Source code for epygram.geometries.D3Geometry

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) Météo France (2014-)
# This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law.
Contains the classes for 3D geometries of fields.

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals, division

import numpy
import math
import copy
import sys
import re

import footprints
from footprints import FootprintBase, FPDict, proxy as fpx
from import set_figax
from bronx.syntax.arrays import stretch_array

from epygram import epygramError, config
from epygram.util import (RecursiveObject, degrees_nearest_mod, Angle,
                          separation_line, write_formatted,
                          nearlyEqual, set_map_up)
from .VGeometry import VGeometry

epylog = footprints.loggers.getLogger(__name__)
_re_nearest_sq = re.compile('(?P<n>\d+)\*(?P<m>\d+)')

[docs]class D3Geometry(RecursiveObject, FootprintBase): """ Handles the geometry for a 3-Dimensions Field. Abstract mother class. """ _abstract = True _collector = ('geometry',) _footprint = dict( attr=dict( structure=dict( info="Type of geometry.", values=set(['3D'])), name=dict( info="Name of geometrical type of representation of points on \ the Globe.", values=set(['lambert', 'mercator', 'polar_stereographic', 'regular_lonlat', 'rotated_reduced_gauss', 'reduced_gauss', 'regular_gauss', 'unstructured'])), grid=dict( type=FPDict, info="Handles description of the horizontal grid."), dimensions=dict( type=FPDict, info="Handles grid dimensions."), vcoordinate=dict( access='rwx', type=VGeometry, info="Handles vertical geometry parameters."), position_on_horizontal_grid=dict( type=str, optional=True, access='rwx', info="Position of points w/r to the horizontal.", default='__unknown__', values=set(['upper-right', 'upper-left', 'lower-left', 'lower-right', 'center-left', 'center-right', 'lower-center', 'upper-center', 'center', '__unknown__'])), geoid=dict( type=FPDict, optional=True, default=FPDict({}), info="To specify geoid shape; actually used in projected" + " geometries only.") ) ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(D3Geometry, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Checks ! self._consistency_check() @property def rectangular_grid(self): """ Is the grid rectangular ? """ return isinstance(self, D3RectangularGridGeometry) @property def projected_geometry(self): """ Is the geometry a projection ? """ return 'projtool' in self._attributes @property def datashape(self): """Returns the data shape requested by this geometry.""" if self.structure == "3D": return {'k': True, 'j':True, 'i':True} elif self.structure == "V2D": return {'k': True, 'j':False, 'i':True} elif self.structure == "H2D": return {'k': False, 'j':True, 'i':True} elif self.structure == "H1D": return {'k':False, 'j':False, 'i':True} elif self.structure == "V1D": return {'k': True, 'j':False, 'i':False} elif self.structure == "Point": return {'k': False, 'j':False, 'i':False} else: raise epygramError('This structure is unknown')
[docs] def get_levels(self, d4=False, nb_validities=0, subzone=None): """ Returns an array containing the level for each data point. :param d4: - if True, returned values are shaped in a 4 dimensions array - if False, shape of returned values is determined with respect to geometry d4=True requires nb_validities > 0 :param nb_validities: the number of validities represented in data values :param subzone: optional, among ('C', 'CI'), for LAM grids only, extracts the levels resp. from the C or C+I zone off the C+I(+E) zone. Levels are internally stored with the vertical dimension first whereas this method puts the time in first dimension. """ if d4: if nb_validities < 1: raise ValueError("nb_validities must be >=1 when d4==True") levels = numpy.array(self.vcoordinate.levels) # We add the horizontal axis h_shape2D = self.get_datashape(d4=True, dimT=nb_validities, force_dimZ=1, subzone=subzone)[-2:] if len(levels.shape) == 1: # level values constant over the horizontal domain and time # We add the horizontal dimension original_has_time = False if self.datashape['j'] or d4: shape = tuple(list(levels.shape) + [h_shape2D[0]]) levels = levels.repeat(h_shape2D[0]).reshape(shape) if self.datashape['i'] or d4: shape = tuple(list(levels.shape) + [h_shape2D[1]]) levels = levels.repeat(h_shape2D[1]).reshape(shape) else: # level values with horizontal variations h_shape = self.get_datashape(force_dimZ=1) if len(levels.shape) == 1 + len(h_shape): original_has_time = False elif len(levels.shape) == 2 + len(h_shape): original_has_time = True else: raise epygramError("Wrong number of dimensions") if levels.shape[len(levels.shape) - len(h_shape):] != h_shape: # OK for h_shape=tuple() raise epygramError("Shape of self.vcoordinate.levels does not agree with horizontal dimensions") if subzone is not None: levels = self.extract_subzone(levels, subzone) if d4 and ((not self.datashape['i']) or (not self.datashape['j'])): shape = levels.shape[:len(levels.shape) - len(h_shape)] # shape without the horizontal dimensions, OK for h_shape=tuple() shape = tuple(list(shape) + list(h_shape2D)) # shape with the new horizontal dimensions levels = levels.reshape(shape) # We suppress the vertical dimension if we do not need it if len(self.vcoordinate.levels) == 1 and not d4 and nb_validities <= 1: levels = levels[0] # We add the time axis if original_has_time: if levels.shape[1] != nb_validities: raise epygramError("Shape of self.vcoordinate.levels does not agree with nb_validities") shape_range = range(len(levels.shape)) levels = levels.transpose(tuple([1, 0] + list(shape_range[2:]))) elif d4 or nb_validities >= 2: shape = tuple(list(levels.shape) + [nb_validities]) levels = levels.repeat(nb_validities).reshape(shape) shape_range = list(range(len(shape))) levels = levels.transpose(tuple([shape_range[-1]] + list(shape_range[0:-1]))) # last axis in first return levels
def _getoffset(self, position=None): """Returns the offset to use for this **position**.""" if position is not None: pos = position else: pos = self.position_on_horizontal_grid if pos == '__unknown__' or pos is None: raise epygramError("position_on_horizontal_grid must be" + " defined.") return {'upper-right' : (.5, .5), 'upper-left' : (-.5, .5), 'lower-left' : (-.5, -.5), 'lower-right' : (.5, -.5), 'center-left' : (-.5, 0.), 'center-right': (.5, 0.), 'lower-center': (0., -.5), 'upper-center': (0., .5), 'center' : (0., 0.)}[pos]
[docs] def distance(self, end1, end2): """ Computes the distance between two points along a Great Circle. :param end1: first point, must be a tuple (lon, lat) in degrees. :param end2: second point, must be a tuple (lon, lat) in degrees. Warning: requires the :mod:`pyproj` module. """ import pyproj g = pyproj.Geod(ellps='sphere') distance = g.inv(end1[0], end1[1], end2[0], end2[1])[2] return distance
[docs] def linspace(self, end1, end2, num): """ Returns evenly spaced points over the specified interval. Points are lined up along a Great Circle. :param end1: must be a tuple (lon, lat) in degrees. :param end2: must be a tuple (lon, lat) in degrees. :param num: the number of points, including point1 and point2. Warning: requires the :mod:`pyproj` module. """ import pyproj if num < 2: raise epygramError("'num' must be at least 2.") g = pyproj.Geod(ellps='sphere') transect = g.npts(end1[0], end1[1], end2[0], end2[1], num - 2) transect.insert(0, end1) transect.append(end2) return transect
[docs] def azimuth(self, end1, end2): """ Initial bearing from *end1* to *end2* points following a Great Circle. :param end1: must be a tuple (lon, lat) in degrees. :param end2: must be a tuple (lon, lat) in degrees. Warning: requires the :mod:`pyproj` module. """ import pyproj g = pyproj.Geod(ellps='sphere') return g.inv(end1[0], end1[1], end2[0], end2[1])[0]
[docs] def make_point_geometry(self, lon, lat): """Returns a PointGeometry at coordinates *(lon,lat)* in degrees.""" vcoordinate = fpx.geometry(structure='V', typeoffirstfixedsurface=255, levels=[0]) return fpx.geometry(structure='Point', name='unstructured', vcoordinate=vcoordinate, dimensions={'X':1, 'Y':1}, grid={'longitudes':[lon], 'latitudes':[lat]}, position_on_horizontal_grid='center' )
[docs] def make_profile_geometry(self, lon, lat): """Returns a V1DGeometry at coordinates *(lon,lat)* in degrees.""" vcoordinate = fpx.geometry(structure='V', typeoffirstfixedsurface=255, levels=[]) return fpx.geometry(structure='V1D', name='unstructured', vcoordinate=vcoordinate, dimensions={'X':1, 'Y':1}, grid={'longitudes':[lon], 'latitudes':[lat]}, position_on_horizontal_grid='center' )
