Propriétés physiques et microstructurelles à partir d’images 3D

By using either geometric computations, direct methods or homogeneization techniques on Representative Elementary Volumes (REV) of tomographic data, it is possible to access important macroscale snow properties. Some of them are presented below.

 Porosity and density

The Porosity P and Density D can be estimated easily from a 3D Image. P is obtained directly by counting the number of voxels n belonging to the pore phase in a chosen region of interest R. Let N be the total number of voxels belonging to R. If R is sufficiently large, an estimation of P representative of the snow sample is given by the ratio n/N.
Snow density D_snow can be then obtained from the following formula :
D_snow = (1-P) x D_ice, with D_ice = 917 kg m-3.

 Main related references :

 Correlation lengths

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 Specific Surface Area

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 Specific Grain Contact Area

 Main related reference :
  • Flin, F., B. Lesaffre, A. Dufour, L. Gillibert, A. Hasan, S. Rolland du Roscoat, S. Cabanes and P. Pugliese, 2011. On the computations of specific surface area and specific grain contact area from snow 3D images, Furukawa, Y., ed., Physics and Chemistry of Ice, Hokkaido University Press, Sapporo, Japan, 321-328. [ pdf, 1002 kb]

 Mean curvature distributions

 Main related references :

 Gaussian curvature distributions

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 Tensor of effective thermal conductivity

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 Tensor of intrinsic permeability

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 Tensor of diffusivity

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 Tensor of tortuosity

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 Minimum cut density

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 Elastic stiffness tensor

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Voir en ligne : Microstructure de la Neige
