CNRM -GAME (URA CNRS & Météo-France)


Groupe de Météorologie à Moyenne Echelle

MOdélisation de l’Atmosphère Nuageuse et Analyse

42, Av. G. Coriolis

31057 Toulouse Cedex 1, France

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courriel : aaron (dot) boone (at) meteo (dot) fr

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  participation à des comités et groupes de travail

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Biancamaria, S., M. Durand, K. M. Andreadis, P. D. Bates, A. Boone, N.
M. Mognard, E. Rodriguez, D. E. Alsdorf, D. Lettenmaier, and E. Clark,
2010 : Assimilation of virtual wide swath altimetry to improve Arctic
river modeling. Rem. Sens. Environ., DOI 10.1016/j.rse.2010.09.008.

O. Bock, F. Guichard, R. Meynadier, S. Gervois, A. Agustí-Panareda, A.
Beljaars, A. Boone, M. Nuret, J.-L. Redelsperger, P. Roucou, 2010 : The
large scale water cycle of the West African Monsoon. Atmos. Sci. Let.,
(in press).

Boone, A., Y. Xue, I. Poccard-Leclerq, J. Feng, and P. deRosnay, 2010 :
Evaluation of the WAMME model surface fluxes using results from the
AMMA land-surface model intercomparison project. Clim. Dynamics, 35(1),
127-142. DOI 10.1007/s00382-009-0653-1

Delon, C., C. Galy-Lacaux, A. Boone, C. Liousse, D. Serça, M. Adon, B.
Diop, A. Akpo, F. Lavenu, E. Mougin, and F. Timouk, 2009 : Atmospheric
Nitrogen budget in Sahelian dry savannas. Atmos. Phys. and Chem., (in

Grippa, M., L. Kergoat, F. Frappart, Q. Araud, A. Boone, P. de Rosnay,
J.-M. Lemoine, and the ALMIP working group, 2009 : Land water storage
changes over West Africa estimated by GRACE and land surface models.
Water Res. Res., (under revision).

Guichard, F., N. Asencio, C. Peugeot, O. Bock, J.-L. Redelsperger, X.
Cui, M. Garvert, B. Lamptey, E. Orlandi, J. Sander, F. Fierli, M. A.
Gaertner, S. Jones, J.-P. Lafore, A. Morse, M. Nuret, A. Boone, G.
Balsamo, P. de Rosnay, B. Decharme, P. P. Harris and J.-C. Bergès, 2010
 : An intercomparison of simulated rainfall and evapotranspiration
associated with a mesoscale convective system over West Africa, Wea.
and Forcasting, 25, 37-60. doi : 10.1175/2009WAF2222250.1

Hourdin, F., F. Guichard, F. Favot, P. Marquet, A. Boone, J.-P. Lafore
and J.-L. Redelsperger, P. Ruti, A. Dell’Aquila, T. L. Doval, A. K.
Traore, and H. Gallee, 2010 : AMMA-Model Intercomparison Project. Bull.
Amer. Meteor. Soc., 91(1), 95-104. (Download PDF)

Meynadier, R., O. Bock, F. Guichard, A. Boone, P. Roucou, J.-L.
Redelsperger, 2010 : The West African Monsoon water cycle. Part I : a
hybrid water budget dataset. J. Geophys. Res., 115,

Peugeot, C., F. Guichard, O. Bock, D. Bouniol, M. Chong, A. Boone, B.
Capplaere, S. Galle, M. Gosset, L. Séguis, A. Zannou, and J.-L.
Redelsperger, 2010 : Meso-scale water cycle within the West African
monsoon. Atmos. Sci. Let., (accepted).

