Each quarter, the LTMs register the work done in their NMS by their local staff or their visitors during scientific and technical visits or training courses.
The reporting distinguishes 3 types of work : direct work potentially beneficial to all Partners, maintenance of local applications, (…)
Sommaire Breakdown of the manpower (…) Manpower changes during time Mobility Manpower evolution of Partners Type of work at the end of (…) Statistics on phasing effort
Statistics about the manpower involved in ALADIN are regularly produced thanks to the ALADIN work (…)
Sommaire Breakdown of the manpower (…) Manpower evolution of Partners Mobility and Full Time Equival Type of work at the end of (…) Statistics on phasing and (…)
Statistics about the manpower involved in ALADIN are regularly produced thanks to the ALADIN work accounting (…)
Sommaire ALATNET Work (no change (…) Prague/LACE Part (no change
The statistics about the manpower involved in ALADIN have been produced for special projects that no longer exist (ALATNET, LACE operational center in Prague).