All staff of the NMSs members of ACCORD are welcome to subscribe to the mailing list and receive ACCORD news and relevant information about the consortium life and events.
Some mailing lists have also been created with the addresses of the members of the different bodies of the ACCORD governance:
- Management Group (MG) photo gallery
- Management Group (MG) and Support Team (besides the LTMs), thus MG + CNA, DAsKIT coordinator and CSS
- Local Team Managers of the 26 Members (LTM): photo gallery
- Local Team computer System Representatives (LTSR)
- Policy Advisory Committee (PAC): photo gallery
- Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC): photo gallery
- representatives at the ACCORD Assembly (directors and delegations)
- specific weaknesses/problem/solution of AROME CSC
- specific weaknesses/problem/solution of ALARO CSC
- specific weaknesses/problem/solution of HARMONIE-AROME CSC
- Data Assimilation in the HARMONIE-AROME CSC
Some mailing lists have also been created for the Area Leaders to communicate with the people involved in their area, for the WGs or for some topic (same extension:
- accord_da : Data Assimilation
- accord_dyn: Dynamics
- accord_eps : EPS
- accord_mqa : Meteorological Quality Assurance
- accord_phys: Physics
- accord_surf: Surface
- accord_syst: System
- accord_trans: Transversal activities
- accord_ml: WG on Machine Learning (ML)
- accord_vhr: WG on Very High Resolution Modeling (VHR-MOD)
- accord_sda: WG on Seamless Data Assimilation, VHR-DA for NWP and Nowcasting (DA-SEAM)
- accord_sea: sea/ocean people connected to ACCORD
- accord_forum_climate: exchanges on Regional Climate Modeling between the ACCORD climate teams
Some old aladin mailing lists such as and] remains operational (see here for the content of these lists).
Subscribing to/Removing from a mailing list
– For subscribing to the above mentioned public lists, please send an e-mail to with the following text in the body of the e-mail :
subscribe name-of-list
name-of-list WITHOUT the domain
For example: subscribe accord_news
to subscribe the address that sends the mail to mailing list (the object field can be left empty).
– The SYMPA tool offers many possibilities (see for more details). You can also check in what lists you have already subscribed (or you have already been subscribed) with the command "which" in the body of the e-mail.
If you ever want to remove yourself from one of the mailing lists, you can send mail to with the following command in the body of your email message:
unsubscribe name-of-list
If you want to know who is in the list (for the lists where it is allowed), you can send mail to with the following command in the body of your email message:
who name-of-list