Current bugs
- revision 890: corrections of problems appearing in Mésonh test cases (G. Tanguy).
- read_surf.90: IL1 definition is missing in READ_SURFX2
- init_surf_atmn.F90: NWG_LAYER_TOT must be deallocated in case of several nested models
- get_sizes_parallel.F90: needs to be moved from OFFLIN to SURFEX directories
- compute_isba_parameters.F90: #ifdef directives are missing
- prep_teb_grib.F90: T_WALL becomes T_WALLA + T_WALLB and a test must be adapted.
- revision 891: corrections for GARDEN and GREENROOF (C. De Munck).
- garden_properties.F90: USE MODI forgotten
- greenroof_properties.F90: call to FLAG_TEB_GREENROOFn forgotten.
- revision 892 : corrections of problems appearing during AROME compilation (Y. Seity).
-, exp_decay_soil_fr.F90, hydro.F90, hydro_sgh.F90: not to be forced to compile TOPD library in not OFFLINE mode.
- mode_write_surf_bin.F90: 2 USE_MODI forgotten.
- revision 893 : corrections to have only 12 characters by record in I/O (forgotten): read_bld_description.F90, write_bld_description.F90 (C. De Munck)
- revision 895 : little correction for Mésonh: open_file.F90 (G. Tanguy). To read an ASCII file in Mésonh.
- revision 896 : corrections of problems appearing during Mésonh test cases (G. Tanguy):
- to have 12 characters length records: readwrite_emis_fieldn.F90, writesurf_ch_emisn.F90
- to read comment in records in 0D cases : read_surf.F90
- revision 897 : problems with pointers for compilation on Prefix (threadprivate must be pointers and pointer must be initialized at NULL()): modd_ch_snapn.F90, modd_ocean_reln.F90, mode_flake.F90
- revision 898 : error in DG dimension for ISBA 2-L, must be 2 and not 3: average_diag_misc_isban.F90 (L. Jarlan)
- revision 899 : when using ECOCLIMAP + namelist data on a small area, IRRIG and WATSUP cannot be interpolated nor given by the NAMELIST. A default value is set for them two: 0.: extrapol_fields.F90 (L. Jarlan)
- revision 900 : the case where the time unit is days in NETCDF forcing files wasn’t correctly treated and could result in a bad reading of the date in it: mode_dates_netcdf.F90 (C. Delire).
- revision 901 : to have only 12 characters by record during reading: read_tebn.F90 (A. Lemonsu).
- revision 902 : adaptations for parallel runs on Prefix:
- pack_pgd.F90, get_covern.F90, get_near_meshes_ign.F90, get_near_meshes_lonlatval.F90: to limit the use of stack memory (can also be overrode)
- coupling_isba_orographyn. F90: little optimization
- modn_surf_atmn.F90, read_surf_atm_confn.F90: initialization problem encoutered during an OPEN-MP run with CSELECT array
- modd_surfex_mpi.F90: useless line removed
- modd_surfex_omp.F90, init_index_mpi.F90, offline.F90, read_and_send_mpi.F90: OPEN-MP COPYPRIVATE directives were bad-interpreted, so local private variables to copy are replaced by public variables from a module.
- revision 903 : some things are added to compile DR_HOOK with MPI and gfortran on UBUNTU:, Makefile, LIB/drhook_CY31R2.032.tar (V. Rivalland).
- revision 905 : modifications to compile on Prefix : configure, Makefile,,, LIB/drhook_CY31R2.032.tar.
- revision 908 : one thing forgotten for DRHOOK, NOMPI, LXgfortran and ubuntu: LIB/drhook_CY31R2.032.tar
- revision 923 : contains many things relative to tests on Prefix:
- diag_misc_isban.F90: correction in initialization of XALT to have exactly the same results for 1 and several threads.
- snowcro.F90: problem with number of layers. A test is added to be sure there are more that 3 and 4 layers to initialize layer 4 and layer 5.