[docs] def make_section_geometry(self, end1, end2, points_number=None, resolution=None, position=None): """ Returns a V2DGeometry. :param end1: must be a tuple (lon, lat) in degrees. :param end2: must be a tuple (lon, lat) in degrees. :param points_number: defines the total number of horizontal points of the section (including ends). If None, defaults to a number computed from the *ends* and the *resolution*. :param resolution: defines the horizontal resolution to be given to the field. If None, defaults to the horizontal resolution of the field. :param position: defines the position of data in the grid (for projected grids only) """ assert isinstance(end1, tuple) or isinstance(end1, list) assert isinstance(end2, tuple) or isinstance(end2, list) if position not in [None, 'center']: raise epygramError("position can only be None or 'center' for non-projected geometries.") if resolution is not None and points_number is not None: raise epygramError("only one of resolution and " + " points_number can be given.") distance = self.distance(end1, end2) if resolution is None and points_number is None: resolution = 0.5 * (self.resolution_ll(*end1) + self.resolution_ll(*end2)) if resolution > distance: raise epygramError("'ends' are too near: pure" + " interpolation between two gridpoints.") elif points_number is not None and points_number < 2: raise epygramError("'points_number' must be at least 2.") if resolution is not None: points_number = int(numpy.rint(distance / resolution)) + 1 if points_number >= 3: transect = self.linspace(end1, end2, points_number) elif points_number == 2: transect = [end1, end2] else: raise epygramError("cannot make a section with less than" + " 2 points.") vcoordinate = fpx.geometry(structure='V', typeoffirstfixedsurface=255, levels=[]) return fpx.geometry(structure='V2D', name='unstructured', vcoordinate=vcoordinate, dimensions={'X':len(transect), 'Y':1}, grid={'longitudes':[p[0] for p in transect], 'latitudes':[p[1] for p in transect]}, position_on_horizontal_grid='center' if position is None else position)
def _reshape_lonlat_4d(self, lons, lats, nb_validities): """Make lons, lats grids 4D.""" if nb_validities < 1: raise ValueError("nb_validities must be >=1 when d4==True") # We add vertical dimension, and missing horizontal dimension shape = list(lons.shape) if len(shape) == 1: shape = [1] + shape shape = tuple(shape + [len(self.vcoordinate.levels)]) lons = lons.repeat(len(self.vcoordinate.levels)).reshape(shape) lats = lats.repeat(len(self.vcoordinate.levels)).reshape(shape) shape_range = list(range(len(shape))) lons = lons.transpose(tuple([shape_range[-1]] + list(shape_range[0:-1]))) # last axis in first lats = lats.transpose(tuple([shape_range[-1]] + list(shape_range[0:-1]))) # last axis in first # We add validities shape = tuple(list(lons.shape) + [nb_validities]) lons = lons.repeat(nb_validities).reshape(shape) lats = lats.repeat(nb_validities).reshape(shape) shape_range = list(range(len(shape))) lons = lons.transpose(tuple([shape_range[-1]] + list(shape_range[0:-1]))) # last axis in first lats = lats.transpose(tuple([shape_range[-1]] + list(shape_range[0:-1]))) # last axis in first return lons, lats ################### # PRE-APPLICATIVE # ################### # (but useful and rather standard) ! # [so that, subject to continuation through updated versions, # including suggestions/developments by users...]
[docs] def plotgeometry(self, color='blue', borderonly=True, **kwargs): """ Makes a simple plot of the geometry, with a number of options. :param color: color of the plotting. :param borderonly: if True, only plot the border of the grid, else the whole grid. Ignored for global geometries. For other options, cf. plotfield() method of :class:`epygram.fields.H2DField`. This method uses (hence requires) 'matplotlib' and 'basemap' libraries. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.rc('font', family='serif') fig, ax = set_figax(*kwargs.get('over', (None, None)), figsize=kwargs.get('figsize', config.plotsizes)) if == 'academic': raise epygramError("We cannot plot lon/lat of an academic grid.") sat_height = self.distance(self.gimme_corners_ll()['ll'], self.gimme_corners_ll()['ur']) / 1000 kwargs.setdefault('specificproj', ('nsper', {'sat_height':sat_height * 3})) if kwargs.get('use_basemap') is None: bm_args = {k:kwargs[k] for k in ('gisquality', 'subzone', 'specificproj', 'zoom') if k in kwargs} bm = self.make_basemap(**bm_args) else: bm = kwargs.get('use_basemap') map_args = {k:kwargs[k] for k in ('drawrivers', 'drawcoastlines', 'drawcountries', 'meridians', 'parallels', 'departments', 'boundariescolor', 'bluemarble', 'background') if k in kwargs} set_map_up(bm, ax, **map_args) (lons, lats) = self.get_lonlat_grid(subzone=kwargs.get('subzone')) if borderonly and 'gauss' not in lons = numpy.array(list(lons[0, :]) + list(lons[-1, :]) + list(lons[1:-1, 0]) + list(lons[1:-1, -1])) lats = numpy.array(list(lats[0, :]) + list(lats[-1, :]) + list(lats[1:-1, 0]) + list(lats[1:-1, -1])) x, y = bm(lons, lats) xf = x.flatten() yf = y.flatten() bm.scatter(xf, yf, s=kwargs.get('pointsize', 20), marker=',', color=color, linewidths=0, ax=ax) if kwargs.get('title') is None: ax.set_title(str( else: ax.set_title(kwargs.get('title')) return fig, ax
[docs] def what(self, out=sys.stdout, vertical_geometry=True, arpifs_var_names=False, spectral_geometry=None): """ Writes in file a summary of the geometry. :param out: the output open file-like object (duck-typing: *out*.write() only is needed). :param vertical_geometry: if True, writes the vertical geometry of the field. :param arpifs_var_names: if True, prints the equivalent 'arpifs' variable names. :param spectral_geometry: an optional dict containing the spectral truncatures {'in_X':, 'in_Y':} (LAM) or {'max':} (global). """ out.write("###########################\n") out.write("### HORIZONTAL GEOMETRY ###\n") out.write("###########################\n") write_formatted(out, "Rectangular grid ( = LAM or reg. Lon/Lat)", self.rectangular_grid) self._what_grid_dimensions(out, spectral_geometry=spectral_geometry) if self.rectangular_grid: if self.projected_geometry: self._what_projection(out, arpifs_var_names=arpifs_var_names) elif == 'regular_lonlat': self._what_grid(out, arpifs_var_names=arpifs_var_names) elif == 'academic': self._what_position(out) elif == 'unstructured': self._what_grid(out) out.write(separation_line) out.write("\n") if vertical_geometry: self.vcoordinate.what(out)
[docs]class D3RectangularGridGeometry(D3Geometry): """ Handles the geometry for a rectangular 3-Dimensions Field. Abstract. """ _abstract = True _collector = ('geometry',) _footprint = dict( attr=dict( name=dict( values=set(['lambert', 'mercator', 'polar_stereographic', 'regular_lonlat', 'academic', 'unstructured'])) ) ) def _get_grid(self, indextype, subzone=None, position=None): """ Returns a tuple of two tables containing the two indexes of each point, with 2D shape. :param indextype: either 'ij', 'xy' or 'll' to get i,j indexes, x,y coordinates or lon,lat coordinates :param subzone: optional, among ('C', 'CI'), for LAM grids only, returns the grid resp. for the C or C+I zone off the C+I+E zone. \n Default is no subzone, i.e. the whole field. :param position: position of lonlat grid with respect to the model cell. Defaults to self.position_on_horizontal_grid. """ Jmax = self.dimensions['Y'] Imax = self.dimensions['X'] igrid = numpy.zeros(Jmax * Imax) jgrid = numpy.zeros(Jmax * Imax) for j in range(Jmax): for i in range(Imax): igrid[j * Imax + i] = i jgrid[j * Imax + i] = j if indextype == 'xy': (a, b) = self.ij2xy(igrid, jgrid, position) elif indextype == 'll': (a, b) = self.ij2ll(igrid, jgrid, position) elif indextype == 'ij': pass else: raise ValueError('*indextype*== ' + indextype) a = self.reshape_data(a) b = self.reshape_data(b) if subzone and self.grid.get('LAMzone') is not None: a = self.extract_subzone(a, subzone) b = self.extract_subzone(b, subzone) return (a, b) @property def gridpoints_number(self, subzone=None): """ Returns the number of gridpoints of the grid. :param subzone: optional, among ('C', 'CI'), for LAM grids only, returns the grid resp. for the C or C+I zone off the C+I+E zone. \n Default is no subzone, i.e. the whole field. """ shp = self.get_datashape(dimT=1, force_dimZ=1, subzone=subzone) return shp[0] * shp[1]
