Research scientist at CNRS

Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques (CNRM).
> Group: Climate and Large-Scale Modelling (GMGEC).
>> Team: Climate and Statistics (ClimStat).

Phone: +33 (0)5 61 07 90 29
Office: Navier 140
Address: CNRM - 42, Av. Gaspard Coriolis - 31057 Toulouse, FRANCE

ORCid: 0000-0001-8630-5574
idHAL: julien-cattiaux

Cette page est également disponible en français.

  Latest news

 24-28 juin 2024 - Organizing the 15th International Meeting on Statistical Climatology (15IMSC) in Toulouse, France.

 Mar 4, 2024 - New paper, Summer Deep Depressions Increase Over the North Atlantic, Geophysical Research Letters.
 Dec 5,2023 - New paper, Searching for the most extreme temperature events in recent history, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.
 Aug 24, 2023 - New paper, Heat extremes in Western Europe increasing faster than simulated due to atmospheric circulation trends, Nature Communications.
 Jul 20, 2023 - New paper, Assessing the representation of tropical cyclones in ERA5 with the CNRM tracker, Climate Dynamics.
 Jul 14, 2023 - New paper, Potential groundwater-climate feedbacks in a changing climate, Journal of Climate.
 Apr 25, 2023 - Oral presentation, Searching for the most extreme temperature events in recent history, EGU meeting, Vienna, Austria.

  Degrees & Experiment

 since 2014 — CNRS research scientist at CNRM (Toulouse, France).
 2011/13 — Post-doc at CNRM (Toulouse, France), with H. Douville.
 2010 — Ph.D. at LSCE (Gif-sur-Yvette, France), with R. Vautard & P. Yiou.
 2007 — Master Degree in Physics of Ocean & Atmosphere, Univ. P&M. Curie (Paris, France).
 2007 — Engineering Diploma, ENSTA-Paritech (Paris, France).
 2002 — Scientific « Baccalauréat » (Limours, France).
 1985 — Birth.



 Detection & attribution of changes in climate variability, statistical methods, flow-analogue analysis, record theory, attribution of extreme events.
 European temperature extremes, underlying mechanisms, atmospheric dynamics, amplifying feedbacks (clouds, soil moisture, snow cover), responses to climate change.
 Mid-latitude atmospheric dynamics, modes of variability, weather regimes, blockings, teleconnections, influence of the Arctic Amplification.
 Tropical cyclones, tracking algorithms, cyclogenesis indices.
 Evaluation of climate models, origins of present-day biases & future uncertainties, sensitivity to atmospheric resolution, contribution of cloud feedbacks to climate sensitivity.


 2018/20 - Y. Robin, Methods for attribution of single weather events. With A. Ribes, COSC.
 2018/19 - T. Oudar, Mid-latitude dynamics in a warming world. With H. Douville, APPLICATE.
 2015/16 - S. Thao, Methods for attribution of single weather events. With A. Ribes, EXTREMOSCOPE.
 2014/15 - R. Schoetter, Response of European heat waves to climate change. With H. Douville, E3P.

PhD students
 2023/26 - E. Cariou, Role of internal variability in temperature variations. With S. Qasmi and A. Ribes.
 2020/23 - W. Dulac, Future changes in tropical cyclone activity. With F. Chauvin.

M2 students
 2022 - Y. Selly, Non-stationary GEV and hydrological extremes. With A. Ribes.
 2020 - T. Goudeau, Projected changes in cyclogenesis indices. With F. Chauvin.
 2015 - N. Trou-Kechout, Trends and variability of the Northern hemisphere jet stream.
 2013 - A. Albert-Aguilar, Detection of changes in climate extreme events using entropy. With A. Ribes & P. Naveau.
 2011 - C. Plante, Intraseasonal variability of European temperatures under climate change. With H. Douville & F. Chauvin, EUCLIPSE.


 2024 - Co-organizer of the 15th International Meeting on Statistical Climatology, June 24-28, 2024, Toulouse, France.
 2021-2023 - Leader of the project INSU/LEFE CYPRESSA - Tropical cyclones : seasonal predictability and climate sensitivity.
 2019 - Co-organizer of the 14th International Meeting on Statistical Climatology, June 24-28, 2019, Toulouse, France.
 2016-2018 - Co-organizer of the working group on climate extremes at CNRM.
 2015-2016 - Co-organizer of the session Identifying links between the large-scale atmospheric circulation and climate extremes at the annual AGU Meeting.
 2014-2016 - Co-organizer of the weekly climate seminars at CNRM.


 Apr-Dec 2018 - Laboratoire de l’Atmosphère et des Cyclones (LACy), Saint-Denis, La Réunion.
 Nov-Dec 2015 - Earth System Sciences Department, University of California Irvine, CA, US.


COURSESAssessing the representation of tropical cyclones in ERA5 with the CNRM tracker, Climate Dynamics

 since 2019 - Course Climate change (L3 8h), ISAE-Supaero, Toulouse.
 since 2016 - Course Climate system, variability and change (L3/M1 20h) + associated tutorials (6h), ENM, Toulouse.
 since 2016 - Course Climate system, variability and change (M2 10h), M2 SOAC, UPS, Toulouse.
 2015-2017 - Tutorial Statistics in climate sciences (R, CDO, NetCDF) (M1 3h), ENM, Toulouse.
 2014-2017 - Course Statistics in climate sciences (M2 6h), ENSAI, Rennes.
 2013-2017 - Course Introduction to climate change (M2 6h), ENPC, Champs sur Marne.
 2009/10 - Tutorial Glacial-interglacial cycles (M2 3h), M2 ICE, UVSQ, Paris.
 2007/08 - Tutorial Introduction to R and spectral analysis (M2 3h), M2 ICE, UVSQ, Saclay.

(slides available in French).


Last update: Feb 27, 2024. E-mail me for electronic copies.

  Submitted / in revision

* Cattiaux, J., A. Ribes and E. Cariou, How extreme were daily global temperatures of 2023 and early 2024?, submitted.
* Oudar, T., H. Douville, J. Cattiaux, E. Sanchez-Gomez and R. Msadek, Drivers of the Northern Hemisphere storm tracks response to a quadrupling of CO2 in the CNRM-CM6-1 model, Geophysical Research Letters, in revision.
* A. Ribes, Y. Robin, Tessiot, O. and J. Cattiaux, Recent extreme cold waves are likely never to happen again, submitted in Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.

50. D’Andrea, F., et al. (2024), Summer Deep Depressions Increase Over the North Atlantic, Geophysical Research Letters, in press. doi:10.1029/2023GL104435

49. Cattiaux, J., A. Ribes and V. Thompson (2023), Searching for the most extreme temperature extremes in recent history, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, in press. doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-23-0095.1
48. Vautard, R., J. Cattiaux, T. Happé, J. Singh, et al. (2023), Heat extremes in Western Europe increasing faster than simulated due to atmospheric circulation trends, Nature Communications, 14, 6803. doi:10.1038/s41467-023-42143-3
47. Dulac, W., J. Cattiaux, F. Chauvin, S. Bourdin and S. Fromang (2023), Assessing the representation of tropical cyclones in ERA5 with the CNRM tracker, Climate Dynamics, 62, 223–238. doi:10.1007/s00382-023-06902-8
46. Colin, J., B. Decharme, J. Cattiaux and D. Saint-Martin (2023), Potential groundwater-climate feedbacks in a changing climate, Journal of Climate, 36, 7599—7617. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-22-0767.1

45. Bourdin, S., S. Fromang, W. Dulac, J. Cattiaux and F. Chauvin (2022), Intercomparison of Four Tropical Cyclones Detection Algorithms on ERA5, Geoscientific Model Development, in press. doi:10.5194/egusphere-2022-179

44. Barthe, C. et al. (2021), Impact of tropical cyclones on inhabited areas of the SWIO basin at present and future horizons. Part 2: Modelling component of the research program ReNovRisk-Cyclone, Atmosphere, 12(6), 689. doi:10.3390/atmos12060689
43. Bousquet, O. et al. (2021), Impact of tropical cyclones on inhabited areas of the SWIO basin at present and future horizons. Part 1: Overview and observing component of the research project ReNovRisk-Cyclone, Atmosphere, 12(5), 544. doi:10.3390/atmos12050544
42. Tulet, P. et al. (2021), ReNovRisk: a multidisciplinary programme to study the cyclonic risks in the South-West Indian Ocean, Natural Hazards, 107(2), 1191—1223. doi:10.1007/s11069-021-04624-w
41. Saint-Martin, D., O. Geoffroy, A. Voldoire, J. Cattiaux et al. (2020), Tracking changes in climate sensitivity in CNRM climate models, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 13(6), e2020MS002190. doi:10.1029/2020MS002190

40. Ribes, A., S. Thao and J. Cattiaux (2020), Describing the relationship between a weather event and climate change: a new statistical approach, Journal of Climate, 33(15), 6297—6314. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0217.1
39. Roehrig, R. et al. (2020), The CNRM global atmosphere model ARPEGE-Climat 6.3: description and evaluation, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 12(7), e2020MS002075. doi:10.1029/2020MS002075
38. Cattiaux, J., F. Chauvin, O. Bousquet, S. Malardel and C.-L. Tsai (2020), Projected changes in the Southern Indian Ocean cyclone activity assessed from high-resolution experiments and CMIP5 models, Journal of Climate, 33(12), 4975—4991. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0591.1
37. Oudar, T., J. Cattiaux and H. Douville (2020), Drivers of the northern extratropical eddy-driven jet change in CMIP5 and CMIP6 models, Geophysical Research Letters, 47(8), e2019GL086695. doi:10.1029/2019GL086695
36. Oudar, T., J. Cattiaux, H. Douville, O. Geoffroy, D. Saint-Martin and R. Roehrig (2020), Robustness and drivers of the Northern Hemisphere extratropical atmospheric circulation response to a CO2-induced warming in CNRM-CM6-1, Climate Dynamics, 54(3), 2267—2285. doi:10.1007/s00382-019-05113-4
35. Yiou, P., J. Cattiaux, D. Faranda, N. Kadygrov, A. Jezequel, P. Naveau, A. Ribes, Y. Robin, S. Thao, G. J. van Oldenborgh and M. Vrac (2020),
Analyses of the European summer heatwave of 2018, « Explaining Extreme Events of 2018 from a Climate Perspective », Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 101(1), S35—S40. doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0170.1
34. Gainusa-Bogdan, A., D. Swingedouw, P. Yiou, J. Cattiaux, F. Codron and S. Michel (2020), AMOC and summer sea ice as key drivers of the spread in Mid-Holocene winter temperature patterns over Europe in PMIP3 models, Global and Planetary Change, 184, 103055. doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2019.103055

33. Peings, Y., J. Cattiaux and G. Magnusdottir (2019), The polar stratosphere as an arbiter of the projected tropical versus polar tug-of-war, Geophysical Research Letters, 46(15), 9261—9270. doi:10.1029/2019GL082463
32. Saint-Martin, D., O. Geoffroy, L. Watson, H. Douville, G. Bellon, A. Voldoire, J. Cattiaux, B. Decharme and A. Ribes (2019), Fast forward to perturbed equilibrium climate, Geophysical Research Letters, 46(15), 8969—8975. doi:10.1029/2019GL083031
31. Voldoire, A. et al. (2019), Evaluation of CMIP6 DECK experiments with CNRM-CM6-1, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 11(7), 2177—2213. doi:10.1029/2019MS001683

30. Peings, Y., J. Cattiaux, S. Vavrus and G. Magnusdottir (2018), Projected squeezing of the wintertime North-Atlantic jet, Environmental Research Letters, 13(7), 074016. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/aacc79
29. Jézéquel, A., J. Cattiaux, P. Naveau, S. Radanovics, A. Ribes, R. Vautard, M. Vrac and P. Yiou (2018), Trends of atmospheric circulation during singular hot days in Europe, Environmental Research Letters, 13(5), 054007. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/aab5da
28. Cattiaux, J. and A. Ribes (2018), Defining single extreme weather events in a climate perspective, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 99(8), 1557—1568. doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0281.1
27. Yiou, P., J. Cattiaux, A. Ribes, R. Vautard and M. Vrac (2018), Recent trends in the recurrence of North-Atlantic atmospheric circulation patterns, Complexity, vol2018, id3140915. doi:10.1155/2018/3140915

26. Oudar, T., E. Sanchez-Gomez, F. Chauvin, J. Cattiaux, C. Cassou and L. Terray (2017), Respective effects of Arctic sea ice loss and GHGs increase on the Northern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation, Climate Dynamics, 49(11-12), 3693. doi:10.1007/s00382-017-3541-0
25. Peings, Y., J. Cattiaux, S. Vavrus and G. Magnusdottir (2017), Changes in the mid-latitude atmospheric circulation in the CESM Large Ensemble, Journal of Climate, 30(11), 5943—5960. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0340.1
24. Vavrus, S., F. Wang, J. Martin, J. Francis, Y. Peings and J. Cattiaux (2017), Changes in North American Atmospheric Circulation and Extreme Weather, Journal of Climate, 30(11), 4317—4333. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0762.1

23. Cattiaux, J., Y. Peings, D. Saint-Martin, N. Trou-Kechout and S.J. Vavrus (2016), Sinuosity of mid-latitude atmospheric flow in a warming world, Geophysical Research Letters, 43(15), 8259—8268. doi:10.1002/2016GL070309
22. Bessac, J., P. Ailliot, J. Cattiaux and V. Monbet (2016), Comparison of hidden and observed regime-switching autoregressive models for (u,v)-components of wind fields in the Northeast Atlantic, Advances in Statistical Climatology, Meteorology and Oceanography, 2(1), 1—16. doi:10.5194/ascmo-2-1-2016
21. Cassou, C. and J. Cattiaux (2016), Disruption of the European climate seasonal clock in a warming world, Nature Climate Change, 6(6), 589—594. doi:10.1038/nclimate2969
20. Lucas-Picher, P., J. Cattiaux, A. Bougie and R. Laprise (2016), How does large‑scale nudging in a regional climate model contribute to improving the simulation of weather regimes and seasonal extremes over North America?, Climate Dynamics, 46(3), 929—948. doi:10.1007/s00382-015-2623-0

19. Douville, H., J. Colin, E. Krug, J. Cattiaux and S. Thao (2015), Mid-latitude daily summer temperatures reshaped by soil moisture under climate change, Geophysical Research Letters, 43(2), 812—818. doi:10.1002/2015GL066222
18. Cattiaux, J., H. Douville, R. Schoetter, S. Parey and P. Yiou (2015), Projected increase in diurnal and inter-diurnal variations of European summer temperatures, Geophysical Research Letters, 42(3), 899—907. doi:10.1002/2014GL062531
17. Schoetter, R., J. Cattiaux and H. Douville (2015), Changes of western European heat wave characteristics projected by the CMIP5 ensemble, Climate Dynamics, 45(5), 1601—1616. doi:10.1007/s00382-014-2434-8

16. Yiou, P. and J. Cattiaux (2014), Contribution of atmospheric circulation to the wet South European winter of 2013, in « Explaining Extreme Events of 2013 from a Climate Perspective », Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 95(9), S66—69. doi:10.1175/1520-0477-95.9.s1.1

15. Yiou, P. and J. Cattiaux (2013), Contribution of atmospheric circulation to the wet North European summer of 2012, in « Explaining Extreme Events of 2012 from a Climate Perspective », Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 94(9), S39—41. doi:10.1175/bams-d-13-00085.1
14. Cattiaux, J., and P. Yiou (2013), The U.S. heatwaves of spring-summer 2012 from the flow-analogue perspective, in « Explaining Extreme Events of 2012 from a Climate Perspective », Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 94(9), S10—13. doi:10.1175/bams-d-13-00085.1
13. Cattiaux, J., and C. Cassou (2013), Opposite CMIP3/5 trends in the Northern Annular Mode explained by combined local sea-ice and remote tropical influences, Geophysical Research Letters, 40(14), 3682—3687. doi:10.1002/grl.50643
12. Cattiaux, J., H. Douville, and Y. Peings (2013), European temperatures in CMIP5: origins of present-day biases and future uncertainties, Climate Dynamics, 41(11-12), 2889—2907. doi:10.1007/s00382-013-1731-y
11. Peings, Y., J. Cattiaux and H. Douville (2013), Evaluation and response of cold spells over Western Europe in CMIP5 models, Climate Dynamics, 41(11-12), 3025—3037. doi:10.1007/s00382-012-1565-z
10. Vautard, R., T. Noel, L. Li, M. Vrac, E. Martin, P. Dandin, J. Cattiaux and S. Joussaume (2013), Climate variability and trends in downscaled high-resolution simulations and projections over Metropolitan France, Climate Dynamics, 41(5-6), 1419—1437. doi:10.1007/s00382-012-1621-8
9. Cattiaux, J., B. Quesada, A. Arakélian, F. Codron, R. Vautard, and P. Yiou (2013), North-Atlantic dynamics and European temperature extremes in the IPSL model: sensitivity to atmospheric resolution, Climate Dynamics, 40(9-10), 2293—2310. doi:10.1007/s00382-012-1529-3
8. Cattiaux, J., H. Douville, A. Ribes, F. Chauvin, and C. Plante (2013), Towards a better understanding of changes in wintertime cold extremes over Europe: A pilot study with CNRM-CM5 and IPSL-CM5 atmospheric models, Climate Dynamics, 40(9-10), 2433—2445. doi:10.1007/s00382-012-1436-7

7. Cattiaux, J., P. Yiou, and R. Vautard (2012), Dynamics of future seasonal temperature trends and extremes in Europe: a multi-model analysis from CMIP3, Climate Dynamics, 38(9—10), 1949—1964. doi:10.1007/s00382-011-1211-1
6. Cattiaux, J., and P. Yiou (2012), Contribution of atmospheric circulation to remarkable European temperatures of 2011, in « Explaining Extreme Events of 2011 from a Climate Perspective », Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 93, 1041—1067. doi:10.1175/BAMSD-12-00021.1

5. Ouzeau, G., J. Cattiaux, H. Douville, A. Ribes, and D. Saint-Martin (2011), European cold winter 2009-2010: How unusual in the instrumental record and how reproducible in the Arpege-Climat model?, Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L11706. doi:10.1029/2011GL047667
4. Cattiaux, J., R. Vautard, and P. Yiou (2011), North-Atlantic SST amplified recent wintertime European land temperature extremes and trends, Climate Dynamics, 36(11—12), 2113—2128. doi:10.1007/s00382-010-0869-0

3. Cattiaux, J., R. Vautard, C. Cassou, P. Yiou, V. Masson-Delmotte, and F. Codron (2010), Winter 2010 in Europe: A cold extreme in a warming climate, Geophysical Research Letters, 37, L20704. doi:10.1029/2010GL044613
2. Vautard, R., J. Cattiaux, P. Yiou, J.N. Thépaut, and P. Ciais (2010), Northern Hemisphere atmospheric stilling partly attributed to an increase in surface roughness, Nature Geoscience, 3, 756—761. doi:10.1038/NGEO979

1. Cattiaux, J., R. Vautard, and P. Yiou (2009), Origins of the extremely warm European fall of 2006, Geophysical Research Letters, 36(6), L06713. doi:10.1029/2009GL037339

7. Torre-Schaub, M., et al. (2022), Dictionnaire juridique du changement climatique, eds. Mare et Martin, 584 pp. ISBN : 978-2-84934-624-2.
6. Charbit, S., N. Bouttes, A. Quiquet, L. Bopp, G. Ramstein, J.-L. Dufresne and J. Cattiaux (2020), From the climates of the past to the climates of the future, in Paleoclimatology by G. Ramstein et al., eds. Springer, 478 pp. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-24982-3_31
5. Cattiaux, J., F. Chauvin, H. Douville and A. Ribes (2018), Événements météorologiques extrêmes et changement climatique, Encyclopédie de l’Environnement.
4. Cattiaux, J., F. Chauvin, H. Douville and A. Ribes (2016), Des bulletins météo extrêmes à prévoir, La Recherche , 517.
3. Boucher, O., et al. (2015), Projection des changements climatiques futurs, La Météorologie, 88, 56—68. doi:10.4267/2042/56362
2. Planton, S., et al. (2015), Evolution du climat depuis 1850, La Météorologie, 88, 48—55. doi:10.4267/2042/56361
1. Charbit, S., J.L. Dufresne, G. Ramstein, J. Cattiaux and L. Bopp (2013), Des climats du passé aux climats du futur, Chapter 10 in Paléoclimatologie 2 : Enquête sur les climats anciens, by J.-C. Duplessy and G. Ramstein, eds. EDP Sciences, 450pp, ISBN : 978-2-7598-0741-3.

  My Ph.D. Thesis
Cattiaux, J. (2010), Extrêmes de température en Europe: mécanismes et réponses au changement climatique, edited by Univ. P&M. Curie, published on TEL (mostly in French).

  Public communications

[Jun] - How extreme were daily global temperatures in 2023, 15IMSC, Toulouse, France.

[Apr] - Searching for the most extreme temperature events in recent history, EGU meeting, Vienna, Austria.

[Mar] - Defining single extreme weather events in a climate perspective, 14IMSC, Toulouse, France.
[Mar] - Defining single extreme weather events in a climate perspective, Extreme climate events workshop, Riederalp, Switzerland.

[Dec] - Tropical cyclones in a warming world: a climate model perspective, LACy seminar, Saint Denis, La Réunion, France.

[Mar] - European climate variability in a warming world, ETHZ colloquium, Zurich, Switzerland.

[Jun] - Disruption of the European climate seasonal clock in a warming world, 13IMSC meeting, Canmore, Alberta, Canada.
[Mar] - Sinuosity of mid-latitude atmospheric flow in a warming world, CNRM seminar, Toulouse, France.

[Nov] - Northern mid-latitude atmospheric dynamics in a warming world, ESS seminar, University of California Irvine, CA, US.
[Mar] - Projected changes in the variability and extremes of European summer temperatures, Extreme climate events workshop, Riederalp, Switzerland.
[Jan] - North-atlantic atmospheric dynamics and climate change, AMA/IMAGO workshop, Toulouse, France.

[Dec] - Projected increase in diurnal and inter-diurnal variations of European summer temperatures, AGU meeting, San Francisco, CA, US.
[Dec] - Opposite CMIP3/5 trends in the NAM explained by [...], Polar-lower latitudes linkages workshop, Barcelona, Spain.

[Dec] - Contribution of atmospheric dynamics to changes in European temperatures, PEPER workshop, Aussois, France.
[Jun] - European temperatures in CMIP5: present-day biases and future uncertainties, 12IMSC meeting, Jeju, South Korea.

[Nov] - European temperatures and North-Atlantic circulation in CMIP5, LSCE seminar, Gif-sur-Yvette, France.
[Sep] - Contribution of large-scale dynamics to recent European temperature extremes, Attribution of climate extremes workshop, Oxford, UK.
[May] - European temperature extremes in CMIP5: present-day biases and future uncertainties, CFMIP/EUCLIPSE meeting, Paris, France.

[Jun] - Towards the understanding of future changes in European temperature extremes [...], CFMIP/GKSS/EUCLIPSE meeting, MetOffice, Exeter, UK.
[Mar] - Using RCMs for case studies of European temperature extremes, CNRM seminar, Toulouse, France.

[Dec] - European temperature extremes: mechanisms and responses to climate change, Ph.D. defense, Paris, France.
[May] - North-Atlantic SST amplified recent wintertime European land temperature extremes and trends, EGU meeting, Vienna, Austria.

[Sep] - The global land surface atmospheric stilling, LSCE seminar, Gif-sur-Yvette, France.
[Apr] - Origins of the extremely warm European fall of 2006, EGU meeting, Vienna, Austria.

[Sep] - Recent warm extremes in Europe: a taste of future climate? (poster), EMS/ECAC meeting, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

  Other (in French)
[Jan 2024]- Introduction à la modélisation climatique, Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse.
[Oct 2022] - Mathématiques en sciences du climat, Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux.
[Jun 2022] - Evénements météorologiques extrêmes et changement climatique, Université Populaire de Philosophie Alderan, Toulouse.
[May 2022] - Introduction au changement climatique, École d’été HydroSciences-Montpellier, Banyuls-sur-mer.
[Apr 2022] - Changement climatique et extrêmes de température, INRAE / PlantAlliance.
[Feb 2022] - Changement climatique : la planète se réchauffe-t-elle vraiment ?, ISAE-Supaero, Toulouse.
[Sep 2021] - Evénements météorologiques extrêmes et changement climatique, SCoT nord-toulousain, Villeneuve-les-Bouloc.
[May 2021] - Evénements météorologiques extrêmes et changement climatique, Wébinaire SNHF (visio).
[Mar 2018] - Attribuer un événement météorologique extrême au changement climatique : le problème de la définition, INRA/MIAT, Auzeville-Tolosane.
[Nov 2017] - Changement climatique : la planète se réchauffe-t-elle vraiment ?, Lycée Pierre-Paul Riquet, St-Orens.
[Jun 2017] - Quel temps fera-t-il dans 59 ans ?, IMT, Toulouse (en l’honneur des 59e anniversaires de C. Léonard et P. Cattiaux).
[Nov 2015] - Evénements météorologiques extrêmes et changement climatique, Journées Formaterre, IFE/ENS, Lyon.
[Mar 2015] - Climat et Changement Climatique : la planète se réchauffe-t-elle (vraiment) ?, Lycée Jules Fil, Carcassonne.
[Dec 2013] - Quel sens donner aux événements extrêmes dans le contexte du changement climatique?, Journée Scientifique Météo & Climat, Paris.
[May 2013] - Le climat change-t-il (vraiment)? (avec A. Ribes), Café de la Statistique, Toulouse. _