Ruti, P. M., J. E. Williams, F. Hourdin, F. Guichard, A. Boone, P. Van
Velthoven, F. Favot, I. Musat, M. Rumukkainen, M. Domínguez, M. A.
Gaertner, J.-P. Lafore, T. Losada, M. B. Rodriguez de Fonseca, J.
Polcher, F. Giorgi,Y. Xue, I. Bouarar, K. Law, B. Josse, B. Barret, X.
Yang, C. Mari, and A. K. Traore, 2010 : Modeling the West African
climate system : systematic errors and future steps. Atmos. Sci. Let.,
(in press).

Taylor, C. M., D. J. Parker, N. Kalthoff, M. A. Gaertner, N. Philippon,
S. Bastin, P. P. Harris, A. Boone, F. Guichard, C. Flamant, J.-Y.
Grandpeix, P. Cerlini, M. Baldi, L. Descroix, H. Douville, J. Polcher,
A. Agusti-Panareda, 2010 : New perspectives on land-atmosphere feedbacks
from the African monsoon multidisciplinary analysis (AMMA), Atmos. Sci.
Let., (submitted).

Xue, Y., K.-M. Lau, K. H. Cook, D. Rowell, A. Boone, J. Feng, T.
Bruecher, F. De Sales, P. Dirmeyer, L. M. Druyan, A. Fink, M. Fulakeza,
Z. Guo, S. M. Hagos, S. S. Ibrah, K.-M. Kim, A. Kitoh, A. Konare, V.
Kumar, P. Lonergan, M. Pasqui, I. Poccard-Leclercq, N. Mahowald, W.
Moufouma-Okia, P. Pegion, J. K. Schemm, S. D. Schubert, A. Sealy, W. M.
Thiaw, A. Vintzileos, E. K. Vizy, S. Williams, M.-L. C. Wu, 2010 : The
West African Monsoon Modeling and Evaluation project (WAMME) and its
First Model Intercomparison Experiment. Clim. Dyn., doi :


Biancamaria, S., P. Bates, A. Boone, and N. Mognard, 2009 : Large-scale
coupled hydrologic and hydraulic modelling of an arctic river : the Ob
river in Siberia. J. of Hydrology, 379, 136-150.

Boone, A., P. de Rosnay, G. Basalmo, A. Beljaars, F. Chopin, B.
Decharme, C. Delire, A. Ducharne, S. Gascoin, M. Grippa, F. Guichard,
Y. Gusev, P. Harris, L. Jarlan, L. Kergoat, E. Mougin, O. Nasonova, A.
Norgaard, T. Orgeval, C. Ottlé, I. Poccard-Leclercq, J. Polcher, I.
Sandholt, S. Saux-Picart, C. Taylor, and Y. Xue, 2009 : The AMMA Land
Surface Model Intercomparison Project. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.,
90(12), 1865-1880, doi:10.1175/2009BAMS2786.1 (Download PDF)

Boone, A., A. C. V. Getirana, J. Demarty, B. Cappelaere, S. Galle, M.
Grippa, T. Lebel, E. Mougin, C. Peugeot and T. Vischel, 2009 : The
African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analyses (AMMA) Land surface Model
Intercomparison Project Phase 2 (ALMIP2). GEWEX News, Novemeber, 19(4),
9-10. (


Bouilloud, L., E. Martin, F. Habets, A. Boone, P. Le Moigne, J. Livet,
M. Marchetti, A. Foidart, L. Franchisteguy, S. Morel, J.Noilhan, and
P.Pettre, 2009 : Road surface condition forecasting in France. J. App.
Meteor., DOI : 10.1175/2009JAMC1900.1

de Rosnay, P., M. Drusch, A. Boone, G. Balsamo, B. Decharme, P. Harris,
Y. Kerr, T. Pellarin, J. Polcher, and J.-P. Wigneron (2009), AMMA Land
Surface Model Intercomparison Experiment coupled to the Community
Microwave Emission Model : ALMIP-MEM, J. Geophys. Res., 114, D05108,

