseminate the research results on climate change impacts in cities to guide adaptation public policies ? Application to the Paris region (France). Climate Services, under review.
Colas G., V. Masson, F. Bouttier, L. Bouilloud, L. Pavan, and V. Karisto (2024) : Improved winter conditions in SURFEX-TEB v9.0 with a multi-layer snow model and ice for road winter maintenance, Geoscientific Model Development, submitted.
Goret M., V. Masson, M.-P. Moine, W. Maurel, D. Legain and G. Pigeon, 2024 : Estimation of space heating CO2 emissions based only on CO2 fluxes observations, Urban Climate, submitted.
Joe P., B. Ebert, T. Keenan, J. Jie Wang, Y. Duan, G. Isaac, Y. Wang, D. Kiktev, P. Wah Li, K. Saito, G. Lee, V. Masson, B. Brown, J. Onvlee-Hooimeijer, P. Steinle, P. Salio, R. Albrecht, J. Wilson, R. Roberts, J. Sun, F. Liang, S. Goodman, B. Conway, C. Doyle, S. Bélair, J. Milbrandt, S. Leroyer, T. Montmerle, A. Jose Pereira Filho, B. Golding, P. May, A. Seed, Y. Wang, D. Michelson, A. Baklanov, E. de Coning (2024) : Insights from Nowcasting and Mesoscale Research Working Group Projects of the World Meteorological Organization, Bulletin of the AMS, submitted.
Haeffelin M., J.-F. Ribaud, J. Céspedes, J.-C.Dupont, A. Lemonsu, V. Masson, T. Nagel and S. Kotthaus (2024) : Impact of boundary layer stability on urban park cooling effect intensity, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, submitted.
Lemonsu A., S. Barrau, J. Capo, J. Céspedes, S. Dahech, C. de Munck, J-C. Dupont, V. Dupuis, J-C. Etienne, O. Garrouste, M. Goret, M. Haeffelin, P. Keravec, S. Kotthaus, M. Madelin, P. Martinet, V. Masson, T. Nagel, J. Price, J-F. Ribaud, M. Rivollet, G. Roberts, A. Roy, V. Unger, S. Wallois, R. Wilson, J. Wurtz. Multi-scale study of urban-atmosphere interactions in the Paris region (France) in the framework of the PANAME experiment, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, submitted.
Ruiz M., S. Ginestet, M. Malagoli, V. Masson and M. Bonhomme 2025 : Numerical and experimental evaluation of a model ability to represent hygrothermal behaviour at the brick/insulation interface, in a traditional wall, Energy & Buildings, submitted.
Ruiz M., S. Ginestet, M. Malagoli, V. Masson and M. Bonhomme 2024 : Multi-objective assessment of the retrofit of traditional walls located in a historical city centre using an urban climate model, Energy & Buildings, accepted.
Schoetter R., R. J. Hogan, C. Caliot, and V. Masson, 2024 : Coupling the urban canopy model TEB (SURFEXv9.0) with the radiation model SPARTACUS-Urbanv0.6.1 for more realistic urban radiative exchange calculation, Geoscientific Model Development, submitted.
Boumendil, P., P.-A. Joulin, H. Toumi, Q. Rodier, V. Masson (2024) : Role of rotational and divergence effects induced by wind turbines wakes on near-ground air warming. Journal of Physics : Conference Series, 2767, 092006. doi : 10.1088/1742-6596/2767/9/092006
Crétat J., Y. Richard, B. Pohl, J. Emery, J. Dudek, D. Roy, J. Pergaud, M. Rega, M. Poupelin, D. Joly, T. Thévenin, E. Marquès and V. Masson (2024) : Impact of topography and land cover on air temperature space-time variability in an urban environment with contrasted topography (Dijon, France, 2014–2021), Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 155, 1941–1958, doi : 10.1007/s00704-023-04742-4
Forster, A., Augros, C. & Masson, V. (2024) Urban influence on convective precipitation in the Paris region : Hectometric ensemble simulations in a case study. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 150(762), 3028–3051. doi : 10.1002/qj.4749
Jezequel E., F. Blondel and V. Masson (2024a) : Breakdown of the velocity and turbulence in the wake of a wind turbine - Part 1 : large eddy simulations study. Wind Energy Science, 9(1), 97–117, doi:10.5194/wes-2022-46 (link)
Jezequel E., F. Blondel and V. Masson (2024b) : Breakdown of the velocity and turbulence in the wake of a wind turbine - Part 2 : analytical modeling. Wind Energy Science, 9(1), 119-139, doi:10.5194/wes-2022-47 (link)
Lean H., N. Theeuwes, M. Baldauf, J. Barkmeijer, G. Bessardon, L. Blunn, J. Bojarova, I. Boutle, P. Clark, M. Demuzere, P. Düben, I.-L. Frogner, S. De Haan, D. Harrison, C. van Heerwaarden, R. Honnert, A. Lock, C. Marsigli, V. Masson, A. McCabe, M. van Reeuwijk, N. Roberts, A. Siebesma, P. Smolikova, X. Yang, 2024 : The Hectometric Modelling Challenge : Gaps in the Current State of the Art and Ways Forward Towards the Implementation of 100 m Scale Weather and Climate Models, QJRMS, in press.
Lemonsu A., J.-M. Alessandrini, J. Capo, M. Claeys, E.Cordeau, C. de Munck, S. Dahech, J.-C. Dupont, F. Dugay, V. Dupuis, G. Forceville, S. Garrigou, O. Garrouste, M. Goret, S. Goria, M. Haeffelin, S. Host, C. Joly, P. Keravec, S. Kotthaus, N. Laruelle, M. Madelin, V. Masson, S. Mauclair, T. Nagel, M. Pasca, J.-F. Ribaud, G. Roberts, A. Rosso, A. Roy, M. Sabre, O. Sanchez, M. Stempfelet, W. Wei, R. Wilson, J. Wurtz (2024) : The Heat and Health in Cities (H2C) project to support the prevention of extreme heat in cities, Climate Services, 34, 100472, doi : 10.1016/j.cliser.2024.100472
Lipson, M.J., Grimmond, S., Best, M., Abramowitz, G., Coutts, A., Tapper, N., Baik, J.-J., Beyers, M., Blunn, L., Boussetta, S., Bou-Zeid, E., De Kauwe, M.G., de Munck, C., Demuzere, M., Fatichi, S., Fortuniak, K., Han, B.-S., Hendry, M.A., Kikegawa, Y., Kondo, H., Lee, D.-I., Lee, S.-H., Lemonsu, A., Machado, T., Manoli, G., Martilli, A., Masson, V., McNorton, J., Meili, N., Meyer, D., Nice, K.A., Oleson, K.W., Park, S.-B., Roth, M., Schoetter, R., Simón-Moral, A., Steeneveld, G.-J., Sun, T., Takane, Y., Thatcher, M., Tsiringakis, A., Varentsov, M., Wang, C., Wang, Z.-H. and Pitman, A.J. (2024), Evaluation of 30 urban land surface models in the Urban-PLUMBER project : Phase 1 results. Q J R Meteorol Soc., doi:10.1002/qj.4589 (link)
Ma X., S. Miao , V. Masson, J. Wurtz, Y. Zhang, J. Wang, X.-Y. Huang and C. Yan (2024) : The Synergistic Effects of Urbanization and an Extreme Heatwave Event on Urban Thermal Environment in Paris. Urban Climate, 53, 101785
Ruiz M., V. Masson, M. Bonhomme, M. Malagoli and S. Ginestet (2024) : Integration of moisture transfer through walls into an urban climate model and application to the medieval city centre of Cahors (France), Urban Climate, 56, 102036
Wu S., X. Lin, Z. Bian, M. Lipson, R. Lafortezza, Q. Liu, S. Grimmond, E. Velasco, A. Christen, V. Masson, B. Crawford, H. C. Ward, N. Chrysoulakis, K. Fortuniak, E. Parlow, W. Pawlak, N. Tapper, J. Hong, J.-W. Hong, M. Roth, J. An, C. Lin, B. Chen, 2024 : Satellite observations reveal a decreasing albedo trend of global cities over the past 35 years, Remote Sensing of Environment, 303, 114003, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2024.114003 (link)