[docs] def get_lonlat_grid(self, subzone=None, position=None, d4=False, nb_validities=0): """ Returns a tuple of two tables containing one the longitude of each point, the other the latitude, with 2D shape. :param subzone: optional, among ('C', 'CI'), for LAM grids only, returns the grid resp. for the C or C+I zone off the C+I+E zone. \n Default is no subzone, i.e. the whole field. :param position: position of lonlat grid with respect to the model cell. Defaults to self.position_on_horizontal_grid. :param d4: - if True, returned values are shaped in a 4 dimensions array - if False, shape of returned values is determined with respect to geometry. d4=True requires nb_validities > 0 :param nb_validities: number of validities represented in data values Shape of 2D data on Rectangular grids: \n - grid[0,0] is SW, grid[-1,-1] is NE \n - grid[0,-1] is SE, grid[-1,0] is NW """ (lons, lats) = self._get_grid('ll', subzone=subzone, position=position) if d4: lons, lats = self._reshape_lonlat_4d(lons, lats, nb_validities) elif not d4 and nb_validities != 0: raise ValueError("*nb_validities* must be 0 when d4==False") else: lons = lons.squeeze() lats = lats.squeeze() return (lons, lats)
[docs] def extract_subzone(self, data, subzone): """ Extracts the subzone C or CI from a LAM field. :param data: the data values with shape concording with geometry. :param subzone: optional, among ('C', 'CI'), for LAM grids only, extracts the data resp. from the C or C+I zone off the C+I(+E) zone. """ if subzone not in ('C', 'CI'): raise epygramError("only possible values for 'subzone' are 'C'" + " or 'CI'.") if 'LAMzone' not in self.grid: raise epygramError("method for LAM grids only.") selectionE = [] # To remove E-zone selectionI = [] # To eventually remove I-zone if len(data.shape) == 4: selectionE.extend([slice(None)] * 2) selectionI.extend([slice(None)] * 2) elif len(data.shape) == 3: selectionE.append(slice(None)) selectionI.append(slice(None)) if self.datashape['j']: y1 = self.dimensions.get('Y_CIoffset', 0) y2 = self.dimensions.get('Y_CIoffset', 0) + self.dimensions['Y_CIzone'] selectionE.append(slice(y1, y2)) y1 = self.dimensions['Y_Iwidth'] y2 = -self.dimensions['Y_Iwidth'] selectionI.append(slice(y1, y2)) if self.datashape['i']: x1 = self.dimensions.get('X_CIoffset', 0) x2 = self.dimensions.get('X_CIoffset', 0) + self.dimensions['X_CIzone'] selectionE.append(slice(x1, x2)) x1 = self.dimensions['X_Iwidth'] x2 = -self.dimensions['X_Iwidth'] selectionI.append(slice(x1, x2)) if self.grid['LAMzone'] == 'CIE': # remove E-zone edata = data[tuple(selectionE)] else: edata = data if subzone == 'C': # remove I-zone edata = edata[tuple(selectionI)] return edata
[docs] def make_subarray_geometry(self, first_i, last_i, first_j, last_j): """ Make a modified geometry consisting in a subarray of the grid, defined by the indexes given as argument. """ geom_kwargs = copy.deepcopy(self._attributes) geom_kwargs.pop('dimensions') if 'LAMzone' in geom_kwargs['grid']: geom_kwargs['grid']['LAMzone'] = None if 'input_position' in geom_kwargs['grid']: coords_00 = self.ij2ll(first_i, first_j) geom_kwargs['grid']['input_position'] = (0, 0) geom_kwargs['grid']['input_lon'] = Angle(coords_00[0], 'degrees') geom_kwargs['grid']['input_lat'] = Angle(coords_00[1], 'degrees') geom_kwargs['dimensions'] = {'X':last_i - first_i, 'Y':last_j - first_j} newgeom = fpx.geometry(**geom_kwargs) # create new geometry object return newgeom
[docs] def get_datashape(self, dimT=1, force_dimZ=None, d4=False, subzone=None): """ Returns the data shape according to the geometry. :param force_dimZ: if supplied, force the Z dimension instead of that of the vertical geometry :param dimT: if supplied, is the time dimension to be added to the data shape :param d4: - if True, shape is 4D - if False, shape has only those > 1 :param subzone: optional, among ('C', 'CI'), for LAM grids only, informes that data is resp. on the C or C+I zone off the C+I(+E) zone. """ if subzone is None: dimX = self.dimensions['X'] dimY = self.dimensions['Y'] else: assert self.grid.get('LAMzone', False), \ "*subzone* cannot be requested for this geometry" assert subzone in ('C', 'CI') if self.grid['LAMzone'] == 'CIE': if subzone == 'CI': dimX = self.dimensions['X_CIzone'] dimY = self.dimensions['Y_CIzone'] elif subzone == 'C': dimX = self.dimensions['X_CIzone'] - 2 * self.dimensions['X_Iwidth'] dimY = self.dimensions['Y_CIzone'] - 2 * self.dimensions['Y_Iwidth'] elif self.grid['LAMzone'] == 'CI': dimX = self.dimensions['X'] - 2 * self.dimensions['X_Iwidth'] dimY = self.dimensions['Y'] - 2 * self.dimensions['Y_Iwidth'] if force_dimZ is not None: dimZ = force_dimZ else: dimZ = len(self.vcoordinate.levels) if d4: shape = [dimT, dimZ, dimY, dimX] else: shape = [] if dimT > 1: shape.append(dimT) if dimZ > 1: shape.append(dimZ) if self.datashape['j']: shape.append(dimY) if self.datashape['i']: shape.append(dimX) return tuple(shape)
[docs] def reshape_data(self, data, first_dimension=None, d4=False, subzone=None): """ Returns a 2D data (horizontal dimensions) reshaped from 1D, according to geometry. :param data: the 1D data (or 3D with a T and Z dimensions, or 2D with either a T/Z dimension, to be specified), of dimension concording with geometry. In case data is 3D, T must be first dimension and Z the second. :param first_dimension: in case data is 2D, specify what is the first dimension of data among ('T', 'Z') :param subzone: optional, among ('C', 'CI'), for LAM grids only, informes that data is resp. on the C or C+I zone off the C+I(+E) zone. :param d4: - if True, returned values are shaped in a 4 dimensions array - if False, shape of returned values is determined with respect to geometry """ assert 1 <= len(data.shape) <= 3 shp_in = data.shape nb_levels = 1 nb_validities = 1 if len(shp_in) == 2: assert first_dimension in ('T', 'Z'), \ "*first_dimension* must be among ('T', 'Z') if *data*.shape == 2" if first_dimension == 'T': nb_validities = shp_in[0] elif first_dimension == 'Z': nb_levels = shp_in[0] elif len(shp_in) == 3: nb_validities = shp_in[0] nb_levels = shp_in[1] assert nb_levels in (1, len(self.vcoordinate.levels)), \ "vertical dimension of data must be 1 or self.vcoordinate.levels=" \ + str(self.vcoordinate.levels) if d4 or 1 not in (nb_validities, nb_levels): # data as 4D or truly 4D shp = self.get_datashape(dimT=nb_validities, force_dimZ=nb_levels, d4=True, subzone=subzone) else: shp = self.get_datashape(dimT=nb_validities, force_dimZ=nb_levels, subzone=subzone) return data.reshape(shp)
[docs] def horizontally_flattened(self, data): """ Returns a copy of *data* with horizontal dimensions flattened. *data* must be 4D for simplicity reasons. """ assert len(data.shape) == 4 data3D = numpy.empty(tuple(list(data.shape[:2]) + [self.gridpoints_number])) for t in range(data.shape[0]): for k in range(data.shape[1]): data3D[t, k, :] = data[t, k, :, :].flatten() return data3D
[docs] def fill_maskedvalues(self, data, fill_value=None): """ Returns a copy of *data* with masked values filled with *fill_value*. """ assert isinstance(data, return data.filled(fill_value)
[docs] def gimme_corners_ij(self, subzone=None): """ Returns the indices (i, j) of the four corners of a rectangular grid, as a dict(corner=(i, j)) with corner in: \n ll = lower-left / lr = lower-right / ur = upper-right / ul = upper-left. (0, 0) is always the lower-left corner of the grid. :param subzone: for LAM fields, returns the corners of the subzone. """ if 'LAMzone' not in self.grid or self.grid['LAMzone'] is None: ll = (0, 0) lr = (self.dimensions['X'] - 1, 0) ul = (0, self.dimensions['Y'] - 1) ur = (self.dimensions['X'] - 1, self.dimensions['Y'] - 1) elif self.grid['LAMzone'] == 'CIE': if subzone in (None, 'CIE'): ll = (0, 0) lr = (self.dimensions['X'] - 1, 0) ul = (0, self.dimensions['Y'] - 1) ur = (self.dimensions['X'] - 1, self.dimensions['Y'] - 1) elif subzone == 'CI': ll = (self.dimensions['X_CIoffset'], self.dimensions['Y_CIoffset']) lr = (self.dimensions['X_CIoffset'] + self.dimensions['X_CIzone'] - 1, self.dimensions['Y_CIoffset']) ul = (self.dimensions['X_CIoffset'], self.dimensions['Y_CIoffset'] + self.dimensions['Y_CIzone'] - 1) ur = (self.dimensions['X_CIoffset'] + self.dimensions['X_CIzone'] - 1, self.dimensions['Y_CIoffset'] + self.dimensions['Y_CIzone'] - 1) elif subzone == 'C': ll = (self.dimensions['X_CIoffset'] + self.dimensions['X_Iwidth'], self.dimensions['Y_CIoffset'] + self.dimensions['Y_Iwidth']) lr = (self.dimensions['X_CIoffset'] + self.dimensions['X_Iwidth'] + self.dimensions['X_Czone'] - 1, self.dimensions['Y_CIoffset'] + self.dimensions['Y_Iwidth']) ul = (self.dimensions['X_CIoffset'] + self.dimensions['X_Iwidth'], self.dimensions['Y_CIoffset'] + self.dimensions['Y_Iwidth'] + self.dimensions['Y_Czone'] - 1) ur = (self.dimensions['X_CIoffset'] + self.dimensions['X_Iwidth'] + self.dimensions['X_Czone'] - 1, self.dimensions['Y_CIoffset'] + self.dimensions['Y_Iwidth'] + self.dimensions['Y_Czone'] - 1) elif self.grid['LAMzone'] == 'CI': if subzone in (None, 'CI'): ll = (0, 0) lr = (self.dimensions['X_CIzone'] - 1, 0) ul = (0, self.dimensions['Y_CIzone'] - 1) ur = (self.dimensions['X_CIzone'] - 1, self.dimensions['Y_CIzone'] - 1) elif subzone == 'C': ll = (self.dimensions['X_Iwidth'], self.dimensions['Y_Iwidth']) lr = (self.dimensions['X_Iwidth'] + self.dimensions['X_Czone'] - 1, self.dimensions['Y_Iwidth']) ul = (self.dimensions['X_Iwidth'], self.dimensions['Y_Iwidth'] + self.dimensions['Y_Czone'] - 1) ur = (self.dimensions['X_Iwidth'] + self.dimensions['X_Czone'] - 1, self.dimensions['Y_Iwidth'] + self.dimensions['Y_Czone'] - 1) return {'ll':ll, 'lr':lr, 'ul':ul, 'ur':ur}