- vegetation_update.F90, convert_patch_teb_greenroof.F90, compute_isba_parameters.F90, convert_patch_isba.F90, convert_patch_garden.F90 : correction not to run permafrost_depth in GARDEN and GREENROOF.
- modd_ocean_gridn.F90, read_oceann.F90: somes variables can remain threadpublic
- ocean_mercatorvergrid.F90: corrections for consistency in first and last values of arrays (slightly changes results)
- read_pgd_seaflux_parn.F90, writesurf_pgd_seaf_parn.F90: correction to have only 12 characters for each record (TDATA_SST becomes TD_SST). If not here, doesn’t work with FA format.
- mode_read_surf_asc.F90, read_and_send_mpi.F90, read_and_send_mpi.F90, mode_write_surf_asc.F90, init_io_surf_maskn.F90, gather_and_write_mpi.F90, read_surf.F90, modd_surfex_omp.F90, pgd_grid.F90, init_io_surf_ascn.F90, mode_read_surf_fa.F90, gather_and_write_mpi_k4.F90, mode_write_surf_fa.F90, ol_read_atm_conf_ascii.F90, ol_read_atm_conf_netcdf.F90, mode_write_surf_lfi.F90, oi_control.F90, mode_write_surf_ol.F90, sum_on_all_procs.F90, soda.F90, mode_read_surf_lfi.F90, pgd.F90, offline.F90, mode_read_surf_ol.F90, init_iundex_mpi.F90, prep.F90: corrections to suppress every "$OMP END SINGLE COPYPRIVATE(...) because for the moment it seems to pose problems on PREFIX (they seem not to wait the end of copying on each thread).
- revision 926 : wrong name of a variable : PCNA_NITRO/ZCNA_NITRO: vegetation_evol.F90 (C. Delire)
- revisions 927, 928, 929, 930, 931, 932, 937, 938, 939 : adjustments for Prefix.
- revision 940 : XSNOWDMIN comes back to its standard value: modd_snow_par.F90
- revision 941 : Bug on the computation of the soil freezing in the force-restore version of ISBA. The previous method used to solve numerical instabilities for large timesteps impacted too drastically smaller timesteps, degrading for example the AROME skill scores with only a 60s timestep. A simpler method is now implemented in which a time-splitting is apply to solve the evolution of both the liquid and solid soil water contents, but only for large timestep (>= 900s). This method, already used in ISBA-DF, allows an important numerical stability for large timesteps (positive tests for 1800s, 3600s, and even 10800s) without any changes for smaller timesteps. (B. Decharme): e_budget.F90, hydro.F90, hydro_sgh.F90, ice_soildif.F90, ice_soilfr.F90, isba.F90, isba_fluxes.F90.
- revision 947 : bug related to parallelization. Ini_data_cover is called first by init_index_mpi and namelists have not been read yet. Some parts of ini_data_cover were not read again by init_surf_atmn, and they needed to be because depend on namelist options. Impacted file: ini_data_cover.F90
- revision 949 : Various corrections:
- read_prep_greenroof_snow.F90: not coherent with read_prep_isba_snow.F90 and read_prep_garden_snow.F90 (P. Samuelsson).
- prep_hor_snow_fields.F90, prep_snow_unif90: desallocation of arrays forgotten (T. Aspelien)
- ch_aer_dep.F90, ch_aer_emission.F90, ch_emission_fluxn.F90, ch_init_names.F90, coupling_isban.F90, coupling_isba_canopyn.F90, init_dst.F90, modd_chs_aerosol.F90, mode_aer_surf.F90: corrections for DUST chemical part (P. Tulet + G. Tanguy)
- modd_ch_tebn.F90, modd_teb_vegn.F90, modn_teb_vegnF90, read_default_teb_vegn.F90, read_default_tebn.F90, urban_drag.F90, zoom_pgd_teb.F90: bugs in TEB for Mésonh (G. Tanguy)
- bugs in TEB for Mésonh (V. Masson):
- urban_snow_evol.F90: snow temperature was 1E+20 at first snow fall.
