Source code for epygram.myproj

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) Météo France (2014-)
# This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law.
This module has been developped as a temporary alternative to :mod:`pyproj`.

.. deprecated:: 1.0.0
   Use :mod:`pyproj` instead. Shall be removed from the package in a future version.

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals, division

import math
import numpy

from epygram import config
from epygram.base import RecursiveObject

[docs]class Proj(RecursiveObject): """ A class of homemade projections on the sphere, made to handle cases not handled by *pyproj* (e.g. sphere geoid for polar stereographic projection...). """
[docs] def __init__(self, proj, geoidshape=config.myproj_default_geoid['geoidshape'], geoidradius=config.myproj_default_geoid['geoidradius'], x_0=0., y_0=0., **proj_params): """ Initializes parameters for projection formulas. Args: - *proj*: name of the projection, among ('lambert', 'mercator', 'polar_stereographic') - *geoidshape*: actually, only 'sphere' is implemented. - *earth_radius*: can be specified, to use a specific earth radius, in m. - *x_0*, *y_0* : offset of Origin in (x, y) coordinates of projected map. - *proj_params*: a set of arguments that depends on the projection. (all lon/lat are in degrees): + lambert: lon_0 = longitude of reference point \n lat_1 = first secant latitude \n lat_2 = second secant latitude \n if tangent, lat_1 = lat_2 = lat_0 = latitude of reference point = tangency latitude + mercator: lon_0 = longitude of reference point lat_ts = tangency latitude (0°) or secant latitude + polar_stereographic: lon_0 = longitude of reference point lat_0 = +/- 90° depending on the projection pole lat_ts = secant or tangency latitude """ deg2rad = math.pi / 180. self._args = proj_params self._p = {'name':proj} if geoidshape != 'sphere': raise NotImplementedError("projected geometry on ellipsoid.") else: self._p['earth_radius'] = geoidradius self._p['FE'] = x_0 self._p['FN'] = y_0 self._p['lambda0'] = proj_params['lon_0'] * deg2rad if proj == 'lambert': if abs(proj_params['lat_1'] - proj_params['lat_2']) > config.epsilon: self.secant = True m1 = math.cos(proj_params['lat_1'] * deg2rad) m2 = math.cos(proj_params['lat_2'] * deg2rad) t1 = math.tan(math.pi / 4. - proj_params['lat_1'] * deg2rad / 2.) t2 = math.tan(math.pi / 4. - proj_params['lat_2'] * deg2rad / 2.) lat_0 = (proj_params['lat_1'] + proj_params['lat_1']) / 2. t0 = math.tan(math.pi / 4. - lat_0 * deg2rad / 2.) self._p['n'] = (math.log(m1) - math.log(m2)) / (math.log(t1) - math.log(t2)) self._p['F'] = m1 / (self._p['n'] * (t1 ** self._p['n'])) self._p['r0'] = self._p['earth_radius'] * self._p['F'] * t0 ** self._p['n'] else: self.secant = False lat_0 = proj_params['lat_1'] m0 = math.cos(lat_0 * deg2rad) t0 = math.tan(math.pi / 4. - lat_0 * deg2rad / 2.) self._p['n'] = math.sin(lat_0 * deg2rad) self._p['F'] = m0 / (self._p['n'] * t0 ** self._p['n']) self._p['r0'] = self._p['earth_radius'] * self._p['F'] * t0 ** self._p['n'] self._p['sign'] = math.copysign(1., lat_0) elif proj == 'mercator': if abs(proj_params['lat_ts']) > config.epsilon: self.secant = True self._p['k0'] = math.cos(proj_params['lat_ts'] * deg2rad) else: self.secant = False self._p['k0'] = 1. elif proj == 'polar_stereographic': self._p['sign'] = math.copysign(1., proj_params['lat_0']) if abs(proj_params['lat_0'] - proj_params['lat_ts']) > config.epsilon: self.secant = True # mf = math.cos(proj_params['lat_ts'] * deg2rad) # tf = math.tan(math.pi / 4. - self._p['sign'] * proj_params['lat_ts'] / 2.) # self._p['k0'] = mf / (2.*tf) self._p['k0'] = (1 + self._p['sign'] * math.sin(proj_params['lat_ts'] * deg2rad)) / 2. else: self.secant = False self._p['k0'] = 1.
[docs] def __call__(self, x, y, inverse=False): """ Converts lon/lat coordinates (in °) to x/y coord in the projection. If *inverse* is *True*, makes the inverse conversion, from x/y to lon/lat (in °). """ if not isinstance(x, numpy.ndarray): x = numpy.array(x) if not isinstance(y, numpy.ndarray): y = numpy.array(y) p = self._p if not inverse: lon = numpy.pi / 180. * x lat = numpy.pi / 180. * y if self._p['name'] == 'lambert': r = p['earth_radius'] * p['F'] * numpy.tan(numpy.pi / 4. - lat / 2.) ** p['n'] theta = p['n'] * (lon - p['lambda0']) E = p['FE'] + r * numpy.sin(theta) N = p['FN'] + p['r0'] - r * numpy.cos(theta) elif self._p['name'] == 'mercator': E = p['FE'] + p['earth_radius'] * p['k0'] * (lon - p['lambda0']) N = p['FN'] + p['earth_radius'] * p['k0'] * numpy.log(numpy.tan(numpy.pi / 4. + lat / 2.)) elif self._p['name'] == 'polar_stereographic': t = numpy.tan(numpy.pi / 4. - p['sign'] * lat / 2.) rho = 2. * p['earth_radius'] * p['k0'] * t E = p['FE'] + rho * numpy.sin(lon - p['lambda0']) N = p['FN'] - p['sign'] * rho * numpy.cos(lon - p['lambda0']) return (E, N) elif inverse: if self._p['name'] == 'lambert': rp = p['sign'] * numpy.sqrt((x - p['FE']) ** 2 + (p['r0'] - (y - p['FN'])) ** 2) tp = (rp / (p['earth_radius'] * p['F'])) ** (1. / p['n']) thetap = numpy.arctan((x - p['FE']) / (p['r0'] - (y - p['FN']))) lon = thetap / p['n'] + p['lambda0'] lat = numpy.pi / 2. - 2 * numpy.arctan(tp) elif self._p['name'] == 'mercator': lon = (x - p['FE']) / (p['earth_radius'] * p['k0']) + p['lambda0'] lat = 2 * numpy.arctan(numpy.exp((y - p['FN']) / (p['earth_radius'] * p['k0']))) - numpy.pi / 2. elif self._p['name'] == 'polar_stereographic': rhop = numpy.sqrt((x - p['FE']) ** 2 + (y - p['FN']) ** 2) tp = rhop / (2 * p['earth_radius'] * p['k0']) lon = p['lambda0'] - (0.5 + 0.5 * p['sign'] * numpy.copysign(1., y - p['FN'])) * numpy.pi \ + numpy.arctan(-p['sign'] * (x - p['FE']) / (y - p['FN'])) lat = p['sign'] * (numpy.pi / 2. - 2 * numpy.arctan(tp)) return (180. / numpy.pi * lon, 180. / numpy.pi * lat)