Source code for epygram._plugins.with_vtk.D3VectorField

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) Météo France (2014-)
# This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law.
Extend D3VectorField with vtk vector plotting.
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals, division

import numpy

from epygram import epygramError
from epygram.util import as_numpy_array
from usevtk import modify_grid, write_grid

from epygram.fields import D3VirtualField

def activate():
    """Activate extension."""
    from . import __name__ as plugin_name
    from epygram._plugins.util import notify_doc_requires_plugin
    notify_doc_requires_plugin([as_vtkGrid, vtk_guess_param_from_field,
                                plot3DOutline, plot3DVector, plot3DStream,
    from epygram.fields import D3VectorField
    D3VectorField.as_vtkGrid = as_vtkGrid
    D3VectorField.vtk_guess_param_from_field = vtk_guess_param_from_field
    D3VectorField.plot3DOutline = plot3DOutline
    D3VectorField.plot3DVector = plot3DVector
    D3VectorField.plot3DStream = plot3DStream
    D3VectorField._vtk_adjust_wind_to_proj = _vtk_adjust_wind_to_proj

def as_vtkGrid(self, rendering, grid_type,
               filename=None, module_name='module', vector_name='vector',
               version='XML', binary=True, compression='ZLib',
    Returns a vtkStructuredGrid filled with the field
    :param rendering: a usevtk.Usevtk instance
    :param grid_type: can be:
        - sgrid_point: structured grid filled with points
        - sgrid_cell: structured grid filled with hexahedron
                      If the field is 2D, a zero thickness is used.
                      If the field is 3D, thickness are approximately computed
        - ugrid_point: unstructured grid filled with points
        - ugrid_cell: unstructured grid build filled with cells
                      If the field is 2D, a zero thickness is used.
                      If the field is 3D, thickness are approximately computed
    :param subzone: optional, among ('C', 'CI'), for LAM grids only, returns
                    the grid resp. for the C or C+I zone off the C+I+E zone. \n
                    Default is no subzone, i.e. the whole field.
    :param filename: if not None, resulting grid will be written into filename
    :param module_name: name to give to the scalar field containing the module
                        (useful with the grid option)
    :param vector_name': name of the vector field (useful with the grid option)
    :param grid: if grid is not None, the method will add the data to it.
    :param version: must be 'legacy' or 'XML', used with filename
    :param binary: True (default) for a binary file, used with filename
    :param compression: must be None, 'LZ4' or 'ZLib'
                        only used for binary XML
    :param compression_level: between 1 and 9, only used for binary XML Zlib-compressed
    :param transform_wind: to rotate ans scale wind according to vtk coordinates:
            0: do nothing
            1: scale the w component to take into account the z axis expansion,
               the total module is not preserved but the horizontal one is preserved.
               The horizontal components must be oriented along the vtk axes.
            2: same as option 1 but the total module is preserved whereas the horizontal
               one is not preserved
            3: same as option 1 but, in addition, all the components are rotated.
               The horizontal components must be oriented along north-south and east-west axes.
            4: same as option 3 but (as for option 2), the total module is preserved whereas
               the horizontal one is not preserved
    If grid_type is 'sgrid_point', the result is the grid; otherwise
    the result is the function is the last filter used.
    from vtk.numpy_interface import dataset_adapter as dsa  # @UnresolvedImport

    if len(self.validity) != 1:
        raise NotImplementedError("For now, animation are not possible, only one validity allowed.")
    if self.spectral:
        raise epygramError("Spectral field, please use sp2gp() before.")

    field = self._vtk_adjust_wind_to_proj(rendering, transform_wind)

    data = field.getdata(d4=True, subzone=subzone)
    data = [d[0, ...].flatten().astype(numpy.float32) for d in data]
    while len(data) < 3:  # We need 3 components to form a vtk vector
        data.append(data[0] * 0.)

