Source code for epygram.fields._BasemapFieldsPlot

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) Météo France (2014-)
# This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law.
Contains the Basemap-interfaced facilities to plot field.

.. deprecated:: 1.3.11
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals, division

import numpy

import footprints
from import set_figax
from bronx.syntax.arrays import stretch_array

from epygram import config, util, epygramError

epylog = footprints.loggers.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class _H2DBasemapPlot(object): """ .. deprecated:: 1.3.11 Plugin for H2DField for plotting with Basemap. """
[docs] def basemap_plot(self, subzone=None, title=None, gisquality='i', specificproj=None, zoom=None, over=(None, None), colorbar_over=None, use_basemap=None, minmax=None, graphicmode='colorshades', levelsnumber=21, colormap='jet', center_cmap_on_0=False, drawrivers=False, drawcoastlines=True, drawcountries=True, meridians='auto', parallels='auto', colorbar='right', minmax_in_title=True, departments=False, boundariescolor='0.25', pointsize=20, contourcolor='blue', contourwidth=1, contourlabel=True, bluemarble=0.0, background=False, mask_threshold=None, contourlabelfmt='%0i', pointsmarker=',', figsize=None, drawmapboundary_kwargs=None, fillcontinents_kwargs=None, drawcoastlines_kwargs=None, drawcountries_kwargs=None, drawparallels_kwargs=None, drawmeridians_kwargs=None, drawequator_kwargs=None, drawgreenwich_kwargs=None, rcparams=None, colorbar_ax_kwargs=None, force_colorbar_ticks_positions=None, force_colorbar_ticks_labels=None): """ Makes a simple plot of the field, with a number of options. .. deprecated:: 1.3.9 :param subzone: among ('C', 'CI'), for LAM fields only, plots the data resp. on the C or C+I zone. Default is no subzone, i.e. the whole field. :param gisquality: among ('c', 'l', 'i', 'h', 'f') -- by increasing quality. Defines the quality for GIS elements (coastlines, countries boundaries...). :param specificproj: enables to make basemap on the specified projection, among: 'kav7', 'cyl', 'ortho', ('nsper', {...}) (cf. Basemap doc). \n In 'nsper' case, the {} may contain: ('sat_height' = satellite height in km; 'lon' = longitude of nadir in degrees; 'lat' = latitude of nadir in degrees. :param zoom: specifies the lon/lat borders of the map, implying hereby a 'cyl' projection. Must be a dict(lonmin=, lonmax=, latmin=, latmax=).\n Overwrites *specificproj*. :param over: any existing figure and/or ax to be used for the plot, given as a tuple (fig, ax), with None for missing objects. *fig* is the frame of the matplotlib figure, containing eventually several subplots (axes); *ax* is the matplotlib axes on which the drawing is done. When given (is not None), these objects must be coherent, i.e. ax being one of the fig axes. :param colorbar_over: an optional existing ax to plot the colorbar on. :param use_basemap: a basemap.Basemap object used to handle the projection of the map. If given, the map projection options (*specificproj*, *zoom*, *gisquality* ...) are ignored, keeping the properties of the *use_basemap* object. :param title: title for the plot. Default is field identifier. :param minmax: defines the min and max values for the plot colorbar. \n Syntax: [min, max]. [0.0, max] also works. Default is min/max of the field. :param graphicmode: among ('colorshades', 'contourlines', 'points'). :param levelsnumber: number of levels for contours and colorbar. (A list of levels also works). :param colormap: name of the ``matplotlib`` colormap to use (or an ``epygram`` one, or a user-defined one, cf. config.usercolormaps). :param center_cmap_on_0: aligns the colormap