- pgd_frac.F90: problem with GARDEN in Mésonh idealized cases
- window_data.F90, window_e_budget.F90, init_bemn.F90, teb.F90, teb_gardenF90, coupling_tebn.F90: problem with BEM, internal window temperature must be INOUT + problem with CD and CDN that are calculated only without CANOPY (G. Tanguy)
- garden_properties.F90, greenroof_properties.F90, hvac_autosize.F90, init_tebn.F90: corrections USE_MODI and arguments
- revision 950 : back to before in ECOCLIMAP-I (Y. seity) for the water fraction lower that 1: ecoclimapI_covers_param.dat
- revision 952 : error in variables names : mode_read_surf_asc.F90
- revision 956 : bug with NTIME in init_isba_mixpar: read_pgd_isba_parn.F90, init_isba_mixpar.F90
- revision 974 : Fusion of Arrange_cover & update_data_frac to allow distinct cover change options between submodels (V. Masson & G. Tanguy): read_eco2_irrig.F90, init_isba_mixpar.F90, update_data_fracn.F90, modd_data_covern.F90, av_pgd.F90, ini_data_cover.F90, convert_cover_isba.F90, arrange_cover.F90
- revision 975 : initialisation of default value of some carbon version variables of ISBA (V. Masson & G. Tanguy): init_teb_veg_optionsn.F90, read_namelists_isban.F90, default_isba.F90, init_isban.F90
- revision 976 : initialisation of chemistry by generic routine init_veg_pgdn.F90 possible only for the nature case for the time being (V. Masson & G. Tanguy): compute_isba_parameters.F90, init_veg_pgdn.F90, read_teb_veg_confn.F90, modn_teb_vegn.F90, init_veg_pgd_gardenn.F90
- revision 977 : default initialisation to XUNDEF of many output variables at the beginning of routines (V. Masson & G. Tanguy): urban_fluxes.F90, wall_layer_e_budget.F90, urban_drag.F90, read_default_teb_vegn.F90, facade_e_budget.F90, teb.F90, roof_layer_e_budget.F90
- revision 978 : Add goto_trip (B. Decharme): offline.F90
- revision 979 : Snow temp for EBA scheme (XP_SNOWTEMP not allocated) (B. Decharme): diag_misc_isban.F90
- revision 980 : XPSNV_A for EBA snow scheme not allocated (B. Decharme): prep_isba.F90
- revision 981 : Apply physical limits on wg1, wg2 and wg3 in hydro_soil.F90 instead of hydro.F90 (B. Decharme): hydro.F90, hydro_soil.F90
- revision 982 : Allocate work variables to write in FA in AROME/ARPEGE/ALADIN case (B. Decharme): init_io_surf_fan.F90
- revision 983 : Read grid only once in AROME/ARPEGE/ALADIN case (B. Decharme) : init_surf_atmn.F90
- revision 984 : Wrong radiative temperature (diag) (B. Decharme) : isba.F90, isba_fluxes.F90, isba_snow_agr.F90
- revision 985 : Bug for reading fa file (B. Decharme)mode_read_surf_fa.F90
- revision 986 : For FA file, FANDAR must always be called and DTCUR must always be written (B. Decharme): mode_write_surf_fa.F90
- revision 987 : Bug in get_adj_mes_gauss.F90: get_adj_mes_gauss.F90, sso.F90
- revision 988 : to write fine GAUSS grids in FA and LFI format:
- revision 989: conformity between bin ecoclimap files and default_data_cover file: default_data_cover.F90
- revision 996 : bug for OPEN-MP with 4 points: get_size_fulln.F90
- revision 998 : XDATA_VEGTYPE_n must be used everywhere : ecoclimap2_lai.F90, convert_cover_frac.F90, update_data_cover.F90
- revision 999 : modifications for LWATER_TO_NATURE and LTOWN_TO_ROCK are cumulative: arrange_cover.F90