Rutteri, N., R. Essery, J. Pomeroy, N. Altimir, K. Andreadis, I. Baker,
A. Barr, P. Bartlett, A. Boone, H. Deng, H. Douville, E. Dutra, K.
Elder, C. Ellis, X. Feng, A. Gelfan, A. Goodbody, Y. Gusev, D.
Gustafsson, R. Hellstrom, Y. Hirabayashi, T. Hirota, T. Jonas, V.
Koren, A. Kuragina, D. Lettenmaier, W.-P. Li, C. Luce, E. Martin, O.
Nasonova, J. Pumpanen, R. D. Pyles, P. Samuelsson, M. Sandells, G.
Schadler, A. Shmakin, T. G. Smirnova, M. Stähli, R. Stöckli, U.
Strasser, H. Su, K. Suzuki, K. Takata, K. Tanaka, E. Thompson, T.
Vesala, P. Viterbo, A. Wiltshire, K. Xia, Y. Xue, and T. Yamazaki,
2009 : Evaluation of forest snow processes models (SnowMIP2). J.
Geophys. Res., 114, D06111, doi:10.1029/2008JD011063.

Steiner, A., J. Pal, S. Rauscher, J. Bell, N. Diffenbaugh, A. Boone, L.
Sloan and F. Giorgi, 2009 : Land surface coupling in regional climate
simulations of the West African monsoon. Clim. Dynamics, DOI


Biancamaria, S., N. Mognard, A. Boone, M. Grippa, and E. G. Josberger,
2008 : A satellite snow depth multi-year average derived from SSM/I for
high latitude regions. Remote Sens. Env., 112, 2557-2568,

Bock, O., R. Meynadier, F. Guichard, P. Roucou, A. Boone, J.L.
Redelsperger, and S. Janicot, 2008 : Assessment of water budgets
computed from NWP models and observational datasets during AMMA-EOP,
28th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, 28 April-02
May, 2008, Orlando, Florida. (Download PDF)

Habets, F., A. Boone, J.L Champeaux, P. Etchevers, E. Leblois, E.
Ledoux, P. Le Moigne, E. Martin, S. Morel, Q. Segui, F.
Rousset-Regimbeau, P. Viennot, 2008 : The SAFRAN-ISBA-MODCOU
hydrometeorological model applied over France. J. Geophys. Res., 113,

de Rosnay, P., M. Drusch, J.-P. Wigneron, T. Holmes, G. Balsamo, A.
Boone, C. Rudiger, J.-C. Calvet, Y. Kerr, 2008 : Soil moisture remote
sensing for numerical weather prediction : L-band and C-band emission
modeling over land surfaces, the community microwave emission model
(CMEM). IGARSS, (in press).

de Rosnay P., M. Drusch, A. Boone, G. Balsamo, B. Decharme, P. Harris,
Y. Kerr, T. Pellarin, J. Polcher and J.P. Wigneron, 2008 : The AMMA Land
Surface Model Intercomparison Experiment coupled to the Community
Microwave Emission Model : ALMIP-MEM. ECMWF Tech. Memorandum, 565, 28

Tulet, P., M. Mallet, V. Pont, J. Pelon, and A. Boone, 2008 : The 7-12
March dust storm over West Africa : Mineral dust generation and vertical
layering in the atmosphere. J. Geophys. Res., 113, D00C08,


Biancamaria, S., P. Bates, A. Boone, N. Mognard, and J.-F. Crétaux,
2007 : Modelling the Ob river in Western Siberia using remotely sensed
digital elevation models. 2nd Space for Hydrology Workshop Proceedings,
Geneva, Switzerland, 12-14, November 2007 (in press).