center on the value 0. :param drawrivers: to add rivers on map. :param drawcoastlines: to add coast lines on map. :param drawcountries: to add countries on map. :param colorbar: if *False*, hide colorbar the plot; else, defines the colorbar position, among ('bottom', 'right'). Defaults to 'right'. :param meridians: enable to fine-tune the choice of lines to plot, with either:\n - 'auto': automatic scaling to the basemap extents - 'default': range(0,360,10) - a list of values - a grid step, e.g. 5 to plot each 5 degree. - None: no one is plot - *meridians* == 'greenwich' // 'datechange' // 'greenwich+datechange' or any combination (,) will plot only these. :param parallels: enable to fine-tune the choice of lines to plot, with either:\n - 'auto': automatic scaling to the basemap extents - 'default': range(-90,90,10) - a list of values - a grid step, e.g. 5 to plot each 5 degree. - None: no one is plot - 'equator' // 'polarcircles' // 'tropics' or any combination (,) will plot only these. :param minmax_in_title: if True and minmax is not None, adds min and max values in title. :param departments: if True, adds the french departments on map (instead of countries). :param boundariescolor: color of lines for boundaries (countries, departments, coastlines) :param pointsize: size of points for *graphicmode* == 'points'. :param contourcolor: color or colormap to be used for 'contourlines' graphicmode. It can be either a legal html color name, or a colormap name. :param contourwidth: width of contours for 'contourlines' graphicmode. :param contourlabel: displays labels on contours. :param bluemarble: if > 0.0 (and <=1.0), displays NASA's "blue marble" as background. The numerical value sets its transparency. :param background: if True, set a background color to continents and oceans. :param mask_threshold: dict with min and/or max value(s) to mask outside. :param contourlabelfmt: format of the contour labels: e.g. 273.15 will appear: '%0i' => 273, '%0f' => 273.150000, '%0.2f' => 273.15, '%04i' => 0273, '%0.5e' => 2.731500e+02 :param pointsmarker: shape of the points if graphicmode='points'. Cf. matplotlib.scatter() for possible markers. :param figsize: figure sizes in inches, e.g. (5, 8.5). Default figsize is config.plotsizes. :param drawmapboundary_kwargs: kwargs to be passed to basemap.drawmapboundary() :param fillcontinents_kwargs: kwargs to be passed to basemap.fillcontinents() :param drawcoastlines_kwargs: kwargs to be passed to basemap.drawcoastlines() :param drawcountries_kwargs: kwargs to be passed to basemap.drawcountries() :param drawparallels_kwargs: kwargs to be passed to basemap.drawparallels() :param drawmeridians_kwargs: kwargs to be passed to basemap.drawgreenwich() :param drawequator_kwargs: draw kwargs to emphasize equator parallel :param drawgreenwich_kwargs: draw kwargs to emphasize greenwich meridian :param rcparams: list of (*args, **kwargs) to be passed to pyplot.rc() defaults to [(('font',), dict(family='serif')),] :param colorbar_ax_kwargs: kwargs to be passed to make_axes_locatable(ax).append_axes(colorbar, **kwargs) :param force_colorbar_ticks_position: as a list, or 'center' to center it between the color shifting levels of the colormap :param force_colorbar_ticks_labels: as a list This method uses (hence requires) 'matplotlib' and 'basemap' libraries. """ epylog.warning("The 'basemap_plot' method is deprecated, and will be removed in future versions of epygram; please use 'cartoplot'") # 0. Initializations ##################### # 0.1 matplotlib initializations import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.colors import cnames from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable if rcparams is