[docs] def gimme_corners_ll(self, subzone=None, position=None): """ Returns the lon/lat of the four corners of a rectangular grid, as a dict(corner=(lon, lat)) with corner in: \n ll = lower-left / lr = lower-right / ur = upper-right / ul = upper-left. :param subzone: for LAM grids, returns the corners of the subzone. :param position: position of corners with respect to the model cell. Defaults to self.position_on_horizontal_grid. """ corners = self.gimme_corners_ij(subzone=subzone) for c in corners.keys(): i = corners[c][0] j = corners[c][1] corners[c] = self.ij2ll(i, j, position) return corners
[docs] def point_is_inside_domain_ll(self, lon, lat, margin=-0.1, subzone=None, position=None): """ Returns True if the point(s) of lon/lat coordinates is(are) inside the field. :param lon: longitude of point(s) in degrees. :param lat: latitude of point(s) in degrees. :param margin: considers the point inside if at least 'margin' points far from the border. The -0.1 default is a safety for precision errors. :param subzone: considers only a subzone among ('C', 'CI') of the domain. :param position: position of the grid with respect to the model cell. Defaults to self.position_on_horizontal_grid. """ (Xmin, Ymin) = self.gimme_corners_ij(subzone)['ll'] (Xmax, Ymax) = self.gimme_corners_ij(subzone)['ur'] try: N = len(lon) except Exception: N = 1 if N == 1: inside = (Xmin + margin <= self.ll2ij(lon, lat, position)[0] <= Xmax - margin and Ymin + margin <= self.ll2ij(lon, lat, position)[1] <= Ymax - margin) else: inside = [] for i in range(N): p = self.ll2ij(lon[i], lat[i], position) inside.append(Xmin + margin <= p[0] <= Xmax - margin and Ymin + margin <= p[1] <= Ymax - margin) return inside
[docs] def point_is_inside_domain_ij(self, i=None, j=None, margin=-0.1, subzone=None): """ Returns True if the point(s) of i/j coordinates is(are) inside the field. :param i: X index of point :param j: Y index of point. :param margin: considers the point inside if at least 'margin' points far from the border. The -0.1 default is a safety for precision errors. :param subzone: considers only a subzone among ('C', 'CI') of the domain. """ if self.datashape['j'] and j is None: raise epygramError("*j* is mandatory when field has a two horizontal dimensions") if self.datashape['i'] and j is None: raise epygramError("*i* is mandatory when field has one horizontal dimension") (Xmin, Ymin) = self.gimme_corners_ij(subzone)['ll'] (Xmax, Ymax) = self.gimme_corners_ij(subzone)['ur'] try: N = len(i) except Exception: N = 1 if N == 1: inside_i = (i is None) or (Xmin + margin <= i <= Xmax - margin) inside_j = (j is None) or (Ymin + margin <= j <= Ymax - margin) inside = inside_i and inside_j else: inside = [] for n in range(N): inside_i = (i is None) or (Xmin + margin <= i[n] <= Xmax - margin) inside_j = (j is None) or (Ymin + margin <= j[n] <= Ymax - margin) inside.append(inside_i and inside_j) return inside
[docs] def nearest_points(self, lon, lat, request, position=None, external_distance=None): """ Returns the (i, j) positions of the nearest points. :param lon: longitude of point in degrees. :param lat: latitude of point in degrees. :param request: criteria for selecting the points, among: * {'n':'1'} - the nearest point * {'n':'2*2'} - the 2*2 square points around the position * {'n':'4*4'} - the 4*4 square points around the position * {'n':'N*N'} - the N*N square points around the position: N must be even * {'radius':xxxx, 'shape':'square'} - the points which are xxxx metres around the position in X or Y direction * {'radius':xxxx, 'shape':'circle'} - the points within xxxx metres around the position. (default shape == circle) :param position: position in the model cell of the lat lon position. Defaults to self.position_on_horizontal_grid. :param external_distance: can be a dict containing the target point value and an external field on the same grid as self, to which the distance is computed within the 4 horizontally nearest points; e.g. {'target_value':4810, 'external_field':a_3DField_with_same_geometry}. If so, the nearest point is selected with distance = |target_value -| Only valid with request={'n':'1'} :rtype: list of (lon, lat) tuples, or (lon, lat) if one only point. """ if not self.point_is_inside_domain_ll(lon, lat, position=position): raise ValueError("point (" + str(lon) + ", " + str(lat) + ") is out of field domain.") (i0, j0) = self.ll2ij(lon, lat, position) i_int = numpy.floor(i0).astype('int') j_int = numpy.floor(j0).astype('int') nsquare_match = _re_nearest_sq.match(request.get('n', '')) if nsquare_match: assert'n') =='m'), \ "anisotropic request {'n':'N*M'} is not supported." if external_distance is not None: assert request == {'n':'1'} def _increments(n): def _rng(n): return numpy.arange(-n // 2 + 1, n // 2 + 1) if == 'academic' and self.dimensions['X'] == 1: i_incr = _rng(1) else: i_incr = _rng(n) if == 'academic' and self.dimensions['Y'] == 1: j_incr = _rng(1) else: j_incr = _rng(n) return (i_incr, j_incr) # compute points position if request == {'n':'1'} and not external_distance: points = [(numpy.rint(i0).astype('int'), numpy.rint(j0).astype('int'))] else: # square: size if external_distance: n = 1 elif request.get('radius'): resolution = self.resolution_ll(lon, lat) n = max(numpy.around(float(request['radius']) / float(resolution)).astype('int') * 2, 1) elif nsquare_match: n = int('n')) else: raise epygramError("unrecognized **request**: " + str(request)) # square: indexes (ii, jj) = _increments(n) ii = [i_int + di for di in ii] jj = [j_int + dj for dj in jj] points = [(i, j) for i in ii for j in jj] # filter: if external distance if external_distance: mindistance = None for p in points: dist = abs(external_distance['external_field'].getvalue_ij(*p, one=True) - external_distance['target_value']) if mindistance is None or dist < mindistance: points = [p] mindistance = dist # filter: if radius if request.get('radius'): if request.get('shape', 'circle') == 'circle': points = [(i, j) for (i, j) in points if self.distance((lon, lat), self.ij2ll(i, j)) <= request['radius']] elif request.get('shape') == 'square': points = [(i, j) for (i, j) in points if all(abs(numpy.array(self.ll2xy(lon, lat)) - numpy.array(self.ij2xy(i, j))) <= request['radius'])] assert len(points) > 0, "no points found: radius may be too small." # check all points in domain for point in points: if not self.point_is_inside_domain_ij(*point): raise epygramError("point (" + str(lon) + ", " + str(lat) + ") too close to field domain borders.") return points[0] if request.get('n') == '1' else points