Boone, A. and P. deRosnay, 2007 : AMMA forcing data for a better
understanding of the West African monsoon surface-atmosphere
interactions. Quantification and Reduction of Predictive Uncertainty
for Sustainable Water Resource Management. IAHS Publ., 313, July 2007,

Boone, A. and P. deRosnay, 2007 : Towards the improved understanding of
land-surface processes and coupling with the atmosphere over West
Africa. iLEAPS Newletter, 3, 33-34. (


Caballero, Y., P. Chevallier, A. Boone, F. Habets, and J. Noilhan,
2007 : Calibration of the Interaction Soil Biosphere Atmosphere
land-surface scheme on a small tropical high-mountain basin (Cordillera
Real, Bolivia). Wat. Res. Research, 43, W07423,

Caballero, Y., S. Voirin-Morel, F. Habets, J. Noilhan, P. LeMoigne, A.
Lehenaff, A. Boone, 2007 : Hydrological sensitivity of the Adour-Garonne
river basin to climate change. Wat. Res. Research, 43, W07448,

Stockli, R., P. L. Vidale, A. Boone, and C. Schar, 2007 : Impact of
scale and aggregation on the terrestrial water exchange : integrating
land surface models and rhone catchment observations. J.
Hydrometeorol., 8(5), 1002-1015. (Download PDF)


Boone, A., N. Mognard, B. Decharme, H. Douville, M. Grippa, and K.
Kerrigan, 2006 : Impact of simulated soil temperatures on the estimation
of snow depth over Siberia from SSM/I compared to a multi-model
climatology. Remote Sens. Env., 101, 482-494. (Download PDF)

Boone, A., 2006 : Applications of the LAND-SAF downwelling radiative
flux products within AMMA. Proceedings of the LAND-SAF 2^nd Workshop,
Lisbon, Portugal, March 8-9, 2006. (in press)

Decharme, B., H. Douville, A. Boone, F. Habets and J. Noilhan, 2006 :
Advantage of an exponential soil profile of saturated hydraulic
conductivity within the IBA LSM : simulations over the Rhone basin. J.
Hydrometeor., 7, 61-80. (Download PDF)

de Rosnay, P., A. Boone, A. Beljaars, and J. Polcher, 2006 : AMMA
Land-Surface modeling and intercomparison projects. GEWEX News,
February, 16 (1), 10-11. (


Fox, S., A. Pitman, A. Boone and F. Habets, 2006 : The relationship
between inter-model differences and surface energy balance complexity
in the Rhone Aggregation Intercomparison Project. J. Hydrometeor., 7,
81-100. (Download PDF)


Coret, L., Ph. Maisongrande, A. Boone, A. Lobo, G. Dedieu, and P.
Gouaux, 2005 : Diagnosis of the 2003 drought impact with high resolution
remote sensing time series over southwestern France. Int. J. remote
Sensing, 26(11), 2461-2469.


Boone, A., F. Habets, J. Noilhan, D. Clark, P. Dirmeyer, S. Fox, Y.
Gusev, I. Haddeland, R. Koster, D. Lohmann, S. Mahanama, K. Mitchell,
O. Nasonova, G.-Y. Niu, A. Pitman, J. Polcher, A. B. Shmakin, K.
Tanaka, B. van den Hurk, S. V\’erant, D. Verseghy, P. Viterbo and Z.-L.
Yang : The Rhone-Aggregation Land Surface Scheme Intercomparison
Project : An Overview. 2004, J. Climate, 17, 187-208. (Download PDF)

Boone, A., F. Habets, J. Noilhan, B. Van den Hurk, M. Lange, J. Parodi,
B. Ritter and E. Rodriguez, 2004 : Intercomparison of the ELDAS models
using the Rhone-AGGregation experimental design. European Land Data
Assimilation System (ELDAS) Project report, 57pp. (


Etchevers, P., E. Martin, R. Brown, C. Fierz, Y. Lejeune, E. Bazile, A.
Boone, Y.-J. Dai, R. Essery, A. Fernandez, Y. Gusev, R. Jordan, V.
Koren, E. Kowalczyk, N. O. Nasonova, R. D. Pyles, A. Schlosser, A. B.
Shmakin, T. G. Smirnova, U. Strasser, D. Verseghy, T. Yamazaki and
Z.-L. Yang, 2004 : Validation of the energy budget of an alpine snowpack
simulated by several snow models (SNOWMIP project). Annals of
Glaciology, 38, 150-158.