None: rcparams = [(('font',), dict(family='serif')), ] for args, kwargs in rcparams: plt.rc(*args, **kwargs) if figsize is None: figsize = config.plotsizes drawcoastlines_kwargs = util.ifNone_emptydict(drawcoastlines_kwargs) drawcountries_kwargs = util.ifNone_emptydict(drawcountries_kwargs) if colorbar_ax_kwargs is None: colorbar_ax_kwargs = dict(size="5%", pad=0.2) # 0.2 checkings if self.spectral: raise epygramError("please convert to gridpoint with sp2gp()" + " method before plotting.") if len(self.validity) > 1: raise epygramError('to plot H2DField with time dimension, use plotanimation().') # 0.3 add custom colormap if necessary if colormap not in plt.colormaps(): if colormap in config.colormaps: util.load_cmap(colormap) else: from mpl_toolkits.basemap import cm if colormap in cm.datad: plt.register_cmap(name=colormap, cmap=cm.__dict__[colormap]) if graphicmode == 'contourlines': # color of contours if contourcolor in cnames or contourcolor[0] == '#': colormap = None else: if contourcolor not in plt.colormaps(): util.load_cmap(colormap) colormap = contourcolor contourcolor = None if zoom in (None, {}): # actual build of figure # 1. Figure, ax ############### fig, ax = set_figax(*over, figsize=figsize) # 2. Set up the map ################### academic = == 'academic' if (academic and use_basemap is not None): epylog.warning('*use_basemap* is ignored for academic geometries fields') if use_basemap is None and not academic: bm = self.geometry.make_basemap(gisquality=gisquality, subzone=subzone, specificproj=specificproj, zoom=zoom) elif use_basemap is not None: bm = use_basemap if not academic: if 'color' not in drawcoastlines_kwargs.keys(): drawcoastlines_kwargs['color'] = boundariescolor if 'color' not in drawcountries_kwargs.keys(): drawcountries_kwargs['color'] = boundariescolor util.set_map_up(bm, ax, drawrivers=drawrivers, drawcoastlines=drawcoastlines, drawcountries=drawcountries, meridians=meridians, parallels=parallels, departments=departments, bluemarble=bluemarble, background=background, drawmapboundary_kwargs=drawmapboundary_kwargs, fillcontinents_kwargs=fillcontinents_kwargs, drawcoastlines_kwargs=drawcoastlines_kwargs, drawcountries_kwargs=drawcountries_kwargs, drawparallels_kwargs=drawparallels_kwargs, drawmeridians_kwargs=drawmeridians_kwargs, drawequator_kwargs=drawequator_kwargs, drawgreenwich_kwargs=drawgreenwich_kwargs) # 3. Prepare data ################# if academic: (lons, lats) = self.geometry.get_lonlat_grid(subzone=subzone) x = (lons - lons.min()) * self.geometry.grid['X_resolution'] y = (lats - lats.min()) * self.geometry.grid['Y_resolution'] else: (lons, lats) = self.geometry.get_lonlat_grid(subzone=subzone) x, y = bm(lons, lats) # mask values mask_outside = {'min':-config.mask_outside, 'max':config.mask_outside} if mask_threshold is not None: mask_outside.update(mask_threshold) if not self.geometry.rectangular_grid and graphicmode != 'points': epylog.warning("shift to *graphicmode*='points' for mask_threshold to be accounted for in unrectangular_grid.") graphicmode = 'points' data =, mask_outside['min'], mask_outside['max']) # 4. Plot configuration ####################### # handle min/max values m = data.min() M = data.max() if minmax_in_title and (minmax is not None or colormap in config.colormaps_scaling or isinstance(levelsnumber, list)): minmax_in_title = '(min: ' + \ '{: .{precision}{type}}'.format(m, type='E', precision=3) + \ ' // max: ' + \ '{: .