Hidalgo J., N. Touati, S. Haouès-Jouve, L. Jegou, G. Bretagne, E. Bocher, V. Masson, A. Mayis, R. Jougla, G. Petit, R. Schoetter, collectif GEO-VISU (2022) : Mapping the urban climate for summer comfort management in urban planning : climate analysis and semiology of graphics. Cybergeo, 1048 (link)
Nagel T., Schoetter R., Bourgin V., Masson V. and Onofri E. (2023) Drag Coefficient and Turbulence Mixing Length of Local Climate Zone-Based Urban Morphologies Derived Using Obstacle-Resolving Modelling. Boundary-Layer Meteorol 186, 737–769, doi : 10.1007/s10546-022-00780-z (link)
Ruiz M., V. Masson, M. Bonhomme and S. Ginestet (2023) : Numerical method for solving coupled mass and heat transfer through walls in an urban climate model, Building and Environment, page 110028, January 2023. doi : 10.1016/j.buildenv.2023.110028 (link)
Suher-Carthy M., T. Lagelouze, J. Hidalgo, R. Schoetter, N. Touati, R. Jougla and V/ Masson (2023) : Urban heat island intensity maps and local weather types description for a 45 French urban agglomerations dataset obtained from atmopsheric numerical simulations, Data in Brief, 50, 109437, doi : 10.1016/j.dib.2023.109437 (link)
Bernard J., E. Bocher, E. Le Saux Wiederhold, F. Leconte, V. Masson, Camille Noûs 2022 : Estimation of missing building height in OpenStreetMap data : a French case study using GeoClimate 0.0.1. Geoscientific Model Development, 15 (19), 7505-7532, 10.5194/gmd-15-7505-2022 (link)
Christophe Sidonie, Jacques Gautier, Paul Chaborn, Luke Riley and V. Masson (2022) : 3D geovisualization for visual analysis of urban climate, Cybergeo, 10.4000/cybergeo.38518 (link)
Costes A., Q. Rodier, V. Masson, C. Lac and M. Rochoux (2022) : Effects of High‐Density Gradients on Wildland Fire Behavior in Coupled Atmosphere‐Fire Simulations. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 14 (11), e2021MS002955, 10.1029/2021MS002955 (link)
Jezequel E., Blondel F., Masson V. (2022-06-02). Analysis of Wake Properties and Meandering under Different Cases of Atmospheric Stability : a Large Eddy Simulation Study. Journal of Physics : Conference Series, 2265 (2), 022067, 10.1088/1742-6596/2265/2/022067 (link)
Lemonsu A., C. De Munck, V. Masson, E. Redon, P. Keravec, F. Rodriguez, D. Legain, L. Pineau (2022) : Influence of the local urban environment on the thermo-radiative and hydrological behaviour of a garden lawn, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 61(1), 25-42, doi:10.1175/JAMC-D-21-0067.1 (link)
Lipson Mathew, Sue Grimmond, Martin Best, Winston Chow, Andreas Christen, Nektarios Chrysoulakis, Andrew Coutts, Ben Crawford, Stevan Earl, Jonathan Evans, Krzysztof Fortuniak, Bert G. Heusinkveld, Je-Woo Hong, Jinkyu Hong, Leena Järvi, Sungsoo Jo, Yeon Hee Kim, Simone Kotthaus, Keunmin Lee, Valéry Masson, Joseph P. McFadden, Oliver Michels, Wlodzimierz Pawlak, Matthias Roth, Hirofumi , Sugawara, Nigel Tapper, Erik Velasco, Helen Claire Ward (2022) : Harmonized gap-filled dataset from 20 urban flux tower sites, Earth System Science Data, 14(11), 10.5194/essd-14-5157-2022 (link)
Marquès E., V. Masson, P. Naveau, O. Mestre, V. Dubreuil and Y. Richard (2022) : Urban heat island estimation from crowdsensing thermometers embedded in personal cars, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 103(4), E1098-E1113, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0174.1 (link)
Masson V. , A. Lemonsu, P. Martinet, C. Denjean, C. Boissard, C. Cantrell, V. Michoud, V. Gros, M. Haeffelin, S. Kotthaus, J. Leymarie, M. Madelin, J. Price. Une campagne de mesures sur le climat urbain et la qualité de l’air de la région parisienne. La Météorologie, 118, 4-6, 2022. 10.37053/lameteorologie-2022-0049 (link)
Mhedhbi Z., J. Hidalgo, C. De Munck, S. Haouès-Jouve, N. Touati, V. Masson (2022) : Tool adjustments to support climate adaptation in urban planning for Southern cities : The case of Greater Tunis, Tunisia, Cybergeo, 10.4000/cybergeo.39297 (link)
Nagel T., R. Schoetter, V. Masson, C. Lac, B. Carissimo (2022) : Numerical analysis of the atmospheric boundary-layer turbulence on microscale transport of pollutant in an idealized urban environment, Boundary Layer Meteorology, doi:10.1007/s10546-022-00697-7 Vol. 184 Issue 1, p113-141 (link)
Nicolini G., G. Antoniella, F. Carotenuto, A. Christen, P. Ciais, C. Feigenwinter, B. Gioli ; S. Stagakis, E. Velasco, R. Vogt, H. Ward, J. Barlow, N. Chrysoulakis, P. Duce, M. Graus, C. Helfter, B. Heusinkveld, L. Järvi, T. Karl, S. Marras, V. Masson, B. Matthews, F. Meier, E. Nemitz, S. Sabbatini, D. Scherer, H. Schume, C. Sirca, G.-J. Steeneveld, C. Vagnoli, Y. Wang, A. Zaldei, B. Zheng, D. Papale (2022) : Direct observations of CO2 emission reductions due to COVID-19 lockdown across European urban districts, Science of the Total Environment, 830, 154662, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.154662 (link)
Villefranque N., F. Hourdin, L. d’Alençon, S. Blanco, O. Boucher, C. Caliot , C. Coustet, J. Dauchet, M. El Hafi, V. Eymet, O. Farges, V. Forest, R. Fournier, J. Gautrais, V. Masson, B. Piaud and R. Schoetter (2022) : The "Teapot in a city" : A paradigm shift in urban climate modeling, Sciences Advances, 8 (27), doi:10.1126/sciadv.abp8934 (link)
Costes A., M. Rochoux, C. Lac and V. Masson (2021) : Exploring the effect of inflow turbulence in coupled atmosphere-fire simulations using innovative subgrid fire front reconstruction, Fire Safety Journal, 126, 103475, doi : 10.1016/j.firesaf.2021.103475 (link)
Dumas G., V. Masson, J. Hidalgo, G. Louit, V. Edouart, A. Hanna, G. Poujol, J. Barrié (2022) : Co-construction of climate services based on a weather stations network : Application in Toulouse agglomeration local authority, Climate Services, 24, 100274, doi:10.1016/j.cliser.2021.100274 (link)
Haouès-Jouve S, Lemonsu A, Gauvreau B, Amossé A, Can A, Carissimo B, Gaudio N, Hidalgo J, Lopez-Rieux CX, Chouillou D, Richard E, Adolphe L, Berry-Chikhaoui I, Bouyer J, Challéat S, de Munck C, Dorier E, Guillaume G, Hoonaert S, Le Bras J, Legain D, Levy J-P, Masson V, Marry S, Nguyen-Luong D, Rojas Arias J-C, Gao Z (2021) EUREQUA project : an interdisciplinary and participative approach to assess urban environmental quality. Environment and Planning B : Urban Analytics and City Science, doi : 10.1177/23998083211037350 (link)
Honnert R., V. Masson, C. Lac and T. Nagel (2021) : A Theoretical Analysis of Mixing Length for Atmospheric Models From Micro to Large Scales, Front. Earth Sci., 8, 538, doi:10.3389/feart.2020.582056 (link)
Stavropulos-Laffaille X., K. Chancibault, A. Lemonsu, H. Andrieu, I. Calmet, V. Masson (2021) : Coupling detailed urban energy and water budgets : Simulation of an urban catchment with TEB-Hydro model, Urban Climate, 39, 100925 (link)
Trimmel, H., P. Weihs, S. Faroux, H. Formayer, P. Hamer, K. Hasel, J. Laimighofer, D. Leidinger, V. Masson, I. Nadeem, S. Oswald, M. Revesz, R. Schoetter (2021) : Thermal conditions during heat waves of a mid-European metropolis under consideration of climate change, urban development scenarios and resilience measures for the mid-21st century, Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 30(1) 9-32, doi:10.1127/metz/2019/0966 (link)