def _what_grid_dimensions(self, out=sys.stdout, arpifs_var_names=False, spectral_geometry=None): """ Writes in file a summary of the grid & dimensions of the field. :param out: the output open file-like object :param arpifs_var_names: if True, prints the equivalent 'arpifs' variable names. :param spectral_geometry: an optional dict containing the spectral truncatures {'in_X':, 'in_Y':}. """ varname = '' grid = self.grid dimensions = self.dimensions if 'LAMzone' in grid: write_formatted(out, "Zone", grid['LAMzone']) if arpifs_var_names: varname = ' (NDLON)' write_formatted(out, "Total points in X" + varname, dimensions['X']) if arpifs_var_names: varname = ' (NDGL)' write_formatted(out, "Total points in Y" + varname, dimensions['Y']) if grid['LAMzone'] == 'CIE': write_formatted(out, "Points of C+I in X", dimensions['X_CIzone']) write_formatted(out, "Points of C+I in Y", dimensions['Y_CIzone']) if arpifs_var_names: varname = ' (NDLUN-1)' write_formatted(out, "Low-left X offset for I zone" + varname, dimensions['X_CIoffset']) if arpifs_var_names: varname = ' (NDGUN-1)' write_formatted(out, "Low-left Y offset for I zone" + varname, dimensions['Y_CIoffset']) write_formatted(out, "Width of I strip in X", dimensions['X_Iwidth']) write_formatted(out, "Width of I strip in Y", dimensions['Y_Iwidth']) elif grid['LAMzone'] == 'CI': write_formatted(out, "Width of I strip in X", dimensions['X_Iwidth']) write_formatted(out, "Width of I strip in Y", dimensions['Y_Iwidth']) if spectral_geometry is not None: if arpifs_var_names: varname = ' (NMSMAX)' write_formatted(out, "Truncation in X" + varname, spectral_geometry['in_X']) if arpifs_var_names: varname = ' (NSMAX)' write_formatted(out, "Truncation in Y" + varname, spectral_geometry['in_Y']) else: if arpifs_var_names: varname = ' (NDLON)' write_formatted(out, "Total points in X" + varname, dimensions['X']) write_formatted(out, "Total points in Y" + varname, dimensions['Y']) out.write(separation_line)
[docs]class D3UnstructuredGeometry(D3RectangularGridGeometry): """Handles the geometry for an unstructured 3-Dimensions Field.""" _collector = ('geometry',) _footprint = dict( attr=dict( name=dict( values=set(['unstructured'])) ) ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(D3UnstructuredGeometry, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _consistency_check(self): """Check that the geometry is consistent.""" grid_keys = ['latitudes', 'longitudes'] if set(self.grid.keys()) != set(grid_keys) and \ set(self.grid.keys()) != set(['DDH_domain']): raise epygramError("grid attribute must consist in keys: " + str(grid_keys) + " or " + str(['DDH_domain']))
[docs] def get_lonlat_grid(self, subzone=None, position=None, d4=False, nb_validities=0): """ Returns a tuple of two tables containing one the longitude of each point, the other the latitude, with 2D shape. :param subzone: optional, among ('C', 'CI'), for LAM grids only, returns the grid resp. for the C or C+I zone off the C+I+E zone. \n Default is no subzone, i.e. the whole field. :param position: position of lonlat grid with respect to the model cell. Defaults to self.position_on_horizontal_grid. :param d4: - if True, returned values are shaped in a 4 dimensions array - if False, shape of returned values is determined with respect to geometry. d4=True requires nb_validities > 0 :param nb_validities: number of validities represented in data values Shape of 2D data on Rectangular grids: \n - grid[0,0] is SW, grid[-1,-1] is NE \n - grid[0,-1] is SE, grid[-1,0] is NW """ if self._getoffset(position) != (0., 0.): raise epygramError('We can only retrieve latitude and longitude of mass point on an unstructured grid') lons = numpy.array(self.grid['longitudes']) lats = numpy.array(self.grid['latitudes']) if len(lons.shape) == 1: lons = self.reshape_data(lons) lats = self.reshape_data(lats) if subzone and self.grid.get('LAMzone', None): lons = self.extract_subzone(lons, subzone) lats = self.extract_subzone(lats, subzone) if d4: lons, lats = self._reshape_lonlat_4d(lons, lats, nb_validities) elif not d4 and nb_validities != 0: raise ValueError("*nb_validities* must be 0 when d4==False") else: lons = lons.squeeze() lats = lats.squeeze() return (lons, lats)
[docs] def ij2ll(self, i, j, position=None): """ Return the (lon, lat) coordinates of point *(i,j)*, in degrees. :param i: X index of point in the 2D matrix of gridpoints :param j: Y index of point in the 2D matrix of gridpoints :param position: lat lon position to return with respect to the model cell. Defaults to self.position_on_horizontal_grid. """ (lons, lats) = self.get_lonlat_grid(position=position) return (lons[j, i], lats[j, i])
[docs] def ll2ij(self, lon, lat, position=None): """ Return the (i, j) indexes of point *(lon, lat)* in degrees, in the 2D matrix of gridpoints. :param lon: longitude of point in degrees :param lat: latitude of point in degrees :param position: lat lon position to return with respect to the model cell. Defaults to self.position_on_horizontal_grid. Caution: the returned (*i,j*) are float. """ (lons, lats) = self.get_lonlat_grid(position=position) result = None for j in range(lons.shape[0]): for i in range(lons.shape[1]): if (lons[j, i], lats[j, i]) == (lon, lat): if result is None: result = (i, j) else: raise epygramError("Several points have the same coordinates.") if result is None: raise epygramError("No point found with these coordinates.") return result
[docs] def nearest_points(self, lon, lat, interpolation, position=None, external_distance=None): """ Returns the (i, j) position of the points needed to perform an interpolation. This is a list of (lon, lat) tuples. :param lon: longitude of point in degrees. :param lat: latitude of point in degrees. :param interpolation: can be:\n - 'nearest' to get the nearest point only - 'linear' to get the 2*2 points bordering the (*lon*, *lat*) position - 'cubic' to get the 4*4 points bordering the (*lon*, *lat*) position :param position: position in the model cell of the lat lon position. Defaults to self.position_on_horizontal_grid. :param external_distance: can be a dict containing the target point value and an external field on the same grid as self, to which the distance is computed within the 4 horizontally nearest points; e.g. {'target_value':4810, 'external_field':a_3DField_with_same_geometry}. If so, the nearest point is selected with distance = |target_value -| """ if interpolation != 'nearest': raise NotImplementedError("*interpolation* != 'nearest' for UnstructuredGeometry.") if external_distance is not None: raise NotImplementedError("*external_distance* is not None for UnstructuredGeometry.") (lons, lats) = self.get_lonlat_grid(position=position) if lons.ndim == 2: dist0 = (lon - lons[0, 0]) ** 2 + (lat - lats[0, 0]) ** 2 else: dist0 = (lon - lons[0]) ** 2 + (lat - lats[0]) ** 2 i0 = 0 j0 = 0 if lons.ndim == 2: for j in range(0, lons.shape[0]): for i in range(0, lons.shape[1]): dist = (lon - lons[j, i]) ** 2 + (lat - lats[j, i]) ** 2 if dist < dist0: dist0 = dist i0 = i j0 = j else: for k in range(lons.shape[0]): dist = (lon - lons[k]) ** 2 + (lat - lats[k]) ** 2 if dist < dist0: dist0 = dist i0 = k j0 = 0 return (i0, j0)
[docs] def resolution_ll(self, lon, lat): """ Returns the local resolution at the nearest point of lon/lat. It's the distance between this point and its closest neighbour. :param lon: longitude of point in degrees. :param lat: latitude of point in degrees. """ return self.resolution_ij(*self.nearest_points(lon, lat, 'nearest'))
[docs] def resolution_ij(self, i, j): """ Returns the distance to the nearest point of (i,j) point. :param i: X index of point in the 2D matrix of gridpoints :param j: Y index of point in the 2D matrix of gridpoints """ (lons, lats) = self.get_lonlat_grid() result = None for jp in range(lons.shape[0]): for ip in range(lons.shape[1]): if (ip, jp) != (i, j): dist = self.distance((lons[j, i], lats[j, i]), (lons[jp, ip], lats[jp, ip])) if result is None or dist < result: result = dist if result is None: raise epygramError("Resolution cannot be computed on one point grid.") return result
def _what_grid(self, out=sys.stdout): """ Writes in file a summary of the grid of the field. :param out: the output open file-like object """ (lons, lats) = self.get_lonlat_grid() corners = self.gimme_corners_ll() write_formatted(out, "Kind of Geometry", 'Unstructured') write_formatted(out, "Max Longitude in deg", lons.max()) write_formatted(out, "Min Longitude in deg", lons.min()) write_formatted(out, "Max Latitude in deg", lats.max()) write_formatted(out, "Min Latitude in deg", lats.min()) write_formatted(out, "Low-Left corner Longitude in deg", corners['ll'][0]) write_formatted(out, "Low-Left corner Latitude in deg", corners['ll'][1]) write_formatted(out, "Low-Right corner Longitude in deg", corners['lr'][0]) write_formatted(out, "Low-Right corner Latitude in deg", corners['lr'][1]) write_formatted(out, "Upper-Left corner Longitude in deg", corners['ul'][0]) write_formatted(out, "Upper-Left corner Latitude in deg", corners['ul'][1]) write_formatted(out, "Upper-Right corner Longitude in deg", corners['ur'][0]) write_formatted(out, "Upper-Right corner Latitude in deg", corners['ur'][1])