Habets, F., A. Boone, and J. Noilhan : Simulation of a Scandinavian
basin using the diffusion transfer version of ISBA. 2003, Glob. Plan.
Change, 38, 137-149. (Download PDF)

Luo, L., A. Robock, K. Y. Vinnikov, C. A. Schlosser, Slater, A. G., N.
A. Speranskaya, A. Boone, H. Braden, F. Chen, P. M. Cox, P. de Rosnay,
C. E. Desborough, R. E. Dickinson, Y.-J. Dai, Q. Duan, J. Entin, P.
Etchevers, A. Henderson-Sellers, N. Gedney, Ye. M. Gusev, F. Habets, J.
Kim, V. Koren, E. A. Kowalczyk, K. Mitchell, O. N. Nasonova, J.
Noilhan, A. J. Pitman, S. Schaake, A. B. Shmakin, T. G. Smirnova, D.
Verseghy, P. Wetzel, Y. Xue, Z.-L. Yang, Q. Zeng : Effects of frozen
soil on soil temperature, spring infiltration, and runoff : Results from
the PILPS 2(d) Experiment at Valdai, Russia. 2003, J. Hydrometeor., 4,


Boone, A., F. Habets, and J. Noilhan : The Rhone-Aggregation Experiment.
2002, French Science and Technology, 42, 9.

Boone, A. : Description du schema de neige ISBA-ES (Explicit Snow).
(Description of the ISBA-ES Explicit snow scheme). 2002, Note de
Centre, Meteo-France/CNRM, 70, 53 pp. (

(NOTE, an updated version from 2010 including more details on numerics
and implicit coupling with the atmosphere can be downloaded (



Baker, R. D., B. H. Lynn, A. Boone, W.-K. Tao, and J. Simpson : The
influence of soil moisture, coastline curvature, and land-breeze
circulations on sea-breeze-initiated precipitation. 2001, J.
Hydrometeor., 2, 193-211. (Download PDF)

Boone, A., F. Habets, J. Noilhan : The Rhone-AGGregation Experiment.
2001, GEWEX News, August, 11(3), 3-5.

Boone, A., and P. Etchevers : An intercomparison of three snow schemes
of varying complexity coupled to the same land-surface model : Local
scale evaluation at an Alpine site. 2001, J. Hydrometeor., 2, 374-394.
(Download PDF)

Lynn, B. H., D. Stauffer, P. Wetzel, W.-K. Tao, P. Alpert, N. Perlin,
D. Baker, R. Munoz, A. Boone and Y. Jia : Improved Simulation of Florida
Summer Convection Using the PLACE Land Model and a 1.5-Order Turbulence
Parameterization Coupled to the Penn State/NCAR Mesoscale Model. 2001,
Mon. Wea. Rev., 129, 1441-1461. (Download PDF)

Noilhan, J., A. Boone, and P. Etchevers : Application of Climate Change
Scenarios to the Rhone basin. Proceeding of the ECLAT 2 Toulouse
workshop Report No. 4, 2001, 25-27 October, 58-74.

Slater, A. G., C. A. Schlosser, C. E. Desborough, A. J. Pitman, A.
Henderson-Sellers, A. Robock, K. Ya. Vinnikov, K. Mitchell, A. Boone,
H. Braden, F. Chen, P. M. Cox, P. de Rosnay, R. E. Dickinson, Y.-J.
Dai, Q. Duan, J. Entin, P. Etchevers, N. Gedney, Ye. M. Gusev, F.
Habets, J. Kim, V. Koren, E. A. Kowalczyk, O. N. Nasonova, J. Noilhan,
S. Schaake, A. B. Shmakin, T. G. Smirnova, D. Verseghy, P. Wetzel, Y.
Xue, Z.-L. Yang, Q. Zeng : The Representation of Snow in Land Surface
Schemes : Results from PILPS 2(d). 2001, J. Hydrometeor., 2, 7-25.