- revisions 1006, 1026 : problem with revision 996 : init_surf_atmn.F90
- revision 1016 : add security fittings: init_io_surf_maskn.F90
- revision 1019 : phasage error: init_index_mpi.F90
- revision 1034 : bug at restart (L. Jarlan): diag_isba_initn.F90, write_diag_seb_isban.F90
- revision 1160 : error in extrapol_fields: extrapol_fields.F90
- revision 1165 : needed to use auxiliary LFI files: mode_read_surf_lfi.F90
- revision 1166 : don’t always run if not corrected: read_pgd_teb_garden_parn.F90, init_surf_atmn.F90
- revision 1171 : bug: sxpost.F90
- revision 1175 : for SSO in fine grids: z0rel_1d.F90
- revision 1177 : bug with chemistry and ASCII format: end_io_surf_ascn.F90, modd_io_surf_asc.F90, init_io_surf_ascn.F90
- revision 1179 : bug for TEB and PREP input PREP file: prep_snow_extern.F90, garden_soil_depth.F90
- revision 1184 : bug for TEB and PREP input PREP file: get_teb_depths.F90
- revision 1188 : bug for CROCUS and 2D: mode_snow3l.F90
- revision 1191 : instability for large time steps (V. Masson): bem.F90
- revision 1193 : bug for greenroof PREP: prep_teb_greenroof_ascllv.F90
- revision 1196 : bug for climiatological lake database date: cli_lake.F90
- revision 1293 : bug that prevents to run with YALG_MPI=TILL and LTOWN_TO_ROCK=T
- revision 1303 : integration of branch BUG on August, 12, 2013.
- test_record_len.F90, def_var_netcdf.F90: time was not written in netcdf output if lselect and prob with compilation on bull (B. Decharme)
- irrigation_update.F90: bug for irrigation (S. Faroux)
- read_namelists_tebn.F90: one call forgotten (S. Faroux)
- ch_conversion_factor.F90, mode_psychro.F90, pgd_snap_temp_profile.F90, interpol_field2d.F90: problem for compilation with gmkpack on beaufix (A. Alias)
- snowcro.F90: bug with LSNOWDRIFT/LSNOWDRIFT_SUBLIM keys + bug in mobility index (M. Lafaysse)
- read_pgd_teb_garden_parn.F90: Bug in the initialisation of garden soil depth in 3-L ISBA version (V. Masson)
- revision 1310 : to be able to run with DATA_ISBA withouth heights of trees, a default value is needed: extrapol_fields.F90
- revision 1311 : remove useless prints: prep_teb_extern.F90
- revision 1312 : some fields for BEM were forgotten: read_prep_teb_conf.F90
- revision 1313 : to be able to run FLAKE with the lake database: mode_flake.F90
- revision 1314 : problem with LPROG_SST and LSST_DATA: coupling_seafluxn.F90
- revision 1319 : error in name of variable: mode_gauss_index.F90
- revision 1344 : index of sum forgotten in 2D case: mode_snow3l.F90
- revision 1381 : useless print removed: read_nam_pgd_gauss_index.F90
- revision 1389 : calculation of DMAX misplaced: convert_patch_isba.F90
- revision 1397 : correction for restart with old versions: diag_isba_initn.F90
- revision 1399 : bug for restart and length of records names: write_surf_atmn.F90 + bug for irrigation: pack_isba_patchn.F90
- revision 1400 : bug for restart and length of records names: alloc_diag_surf_atmn.F90
- revision 1420 : bug to read clay in garden and greenroof with LFI format: close_file_lfi.F90
- revision 1421 : bugs for OPEN-MP: offline.F90
- revision 1422 : bugs in output dimensions: init_outfn_isban.F90
- revision 1423 : bug for minutes case: mode_dates_netcdf.F90
