31st EWGLAM & 16th SRNWP joined meetings, 28/09-1/10/2009, Athens
The Hellenic National Meteorological Service of Greece will hold the 31st Meeting of the European Working Group on Limited Area Modelling (EWGLAM) and the 16th Meeting of the Short-Range Numerical Weather Prediction (SRNWP) Network, in Madrid between 28 September and 1st October 2009.
Please consult the SRNWP page dedicated to this meeting for program, on-line presentations and discussions, ..
The local organizing committee webpage gives details about :
- Preliminary Programme
- Meeting’s Venue, duration and practical arrangements
- Transport from airport to conference center or downtown
- Accommodation
- Registration form
As usual, we took the opportunity of EWGLAM/SRNWP meetings to organize a LTM meeting and a CSSI+RM+ST meeting.
For non-LACE members, these missions are planned in the so-called ALADIN flat-rate budget.