The RWP2024 was approved by the 7th ACCORD Assembly on the 4th of December 2023 and published on the Rolling Work Plan page.
Please have a look at it !
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- accord_da : Data Assimilation
- accord_dyn: Dynamics
- accord_eps : EPS
- accord_mqa : Meteorological Quality Assurance
- accord_phys: Physics
- accord_surf: Surface
- accord_syst: System
- accord_trans: Transversal activities
- accord_ml: WG on Machine Learning (ML)
- accord_vhr: WG on Very High Resolution Modeling (VHR-MOD)
- accord_sda: WG on Seamless Data Assimilation, VHR-DA for NWP and Nowcasting (DA-SEAM)
- accord_sea: sea/ocean people connected to ACCORD
- accord_forum_climate