Mohr, K.I., J.S. Famiglietti, and A. Boone : The effect of sub-grid
variability of soil moisture on the simulation of mesoscale watershed
hydrology : A case study from the Southern Great Plains 1997 Hydrology
Experiment. In Land Surface Hydrology, Meteorology, and Climate :
Observations and Modeling, V. Lakshmi, J. Albertson, and J. Schaake,
Eds., 2001, American Geophysical Union, 161-176.


Boone, A., V. Masson, T. Meyers, and J. Noilhan : The influence of the
inclusion of soil freezing on simulations by a
soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer scheme. 2000, J. Appl. Meteor., 9,
1544-1569. (Download PDF)

Mohr, K. I., J. Famiglietti, A. Boone, and P. Starks : Modeling soil
moisture and surface flux variability with an untuned land surface
scheme : A case study from the Southern Great Plains 1997 Hydrology
Experiment. 2000, J. Hydrometeor., 1, 154-169. (Download PDF)


Boone, A. and P. J. Wetzel : A simple scheme for modeling sub-grid soil
texture variability for use in an atmospheric climate model. 1999, J.
Met. Soc. Japan, 77(1B), 317-333.

Boone, A., J.-C. Calvet, and J. Noilhan : Inclusion of a Third Soil
Layer in a Land-Surface Scheme using the Force-Restore method. 1999, J.
Appl. Meteor., 38, 1611-1630. (Download PDF)

Pitman, A. J., A. Henderson-Sellers, C. E. Desborough, F. Abramopoulos,
A. Boone, R. E. Dickinson, N. Gedney, R. Koster, E. Kowalczyk, D.
Lettenmaier, X. Liang, J-F. Mahfouf, J. Noilhan, J. Polcher, W. Qu, A.
Robock, C. Rosenzweig, C. A. Schlosser, A. B. Shmakin, J. Smith, M.
Suarez, D. Verseghy, P. Wetzel, E. Wood, Y. Xue : Key results and
implications from phase 1(c) of the Project for Intercomparison of
Land-Surface Parameterization Schemes. 1999, Clim. Dyn., 15, 673-684.

Schlosser, C. A., A. G. Slater, A. Robock, A. J. Pitman, K. Y. Vinnkov,
A. Henderson-Sellers, N. A. Speranskaya, K. Mitchell, A. Boone, H.
Braden, F. Chen, P. Cox, P. de Rosnay, C. E. Desborough, R. E.
Dickinson, Y.-J. Dai, Q. Duan, J. Entin, P. Etchevers, N. Gedney, Y. M.
Gusev, F. Habets, J. Kim, V. Koren, E. Kowalczyk, O. N. Nasonova, J.
Noilhan, J. Schaake, A. B. Shmakin, T. G. Smirnova, D. Verseghy, P.
Wetzel, Y. Xue, and Z.-L. Yang : Simulations of a boreal grassland
hydrology at Valdai, Russia : PILPS Phase 2(d). 1999, Mon. Wea. Rev.,
128, 301-321.


Liang, X., E. F. Wood, D. Lettenmaier, D. Lohmann, A. Boone, S. Chang,
F. Chen, Y. Dai, C. Desborough, Q. Duan, M. Ek, Y. Gusev, F. Habets, P.
Irannejad, R. Koster, O. Nasanova, J. Noilhan, J. Schaake, A.
Schlosser, Y. Shao, A. Shmakin, D. Verseghy, J. Wang, K. Warrach, P.
Wetzel, Y. Xue, Z.-L. Yang and Q. Zeng : The Porject for Intercomparison
of Land-Surface Parameterization Schemes (PILPS) Phase-2c Red-Arkansas
River Basin experiment : 2. spatial and temporal analysis of energy
fluxes. 1998, Glob. Plan. Change, 19, 137-159. (Download PDF)