    # CAUTION: this part is non trivial and is certainly due to C versus F order
    # see:
    data = [d.flatten() for d in data]
    data = as_numpy_array(data).swapaxes(0, -1).flatten()

    if grid is None:
        grid = self.geometry.make_vtkGrid(rendering, subzone=subzone)
        grid.epygram = dict(geometry=self.geometry, subzone=subzone)
        if grid.epygram['geometry'] != self.geometry and grid.epygram['subzone'] != subzone:
            raise epygramError("To add a value to an existing grid, geometries must be the same")
        names = [grid.GetPointData().GetArrayName(i) for i in range(grid.GetPointData().GetNumberOfArrays())]
        if module_name in names:
            raise epygramError("There already is an array with same name: " + module_name)
        if vector_name in names:
            raise epygramError("There already is an array with same name: " + vector_name)

    module = self.to_module().getdata().flatten()
    if isinstance(module,
        for index in numpy.nonzero([0]:
    grid.GetPointData().AddArray(dsa.numpyTovtkDataArray(module, module_name))
    vector = dsa.numpyTovtkDataArray(data, vector_name)

    grid = modify_grid(grid, grid_type, datamin=data.min())

    if filename is not None:
        write_grid(grid, filename, version=version, binary=binary,
                   compression=compression, compression_level=compression_level)
    return grid

def vtk_guess_param_from_field(self, *args, **kwargs):
    """Cf. D3Field.vtk_guess_param_from_field()"""
    return self.components[0].vtk_guess_param_from_field(*args, **kwargs)

def plot3DOutline(self, *args, **kwargs):
    """Cf. D3Field.plot3DOutline()"""
    return self.components[0].plot3DOutline(*args, **kwargs)

def _vtk_adjust_wind_to_proj(self, rendering, transform_wind):
    Return a new wind field with updated components
    :param rendering: a usevtk.Usevtk instance
    :param field: wind field to manipulate
    :param transform_wind: to rotate ans scale wind according to vtk coordinates:
            0: do nothing
            1: scale the w component to take into account the z axis expansion,
               the total module is not preserved but the horizontal one is preserved.
               The horizontal components must be oriented along the vtk axes.
            2: same as option 1 but the total module is preserved whereas the horizontal
               one is not preserved
            3: same as option 1 but, in addition, all the components are rotated.
               The horizontal components must be oriented along north-south and east-west axes.
            4: same as option 3 but (as for option 2), the total module is preserved whereas
               the horizontal one is not preserved
    :return: new wind field
    assert len(self.components) == 3, 'field must have 3 components'
    new_field = self

    if transform_wind != 0:
        assert self.geometry.vcoordinate.typeoffirstfixedsurface in (102, 103), \
               "vertical coordinates must be expressed in meters to adjust components to projection"
        new_field = self.deepcopy()
        if isinstance(new_field.components[2], D3VirtualField):
            new_field.components[2] = new_field.components[2].as_real_field()
            new_field.components[2] = new_field.components[2].deepcopy()
        if transform_wind in (2, 3, 4):
            if isinstance(new_field.components[0], D3VirtualField):
                new_field.components[0] = new_field.components[0].as_real_field()
                new_field.components[0] = new_field.components[0].deepcopy()
            if isinstance(new_field.components[1], D3VirtualField):
                new_field.components[1] = new_field.components[1].as_real_field()
                new_field.components[1] = new_field.components[1].deepcopy()