{precision}{type}}'.format(M, type='E', precision=3) + ')' else: minmax_in_title = '' if minmax is not None: try: m = float(minmax[0]) except ValueError: m = data.min() try: M = float(minmax[1]) except ValueError: M = data.max() if isinstance(levelsnumber, list): if minmax is not None: epylog.warning('**minmax** overwritten by **levelsnumber**') m = min(levelsnumber) M = max(levelsnumber) if abs(float(m) - float(M)) < config.epsilon: epylog.warning("uniform field: plot as 'points'.") graphicmode = 'points' uniform = True else: uniform = False if center_cmap_on_0: vmax = max(abs(m), M) vmin = -vmax else: vmin = m vmax = M # set levels and ticks levels if isinstance(levelsnumber, list): levels = levelsnumber ticks_positions = levelsnumber else: levels = numpy.linspace(m, M, levelsnumber) L = int((levelsnumber - 1) // 15) + 1 ticks_positions = [levels[l] for l in range(len(levels) - (L // 3 + 1)) if l % L == 0] + [levels[-1]] if colormap in config.colormaps_scaling: (norm, levels) = util.scale_colormap(colormap) if not isinstance(levelsnumber, list): ticks_positions = levels vmin = vmax = None else: norm = None ticks_labels = None if force_colorbar_ticks_labels is not None: ticks_labels = [str(l) for l in force_colorbar_ticks_labels] if force_colorbar_ticks_positions is not None: if isinstance(force_colorbar_ticks_positions, list): ticks_positions = force_colorbar_ticks_positions elif force_colorbar_ticks_positions == 'center': ticks_positions = [(levels[i] + levels[i + 1]) / 2. for i in range(len(levels) - 1)] if ticks_labels is not None: assert len(ticks_labels) == len(ticks_positions), \ str(len(ticks_labels)) + '!=' + str(len(ticks_positions)) # 5. Plot ######### if graphicmode == 'colorshades': if not self.geometry.rectangular_grid: xf =, x).compressed() yf =, y).compressed() zf = data.compressed() tri = True elif self.geometry.dimensions['Y'] == 1: xf = x.flatten() yf = y.flatten() zf = data.flatten() tri = True else: xf = x yf = y zf = data tri = False plot_kwargs = dict(cmap=colormap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, norm=norm, tri=tri) if academic: pf = ax.contourf(xf, yf, zf, levels, **plot_kwargs) else: pf = bm.contourf(xf, yf, zf, levels, ax=ax, **plot_kwargs) if colorbar: if colorbar_over is None: cax = make_axes_locatable(ax).append_axes(colorbar, **colorbar_ax_kwargs) else: cax = colorbar_over orientation = 'vertical' if colorbar in ('right', 'left') else 'horizontal' cb = plt.colorbar(pf, orientation=orientation, ticks=ticks_positions, cax=cax) if ticks_labels is not None: cax.set_yticklabels(ticks_labels) if minmax_in_title: cb.set_label(minmax_in_title) elif graphicmode == 'contourlines': if not self.geometry.rectangular_grid: xf = x.compressed() yf = y.compressed() zf = data.compressed() tri = True epylog.warning(" ".join(["There is a remaining bug in", "plotting data from non-rectangular", "grids in basemap, cf.", ""])) elif self.geometry.dimensions['Y'] == 1: xf = x.flatten() yf = y.flatten() zf = data.flatten() tri = True epylog.warning(" ".join(["There is a remaining bug in", "plotting data from non-rectangular", "grids in basemap, cf.", ""])) else: xf = x yf = y zf = data tri = False plot_kwargs = dict(levels=levels, colors=contourcolor, cmap=colormap, linewidths=contourwidth, tri=tri) if academic: pf = ax.contour(xf, yf, zf, **plot_kwargs) else: pf = bm.contour(xf, yf, zf, ax=ax, **plot_kwargs) if contourlabel: ax.clabel(pf, colors=contourcolor, cmap=colormap, fmt=contourlabelfmt) elif graphicmode == 'points': xf = x.flatten() yf = y.flatten() zf =, m, M) if uniform: if colormap in cnames or len(colormap) == 1: zf = colormap else: zf = 'seagreen' plot_kwargs = dict(s=pointsize, norm=norm, marker=pointsmarker, linewidths=0, cmap=colormap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) if academic: pf = ax.scatter(xf, yf, c=zf, **plot_kwargs) else: pf = bm.scatter(xf, yf, c=zf, ax=ax, **plot_kwargs) if colorbar and not uniform: if colorbar_over is