High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
31st EWGLAM & 16th SRNWP joined meetings, 28/09-1/10/2009, Athens
Article published on 15 October 2008
last modification on 20 August 2010

by Patricia

The Hellenic National Meteorological Service of Greece will hold the 31st Meeting of the European Working Group on Limited Area Modelling (EWGLAM) and the 16th Meeting of the Short-Range Numerical Weather Prediction (SRNWP) Network, in Madrid between 28 September and 1st October 2009.

Please consult the SRNWP page dedicated to this meeting for program, on-line presentations and discussions, ..

The local organizing committee webpage gives details about :

  • Preliminary Programme
  • Meeting’s Venue, duration and practical arrangements
  • Transport from airport to conference center or downtown
  • Accommodation
  • Registration form

As usual, we took the opportunity of EWGLAM/SRNWP meetings to organize a LTM meeting and a CSSI+RM+ST meeting.
For non-LACE members, these missions are planned in the so-called ALADIN flat-rate budget.