

NEMO Compilation
Article mis en ligne le 30 août 2011
dernière modification le 21 janvier 2013

par voldoire

Compiling CNRM NEMO version

Basic compilation of an existing version

  • Copy the directory ~mrgu556/opa/opa9/NEMO3.3/Sources in your local directory and create a bin directory at the same level as your Sources directory. The MAIN directory contains all the original sources of NEMO3.2, vx directories contain subversions of this version. All files different from MAIN have to be in the directory of the version desired.
  • Execute a make allclean to clean the environment. This command can be usefull in case of difficulties with the compilation to make sure that everything is consistent and correctly done.
  • Before compiling a subversion of NEMO, in the subversion directory, change NEMODIR in the compile.options file
  • If you need to alter the Makefile, change it in the sub-version directory.
  • Since May 2012 : use compil_modif.v3, it enables to dynamically specify the exact use of the created binalry i.e., you select if you are running a COUPLED/FORCED ocean model and the number of procs on which the ocean model is run.
    • To compile v10.6, use the command
      compil_modif.v3 v10.6 6 CPL in the Sources directory, to compile the code to run on 6 procs in coupled mode.
      The syntax is compil_modif.v3 subversion nbprocs CPL/FRC/CPL_LIM
    • With this new version of compil_modif, the change of number of procs is done automatically on par_oce.F90 and you do not have to modify it by hand.
  • Before May 2012
    • To compile v10.6.6P, use the command
      compil_modif v10.6.6P in the Sources directory.
    • Changing the number of procs involved (before compile_options.v3) :
      • Copy the version directory v10.6.6P to v10.6.xP where x is the new number of procs.
      • Change jpni, jpnj, jpnij in par_oce.F90
      • Execute make allclean to recompile from scratch
      • Recompile using compil_modif v10.6.xP
    • Creating a binary for forced simulations (before compile_options.v3) :
      • In the version directory, change the link for compile.options by typing :
        rm compile.options
        ln -s compile.options_force compile.options
      • Recompile using compil_modif vx

Journal of bugfixes

Main sources for NEMO3.2 can be found in directory ~mrgu556/opa/opa9/NEMO3.3/Sources/MAIN.
(note that the directory name is not correct, should be 3.2 according to the NEMO versioning...)

CNRM-CM5 configuration is based on version 10.6 (and run on 6 procs —> v10.6.6P) of CNRM local sub-versions (of version 3.2).

  • From v1 to v10.1, fast CMIP5 dev, nothing really clear...
  • From v10.1 to v10.2 : bug on runoff (spread runoff only over ocean grid points for Amazon and Lena)
  • From v10.2 to v10.4 : add a masking of coupling fields in cpl_oasis3 + modification linked to SSH and GELATO
  • From v10.4 to v10.5 : dans sbcice_glt.F90, modif tn_oce for forced mode only.
  • From v10.5 to v10.6 : Caspian Sea become a closed sea + suppress fixed runoff added in sbccpl for this sea (1st method tested not to empty the Caspian Sea).
  • From v10.6 to v11 : add key lnsalf to deal properly with explicit salt flux with GELATO.
  • From v11 to v11.cfs : phasing with Cerfacs code for forced run purposes (CORE)
  • From v11.cfs to v11.2.cfs : 2nd phasing with Cerfacs version for CORE purposes (debug diags) + recoding of salt flux to take into accoung restoring and redictribution over closed sea.
  • From v11.2.cfs to v11.3 : debug dans diaptr et trazdf

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