        lons, lats = new_field.components[2].geometry.get_lonlat_grid()
        z = * 0.
        dv_llz = 1.
        p0_llz = lons, lats, z
        p0_vtk = tuple(c.reshape(lons.shape) for c in rendering.proj3d(*p0_llz))
        p1_llz = lons, lats + 1. / (60. * 1852), z #1 meter on earth
        p1_vtk = tuple(c.reshape(lons.shape) for c in rendering.proj3d(*p1_llz))
        if transform_wind in (3, 4):
            p2_llz = lons + 1. / (60. * 1852), lats, z #1 meter on earth at the equator
            p2_vtk = tuple(c.reshape(lons.shape) for c in rendering.proj3d(*p2_llz))
        p3_llz = lons, lats, z + dv_llz
        p3_vtk = tuple(c.reshape(lons.shape) for c in rendering.proj3d(*p3_llz))
        dh1_llz = new_field.components[2].geometry.distance(p0_llz[:2], p1_llz[:2]) #to get the exact value depending on geoid choice
        if transform_wind in (3, 4):
            dh2_llz = new_field.components[2].geometry.distance(p0_llz[:2], p2_llz[:2])
    if transform_wind in (3, 4):
        u, v, w = new_field.components
        new_components = [(p1_vtk[i] - p0_vtk[i]) * v / dh1_llz + \
                          (p2_vtk[i] - p0_vtk[i]) * u / dh2_llz + \
                          (p3_vtk[i] - p0_vtk[i]) * w / dv_llz
                          for i in range(3)]
        for i in range(3):

    elif transform_wind in (1, 2):
        dh1_vtk = numpy.sqrt((p1_vtk[0] - p0_vtk[0]) ** 2 + \
                             (p1_vtk[1] - p0_vtk[1]) ** 2 + \
                             (p1_vtk[2] - p0_vtk[2]) ** 2)
        dv_vtk = numpy.sqrt((p3_vtk[0] - p0_vtk[0]) ** 2 + \
                            (p3_vtk[1] - p0_vtk[1]) ** 2 + \
                            (p3_vtk[2] - p0_vtk[2]) ** 2)
        new_field.components[2].setdata(new_field.components[2].getdata() * (dv_vtk / dv_llz) * (dh1_llz / dh1_vtk))

    if transform_wind in (2, 4):
        temp_module = new_field.to_module().getdata()
        ratio = self.to_module().getdata() /  temp_module
        for c in new_field.components:
            data = c.getdata()
            data[temp_module == 0.] = 0.
            data[temp_module != 0.] = data[temp_module != 0.] * ratio[temp_module != 0.]
    return new_field

def plot3DVector(self, rendering,
                 samplerate=None, arrowScaleFactor=1.,
                 color='Blue', opacity=1.,
    This method adds contour lines and/or colorize the field. If
    the field is 3D, contours appear as isosurface.
    :param rendering: a usevtk.Usevtk instance
    :param samplerate: if not None, must be a dictionary. Allowed keys are
                    'x', 'y' and 'z' and values are the sample rate in the given
                    direction. For example {'x':3} means take one over 3 points
                    in the x direction
    :param arrowScaleFactor: scale factor used to plot the vector
    :param color: color name or lookup table or color transfer function
                  to associate colors to the vector norms
    :param opacity: opacity value
    :param colorbar: True to plot a colorbar
    :param subzone: optional, among ('C', 'CI'), for LAM grids only, returns
                    the grid resp. for the C or C+I zone off the C+I+E zone. \n
                    Default is no subzone, i.e. the whole field.
    :param transform_wind: to rotate ans scale wind according to vtk coordinates:
            0: do nothing
            1: scale the w component to take into account the z axis expansion,
               the total module is not preserved but the horizontal one is preserved.
               The horizontal components must be oriented along the vtk axes.
            2: same as option 1 but the total module is preserved whereas the horizontal
               one is not preserved
            3: same as option 1 but, in addition, all the components are rotated.
               The horizontal components must be oriented along north-south and east-west axes.
            4: same as option 3 but (as for option 2), the total module is preserved whereas
               the horizontal one is not preserved
    :return: actor, mapper, colorbaractor

    Note: the wind components, whatever is the transform_wind option, must contain
          the map factor corrections.
    import vtk # @UnresolvedImport