Masson V., W. Heldens, E. Bocher, M. Bonhomme, B. Bucher, C. Burmeister, C. de Munck, T. Esch, J. Hidalgo, F. Kanani-Sühring, Y-T Kwok, A. Lemonsu, J.-P. Lévy, B. Maronga, D. Pavlik, G. Petit, L. See, R. Schoetter, N. Tornay, A. Votsis, J. Zeidler, 2020 : City-descriptive input data for urban climate models : Model requirements, data sources and challenges, Urban Climate, 31, doi:10.1016/j.uclim.2019.100536 (link)
Masson V., A. Lemonsu, J. Hidalgo, J. Voogt (2020) : Urban Climates and Climate Change, Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 45, 411-444, doi:10.1146/annurev-environ-012320-083623 (link)
Masson V. and A. Lemonsu (2020) : How Joël Noilhan influenced modelling and studies on urban climate, La Météorologie, 108, 093, in French, doi:10.37053/lameteorologie 2020-0022 (link)
Masson V., E. Bocher, B. Bucher, Z. Chitu, S. Christophe, C. Fortelius, R. Hamdi, A. Lemonsu, A. Perrels, B. Van Schaeybroeck, B. Wichers Schreur, L. Velea, Y. Beddar, J.-C. Calvet, A. Delcloo, A. Druel, F. Duchêne, G. Dumas, J. Gautier, M. Goret, M. Horttanainen, R. Kouznetsov, A. Le Bris, S. Lecorre, B. Le Roy, Y. Palamarchuk, G. Petit, R. Ruuhela, O. Saranko, M. Sofiev, P. Siljamo, H. Van de Vyver, P. van Velthoven, A. Votsis (2020) : The Urban Climate Services URCLIM project, Climate Services, 20, 10.1016/j.cliser.2020.100194 (link)
Auguste F., C. Lac, V. Masson and D. Cariolle, 2019 : Large-eddy simulations with an immersed boundary method : pollutant dispersion over urban terrain, Atmosphere, 2020, 11, 113 ; doi:10.3390/atmos11010113 (link)
Baklanov A., B. Cárdenas, T.-C. Lee, S. Leroyer, V. Masson, L. T. Molina, T. Müller, C. Ren, F. R. Vogel, J. A.Voogt, 2020 : Integrated urban services : experience from four cities on different continents, Urban Climate, 32, 100610, doi:10.1016/j.uclim.2020.100610 (link)
Garratt, J., J. Wilczak, A. Holtslag, H. Schmid, A. Grachev, A. Beljaars, T. Foken, C. Fairall, B. Hicks, H. Kusaka, A. Martilli, V. Masson, M. Mauder, S. Oncley, M. Rotach and M. Tjernström, 2020 : Commentaries on Top-Cited Boundary-Layer Meteorology Articles. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 169-188,doi : 10.1007/s10546-020-00563-4 (link)
Gardes T., R. Schoetter, J. Hidalgo, N. Long, V. Masson 2020 : Statistical prediction of the nocturnal urban heat island intensity based on urban morphology and geographical factors - An investigation based on numerical model results for a large ensemble of French cities, Science of the total environment, 737, 139253, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139253 (link)
Grimmond S., V. Bouchet, L. Molina, A. Baklanov, J. Tan, K. H. Schluenzen, G. mills, B. Golding, V. Masson, C. Ren, J. Voogt, S. Miao, H. Lean, B. Heusinkveld, A. Hovespyan, G. Terrugi, P. Parrish, P. Joe (2020) : Integrated Urban Hydrometeorological, Climate and Environmental Services : Concept, Methodology and Key Messages, Urban Climate, 33, 100623, doi:10.1016/j.uclim.2020.100623 (link)
Joulin P.-A., M. L. Mayol, V. Masson, F. Blondel, Q. Rodier, M. Cathelin and C. Lac (2020) : The Actuator Line Method in the Meteorological LES Model Meso-NH to Analyze the Horns Rev 1 Wind Farm Photo Case, Front. Earth Sci, (link)
Le Roy B., A. Lemonsu, R. Jounkou-Arnaud, D. Brion, V. Masson (2020) : Long time series spatialized data for urban climatological studies : case study of Paris’ city, France, International Journal of Climatology, 40(7), 3567-3584, doi:10.1002/joc.6414 (link)
Meyer D., R. Schoetter, V. Masson, S. Grimmond, 2020 : Enhanced software and platform for the Town Energy Balance (TEB) model, The Journal of Open Source Software, doi:10.21105/joss.02008 (link)
Meyer, D., R. Schoetter, S. Grimmond, A. Verrelle, M. Riechert, M. Tewari, M. Barlage, J. Dudhia, V. Masson et M. van Reeuwijk : WRF-TEB : implementation and evaluation of the coupled Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) and Town Energy Balance (TEB) model. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 12, e2019MS001961, doi:10.1029/2019MS001961 (link)
Redon E., A. Lemonsu and V. Masson (2020) : An urban trees parameterization for modelling microclimatic variables and thermal comfort conditions at street level with the Town Energy Balance model (TEB-SURFEX v8.0), Geosci. Model Dev., 13, 385–399, doi : 10.5194/gmd-13-385-2020 (link)
Sabatier T., A. Paci, C. Lac, G. Canut, Y. Largeron, V. Masson, 2020 : Semi-idealized simulations of wintertime flows and pollutant transport in an alpine valley : Origins of local circulations (Part I), QJRMS, 146, 807–826, doi:10.1002/qj.3727(link)
Sabatier T., Y. Largeron, A. Paci, C. Lac, Q. Rodier, G. Canut, V. Masson, 2020 : Semi-idealized simulations of wintertime flows and pollutant transport in an alpine valley : Passive tracer tracking (Part II), QJRMS, 146, 827–845, doi:10.1002/qj.3710(link)
Schoetter, R., J. Hidalgo, R. Jougla, V. Masson, M. Goret, M. Rega, and J. Pergaud : A statistical-dynamical downscaling for the urban heat island and building energy consumption. Analysis of its uncertainties. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 59, 859–883, 10.1175/JAMC-D-19-0182.1 (link)
Schoetter, Y.-T. Kwok, C. de Munck, K. K. L. Lau, W. K. Wong, an V. Masson, 2020 : Multi-layer coupling between SURFEX-TEB-V9.0 and Meso-NH-V5.3 for modelling the urban climate of high-rise cities, Geoscientific Model Development, 13, 5609–5643, doi : 10.5194/gmd-2020-190 (link)
Viguié V., A. Lemonsu , S. Hallegatte , A.-L. Beaulant , C. Marchadier , V. Masson , G. Pigeon , J.-L. Salagnac , S. Somot, 2020 : Early adaptation to heat waves and future reduction of air-conditioning energy use in cities, Environmental Research Letters, 15, 075006, 10.1088/1748-9326/ab6a24 (link)
Auguste F., G. Réa, R. Paoli, C. Lac, V. Masson and D. Cariolle, 2019 : Implementation of an Immersed Boundary Method in the Meso-NH model : Applications to an idealized urban-like environment, Geoscientific Model Development, 12, 2607–2633, doi:10.5194/gmd-12-2607-2019 (link)
Ching J., D. Aliaga, G. Mills, V. Masson, L. See, M. Neophytou, A. Middel, A. Baklanov, C. Ren, E. Ng, J. Fung, M. Wong, Y. Huang, A. Martilli, O. Brousse, I. Stewart, X. Zhang, A. Shehata, S. Miao, X. Wang, W. Wang, Y. Yamagata, D. Duarte, Y. Li, J. Feddema, B. Bechtel, J. Hidalgo, Y. Roustan, Y. Kim, H. Simon, T. Kropp, M. Bruse, F. Lindberg, S. Grimmond, M. Demuzure, F. Chen, C. Li, J. Gonzales-Cruz, B. Bornstein, Qiaodong He, Tzu-Ping, A. Hanna, E. Erell, N. Tapper, R. K. Mall, D. Niyogi, (2019) : Pathway using WUDAPT’s Digital Synthetic City tool towards generating urban canopy parameters for multi-scale urban atmospheric modeling, Urban Climate, 28, 100459, doi : 10.1016/j.uclim.2019.100459 (link).