[docs] def make_basemap(self, gisquality='i', specificproj=None, zoom=None, ax=None, **_): """ Returns a :class:`matplotlib.basemap.Basemap` object of the 'ad hoc' projection (if available). This is designed to avoid explicit handling of deep horizontal geometry attributes. :param gisquality: defines the quality of GIS contours, cf. Basemap doc. \n Possible values (by increasing quality): 'c', 'l', 'i', 'h', 'f'. :param specificproj: enables to make basemap on the specified projection, among: 'kav7', 'cyl', 'ortho', ('nsper', {...}) (cf. Basemap doc). In 'nsper' case, the {} may contain:\n - 'sat_height' = satellite height in km; - 'lon' = longitude of nadir in degrees; - 'lat' = latitude of nadir in degrees. \n Overwritten by *zoom*. :param zoom: specifies the lon/lat borders of the map, implying hereby a 'cyl' projection. Must be a dict(lonmin=, lonmax=, latmin=, latmax=). \n Overwrites *specificproj*. :param ax: a matplotlib ax on which to plot; if None, plots will be done on matplotlib.pyplot.gca() """ from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap # corners if self.dimensions['Y'] == 1: (lon, lat) = self.get_lonlat_grid() llcrnrlon = numpy.amin(lon) urcrnrlon = numpy.amax(lon) llcrnrlat = numpy.amin(lat) urcrnrlat = numpy.amax(lat) else: (llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat) = self.ij2ll(*self.gimme_corners_ij()['ll']) (urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat) = self.ij2ll(*self.gimme_corners_ij()['ur']) # make basemap if zoom is not None: # zoom case llcrnrlon = zoom['lonmin'] llcrnrlat = zoom['latmin'] urcrnrlon = zoom['lonmax'] urcrnrlat = zoom['latmax'] if specificproj is None: # defaults if llcrnrlat <= -89.0 or \ urcrnrlat >= 89.0: proj = 'cyl' else: proj = 'merc' (lons, lats) = self.get_lonlat_grid() if lons.ndim == 1: lonmax = lons[:].max() lonmin = lons[:].min() else: lonmax = lons[:, -1].max() lonmin = lons[:, 0].min() if lats.ndim == 1: latmax = lats[:].max() latmin = lats[:].min() else: latmax = lats[-1, :].max() latmin = lats[0, :].min() b = Basemap(resolution=gisquality, projection=proj, llcrnrlon=lonmin, llcrnrlat=latmin, urcrnrlon=lonmax, urcrnrlat=latmax, ax=ax) else: # specificproj if hasattr(self, '_center_lon') and hasattr(self, '_center_lat'): lon0 = self._center_lon.get('degrees') lat0 = self._center_lat.get('degrees') else: lon0 = lat0 = None if specificproj == 'kav7': b = Basemap(resolution=gisquality, projection=specificproj, lon_0=lon0, llcrnrlon=llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat=llcrnrlat, urcrnrlon=urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat=urcrnrlat, ax=ax) elif specificproj == 'ortho': b = Basemap(resolution=gisquality, projection=specificproj, lon_0=lon0, lat_0=lat0, ax=ax) elif specificproj == 'cyl': b = Basemap(resolution=gisquality, projection=specificproj, llcrnrlon=llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat=llcrnrlat, urcrnrlon=urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat=urcrnrlat, ax=ax) elif specificproj == 'moll': b = Basemap(resolution=gisquality, projection=specificproj, lon_0=lon0, llcrnrlon=llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat=llcrnrlat, urcrnrlon=urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat=urcrnrlat, ax=ax) elif isinstance(specificproj, tuple) and \ specificproj[0] == 'nsper' and \ isinstance(specificproj[1], dict): sat_height = specificproj[1].get('sat_height', 3000) * 1000. b = Basemap(resolution=gisquality, projection=specificproj[0], lon_0=specificproj[1].get('lon', lon0), lat_0=specificproj[1].get('lat', lat0), satellite_height=sat_height, ax=ax) return b
[docs]class D3AcademicGeometry(D3RectangularGridGeometry): """Handles the geometry for an academic 3-Dimensions Field.""" _collector = ('geometry',) _footprint = dict( attr=dict( name=dict( values=set(['academic'])), projection=dict( type=FPDict, info="Handles projection information.") ) ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(D3RectangularGridGeometry, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self.grid['input_position'] != (0, 0): raise NotImplementedError("For now, only input_position = (0, 0) is allowed for academic geometries.") def _rotate_axis(self, x, y, direction): """ Internal method used to rotate x/y coordinates to handle rotated geometries. *direction*, if evals to 'xy2ll', direction used when converting (x, y) to (lat, lon). if evals to 'll2xy', direction used when converting (lat, lon) to (x, y). """ if self.projection['rotation'].get('degrees') == 0: return (x, y) else: beta = self.projection['rotation'].get('radians') if direction == 'xy2ll': return (numpy.array(x) * numpy.cos(-beta) + numpy.array(y) * numpy.sin(-beta), - numpy.array(x) * numpy.sin(-beta) + numpy.array(y) * numpy.cos(-beta)) elif direction == 'll2xy': return (numpy.array(x) * numpy.cos(beta) + numpy.array(y) * numpy.sin(beta), - numpy.array(x) * numpy.sin(beta) + numpy.array(y) * numpy.cos(beta)) else: raise epygramError('Wrong direction of rotation.') def _consistency_check(self): """Check that the geometry is consistent.""" grid_keys = ['LAMzone', 'X_resolution', 'Y_resolution', 'input_lat', 'input_lon', 'input_position'] if set(self.grid.keys()) != set(grid_keys) and \ set(self.grid.keys()) != set(grid_keys + ['longitude', 'latitude']): raise epygramError("grid attribute must consist in keys: " + str(grid_keys) + " or " + str(grid_keys + ['longitude', 'latitude'])) LAMzone_values = [None, 'CI', 'CIE'] if self.grid['LAMzone'] not in LAMzone_values: raise epygramError("grid['LAMzone'] must be among " + str(LAMzone_values)) dimensions_keys = ['X', 'Y'] if self.grid['LAMzone'] in ('CI', 'CIE'): dimensions_keys.extend(['X_Iwidth', 'Y_Iwidth', 'X_Czone', 'Y_Czone', 'X_CIzone', 'Y_CIzone']) if self.grid['LAMzone'] == 'CIE': dimensions_keys.extend(['X_CIoffset', 'Y_CIoffset']) if set(self.dimensions.keys()) != set(dimensions_keys): raise epygramError("dimensions attribute must consist in keys: " + str(dimensions_keys)) projection_keys = ['reference_dX', 'reference_dY', 'rotation'] if set(self.projection.keys()) != set(projection_keys): raise epygramError("projection attribute must consist in keys: " + str(projection_keys)) def _getoffset(self, position=None): """ Returns the offset to use for this position. Replaces the method defined in D3RectangularGridGeometry to deal with 1D or 2D simulations. """ offset = super(D3AcademicGeometry, self)._getoffset(position) if self.dimensions['X'] == 1: offset = (0, offset[1]) if self.dimensions['Y'] == 1: offset = (offset[0], 0) return offset
[docs] def ij2xy(self, i, j, position=None): """ Return the (x, y) coordinates of point *(i,j)*, in the projection. :param i: X index of point in the 2D matrix of gridpoints :param j: Y index of point in the 2D matrix of gridpoints :param position: position to return with respect to the model cell. Defaults to self.position_on_horizontal_grid. Note that origin of coordinates in projection is the center of the C+I domain. """ if isinstance(i, list) or isinstance(i, tuple): i = numpy.array(i) if isinstance(j, list) or isinstance(j, tuple): j = numpy.array(j) (oi, oj) = self._getoffset(position) return ((i + oi) * self.grid['X_resolution'], (j + oj) * self.grid['Y_resolution'])
[docs] def xy2ij(self, x, y, position=None): """ Return the (i, j) indexes of point *(x, y)*, in the 2D matrix of gridpoints. :param x: X coordinate of point in the academic projection :param y: Y coordinate of point in the academic projection :param position: position to return with respect to the model cell. Defaults to self.position_on_horizontal_grid. Caution: (*i,j*) are float (the nearest grid point is the nearest integer). Note that origin of coordinates in projection is the center of the C+I domain. """ if isinstance(x, list) or isinstance(x, tuple): x = numpy.array(x) if isinstance(y, list) or isinstance(y, tuple): y = numpy.array(y) (oi, oj) = self._getoffset(position) return (x / self.grid['X_resolution'] - oi, y / self.grid['Y_resolution'] - oj)
[docs] def ij2ll(self, i, j, position=None): """ Return the (lon, lat) coordinates of point *(i,j)*, in degrees. :param i: X index of point in the 2D matrix of gridpoints :param j: Y index of point in the 2D matrix of gridpoints :param position: lat lon position to return with respect to the model cell. Defaults to self.position_on_horizontal_grid. This routine has a special meaning for this geometry. It returns the (i, j) position in the original grid (especially after a section extraction) with an offset of one (for old tools compatibility). """ if isinstance(i, list) or isinstance(i, tuple): i = numpy.array(i) if isinstance(j, list) or isinstance(j, tuple): j = numpy.array(j) return self.xy2ll(*self.ij2xy(i, j, position))
