
The aim of the project is to investigate an interdisciplinary problem. The research consortium needs, therefore, to include all the component of the problem. This is why it includes :

- The CIRED, which develops a urban-transportation model that will be used to create long-term scenarios for cities, and assess adaptation strategies.

This model is the only published model able to capture the effect of transitions from one city structure to another. Moreover, CIRED has a long experience of managing interdisciplinary projects with partners from natural and social sciences.

- The GAME laboratory, which will be involved through two different work groups.

The GAME, from Météo-France, which is developing a top-of-the-art model of urban weather and carried out several observation campaigns in urban areas (CAPITOUL in Toulouse, ESCOMPTE in Marseille), and the GMGEC team, which is developing a global climate model (ARPEGE-Climat) that will be used to assess the possible future evolution of heat wave risks.

- The CSTB, which will provide its competency on building characteristics, building engineering, present and future building design, construction, maintenance and exploitation conditions which are likely to change in order to adapt both the existing and the future built environment to a new climatic deal.

A specific attention will be taken concerning the consistency of adaptation measures as regard to green house gases emission mitigation.