Daniel M., A. Lemonsu, M. Déqué, S. Somot, A. Alias, V. Masson (2019) : Benefits of explicit urban parameterization in regional climate modeling to study climate and city interactions, Climate dynamics, 52 (5-6), 2745-2764, 52:2745–2764 doi : 10.1007/s00382-018-4289-x (link).
Flores-Rojas, J.L. ; Pereira-Filho, A.J. ; Karam, H.A. ; Vemado, F. ; Masson, V. ; Silva-Vidal, F.Y. 2019 : Modeling the Effects of Explicit Urban Canopy Representation on the Development of Thunderstorms above a Tropical Mega City. Atmosphere, 10, 356 (link).
Goret M., V. Masson, R. Schoetter and M.-P. Moine, 2019 : Inclusion of a CO2 flux modeling in an urban canopy layer model and evaluation over an old European city center, Atmospheric environment, X, 3, 100042, doi : 10.1016/j.aeaoa.2019.100042 (link).
Hidalgo J., A. Lemonsu and V. Masson, (2019) : ’Between progress and obstacles in urban climate interdisciplinary studies and knowledge transfer to society’, Annals of the New York Academy of Science, 1436, 5-18, doi : 10.1111/nyas.13986 (link)
Hidalgo J., G. Dumas, V. Masson, G. Petit, B. Betchtel, E. Bocher, M. Foley, R. Schoetter, G. Mills, 2019 : Comparison between Local Climate Zones maps derived from administrative datasets and satellite observations, Urban Climate, 27, 64-89. 10.1016/j.uclim.2018.10.004 (link)
Kwok Y.-T., R. Schoetter, K. Lau, J. Hidalgo, C. Ren, G. Pigeon, V. Masson 2019 : How well does the Local Climate Zone scheme discern the thermal environment of Toulouse (France) ? An analysis using numerical simulation data, International Journal of Climatology, 39, 5292–5315 doi:10.1002/joc.6140 (link)
Mhedhbi Z., V. Masson, J. Hidalgo, S. Haouès-Jouve (2019) : Collection of refined architectural parameters by crowdsourcing using Facebook social network : case of Greater Tunis, Urban Climate, 29, September 2019, 100499, doi : 10.1016/j.uclim.2019.100499 (link).
Ching J., G. Mills, B. Bechtel, L. See, J. Feddema, X. Wang, C. Ren, O. Brousse, A. Martilli, M. Neophytou, P. Mouzourides, I. Stewart, A. Hanna, E. Ng, M. Foley, P. Alexander, D. Aliaga, D. Niyogi, A. Shreevastava, S. Bhalachandram, V. Masson, J. Hidalgo, J. Fung, M. de Fatima Andrade, A. Baklanov, D. Wei Dai, G. Milcinski, M. Demuzere, N. Brunsell, M. Pesaresi, S. Miao, F. Chen (2018) : World Urban Database and Access Portal Tools (WUDAPT), an urban weather, climate and environmental modeling infrastructure for the Anthropocene, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 99(9), 1907-1928, doi : 10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0236.1 (link).
De Munck C., A. Lemonsu, V. Masson, J. LeBras and M. Bonhomme (2018) : Evaluating the impacts of greening scenarios on thermal comfort and energy consumption for adapting Paris city to climate change, Urban Climate, 23, 260-286, doi : 10.1016/j.uclim.2017.01.003 (link)
Flores J. R., A. J. Pereira Filho, H. A. Karam, F. Vemado, V. Masson (2018) : Effects of explicit urban-canopy representation on local circulations over a tropical mega-city, Boundary Layer Meteorology, 166, 83–111 doi : 10.1007/s10546-017-0292 (link)
Lac C., J.-P. Chaboureau, V. Masson, J.-P. Pinty, P. Tulet, J. Escobar, M. Leriche, C. Barthe, B. Aouizerats, C. Augros, P. Aumond, F. Auguste, P. Bechtold, S. Berthet, S. Bieilli, F. Bosseur, O. Caumont, J.-M. Cohard, J. Colin, F. Couvreux, J. Cuxart, T. Dauhut, G. Delautier, V. Ducrocq, J.-B. Filippi, D. Gazen, O. Geoffroy, F. Gheusi, R. Honnert, J.-P. Lafore, C. Lebeaupin Brossier, Q. Libois, T. Lunet, C. Mari, T. Maric, P. Mascart, M. Mogé, G. Molinié, O. Nuissier, F. Pantillon, P. Peyrillé, J. Pergaud, E. Perraud, J. Pianezze, J.-L. Redelsperger, D. Ricard, E. Richard, S. Riette, Q. Rodier, R. Schoetter, L. Seyfried, J. Stein, K. Suhre, O. Thouron, S. Turner, A. Verrelle, B. Vié, F. Visentin, V. Vionnet, P. Wautel (2018) : Overview of the Meso-NH model version 5.4 and its applications, Geoscientific Model Development, 11, 1929-1969, doi : 10.5194/gmd-11-1929-2018 (link).
Masson V., A. Lemonsu and J. Voogt (2018) : the 9th International Conference on Urban Climate, Urban Climate, 23, 1-7, doi : 10.1016/j.uclim.2017.07.007 (link)
Stavropulos-Laffaille X., K. Chancibault, H. Andrieu, J.-M. Brun, A. Lemonsu, V. Masson and A. Boone (2018) : ’Improvements of the hydrological processes of the Town Energy Balance Model (TEB-Veg) for urban modelling and impact assessment’, Geoscientific Model Development, 11, 4175–4194, doi : 10.5194/gmd-2018-39 (link).
