

Changes with ECLIS V6.6

Brings : user-defined Surfex post-pro ; four months for SST,SSS, SIC,SIT BC data ; handle user-defined auxiliary fixed input files ; allows to keep diags on file system ; prepares for daily nudging, NetCDF format nudging, and for XIOS I/O server

Article mis en ligne le 27 août 2015
dernière modification le 4 août 2016

par senesi

Brings :

  • user-defined Surfex post-pro ;
  • four months for SST,SSS, SIC,SIT BC data ;
  • handle user-defined auxiliary fixed input files ;
  • allows to keep diags on file system ;
  • prepares for daily nudging, NetCDF format nudging, and for XIOS I/O server

Reminder : if you want to enforce backward compatibility for Oasis-3 and Trip 1 and/or have the coupling done by Arpege, you must write LCOMPAT_64=1 in your experiment parameter file.

General :

  • Parameter KEEPFT, when set to 1, allows to keep the model outputs in their respective directory on FTDIR, even after their copy to the archive machine. This could be handy for development and short experiments. You are then responsible for cleaning that directories (a system cleaning nevertheless occurs every few days at MF HPC center)
  • For bringing additional fixed input files to your model(s) (such as a secondary namelist), you can use parameter OTHER_FILES and also, optionally, OTHER_FILES_BASENAMES. The files are copied once, at experiment install stage.
  • Parameters xxxLISTOUT giving the local names of model log files (e.g. ATMLISTOUT, which defaults to NODE.001_01 ) can now be a string of patterns with wildcards * and ?. However, the main log file must be quoted first, because it may be searched in case of model crash for identifying which component model is faulty

Surfex :

  • The post-processing of Surfex outputs can be your own, using POSTSFX parameter for telling which script should be used
  • Otherwise, parameter SFXOUTPATT allows to tell which diag files should be saved (rather than using hard-coded values) ; this apply both in Offline mode and with Arpege
  • ECLIS now provides 4 monthly forcing files for SST (and possibly SSS, SIC and SIT) to updcli (i.e. a 4th month, M+2, was added) ; for actually using the 4th field, you must use an UPDCLI binary which is derived from version 7 (as e.g. in senesi/arpege/library) ; this will be mandatory from Arpege V6.2.2
  • Regarding boundary conditions update (updcli), for preparing for NetCDF input field format, Eclis will automatically set updcli’s NAMARPHY namelist key LNC based on input filenames suffix
  • For daily nudging, parameter LDAYNUDG, if set to 1, will set updcli’s NAMARPHY namelist key LDAYNUDG to .T.

XIOS I/O server :

  • various adaptations were made to allow using XIOS for varied coupled and forced configurations ;
  • Arpege’s namelist key NFRSFXHIS is set to 1 when Surfex uses XIOS
  • XIOS namelist is now archived in sub-directory IOXARCH which default name is EXPID/iox (rather than archived in OCEARCH)