None: cax = make_axes_locatable(ax).append_axes(colorbar, **colorbar_ax_kwargs) else: cax = colorbar_over orientation = 'vertical' if colorbar in ('right', 'left') else 'horizontal' cb = plt.colorbar(pf, orientation=orientation, ticks=ticks_positions, cax=cax) if ticks_labels is not None: cax.set_yticklabels(ticks_labels) if minmax_in_title != '': cb.set_label(minmax_in_title) elif uniform: ax.text(1.02, 0.5, '(uniform field)', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes, rotation=90.) if title is None: ax.set_title("\n".join([str(self.fid[sorted(self.fid.keys())[0]]), str(self.validity.get())])) else: ax.set_title(title) else: # zoom: create zoom_field and plot it zoom_field = self.extract_zoom(zoom, # in regLL case, to be sure gridpoints of the border are included extra_10th=use_basemap is not None) # get args import inspect frame = inspect.currentframe() args, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(frame) kwargs = {k:values[k] for k in args if k != 'self'} kwargs.pop('zoom') kwargs.pop('subzone') # forward plot fig, ax = zoom_field.plotfield(**kwargs) return (fig, ax)
def plotanimation(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.animate_plot('basemap', *args, **kwargs)
class _H2DVectorBasemapPlot(object): def basemap_plot(self, over=(None, None), subzone=None, title=None, gisquality='i', specificproj=None, zoom=None, use_basemap=None, drawcoastlines=True, drawcountries=True, drawrivers=False, departments=False, boundariescolor='0.25', parallels='auto', meridians='auto', subsampling=1, symbol='barbs', symbol_options={'color':'k', }, plot_module=True, plot_module_options=None, bluemarble=0., background=False, quiverkey=None, quiver_options=None, components_are_projected_on='grid', map_factor_correction=True, mask_threshold=None, figsize=None, drawmapboundary_kwargs=None, fillcontinents_kwargs=None, drawcoastlines_kwargs=None, drawcountries_kwargs=None, drawparallels_kwargs=None, drawmeridians_kwargs=None, drawequator_kwargs=None, drawgreenwich_kwargs=None, rcparams=None): """ Makes a simple plot of the field, with a number of options. .. deprecated:: 1.3.11 :param over: to plot the vectors over an existing figure (e.g. colorshades). Any existing figure and/or ax to be used for the plot, given as a tuple (fig, ax), with None for missing objects. *fig* is the frame of the matplotlib figure, containing eventually several subplots (axes); *ax* is the matplotlib axes on which the drawing is done. When given (is not None), these objects must be coherent, i.e. ax being one of the fig axes. :param subzone: among ('C', 'CI'), for LAM fields only, plots the data resp. on the C or C+I zone. \n Default is no subzone, i.e. the whole field. :param gisquality: among ('c', 'l', 'i', 'h', 'f') -- by increasing quality. Defines the quality for GIS elements (coastlines, countries boundaries...). Default is 'i'. Cf. 'basemap' doc for more details. :param specificproj: enables to make basemap on the specified projection, among: 'kav7', 'cyl', 'ortho', ('nsper', {...}) (cf. Basemap doc). \n In 'nsper' case, the {} may contain:\n - 'sat_height' = satellite height in km; - 'lon' = longitude of nadir in degrees; - 'lat' = latitude of nadir in degrees. \n Overwritten by *zoom*. :param zoom: specifies the lon/lat borders of the map, implying hereby a 'cyl' projection. Must be a dict(lonmin=, lonmax=, latmin=, latmax=).