Main tasks
In order to reach the above objectives, VURCA project will be split into 5 main tasks and few subtasks as summarized in the table below .
Task 0 | Project coordination |
Task 1 | Improve the TEB urban climate model -1a Modelling the urban green space in TEB -1b The air conditioning module -1c The thermal index of human body |
Task 2 | Improving the NEDUM-1D urban development economic model |
Task 3 | Assessing city vulnerability to heat waves events -3a Simulating Paris urban climate for several synthetic heat waves -3b Building the urban heat wave seriousness indicator -3c Analyzing the path of the urban heat wave indicator in the future climate |
Task 4 | Defining city adaptation strategies -4a Building adaptation measures -4b Urban structure adaptation strategies -4c Economic and structural characteristics of the adaptation scenarios |
Task 5 | Evaluating the benefits from development and adaptation strategies -5a Simulating heat waves according to adaptation strategies -5b Defining an indicator for the city vulnerability to heat waves -5c Key insights and policy implications |