- revision 1424 : bugs for OPEN-MP + new routines for irrigation: mode_read_surf_lfi.F90, mode_write_surf_lfi.F90
- revision 1425 : bug for some compilers (Marco Kupiainen): mode_read_surf_fa.F90
- revision 1426 : bug for ecoclimap/data cases: init_isba_mixpar.F90
- revision 1427 : new namelists options missing: read_teb_veg_confn.F90, read_prep_garden_snow.F90, read_prep_greenroof_snow.F90
- revision 1428 : bug for NAM_SURF_ATM options: water_flux.F90
- revision 1429 : bug for default LCLIM_LAI: modd_data_cover.F90
- revision 1430 : add new LFI routines: read_surf.F90, write_surf.F90
- revision 1431 : Correction on diagnostic of Effective LAI (S. Lafont) : ccetr_pair.F90
- revision 1432 : Bug for thick snowpacks and low maximal number of layers (<18) (M. Lafaysse) : snowcro.F90
- revision 1443 : bug to read biochemical fluxes: read_pgd_isban.F90 & bug for restart with LWATER_BUDGET: write_diag_seb_isban.F90
- revision 1496 :
- bug for FA in PREP (B. Decharme): prep.F90
- bug for Halstead coef (B. Decharme): drag.F90
- bug for HREC length (B. Decharme): mode_read_surf_fa.F90
- bug for GARDEN : read_pgd_teb_garden_parn.F90
- bugs for Mésonh: compute_isba_parameters.F90, close_file.F90, zoom_pgd_isba.F90, zoom_pgd_isba_full.F90
- revision 1584 : corrections for Mésonh v4_10_0:
- init_surf_atmn.F90, pgd_teb_veg.F90, prep_isba_netcdf.F90, ch_init_snapn.F90, pgd_surf_atm.F90, prep_ocean_ascllv.F90: missing USE MODI (J. Escobar)
- coare30_flux.F90: correction for calculation of Z0SEA (B. Decharme)
- init_surf_atmn.F90: Add IF(ALLOCATED(NMASK_FULL)) before deallocate (P. Le Moigne & G. Tanguy)
- gather_and_write_mpi.F90: for compilation in REAL*4 (J. Escobar)
- mode_psychro.F90: ELSE WHERE must be ELSEWHERE (J. Escobar)
- revision 1585 : correction for parallelization with GAUSS grids: mode_read_surf_asc.F90, read_gridtype_gauss.F90 (B. Decharme).
- revision 1586 : bug in TEB: prep_ver_teb.F90 (V. Masson)
- revision 1587 : 3 corrections:
- offline.F90: USE MODI_FANDAR not compatible with compilation in GMKPACK: removed (B. Decharme)
- read_nam_grid_gauss.F90: Bug lat and lon for non rotat-strech grid (B. Decharme)
- snowcro.F90: bug fix for aggregation of shallow internal layers + bug fix for ZDZOPT for very thick snowpack with small number of layers (M. Lafaysse)
- revision 1588 : bug for open-mp (S. Faroux): compute_isba_parameters.F90
- revision 1601 :
- stack memory for executables upper for big runs (B. Decharme)
- some flags were missing to compile the XRD library, for the FA compaction (B. Decharme)
- revision 1619 : Error to read XSOILGRID in case of MPI parallelization (S. Faroux): mode_read_surf_fa.F90
- revision 1624 : bug for the compilation without OPEN-MP (J. Escobar): sunpos.F90, modd_surfex_omp.F90, offilne.F90, ol_time_interp_atm.F90
- revision 1713 : error in INTENT of argument PRI (P. Samuelsson): isba_snow_agr.F90
- revision 1835: corections of mode_soil for W33_FUNC (field capacity at -0.33bar for ISBA-DF only) (B. Decharme) and correction for snow fields in prep (when passing from a multilayer to a single layer model and corection of the vertical shift, E. Martin). Files : mode_soil.F90, prep_snow_extern.F90, prep_ver_snow.F90