Demuzere M., S. Harshan, L. Järvi, M. Roth, C.S.B. Grimmond, V. Masson, K.W. Oleson, E. Velasco, H. Wouters (2017) : Impact of urban canopy models and external parameters on the modelled urban energy balance, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 143(704), 1581-1596, doi : 10.1002/qj.3028 (link)
Lunet T., C. Lac, F. Auguste, F. Visentin, V. Masson and J. Escobar (2017) : Combination of WENO and Explicit Runge-Kutta methods for wind transport in Meso-NH model, Monthly Weather Review, 145, 3817–3838, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-16-0343.1 (link)
Mazoyer M., C. Lac, O. Thouron, T. Bergot, V. Masson and L. Musson-Genon (2017) : Large-eddy simulation of radiation fog : Part 1 : Impact of dynamics on microphysics, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17, 13017-13035, doi : 10.5194/acp-17-13017-2017 (link)
Redon E., A. Lemonsu, V. Masson, B. Morille and M. Musy (2017) : Implementation of street trees in solar radiative exchange parameterization of TEB in SURFEX v8.0, Geoscientific Model Development, 10, 385–411, doi:10.5194/gmd-10-385-2017 (link)
Rodier Q., V. Masson, F. Couvreux and A. Paci (2017) : Evaluation of a Buoyancy and Shear based Mixing Length for a Turbulence Scheme, Frontiers in Earth Science, 5, 65, doi:10.3389/feart.2017.00065 (link)
Schoetter R., V. Masson, A. Bourgeois, M. Pellegrino, and J.-P. Lévy (2017) : Parametrisation of the variety of human behaviour related to building energy consumption in TEB (SURFEX v. 8.2), Geoscientific Model Development, 10, 2801–2831, doi : 10.5194/gmd-10-2801-2017 (link)
Stavropulos-Laffaille X., K. Chancibault, H. Andrieu, A. Lemonsu and V. Masson (2017) : Hydrological validation of an urban hydro-microclimate model (TEB-Hydro) : Sensitivity analysis on the catchment of Rezé (Nantes, France), La Houille Blanche, 3,14-21, doi : 10.1051/lhb/2017017 (link)
Tornay N., R. Schoetter, M. Bonhomme, S. Faraut, A. Lemonsu and V. Masson (2017) : GENIUS : A methodology to define a detailed description of buildings for urban climate and building energy consumption simulations, Urban Climate, 10, 75-93, doi:10.1016/j.uclim.2017.03.002 (link).
Vionnet, V., Martin, E., Masson, V., Lac, C., Naaim Bouvet, F., & Guyomarc’h, G. (2017). High-resolution Large Eddy simulation of snow accumulation in alpine terrain. Journal of Geophysical Research : Atmospheres, 122, 11,005–11,021. doi : 10.1002/2017JD026947 (link).
Honnert R., V. Masson and F. Couvreux, 2016 : Sampling of the structure of turbulence : Implications for parametrizations at sub-kilometric scales Boundary Layer Meteorology, DOI 10.1007/s10546-016-0130-4 (link)
Houet T.,Marchadier C., Bretagne G., Moine M.P., Aguejdad R., Viguié V., Bonhomme M., Lemonsu A., Avner P., Hidalgo J., Masson V. 2017 : "Combining narratives and modelling approaches to simulate fine scale and long-term urban growth scenarios for climate adaptation", Environmental Modelling and Software journal, 86, 1-13, doi 10.1016/j.envsoft.2016.09.010 (link)
Karsisto P., C. Fortelius, M. Demuzere, C. S. B. Grimmond, K. W. Oleson, R. Kouznetsov, V. Masson and L. Järvi, 2016 : Seasonal surface urban energy balance and wintertime stability simulated using three land-surface models in the high-latitude city Helsinki, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 142, 401 – 417, doi:10.1002/qj.2659 (link)
Karsisto P., C. Fortelius, M. Demuzere, C. S. B. Grimmond, K. W. Oleson, R. Kouznetsov, V. Masson and L. Järvi, 2016 : Erratum to ’Seasonal surface urban energy balance and wintertime stability simulated using three land-surface models in the high-latitude city Helsinki’, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 142(698):2230-2230 doi:10.1002/qj.2883 (link)
Bergot T., J. Escobar and V. Masson 2014 : Effect of small scale surface heterogeneities and buildings on radiation fog : Large Eddy Simulation study at Paris-CdG airport, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 141 : 285–298 , doi : 10.1002/qj.2358 (link)
Le Bras J. and V. Masson, 2015 : A fast and spatialized urban weather generator for long-term urban studies at the city-scale, Frontiers in Earth Sciences, 3(27), (link)
Lemonsu, A., Viguié, V., Daniel, M., Masson, V. (2015). Vulnerability to heat-waves : impact of urban expansion scenarios on urban heat island and heat stress in Paris (France). Urban Climate, 14 , 586-605 doi : 10.1016/j.uclim.2015.10.007 (link)
Stolaki S., M. Haeffelin, C. Lac, J-C Dupont, T. Elias, V. Masson, 2015 : Influence of aerosols on the life cycle of a radiation fog event. A numerical and observational study, Atmospheric Research, 151, 146-161, doi : 10.1016/j.atmosres.2014.04.013 (link)
Aumond P., B. Gauvreau, C. Lac, V. Masson, G. Guillaume, M. Bérengier, 2014 : Application of the Transmission Line Matrix method for outdoor sound propagation modelling Part 2 : Experimental validation using meteorological data derived from the meso-scale model Meso-NH, Applied Acoustics, 76, 107–112 (link).
Hidalgo J., V. Masson and C. Baehr, 2014 : From daily climatic scenarios to hourly atmospheric forcing fields to force Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere transfer models. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2(40), doi : 10.3389/fenvs.2014.00040 (link).
Honnert R and V. Masson, 2014. What is the smallest physically acceptable scale for 1D turbulence schemes ?. Frontiers in Earth Science 2(27), doi : 10.3389/feart.2014.00027 (link).
Lemonsu A., A.-L Beaulant, S. Somot, V. Masson, 2014 : Evolution of occurrences of heat waves over the Paris basin (France) in the 21st century, Climate Research, 61, 75-90, doi : 10.3354/cr01235 (link).
Masson V., M. Bonhomme, J.-L. Salagnac, X. Briottet and A. Lemonsu, 2014 : Solar Panels reduce both global warming and Urban Heat Island. Frontiers in Environmental Science 2(14). doi : 10.3389/fenvs.2014.00014 (link).
Masson V., C. Marchadier, L. Adolphe, R. Aguejdad, P. Avner, M. Bonhomme, G. Bretagne, X. Briottet, B. Bueno, C. de Munck, O. Doukari, S. Hallegatte, J. Hidalgo, T. Houet, J. Le Bras, A. Lemonsu, N. Long, M.-P. Moine, T. Morel, L. Nolorgues, G. Pigeon, J.-L. Salagnac, K. Zibouche, 2014 : Adapting cities to climate change : a systemic modelling approach. Urban Climate, 10, 407-429, doi:10.1016/j.uclim.2014.03.00 (link).
Pigeon G., K. Zibouche, B. Bueno, J. Le Bras, V. Masson, 2014 : Evaluation of building energy simulations with the TEB model against EnergyPlus for a set of representative buildings in Paris. Energy and Buildings, 76, 1–14, doi : 10.1016/j.enbuild.2013.10.038 (link).
Vionnet V., E. Martin, V. Masson, G. Guyomarc’h, F. Naaim-Bouvet, A. Prokop, Y. Durand and C. Lac, 2014 : Simulation of wind-induced snow transport in alpine terrain using a fully coupled snowpack/atmosphere model, \it The Cryosphere, 8, 395-415 (link).