\n Overwrites *specificproj*. :param use_basemap: a basemap.Basemap object used to handle the projection of the map. If given, the map projection options (*specificproj*, *zoom*, *gisquality* ...) are ignored, keeping the properties of the *use_basemap* object. (because making Basemap is the most time-consuming step). :param drawrivers: to add rivers on map. :param departments: if True, adds the french departments on map (instead of countries). :param boundariescolor: color of lines for boundaries (countries, departments, coastlines) :param drawcoastlines: to add coast lines on map. :param drawcountries: to add countries on map. :param title: title for the plot. Default is field identifier. :param meridians: enable to fine-tune the choice of lines to plot, with either:\n - 'auto': automatic scaling to the basemap extents - 'default': range(0,360,10) - a list of values - a grid step, e.g. 5 to plot each 5 degree. - None: no one is plot - *meridian* == 'greenwich' // 'datechange' // 'greenwich+datechange' combination (,) will plot only these. :param parallels: enable to fine-tune the choice of lines to plot, with either:\n - 'auto': automatic scaling to the basemap extents - 'default': range(-90,90,10) - a list of values - a grid step, e.g. 5 to plot each 5 degree. - None: no one is plot - 'equator' // 'polarcircles' // 'tropics' or any combination (,) will plot only these. :param subsampling: to subsample the number of gridpoints to plot. Ex: *subsampling* = 10 will only plot one gridpoint upon 10. :param symbol: among ('barbs', 'arrows', 'stream') :param symbol_options: a dict of options to be passed to **barbs** or **quiver** method. :param plot_module: to plot module as colorshades behind vectors. :param plot_module_options: options (dict) to be passed to module.plotfield(). :param bluemarble: if > 0.0 (and <=1.0), displays NASA's "blue marble" as background. The numerical value sets its transparency. :param background: if True, set a background color to continents and oceans. :param quiverkey: to activate quiverkey; must contain arguments to be passed to pyplot.quiverkey(), as a dict. :param components_are_projected_on: inform the plot on which axes the vector components are projected on ('grid' or 'lonlat'). :param map_factor_correction: if True, applies a correction of magnitude to vector due to map factor. :param mask_threshold: dict with min and/or max value(s) to mask outside. :param figsize: figure sizes in inches, e.g. (5, 8.5). Default figsize is config.plotsizes. :param drawmapboundary_kwargs: kwargs to be passed to basemap.drawmapboundary() :param fillcontinents_kwargs: kwargs to be passed to basemap.fillcontinents() :param drawcoastlines_kwargs: kwargs to be passed to basemap.drawcoastlines() :param drawcountries_kwargs: kwargs to be passed to basemap.drawcountries() :param drawparallels_kwargs: kwargs to be passed to basemap.drawparallels() :param drawmeridians_kwargs: kwargs to be passed to basemap.drawgreenwich() :param drawequator_kwargs: draw kwargs to emphasize equator parallel :param drawgreenwich_kwargs: draw kwargs to emphasize greenwich meridian :param rcparams: list of (*args, **kwargs) to be passed to pyplot.rc() defaults to [(('font',), dict(family='serif')),] This method uses (hence requires) 'matplotlib' and 'basemap' libraries. """'basemap is deprecated ! use cartoplot() method.') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if rcparams is None: rcparams = [(('font',), {'family':'serif'}),] for args, kwargs in rcparams: plt.rc(*args, **kwargs) if figsize is None: figsize = config.plotsizes drawcoastlines_kwargs = util.ifNone_emptydict(drawcoastlines_kwargs) drawcountries_kwargs = util.ifNone_emptydict(drawcountries_kwargs) plot_module_options = util.ifNone_emptydict(plot_module_options) quiver_options = util.ifNone_emptydict(quiver_options) if self.spectral: raise epygramError("please convert to gridpoint with sp2gp()" + " method before plotting.") # 1. Figure, ax if not plot_module: fig, ax = set_figax(*over, figsize=figsize) # 