Lohmann, D., X. Liang, E. F. Wood, D. Lettenmaier, A. Boone, S. Chang,
F. Chen, Y. Dai, C. Desborough, Q. Duan, M. Ek, Y. Gusev, F. Habets, P.
Irannejad, R. Koster, O. Nasanova, J. Noilhan, J. Schaake, A.
Schlosser, Y. Shao, A. Shmakin, D. Verseghy, J. Wang, K. Warrach, P.
Wetzel, Y. Xue, Z.-L. Yang and Q. Zeng : The Porject for Intercomparison
of Land-Surface Parameterization Schemes (PILPS) Phase-2c Red-Arkansas
River Basin experiment : 3. spatial and temporal analysis of water
fluxes. 1998, Glob. Plan. Change, 19, 161-179. (Download PDF)

Wood, E. F., D. Lettenmaier, X. Liang, D. Lohmann, A. Boone, S. Chang,
F. Chen, Y. Dai, C. Desborough, Q. Duan, M. Ek, Y. Gusev, F. Habets, P.
Irannejad, R. Koster, O. Nasanova, J. Noilhan, J. Schaake, A.
Schlosser, Y. Shao, A. Shmakin, D. Verseghy, J. Wang, K. Warrach, P.
Wetzel, Y. Xue, Z.-L. Yang and Q. Zeng : The Porject for Intercomparison
of Land-Surface Parameterization Schemes (PILPS) Phase-2c Red-Arkansas
River Basin experiment : 3. experiment description and summary
intercomparisons. 1998, Glob. Plan. Change, 19, 115-139. (Download PDF)


Chen, T. H., A. Henderson-Sellers, P. C. D. Milly, A. J. Pitman, A. C.
M. Beljaars, J. Polcher, F. Abramopoulos, A. Boone, S. Chang, F. Chen,
Y. Dai, C. E. Desborough, R. E. Dickinson, L. Duemenil, M. Ek, J. R.
Garratt, N. Gedney, Y. M. Gusev, J. Kim, R. Koster, E. Kowalczyk, K.
Laval, J. Lean, D. Lettenmaier, X. Liang, J.-F. Mahfouf, H.-T.
Mengelkamp, K. Mitchell, O. N. Nasonova, J. Noilhan, A. Robock, C.
Rosenweig, J. Schaake, C. A. Schlosser, J.-P. Schulz, Y. Shao, A. B.
Shmakin, D. L. Verseghy, P. Wetzel, E. F. Wood, Y. Xue, Z.-L. Yang, and
Q. Zeng : Cabauw experimental results from the project for
intercomparison of landsurface schemes (PILPS). 1997, J. Climate, 10,

Weiqing, Q., A. Henderson-Sellers, A. J. Pitman, T. H. Chen, F.
Abramopoulos, A. C. M. Beljaars, A. Boone, S. Chang, F. Chen, Y. Dai,
C. E. Desborough, R. E. Dickinson, L. Dumenil, M. Ek, J. R. Garratt, N.
Gedney, Y. M. Gusev, J. Kim, R. Koster, E. A .Kowalczyk, K. Laval, J.
Lean, D .Lettenmaier, X. Liang, J.-F. Mahfouf, H.-T. Mengelkamp, P. C.
D. Milly, K. Mitchell, O. N. Nasonova, J. Noilhan, J. Polcher, A.
Robock, C. Rosenzweig, J. Schaake, C. A. Schlosser, J.-P. Schulz, A. B.
Shmakin, D. L. Verseghy, P. Wetzel, E. F. Wood, Y. Xue, Z.-L. Yan and
Q. Zeng : Sensitivity of latent heat flux from PILPS land-surface
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