Aumond P., V. Masson, C. Lac, B. Gauvreau, S. Dupont, 2013 : "Including Drag Effects of Canopies : Real Case Large-Eddy Simulation Studies", Boundary Layer Meteorology, 146, Issue 1, 65-80 DOI : 10.1007/s10546-012-9758-x (link).
Bueno B., Hidalgo J., Pigeon G., Norford L. and Masson V., 2013 : Calculation of air temperatures above the urban canopy layer from measurements at a rural operational weather station, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 52, 472-483, doi:10.1175/JAMC-D-12-083.1 (link).
De Munck C., Pigeon G., Masson V., Meunier F., Bousquet P., Tréméac B., Merchat M., Poeuf P., Marchadier C., 2013 : "How much air conditioning can increase air temperatures for a city like Paris (France) ?", International Journal of Climatology, 33, 210–227, DOI : 10.1002/joc.3415 (link).
De Munck C. A. Lemonsu, R. Bouzouidja, V. Masson, R. Claverie, 2013 : "The GREENROOF module (v7.3) for modelling green roof hydrological and energetic performances within TEB", Geoscientific Model Development, 6, 1941-1960, doi:10.5194/gmd-6-1941-2013 (link).
Faroux F., A.T. Kaptué Tchuenté, J.-L. Roujean, E. Martin, V. Masson, and P. Le Moigne, 2013 : ECOCLIMAP-II/Europe : a twofold database of ecosystems and surface parameters at 1-km resolution based on satellite information for use in land surface, meteorological and climate models, Geoscientific Model Development, 6, 563–582, doi:10.5194/gmd-6-563-2013 (link).
Lac C., R. P. Donnelly, V. Masson, S. Pal, S. Donier, S. Queguiner, G. Tanguy, L. Ammoura, and I. Xueref-Remy, 2013 : CO2 Dispersion Modelling over Paris Region within the CO2-MEGAPARIS Project, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13, 4941-4961, doi:10.5194/acp-13-4941-2013 (link).
Lemonsu A., R. Kounkou-Arnaud, J. Desplat, J.-L. Salagnac, V. Masson, 2013 : Evolution of the Parisian urban climate under a global changing climate, Climatic change, 116, 679–692, DOI 10.1007/s10584-012-0521-6 (link).
Masson V., P. Le Moigne, E. Martin, S. Faroux, A. Alias, R. Alkama, S. Belamari, A. Barbu, A. Boone, F. Bouyssel, P. Brousseau, E. Brun, J.-C. Calvet, D. Carrer, B. Decharme, C. Delire, S. Donier, K. Essaouini, A.-L. Gibelin, H. Giordani, F. Habets, M. Jidane, G. Kerdraon, E. Kourzeneva, M. Lafaysse, S. Lafont, C. Lebeaupin Brossier, A. Lemonsu, J.-F. Mahfouf, P. Marguinaud, M. Mokhtari, S. Morin, G. Pigeon, R. Salgado, Y. Seity, F. Taillefer, G. Tanguy, P. Tulet, B. Vincendon, V. Vionnet, and A. Voldoire, 2013 : The SURFEXv7.2 land and ocean surface platform for coupled or offline simulation of Earth surface variables and fluxes, Geoscientific Model Development, 6, 929-960,doi:10.5194/gmd-6-929-2013 (link).
Masson V., Y. Lion, A. Peter, G. Pigeon, J. Buyck, E. Brun, 2013 : "Grand Paris" : Regional landscape change to adapt city to climate warming, Climatic Change, 117, Issue 4, 769-782, DOI : 10.1007/s10584-012-0579-1 (link).
Trusilova K., B. Früh, S. Brienen, A. Walter, V. Masson and G. Pigeon, 2013 : Implementation of an urban parameterization scheme into the regional climate model COSMO-CLM, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 52, 2296-2311, doi : 10.1175/JAMC-D-12-0209.1, (link)
Lagouarde J.-P., A. Hénon, M. Irvine, J. Voogt, G. Pigeon, P. Moreau, V. Masson, P. Mestayer, 2012 : Experimental characterization and modelling of the nighttime directional anisotropy of thermal infrared measurements over an urban area : case study of Toulouse (France). Remote Sensing and Environment, 117, 19-33, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2011.06.022 (link).
Lemonsu A., V. Masson, L. Shashua-Bar, E. Erell, and D. Pearlmutter, 2012 : Inclusion of vegetation in the Town Energy Balance model for modeling urban green areas, Geoscientific Model Development, 5, 1377-1393 (link).
Tremeac B., P. Bousquet, C. De Munck, G. Pigeon, V. Masson, C. Marchadier, M. Merchat, P. Poeuf, F. Meunier, 2012 : Influence of air-conditioning management in Paris air street temperatures. Applied Energy, 95, 102-110, doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2012.02.015 (link).
Aouizerats, B., P. Tulet, G. Pigeon, V. Masson, and L. Gomes, 2011 : High resolution modelling of aerosol dispersion regimes during the CAPITOUL field experiment : from regional to local scale interactions, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 7547-7560, doi:10.5194/acp-11-7547-2011 (link)
Benzerzour M., V. Masson, D. Groleau, A. Lemonsu, 2011 : Simulation of the urban climate variations in connection with the transformations of the city of Nantes since the 17th century. Building and Environment, 46, 1545-1557, doi : 10.1016/j.buildenv.2011.01.014 (link)
Grimmond C.S.B., M. Blackett, M. Best, J. Barlow, J.-J. Baik, S. Belcher, S.I. Bohnenstengel, I. Calmet, F. Chen, A. Dandou, K. Fortuniak, M.L. Gouvea, R. Hamdi, M. Hendry, H. Kondo, S. Krayenhoff, S.-H. Lee, T. Loridan, A. Martilli, V. Masson, S. Miao, K. Oleson, G. Pigeon, A. Porson, F. Salamanca, L. Shashua-Bar, G.-J. Steeneveld, M. Tombrou, J. Voogt, and N. Zhang 2011 : The international urban energy balance models comparison project : Initial results from Phase 2. International Journal of Climatology. 31(2), 244-272. doi : 10.1002/joc.2227 (link)
Honnert R., V. Masson, and F. Couvreux, 2011 : A diagnostic for Evaluating the Representation of Turbulence in Atmospheric Models at the Kilometric Scale. J. Atmos. Sci., 68(12), 3112-3131, doi : 10.1175/JAS-D-11-061.1 (link)
Perraud E., Couvreux F., Malardel S., Lac C. Masson V. and Thouron O., 2011 : Evaluation of statistical distributions for the parameterization of subgrid boundary-layer clouds, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 140(2), 263-294, doi : 10.1007/s10546-011-9607-3 (link)
Seity Y., P. Brousseau, S. Malardel, G. Hello, P. Bénard, F. Bouttier, C. Lac, V. Masson, 2011, The AROME-France convective scale operational model, Monthly Weather Review, 139(3), 976-991, doi : 10.1175/2010MWR3425.1 (link)
Svensson G., A.A.M. Holtslag, V. Kumar, T. Mauritsen, G.J. Steeneveld, W. M. Angevine, E. Bazile, A. Beljaars, E.I.F. de Bruijn, A. Cheng, L. Conangla, J. Cuxart, M. Ek, M. J. Falk, F. Freedman, H. Kitagawa, V. E. Larson, A. Lock, J. Mailhot, V. Masson, S. Park, J. Pleim, S. Söderberg, W. Weng and M. Zampieri, 2011 : Evaluation of the diurnal cycle in the atmospheric boundary layer over land as represented by a variety of single column models – the second GABLS experiment. Boundary Layer Meteorology, 140(2), 177-206, doi : 10.1007/s10546-011-9611-7 (link)