    # generate grid and seed grid
    if samplerate is None:
        samplerate = dict()
    grid = self.as_vtkGrid(rendering, 'sgrid_point', subzone,
    seedGrid = vtk.vtkExtractGrid()
    seedGrid.SetSampleRate(samplerate.get('x', 1),
                           samplerate.get('y', 1),
                           samplerate.get('z', 1))

    arrowSource = vtk.vtkArrowSource()
    glyphMapper = vtk.vtkGlyph3DMapper()
    glyphActor = vtk.vtkActor()
    scalarBar = None
    if isinstance(color, (vtk.vtkLookupTable, vtk.vtkColorTransferFunction)):
        if colorbar:
            scalarBar = vtk.vtkScalarBarActor()

    return (glyphActor, glyphMapper, scalarBar)

def plot3DStream(self, rendering,
                 maxLength=None, tubesRadius=0.1,
    This method adds contour lines and/or colorize the field. If
    the field is 3D, contours appear as isosurface.
    :param rendering: a usevtk.Usevtk instance
    :param samplerate: if not None, must be a dictionary. Allowed keys are
                    'x', 'y' and 'z' and values are the sample rate in the given
                    direction. For example {'x':3} means take one over 3 points
                    in the x direction
    :param maxLength: integration length to build the stream lines and tubes
    :param tubesRadius: radius of the tubes
    :param color: a color name, a vtk.vtkColorTransferFunction or a vtk.vtkLookupTable
                  to associate colors to the stream lines or tubes
    :param opacity: opacity value
    :param plot_tube: True to plot the tubes instead of lines
    :param colorbar: True to plot a colorbar
    :param subzone: optional, among ('C', 'CI'), for LAM grids only, returns
                    the grid resp. for the C or C+I zone off the C+I+E zone. \n
                    Default is no subzone, i.e. the whole field.
    :param transform_wind: to rotate ans scale wind according to vtk coordinates:
            0: do nothing
            1: scale the w component to take into account the z axis expansion,
               the total module is not preserved but the horizontal one is preserved.
               The horizontal components must be oriented along the vtk axes.
            2: same as option 1 but the total module is preserved whereas the horizontal
               one is not preserved
            3: same as option 1 but, in addition, all the components are rotated.
               The horizontal components must be oriented along north-south and east-west axes.
            4: same as option 3 but (as for option 2), the total module is preserved whereas
               the horizontal one is not preserved
    :return: actor, mapper, colorbaractor
    Note: the wind components, whatever is the transform_wind option, must contain
          the map factor corrections.
    import vtk # @UnresolvedImport

    # generate grid and seed grid
    if samplerate is None:
        samplerate = dict()
    grid = self.as_vtkGrid(rendering, 'sgrid_point', subzone,
    seedGrid = vtk.vtkExtractGrid()
    seedGrid.SetSampleRate(samplerate.get('x', 1),
                           samplerate.get('y', 1),
                           samplerate.get('z', 1))

    # Using directly seedGrid sometimes work
    # But using a vtkStructuredGridGeometryFilter in between
    # helps at suppressing some error messages about extent
    seedGeom = vtk.vtkStructuredGridGeometryFilter()

    scalarRange = list(grid.GetPointData().GetScalars().GetRange())

    if maxLength is None:
        maxVelocity = grid.GetPointData().GetVectors().GetMaxNorm()
        maxLength = 4.0 * grid.GetLength() / maxVelocity
    streamers = vtk.vtkStreamTracer()

    if plot_tube:
        tubes = vtk.vtkTubeFilter()

    mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper()
    mapper.SetInputConnection((tubes if plot_tube else streamers).GetOutputPort())
    mapper.SetScalarRange(scalarRange[0], scalarRange[1])
    actor = vtk.vtkActor()
    scalarBar = None
    if isinstance(color, vtk.vtkLookupTable) or isinstance(color, vtk.vtkColorTransferFunction):
        if colorbar:
            scalarBar = vtk.vtkScalarBarActor()

    return (actor, mapper, scalarBar)