[docs] def ll2ij(self, lon, lat, position=None): """ Return the (i, j) indexes of point *(lon, lat)* in degrees, in the 2D matrix of gridpoints. :param lon: longitude of point in degrees :param lat: latitude of point in degrees :param position: lat lon position to return with respect to the model cell. Defaults to self.position_on_horizontal_grid. Caution: the returned (*i,j*) are float. This routine has a special meaning for this geometry. It returns the (lon, lat) position in the original grid (especially after a section extraction) with an offset of one (for old tools compatibility). """ if isinstance(lon, list) or isinstance(lon, tuple): lon = numpy.array(lon) if isinstance(lat, list) or isinstance(lat, tuple): lat = numpy.array(lat) return self.xy2ij(*self.ll2xy(lon, lat), position=position)
[docs] def ll2xy(self, lon, lat): """ Return the (x, y) coordinates of point *(lon, lat)* in degrees. :param lon: longitude of point in degrees :param lat: latitude of point in degrees Note that origin of coordinates in projection is the center of the C+I domain. """ if isinstance(lon, list) or isinstance(lon, tuple): lon = numpy.array(lon) if isinstance(lat, list) or isinstance(lat, tuple): lat = numpy.array(lat) # TOBECHECKED: position of self.ij2xy(0, 0) inside the formula xy = ((lon - self.grid['input_lon']) * self.projection['reference_dX'] + self.ij2xy(0, 0, 'center')[0], (lat - self.grid['input_lat']) * self.projection['reference_dY'] + self.ij2xy(0, 0, 'center')[1]) return self._rotate_axis(*xy, direction='ll2xy')
[docs] def xy2ll(self, x, y): """ Return the (lon, lat) coordinates of point *(x, y)* in the 2D matrix of gridpoints*(i,j)*, in degrees. :param x: X coordinate of point in the academic projection :param y: Y coordinate of point in the academic projection Note that origin of coordinates in projection is the center of the C+I domain. """ if isinstance(x, list) or isinstance(x, tuple): x = numpy.array(x) if isinstance(y, list) or isinstance(y, tuple): y = numpy.array(y) (a, b) = self._rotate_axis(x, y, direction='xy2ll') # TOBECHECKED: position of self.ij2xy(0, 0) inside the formula return ((a - self.ij2xy(0, 0, 'center')[0]) / self.projection['reference_dX'] + self.grid['input_lon'], (b - self.ij2xy(0, 0, 'center')[1]) / self.projection['reference_dY'] + self.grid['input_lat'])
[docs] def distance(self, end1, end2): """ Computes the distance between two points along a straight line in the geometry. :param end1: must be a tuple (lon, lat) in degrees. :param end2: must be a tuple (lon, lat) in degrees. """ return numpy.sqrt(((end1[0] - end2[0]) * self.grid['X_resolution']) ** 2 + ((end1[1] - end2[1]) * self.grid['Y_resolution']) ** 2)
[docs] def linspace(self, end1, end2, num): """ Returns evenly spaced points over the specified interval. Points are lined up in the geometry. :param end1: must be a tuple (lon, lat) in degrees. :param end2: must be a tuple (lon, lat) in degrees. :param num: number of points, including point1 and point2. """ if num < 2: raise epygramError("'num' must be at least 2.") return list(zip(numpy.linspace(end1[0], end2[0], num=num), numpy.linspace(end1[1], end2[1], num=num)))
[docs] def resolution_ll(self, *_, **__): """Returns the minimum of X and Y resolution.""" return min(self.grid['X_resolution'], self.grid['Y_resolution'])
[docs] def resolution_ij(self, *_, **__): """Returns the minimum of X and Y resolution.""" return min(self.grid['X_resolution'], self.grid['Y_resolution'])
[docs] def azimuth(self, end1, end2): """ Initial bearing from *end1* to *end2* points in geometry. :param end1: must be a tuple (lon, lat) in degrees. :param end2: must be a tuple (lon, lat) in degrees. """ (x1, y1) = self.ll2xy(*end1) (x2, y2) = self.ll2xy(*end2) return (numpy.degrees(numpy.arctan2(x2 - x1, y2 - y1)) + 180.) % 360. - 180.
def _what_position(self, out=sys.stdout): """ Writes in file a summary of the position of the field. :param out: the output open file-like object """ write_formatted(out, "Kind of Geometry", 'Academic') if 'latitude' in self.grid: write_formatted(out, "Latitude", self.grid['latitude']) if 'longitude' in self.grid: write_formatted(out, "Longitude", self.grid['longitude']) def _what_projection(self, out=sys.stdout, **_): """ Writes in file a summary of the projection of the field's grid. :param out: the output open file-like object """ projection = self.projection write_formatted(out, "X resolution of the reference grid", projection['reference_dX']) write_formatted(out, "Y resolution of the reference grid", projection['reference_dY'])
[docs] def make_section_geometry(self, end1, end2, points_number=None, resolution=None, position=None): """ Returns a academic V2DGeometry. :param end1: must be a tuple (lon, lat) in degrees. :param end2: must be a tuple (lon, lat) in degrees. :param points_number: defines the total number of horizontal points of the section (including ends). If None, defaults to a number computed from the *ends* and the *resolution*. :param resolution: defines the horizontal resolution to be given to the field. If None, defaults to the horizontal resolution of the field. :param position: defines the position of data in the grid (defaults to 'center') """ if resolution is not None and points_number is not None: raise epygramError("only one of resolution and " + " points_number can be given.") (x1, y1) = self.ll2xy(*end1) (x2, y2) = self.ll2xy(*end2) distance = numpy.sqrt((x1 - x2) ** 2 + (y1 - y2) ** 2) if resolution is None and points_number is None: resolution = 0.5 * (self.resolution_ll(*end1) + self.resolution_ll(*end2)) points_number = int(numpy.rint(distance / resolution)) + 1 if resolution > distance: raise epygramError("'ends' are too near: pure" + " interpolation between two gridpoints.") if points_number is not None: if points_number < 2: raise epygramError("'points_number' must be at least 2.") resolution = distance / (points_number - 1) else: points_number = int(numpy.rint(distance / resolution)) + 1 vcoordinate = fpx.geometry(structure='V', typeoffirstfixedsurface=255, levels=[]) grid = {'LAMzone':'CIE', 'X_resolution':resolution, 'Y_resolution':resolution, 'input_lat':end1[1], 'input_lon':end1[0], 'input_position':(0, 0)} if 'longitude' in self.grid: grid['longitude'] = self.grid['longitude'] if 'latitude' in self.grid: grid['latitude'] = self.grid['latitude'] dimensions = {'X':points_number, 'Y':1, 'X_Iwidth':0, 'Y_Iwidth':0, 'X_Czone':0, 'Y_Czone':0, 'X_CIzone':points_number, 'Y_CIzone':1, 'X_CIoffset':0, 'Y_CIoffset':0} rotation = numpy.arctan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1) projection = {'rotation':Angle(rotation, 'radians'), 'reference_dX':self.projection['reference_dX'], 'reference_dY':self.projection['reference_dY']} kwargs_geom = dict(structure='V2D',, grid=FPDict(grid), projection=projection, dimensions=FPDict(dimensions), position_on_horizontal_grid='center' if position is None else position, vcoordinate=vcoordinate ) return fpx.geometry(**kwargs_geom)
[docs]class D3RegLLGeometry(D3RectangularGridGeometry): """ Handles the geometry for a Regular Lon/Lat 3-Dimensions Field. """ _collector = ('geometry',) _footprint = dict( attr=dict( name=dict( values=set(['regular_lonlat'])) ) ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(D3RegLLGeometry, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self.grid['input_position'] == ((float(self.dimensions['X']) - 1) / 2., (float(self.dimensions['Y']) - 1) / 2.): self._center_lon = self.grid['input_lon'] self._center_lat = self.grid['input_lat'] elif self.grid['input_position'] == (0, 0): self._center_lon = Angle(self.grid['input_lon'].get('degrees') + self.grid['X_resolution'].get('degrees') * (self.dimensions['X'] - 1) / 2, 'degrees') self._center_lat = Angle(self.grid['input_lat'].get('degrees') + self.grid['Y_resolution'].get('degrees') * (self.dimensions['Y'] - 1) / 2, 'degrees') elif self.grid['input_position'] == (0, self.dimensions['Y'] - 1): self._center_lon = Angle(self.grid['input_lon'].get('degrees') + self.grid['X_resolution'].get('degrees') * (self.dimensions['X'] - 1) / 2, 'degrees') self._center_lat = Angle(self.grid['input_lat'].get('degrees') - self.grid['Y_resolution'].get('degrees') * (self.dimensions['Y'] - 1) / 2, 'degrees') elif self.grid['input_position'] == (self.dimensions['X'] - 1, 0): self._center_lon = Angle(self.grid['input_lon'].get('degrees') - self.grid['X_resolution'].get('degrees') * (self.dimensions['X'] - 1) / 2, 'degrees') self._center_lat = Angle(self.grid['input_lat'].get('degrees') + self.grid['Y_resolution'].get('degrees') * (self.dimensions['Y'] - 1) / 2, 'degrees') elif self.grid['input_position'] == (self.dimensions['X'] - 1, self.dimensions['Y'] - 1): self._center_lon = Angle(self.grid['input_lon'].get('degrees') - self.grid['X_resolution'].get('degrees') * (self.dimensions['X'] - 1) / 2, 'degrees') self._center_lat = Angle(self.grid['input_lat'].get('degrees') - self.grid['Y_resolution'].get('degrees') * (self.dimensions['Y'] - 1) / 2, 'degrees') else: raise NotImplementedError("this 'input_position': " + str(self.grid['input_position']))