Tomas, S., O. Eiff, and V. Masson, 2011 : Experimental investigation of turbulent momentum transfers in a neutral boundary-layer over a rough surface. Boundary- Layer Meteorol., 138, 385-411, doi : 10.1007/s10546-010-9566-0 (link)
Grimmond C.S.B. , M. Blackett, M. Best, J. Barlow, J.-J. Baik, S. Belcher, S.I. Bohnenstengel, I. Calmet,F. Chen, A. Dandou, K. Fortuniak, M.L. Gouvea, R. Hamdi, M. Hendry, H. Kondo, S. Krayenhoff, S.-H. Lee, T. Loridan, A. Martilli, V. Masson, S. Miao, K. Oleson, G. Pigeon, A. Porson, F. Salamanca,L. Shashua-Bar, G.-J. Steeneveld, M. Tombrou, J. Voogt, and N. Zhang 2010 : The international urban energy balance models comparison project : First results from Phase 1. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 49,.1268-1292 (link)
Hidalgo, J., V. Masson, and L. Gimeno-Presa, 2010 : Scaling the daytime urban breeze circulation. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 49(5), 889-901. (link)
Karam, H. A., A. J. Pereira Filho, V. Masson, J. Noilhan and E. P. Marques Filho 2010 : A new tropical urban surface energy budget scheme (t-TEB). Part I : concept and formulation. Theoretical and Apllied Climatology, 101 (1-2) 109-120 , DOI:10.1007/s00704-009-0206-x (link)
Salmond J. A., L. Pauscher, G. Pigeon, V. Masson, D. Legain, 2010, Vertical transport of accumulation mode particles between two street canyons and the urban boundary layer, Atmospheric Environment , 44 (39), December 2010, Pages 5139-5147, ISSN 1352-2310, DOI : 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2010.09.002. (link)
Masson, V. and Y. Seity, 2009 : Including atmospheric layers in vegetation and urban offline surface schemes. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 48(7), 1377-1397. (link)
Pergaud, J., V. Masson, S. Malardel, and F. Couvreux, 2009 : A parameterization of dry thermals and shallow cumuli for mesoscale numerical weather prediction. Boundary- Layer Meteorol., 132(1), 83-106. (link)
Sarrat, C., J. Noilhan, S. Donier, P. Lacarrère, V. Masson, A. Butet, E. Ceschia, P. Ciais, A. Dolman, J. Elbers, and N. Jarosz, 2009 : Co2 budgeting at the regional scale using a lagrangian experimental strategy and mesoscale modeling. Biogeosciences, 6, 113-127. (link)
Masson V., L. Gomes, G. Pigeon, C. Liousse, V. Pont, J.-P. Lagouarde, J. Voogt, J. Salmond, T. R. Oke, J. Hidalgo, D. Legain, O. Garrouste, C. Lac, O. Connan, X. Briottet, S. Lachérade, P. Tulet, 2008 : The canopy and aerosol particles interactions in toulouse urban layer (CAPITOUL) experiment. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 102(3-4), 135-157. (link)
Gimeno-Presa L., V. Masson and J. Arnfield, 2008 : Editorial : special issue on CAPITOUL (Canopy and Aerosol PArticle Interactions in TOulouse Urban LAyer) experiment. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 102(3-4), 131-133. (link)
Hamdi, R. and V. Masson, 2008 : Inclusion of a drag approach in the town energy balance (TEB) scheme : offline 1-d validation in a street canyon. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 47, 2627-2644. (link)
Hidalgo, J., V. Masson, A. Baklanov, G. Pigeon, and L. Gimeno, 2008 : Advances in urban climate modelling. Annals of the New York Academy of Science, 1146, 354-374. (link)
Hidalgo, J., G. Pigeon, and V. Masson, 2008 : Urban-breeze circulation during the CAPITOUL experiment : observational data analysis approach. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 102(3-4), 223-241. (link)
Hidalgo, J., V. Masson, and G. Pigeon, 2008 : Urban-breeze circulation during the CAPITOUL experiment : Numerical approach. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 102(3-4), 243-262. (link)
Pigeon, G., M. A. Mosciki, J. A. Voogt, and V. Masson, 2008 : Simulation of fall and winter energy balance over a dense urban area using the TEB scheme. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 102(3-4), 159-171. (link)
Sandu, I., J.-L. Brenguier, O. Geoffroy, O. Thouron, and V. Masson, 2008 : Aerosols impact on the diurnal cycle of marine stratocumulus. J. Atmos. Sci., 65, 2705-2718. (link)
Couvreux, F., F. Guichard, V. Masson, and J.-L. Redelsperger, 2007 : Negative water vapour skewness and dry tongues in the convective boundary layer : observations and les budget analysis. Boundary-Layer Meteorol., 26, 269-294. (link)
Drobinski, P., P. Carlotti, J.-L. Redelsperger, R. M. Banta, V. Masson, and R. K. Newsom, 2007 : Numerical and experimental investigation of the neutral atmospheric surface layer. J. Atmos. Sci., 64, 137-156. (link)
Drobinski, P., F. Saïd, G. Ancellet, J. Arteta, P. Augustin, S. Bastin, A. Brut, J. L. Caccia, B. Campistron, S. Cautenet, A. Colette, I. Coll, U. Corsmeier, B. Cros, A. Dabas, H. Delbarre, A. Dufour, P. Durand, V. Guénard, M. Hasel, N. Kaltho-, C. Kottmeier, F. Lasry, A. Lemonsu, F. Lohou, V. Masson, L. Menut, C. Moppert, V. H. Peuch, V. Puygrenier, O. Reitebuch, and R. Vautard, 2007 : Regional transport and dilution during highpollution episodes in southern france : Summary of Findings from the Field experiment to constraint models of atmospheric pollution and emissions transport (ESCOMPTE). J. Geophys. Res., 112, D13105, doi :10.1029/2006JD007494. (link)
Lemonsu, A., V. Masson, and E. Berthier, 2007 : Improvement of the hydrological component of an urban SVAT model. Hydrological Processes, 21, 2100-2111. (link)
Pigeon, G., D. Legain, P. Durand, and V. Masson, 2007 : Anthropogenic heat release in an old european city (Toulouse, France). International Journal of Climatology, 27, 1969-1981, dOI :10.1002/joc.1530. (link)
Pigeon, G., A. Lemonsu, C. Grimmond, P. Durand, O. Thouron, and V. Masson, 2007 : Divergence of turbulent fluxes in the surface layer : case of a coastal city. Boundary-Layer Meteorol., 124, 269-290, 10.1007/s10546-007-9160-2 (link)
Lemonsu, A., S. Bastin, V. Masson, and P. Drobinski, 2006 : Vertical Structure of the Urban boundary layer over Marseille under sea breeze condition. Boundary-Layer Meteorol., 118, 477-501. (link)
Lemonsu, A., V. Masson, G. Pigeon, and C. Moppert, 2006 : Sea-Town Interactions over Marseille : 3d Urban Boundary Layer and thermodynamical fields near the Surface. Theoretical and Appl. Climatology, 84, 171-178. (link)
Masson V., 2006 : Urban surface modeling and the meso-scale impact of cities. Theoretical and Appl. Climatology, 84, 35-45. (link)
Pigeon, A. Lemonsu, J. Barrié, V. Masson, and P. Durand, 2006 : Urban thermodynamic Island in a coastal City analyzed from an Optimized Surface Network. Boundary- Layer Meteorol., 120, 315-351. (link)
