CNRM contribution to CMIP5
Wednesday 13 April 2011
CNRM and CERFACS contribute to CMIP5 with the model CNRM-CM5, which is an AOGCM. CNRM contributed experiments are summarized below and described in section Experiments, runs, publication.
With respect to the CMIP5 design, CNRM and CERFACS do cover the core AOGCM simulations, except for two which may be run later. Cerfacs handles decadal simulations, while CNRM handles the long-term and AMIP experiments shown below (figure below can be enlarged)
On the technical and practical sides : Data access is described on another page. CNRM runs an ESG data node for publishing its results to the ESGF system through the PCMDI gateway. We expect to also operate an OpenDAP server on our data node quite soon.
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