ALADIN Workshop 15th, Bratislava, Slovakia, June 6-10, 2005
The workshop reviewed the current status and ongoing developments of mesoscale modeling and enabled the exchange of information and ideas inside the meteorological community. "QUO VADIS, ALADIN?" was the key topic for presentations and discussions.
Program of the workshop with on-line presentations
Monday 6th of June 2005
- 8:00- 9:15: registration, opening and org.matters:
* 9:15-10:30:General presentations on projects and models:chair: R. Brozkova- 9:15- 9:35:D. Giard:ALADIN
- 9:35- 9:55:F. Bouttier: Overview of Meteo-France NWP plans and the AROME project
- 9:55-10:15:G. Hello: Arome-Alaro last developments
- 10:15-10:30 :POSTER SESSION: BG, CZ, HR, HU, RO, SK, cycles status
- 10:30-11:00:coffee break
- 11:00-12:15:General presentations on projects and models - cont.:chair: F. Bouttier
- 11:00-11:20:P. Unden: Strategy for the new HIRLAM Programme
- 11:20-11:40:K. Lindberg: HIRALD
- 11:40-12:00:M. Baldauf: Development of the very short range forecast, meso-gamma model LMK
- 12:00-12:15:A. Horanyi: HMG-CSSI meeting summary
- 12:15-14:15:lunch
- 14:15-15:50:Equations and interfaces:chair: J.-F. Geleyn
- 14:15-14:35:S. Malardel: Multi-phasic equations
- 14:35-14:55:B. Catry: Some interfacing issues
- 14:55-15:35:P. Termonia: Consistent interfacing of surface schemes
- 15:35-15:50:P. Le Moigne: Implicit coupling between atmospheric and surface physics
- 15:50-16:15:coffee break
- 16:15:parallel sessions: ALADIN WP WG:
- code and applications
- dynamics and coupling
- 19:00:welcome cocktail
Tuesday 7th of June 2005
- 8:00- 9:30:STORMNET
- 9:30-10:50:Physics:chair: D. Banciu
- 9:30- 9:50:Ch. Lac: The physics in Meso-NH
- 9:50-10:10:L. Gerard: New approaches to deep convection parametrisation and its binding to a microphysical scheme
- 10:10-10:50:J.-F. Geleyn: The ALARO-0 physics. Constraints and first step
- 10:50-11:15:coffee break
- 11:15-12:10:Dynamics and coupling:chair: G. Hello
- 11:15-11:30:B.S. Andersen: Performance of ALADIN-NH on the NEC/SX6 multinode computer
- 11:30-11:50:F. Voitus: Feasibility of a well-posed open boundary condition for Aladin’s spectral formulation
- 11:50-12:10:P. Termonia: A new systematic strategy for chosing the coupling update frequency
- 12:10-14:10:lunch
- 14:10-15:40:Data assimilation:chair: A. Horanyi
- 14:10-14:30:C. Fischer: 3D-VAR data assimilation in Aladin/France
- 14:30-15:00:G. Boloni: Evaluation of the ALADIN/HU 3DVAR assimilation system
- 15:00-15:20:K. Horvath: Tuning of the humidity background error variance profile in ALADIN/HU data assimilation system
- 15:20-15:40:M. Belo Pereira: Diagnostic of an anisotropic background error correlation function using an Ensemble method
- 15:40-16:10:coffee break
- 16:10-16:50:Data assimilation - cont.:chair: C. Fischer
- 16:10-16:30:L. Auger: Analysis of surface observations
- 16:30-16:50:J. Cedilnik: Application of LHN in ALADIN model
- 17:00:parallel sessions ALADIN WP:
- atmospheric physics
- data assimilation and EPS
Wednesday 8th of June 2005
- 9:00-10:20:Physics, case studies and diagnostics:chair: N. Pristov
- 9:00- 9:20:Y. Bouteloup: Improvement and test of the Lopez microphysics scheme
- 9:20- 9:40:R. Brozkova: Recent developments and tuning of the ALADIN cloudiness scheme
- 9:40- 10:00:M. Tudor: Impact of different cloudiness and radiation schemes on 2m temperature forecast in low stratus situation
- 10:00-10:20:L. Kraljevic: Simulation of a severe bura event – intercomparisons of two models
- 10:20-10:45:coffee break
- 10:45-12:10:Physics, case studies and diagnostics - cont.:chair: F. Vana
- 10:45-11:10:A. Simon, J. Vivoda: High resolution numerical study of the 19th november 2004 windstorm at High Tatras
- 11:10-11:30:I. Stiperski: Testing the new sub-grid scale orography representation on bura cases
- 11:30-11:50:T. Kovacic: Diagnostic maps of CAPE using ALADIN pseudo-temps and SYNOP data
- 11:50-12:10:M. Tudor: Case studies of the impact of the semi-Lagrangian horizontal diffusion
- social activities in the afternoon: boat trip to Devin castle
Thursday 9th of June 2005
- 9:00-10:30:Verification and adaptation:chair: J. Vivoda
- 9:00- 9:20:J. Stein: ALADIN control
- 9:20- 9:40:L. Kalin: Results of recent Aladin verification
- 9:40-10:00:K. Spoler Canic: Coastal measurements vs. ALADIN
- 10:00-10:10:J. Jerman: Current status of aladin verification project
- 10:10-10:30:J. Masek: Can simple MOS bring improvement into ALADIN T2m forecast? (feasibility study)
- 10:30-11:00:coffee break
- 11:00-12:00:Technical issues:chair: J. Jerman
- 11:00-11:20:R. El Khatib: Proposed changes in the production of coupling files
- 11:20-11:35:D. Giard and J.-D. Gril: Changes in the computation of clim files
- 11:35-11:45:J. Maziejewski: New web site for documentation; stays/newsletter/missions
- 11:45-11:55:R. El Khatib: gmkpack 6.1
- 12:00-14:00:lunch
- 14:00-16:00:SURFEX:chair: P. Termonia
- 14:00-14:30:E. Martin: An introduction to SURFEX
- 14:30-14:45:P. Le Moigne: High resolution databases for surface characteristics : ECOCLIMAP 1&2
- 14:45-15:00:D. Giard: Coupling SURFEX to ARPEGE/ALADIN : plans and progress
- 15:00:SURFEX discussion & WG
Friday 10th of June 2005
- 9:00-10:30: EPS and downscaling:chair: D. Klaric
- 8:30- 9:00:A. Horanyi: LAMEPS activities at the Hungarian Meteorological Service
- 9:00- 9:20:Y. Wang: Limited Area Ensemble Forecast (LAEF) at ZAMG: status and plan
- 9:20-09:40:S. Ivatek Sahdan: ECMWF EPS downscaling with ALADIN
- 9:40-10:00:A. Beck: Climate data downscaling using ALADIN
- 10:00-10:30:coffee break
- 10:30-12:00:summaries from the WG and final discussion :
- code and applications,
- physics,
- [data assimilation and LAMEPS-<doc815],
- dynamic and coupling
- 12:00 :closing of the workshop: