Spectral filtering and (DCT) variance spectrum

Here we want to compare some fields’ spectra:

  • a raw field from an AROME simulation
  • the same field, filtered with a spectral round-trip at a lower truncation
  • the filtered field, to which we have added a white noise
  • the average spectrum of fields on the surrounding vertical levels (40:50)
%matplotlib inline
import numpy
import epygram
r = epygram.formats.resource('../inputs/ICMSHAROM+0001', 'a')
t59 = r.readfield('S059TEMPERATURE')
sp59 = t59.dctspectrum()
sp59.name = t59.fid['FA']
# spectral filtering
trunc_spgeom = r.spectral_geometry.deepcopy()  # a spectral geometry is attached to a FA resource
print(trunc_spgeom.truncation['in_X'], trunc_spgeom.truncation['in_Y'])
trunc_spgeom.truncation['in_X'] = 320
trunc_spgeom.truncation['in_Y'] = 300
# spectral roundtrip
sp59f = t59.dctspectrum()
sp59f.name = sp59.name + '(filtered)'
(374, 359)
# add a white noise
noise = numpy.random.normal(0, size=t59.data.shape)
t59.setdata(t59.data + noise)
sp59fn = t59.dctspectrum()
sp59fn.name = sp59.name + '(filtered & noised)'
spectra = []
for i in range(40,51):
    t = r.readfield('S0{}TEMPERATURE'.format(i))
    sp = t.dctspectrum()
    sp.name = t.fid['FA']
sp_ave = spectra.pop(0)
for sp in spectra:
    sp_ave += sp
sp_ave /= len(spectra)
sp_ave.name = 'S040:50TEMPERATURE'
epygram.spectra.plotspectra([sp59, sp59f, sp59fn, sp_ave])
(<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7fa238a3c410>,
 <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fa2380971d0>)

And finally let’s get a 3rd field, truncated, with some noise added on…

# and write back the field to the file
t59.fid['FA'] = 'S059TEMP_NOISED'