2. Set up the map academic = == 'academic' if (academic and use_basemap is not None): epylog.warning('*use_basemap* is ignored for academic geometries fields') if use_basemap is None and not academic: bm = self.geometry.make_basemap(gisquality=gisquality, subzone=subzone, specificproj=specificproj, zoom=zoom) elif use_basemap is not None: bm = use_basemap elif academic: raise NotImplementedError('plot VectorField in academic geometry') bm = None if not academic: if plot_module: module = self.to_module() if 'gauss' in and self.geometry.grid['dilatation_coef'] != 1.: if map_factor_correction: module.operation_with_other('*', self.geometry.map_factor_field()) else: epylog.warning('check carefully *map_factor_correction* w.r.t. dilatation_coef') fig, ax = module.plotfield(use_basemap=bm, over=over, subzone=subzone, specificproj=specificproj, title=title, drawrivers=drawrivers, drawcoastlines=drawcoastlines, drawcountries=drawcountries, meridians=meridians, parallels=parallels, departments=departments, boundariescolor=boundariescolor, bluemarble=bluemarble, background=background, **plot_module_options) else: if 'color' not in drawcoastlines_kwargs.keys(): drawcoastlines_kwargs['color'] = boundariescolor if 'color' not in drawcountries_kwargs.keys(): drawcountries_kwargs['color'] = boundariescolor util.set_map_up(bm, ax, drawrivers=drawrivers, drawcoastlines=drawcoastlines, drawcountries=drawcountries, meridians=meridians, parallels=parallels, departments=departments, bluemarble=bluemarble, background=background, drawmapboundary_kwargs=drawmapboundary_kwargs, fillcontinents_kwargs=fillcontinents_kwargs, drawcoastlines_kwargs=drawcoastlines_kwargs, drawcountries_kwargs=drawcountries_kwargs, drawparallels_kwargs=drawparallels_kwargs, drawmeridians_kwargs=drawmeridians_kwargs, drawequator_kwargs=drawequator_kwargs, drawgreenwich_kwargs=drawgreenwich_kwargs) # 3. Prepare data # mask values mask_outside = {'min':-config.mask_outside, 'max':config.mask_outside} if mask_threshold is not None: mask_outside.update(mask_threshold) data = [, mask_outside['min'], mask_outside['max']) for data in self.getdata(subzone=subzone)] if data[0].ndim == 1: # self.geometry.dimensions['Y'] == 1: u = data[0][::subsampling] v = data[1][::subsampling] else: u = data[0][::subsampling, ::subsampling] v = data[1][::subsampling, ::subsampling] (lons, lats) = self.geometry.get_lonlat_grid(subzone=subzone) if lons.ndim == 1: # self.geometry.dimensions['Y'] == 1: lons = lons[::subsampling] lats = lats[::subsampling] else: lons = lons[::subsampling, ::subsampling] lats = lats[::subsampling, ::subsampling] if isinstance(u, \ or isinstance(v, assert isinstance(u, == isinstance(u, common_mask = u.mask + v.mask u.mask = common_mask v.mask = common_mask lons =, lons) lats =, lats) x, y = bm(lons, lats) # Calculate the orientation of the vectors assert components_are_projected_on in ('grid', 'lonlat') if components_are_projected_on == 'grid' and 'gauss' not in \ and (specificproj is None and zoom is None): # map has same projection than components: no rotation necessary u_map = u v_map = v else: # (1or2) rotation(s) is(are) necessary if components_are_projected_on == 'lonlat' or == 'regular_lonlat': (u_ll, v_ll) = (stretch_array(u), stretch_array(v)) else: # wind is projected on a grid that is not lonlat: rotate to lonlat (u_ll, v_ll) = self.geometry.reproject_wind_on_lonlat(stretch_array(u), stretch_array(v), stretch_array(lons), stretch_array(lats), map_factor_correction=map_factor_correction) # rotate from lonlat to map projection (u_map, v_map) = bm.rotate_vector(u_ll, v_ll, stretch_array(lons), stretch_array(lats)) # go back to 2D if necessary if symbol == 