Rolling Work Plans
Article published on 5 January 2021
last modification on 7 January 2025

by pottier

Rolling Work Plans during ACCORD 1st MoU

Rolling Work Plans: a two-year process

The Management Group plans the work of the Consortium staff in order to utilise the available competences in the most efficient possible way. A specific tool used for planning is the yearly Rolling Work Plan.

schedule of the Rolling Work Plans during MoU1 period (2021-2025)
Rolling Work Plan YYYY: redaction, approval, execution and reporting

From the start of its redaction to the full reporting of its realisation, each RWP has a two-year life time. Put in different words, the MG deals each year with 2 RPWs simultaneously, for the realisation of the current RWP and for the preparation of the next year RWP.
The redaction of the Rolling Work Plan for year YYYY generally begins at the very beginning of the 2nd quarter of year YYYY-1. Based on the RWP YYYY-1, the ACCORD MoU and Strategy 2021-2025, the guidance and remarks from the last Assembly, STAC (possibly PAC), the MG reviews the Work Packages definition and their redactors. Then, each member of the MG works on the content of the Work Packages relevant in their area (according to the guidelines). This step requires technical discussions and sometimes efforts of prioritization or negotiation, in close coordination with co-editors (lead scientists) and more generally the teams working in the area. At the end of June, the MG reviews the draft RWP and it is proposed to the LTMs for them to check that nothing misses with respect to their local scientific working plans. The redaction still goes on during summer. The MG finalises the text of the RWP early September. Then, the LTMs communicate their commitments to the redactors of the Work Packages where their team will contribute.
The draft RWP including the commitments is proposed to STAC, amended by the MG according to the STAC remarks, and proposed to the end-of-the-year Assembly for approval. The approved RWP is then made available for the teams.
During year YYYY, the teams work on the RWP under the coordination of the MG. The LTMs quarterly report in the Common Manpower Register the work done on the RWP during the previous quarter. The MG follows the execution of the RWP all along the year and regularly checks the manpower register.
From September, the MG prepares a scientific report, to be scrutinized by STAC, then proposed to the Assembly. At the very beginning of the second quarter of YYYY+1, a summary report of the execution of the RWP YYYY is published, including the manpower realisation.

Rolling Work Plans and reports 2018-2020

Previous Rolling Work Plans and summary reports including manpower figures (detailed reports are available on request):

Report RWP2018 572.2 KiB / PDF

Report RWP2019 511.2 KiB / PDF

Report RWP2020 640.8 KiB / PDF

Report RWP2022 4.7 MiB / PDF

Report RWP2023 4.9 MiB / PDF

Report RWP2024 7 MiB / PDF

RWP2018 1.7 MiB / PDF

RWP2019 893.3 KiB / PDF

RWP2020 1.2 MiB / PDF

RWP2021 955.9 KiB / PDF

RWP2021 Manpower graphics 203.3 KiB / PDF

RWP2022 1.2 MiB / PDF

RWP2023 811.8 KiB / PDF

RWP2024 656.8 KiB / PDF

RWP2025 757.1 KiB / PDF

status RWP2018 260.3 KiB / PDF

status RWP2019 257.4 KiB / PDF

status RWP2020 235.1 KiB / PDF