Sarrat, C., A. Lemonsu, V. Masson, and G. Guédalia, 2006 : Impact of urban heat island on regional atmospheric pollution. Atmos. Environ., 40, 1743-1758. (link)
Tomas, S. and V. Masson, 2006 : A parameterization of third order moments for the convective boundary layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorol., 120, 437-454. (link)
Couvreux, F., F. Guichard, J.-L. Redelsperger, C. Kiemle, V. Masson, J.-P. Lafore, and C. Flamant, 2005 : water vapor variability within a convective boundary layer assessed by large-eddy simulations and ihop observations. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 131, 2665-2693. (link)
P. Mestayer, P. Durand, P. Augustin, S. Bastin, J.-M. Bonnefond, B. Bénech, B. Campistron, A. Coppalle, H. Delbarre, B. Dousset, P. Drobinski, A. Druilhet, E. Fréjafon, S. Grimmond, D. Groleau, M. Irvine, C. Kergomard, S. Kermadi, J.-P. Lagouarde, A. Lemonsu, F. Lohou, N. Long, V. Masson, C. Moppert, J. Noilhan, B. O-erle, T. Oke, G. Pigeon, V. Puygrenier, S. Roberts, J.-M. Rosant, F. Saïd, J. Salmond, M. Talbaut, and J. Voogt, 2005 : The urban boundary layer field experiment over marseille ubl/clu-ESCOMPTE : Experimental set-up and first results. Boundary-Layer Meteorol., 114, 315-365. (link)
Lemonsu, A., C. S. B. Grimmond, and V. Masson, 2004 : Modelling the surface Energy Balance of an old Mediterranean city core. J. Appl. Meteorol., 43, 312-327. (link)
Masson, V., J.L. Champeaux, F. Chauvin, C. Meriguet, and R. Lacaze, 2003 : A global data base of land surface parameters at 1 km resolution in meteorological and climate models. J. of Climate, 16, 1261-1282. (link)
Masson, V., C.S.B. Grimmond, and T.R. Oke, 2002 : Evaluation of the Town Energy Balance (TEB) scheme with direct Measurements from dry Districts in two Cities. J. Appl. Meteorol., 41, 1011-1026. (link >)
Lemonsu, A. and V. Masson, 2002 : Simulation of a summer urban Breeze over Paris. Boundary-Layer Meteorol., 104, 463-490. (link)
Piringer, M., C. S. B. Grimmond, S. M. Joffre, P. G. Mestayer, M. W. Rotach, A. Baklanov, K. D. Ridder, J. Ferreira, E. Guilloteau, A. Karppinen, A. Martilli, V. Masson, D. R. Middleton, and M. Tombrou, 2002 : Investigating the surface energy budget in urban areas -recent advances and future needs. Journal of Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 2, 1-16. (link)
Masson V., 2000 : A Physically-based scheme for the Urban Energy Budget in atmospheric models. Boundary-Layer Meteorol., 94, 357-397. (link)
Boone, A., V. Masson, T. Meyers, and J. Noilhan, 2000 : The influence of the inclusion of soil freezing on simulations by a soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer scheme. J. Appl. Meteorol., 39, 1544-1569. (link)
Georgelin, M., P. Bougeault, T. Black, N. Brzovic, J. Calvo, V. Cassé, M. Desgagné, R. El- Khatib, J. Geleyn, T. Holt, S. Y. Hong, T. Kato, J. Katzfey, K. Kurihara, B. Lacroix, F. Lalaurette, Y. Lemaitre, J. Mailhot, D. Majewski, P. Malguzzi, V. Masson, J. McGregor, E. Minguzzi, T. Paccagnella, and C. Wilson, 2000 : The second compare exercice : a model intercomparison using a case of a typical mesoscale orographic Flow, the PYREX iop3. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 126, 991-1029. doi : 10.1002/qj.49712656410 (link)
Bélair, S., P. Lacarrère, J. Noilhan, V. Masson, and J. Stein, 1998 : High-resolution simulation of surface and turbulent fluxes during hapex-mobilhy. Mon. Wea. Rev., 126, 2234-2253. (link)
Lafore, J.P., J. Stein, N. Asencio, P. Bougeault, V. Ducrocq, J. Duron, C. Fischer, P. Héreil, P. Mascart, V. Masson, J.P. Pinty, J.L. Redelsperger, E. Richard, and J. Vila-Guerau de Arellano, 1998 : The Méso-NH atmospheric simulation system. Part I : Adiabatic formulation and control simulation. Ann. Geophys., 16, 90-109. (link)
Masson V. and P. Bougeault, 1996 : Numerical Simulation of a Low-Level Wind Created by Complex Orography : A Cierzo Case study. Monthly Weather Review, 4, 701-715. (link)
Guides OMM
Masson V., M. Re, D. Chen, A. Baklanov, F. Liang, K. Khomsi, K. Tudriy, O. Tarasova, L. Ren, 2023 : Good Practices in High-resolution Modelling for Integrated Urban Services, World Meteorological Organization, WMO-No. 1313, 47pp (link)
Schlunzen K. H., S. Grimmond, Martilli A., Masson V., Miao S., Ren C., Roth M., Stewart I. D., 2023 : Guidance on Measuring, Modelling and Monitoring the Canopy Layer Urban Heat Island (CL‑UHI), World Meteorological Organization, WMO-No. 1292, 101pp (link)
Mills G., L. Tan Molina, H. Schluenzen, J. Voogt, V. Masson, B. Golding, C. Ren, C. Mitra, S. Miao, F. Vogel, J. H. Christensen, A. Baklanov, O. Tarasova and P. Joe., 2021 : Guidance on Integrated Urban Hydrometeorological, Climate and Environmental Services Volume II : Demonstration Cities, World Meteorological Organization, S. Grimmond and R. Sokhi editors, WMO-No. 1234, 166pp (link)
Grimmond S., V. Bouchet, L. Molina, A. Baklanov, P. Joe, J. H. Christensen, B. Golding, A. Hovsepyan, J. Fallmann, H. Lean, V. Masson, S. Miao, G. Mills, C. Ren, H. Schluenzen, R. Sokhi, R. Spengler, J. Tan, G. Teruggi, F. Vogel, J. Voogt, J. Yoshitani, 2019 : Guidance on Integrated Urban Hydrometeorological, Climate and Environmental Services Volume I : Concept and Methodology, World Meteorological Organization, WMO-No. 1234, 52pp (link)
Chapitres d’ouvrage
V. Masson, 2018 : Impacts of Global Changes in Cities, Encyclopedia of the Anthropocene, Editor(s) : Dominick A. Dellasala, Michael I. Goldstein, Elsevier, Pages 467-474, doi : 10.1016/B978-0-12-809665-9.09773-1.
Lemonsu A, de Munck C, Kounkou-Arnaud R, Masson V, Viguié V. What alternatives does Paris have to adapt to future heat waves ? In : Urban Climate Science for Planning Healthy Cities. Springer.
De Munck C, Lemonsu A, Masson V. 2020 : Intérêts de la végétalisation pour la résilience des écosystèmes urbains. Dans : Des solutions fondées sur la nature pour s’adapter au changement climatique. Rapport annuel 2019 de l’ONERC [Observatoire National sur les Effets du Réchauffement climatique]Rapport au premier ministre et au parlement. Broché, Paris, France.
V. Masson, 2023 : L’îlot de chaleur urbain. Dans : Les vagues de chaleur dans un contexte de changement climatique. Pages 29-39. Rapport annuel 2023 de l’ONERC à la première ministre et au parlement.
Masson, V., 1999 : "Procédé permettant de déterminer l’influence d’une zone urbaine sur l’atmosphère en contact avec celle-ci". Brevet français N°99 01713, Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle, déposé le 12 Février 1999.
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