'stream': u_map = u_map.reshape(u.shape) v_map = v_map.reshape(v.shape) if symbol == 'stream': if self.geometry.rectangular_grid: xf = x[0, :] # in basemap space, x is constant on a column yf = y[:, 0] # in basemap space, y is constant on a row u = u_map v = v_map speed_width = 2 * numpy.sqrt(u ** 2 + v ** 2) / min(u.max(), v.max()) else: raise NotImplementedError("matplotlib's streamplot need an evenly spaced grid.") else: xf = stretch_array(x) yf = stretch_array(y) u = stretch_array(u_map) v = stretch_array(v_map) if symbol == 'barbs': bm.barbs(xf, yf, u, v, ax=ax, **symbol_options) elif symbol == 'arrows': q = bm.quiver(xf, yf, u, v, ax=ax, **symbol_options) if quiverkey: ax.quiverkey(q, **quiverkey) elif symbol == 'stream': bm.streamplot(xf, yf, u, v, ax=ax, linewidth=speed_width, **symbol_options) if title is None: ax.set_title(str(self.fid) + "\n" + str(self.validity.get())) else: ax.set_title(title) return (fig, ax) def plotanimation(self, title='__auto__', repeat=False, interval=1000, **kwargs): """ Plot the field with animation with regards to time dimension. Returns a :class:`matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation`. .. deprecated:: 1.3.11 In addition to those specified below, all :meth:`plotfield` method arguments can be provided. :param title: title for the plot. '__auto__' (default) will print the current validity of the time frame. :param repeat: to repeat animation :param interval: number of milliseconds between two validities """ import matplotlib.animation as animation if len(self.validity) == 1: raise epygramError("plotanimation can handle only field with several validities.") if title is not None: if title == '__auto__': title_prefix = '' else: title_prefix = title title = title_prefix + '\n' + self.validity[0].get().isoformat(sep=b' ') else: title_prefix = None field0 = self.deepcopy() for c in field0.components: c.validity = self.validity[0] field0.validity = field0.components[0].validity field0.setdata([d[0, ...] for d in self.getdata()]) if kwargs.get('plot_module', True): module = self.to_module() mindata = module.getdata(subzone=kwargs.get('subzone')).min() maxdata = module.getdata(subzone=kwargs.get('subzone')).max() plot_module_options = kwargs.get('plot_module_options', {}) if plot_module_options == {}: kwargs['plot_module_options'] = {} minmax = plot_module_options.get('minmax') if minmax is None: minmax = (mindata, maxdata) kwargs['plot_module_options']['minmax'] = minmax academic = == 'academic' if not academic: bm = kwargs.get('use_basemap') if bm is None: bm = self.geometry.make_basemap(gisquality=kwargs.get('gisquality', 'i'), subzone=kwargs.get('subzone'), specificproj=kwargs.get('specificproj'), zoom=kwargs.get('zoom')) kwargs['use_basemap'] = bm fig, ax = field0.plotfield(title=title, **kwargs) if kwargs.get('plot_module', True): if kwargs['plot_module_options'].get('colorbar_over') is None: kwargs['plot_module_options']['colorbar_over'] = fig.axes[-1] # the last being created, in plotfield() kwargs['over'] = (fig, ax) def update(i, ax, myself, fieldi, title_prefix, kwargs): if i < len(myself.validity): ax.clear() for c in fieldi.components: c.validity = myself.validity[i] fieldi.validity = fieldi.components[0].validity fieldi.setdata([d[i, ...] for d in myself.getdata()]) if title_prefix is not None: title = title_prefix + '\n' + fieldi.validity.get().isoformat(sep=b' ') fieldi.plotfield(title=title, **kwargs) anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update, fargs=[ax, self, field0, title_prefix, kwargs], frames=list(range(len(self.validity) + 1)), # AM: don't really understand why but needed for the last frame to be shown interval=interval, repeat=repeat) return anim