[docs] def getcenter(self): """ Returns the coordinate of the grid center as a tuple (center_lon, center_lat). """ return (self._center_lon, self._center_lat)
def _consistency_check(self): """Check that the geometry is consistent.""" if == 'regular_lonlat': grid_keys = ['input_lon', 'input_lat', 'input_position', 'X_resolution', 'Y_resolution'] if set(self.grid.keys()) != set(grid_keys): raise epygramError("grid attribute must consist in keys: " + str(grid_keys)) assert isinstance(self.grid['input_lon'], Angle) assert isinstance(self.grid['input_lat'], Angle) assert isinstance(self.grid['X_resolution'], Angle) assert isinstance(self.grid['Y_resolution'], Angle) dimensions_keys = ['X', 'Y'] if set(self.dimensions.keys()) != set(dimensions_keys): raise epygramError("dimensions attribute must consist in keys: " + str(dimensions_keys))
[docs] def ij2xy(self, i, j, position=None): """ Return the (x, y) coordinates of point *(i,j)*, in the projection. :param i: X index of point in the 2D matrix of gridpoints :param j: Y index of point in the 2D matrix of gridpoints :param position: position to return with respect to the model cell. Defaults to self.position_on_horizontal_grid. Note that origin of coordinates in projection is the center of the C+I domain. """ if isinstance(i, list) or isinstance(i, tuple): i = numpy.array(i) if isinstance(j, list) or isinstance(j, tuple): j = numpy.array(j) (oi, oj) = self._getoffset(position) Xpoints = self.dimensions['X'] Ypoints = self.dimensions['Y'] Xresolution = self.grid['X_resolution'].get('degrees') Yresolution = self.grid['Y_resolution'].get('degrees') Xorigin = self._center_lon.get('degrees') Yorigin = self._center_lat.get('degrees') # origin of coordinates is the center of domain i0 = float(Xpoints - 1) / 2. j0 = float(Ypoints - 1) / 2. x = Xorigin + (i - i0 + oi) * Xresolution y = Yorigin + (j - j0 + oj) * Yresolution return (x, y)
[docs] def xy2ij(self, x, y, position=None): """ Return the (i, j) indexes of point *(x, y)*, in the 2D matrix of gridpoints. :param x: X coordinate of point in the projection :param y: Y coordinate of point in the projection :param position: position to return with respect to the model cell. Defaults to self.position_on_horizontal_grid. Caution: (*i,j*) are float (the nearest grid point is the nearest integer). Note that origin of coordinates in projection is the center of the C+I domain. """ if isinstance(x, list) or isinstance(x, tuple): x = numpy.array(x) if isinstance(y, list) or isinstance(y, tuple): y = numpy.array(y) (oi, oj) = self._getoffset(position) Xpoints = self.dimensions['X'] Ypoints = self.dimensions['Y'] Xresolution = self.grid['X_resolution'].get('degrees') Yresolution = self.grid['Y_resolution'].get('degrees') Xorigin = self._center_lon.get('degrees') Yorigin = self._center_lat.get('degrees') # origin of coordinates is the center of domain i0 = float(Xpoints - 1) / 2. j0 = float(Ypoints - 1) / 2. i = i0 + (x - Xorigin) / Xresolution - oi j = j0 + (y - Yorigin) / Yresolution - oj return (i, j)
[docs] def ij2ll(self, i, j, position=None): """ Return the (lon, lat) coordinates of point *(i,j)*, in degrees. :param i: X index of point in the 2D matrix of gridpoints :param j: Y index of point in the 2D matrix of gridpoints :param position: lat lon position to return with respect to the model cell. Defaults to self.position_on_horizontal_grid. """ return self.ij2xy(i, j, position)
[docs] def ll2ij(self, lon, lat, position=None): """ Return the (i, j) indexes of point *(lon, lat)* in degrees, in the 2D matrix of gridpoints. :param lon: longitude of point in degrees :param lat: latitude of point in degrees :param position: lat lon position to return with respect to the model cell. Defaults to self.position_on_horizontal_grid. Caution: (*i,j*) are float. """ lon = degrees_nearest_mod(lon, self._center_lon.get('degrees')) return self.xy2ij(lon, lat, position)
[docs] def ll2xy(self, lon, lat): """ Return the (x, y) coordinates of point *(lon, lat)* in degrees. :param lon: longitude of point in degrees :param lat: latitude of point in degrees Note that origin of coordinates in projection is the center of the C+I domain. """ if isinstance(lon, list) or isinstance(lon, tuple): lon = numpy.array(lon) if isinstance(lat, list) or isinstance(lat, tuple): lat = numpy.array(lat) return self.ij2xy(*self.ll2ij(lon, lat))
[docs] def xy2ll(self, x, y): """ Return the (lon, lat) coordinates of point *(x, y)* in the 2D matrix of gridpoints*(i,j)*, in degrees. :param x: X coordinate of point in the projection :param y: Y coordinate of point in the projection Note that origin of coordinates in projection is the center of the C+I domain. """ if isinstance(x, list) or isinstance(x, tuple): x = numpy.array(x) if isinstance(y, list) or isinstance(y, tuple): y = numpy.array(y) return self.ij2ll(*self.xy2ij(x, y))
[docs] def make_basemap(self, gisquality='i', subzone=None, specificproj=None, zoom=None, ax=None): """ Returns a :class:`matplotlib.basemap.Basemap` object of the 'ad hoc' projection (if available). This is designed to avoid explicit handling of deep horizontal geometry attributes. :param gisquality: defines the quality of GIS contours, cf. Basemap doc. \n Possible values (by increasing quality): 'c', 'l', 'i', 'h', 'f'. :param subzone: defines the LAM subzone to be included, in LAM case, among: 'C', 'CI'. :param specificproj: enables to make basemap on the specified projection, among: 'kav7', 'cyl', 'ortho', ('nsper', {...}) (cf. Basemap doc). \n In 'nsper' case, the {} may contain:\n - 'sat_height' = satellite height in km; - 'lon' = longitude of nadir in degrees; - 'lat' = latitude of nadir in degrees. \n Overwritten by *zoom*. :param zoom: specifies the lon/lat borders of the map, implying hereby a 'cyl' projection. Must be a dict(lonmin=, lonmax=, latmin=, latmax=).\n Overwrites *specificproj*. :param ax: a matplotlib ax on which to plot; if None, plots will be done on matplotlib.pyplot.gca() """ from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap # corners (llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat) = self.ij2ll(*self.gimme_corners_ij(subzone)['ll']) (urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat) = self.ij2ll(*self.gimme_corners_ij(subzone)['ur']) # make basemap if zoom is not None: # zoom case llcrnrlon = zoom['lonmin'] llcrnrlat = zoom['latmin'] urcrnrlon = zoom['lonmax'] urcrnrlat = zoom['latmax'] if specificproj is None: # defaults if llcrnrlat <= -89.0 or \ urcrnrlat >= 89.0: proj = 'cyl' else: proj = 'merc' b = Basemap(resolution=gisquality, projection=proj, llcrnrlon=llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat=llcrnrlat, urcrnrlon=urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat=urcrnrlat, ax=ax) else: # specificproj lon0 = self._center_lon.get('degrees') lat0 = self._center_lat.get('degrees') if specificproj == 'kav7': b = Basemap(resolution=gisquality, projection=specificproj, lon_0=lon0, llcrnrlon=llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat=llcrnrlat, urcrnrlon=urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat=urcrnrlat, ax=ax) elif specificproj == 'ortho': b = Basemap(resolution=gisquality, projection=specificproj, lon_0=lon0, lat_0=lat0, ax=ax) elif specificproj == 'cyl': b = Basemap(resolution=gisquality, projection=specificproj, llcrnrlon=llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat=llcrnrlat, urcrnrlon=urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat=urcrnrlat, ax=ax) elif specificproj == 'moll': b = Basemap(resolution=gisquality, projection=specificproj, lon_0=lon0, llcrnrlon=llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat=llcrnrlat, urcrnrlon=urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat=urcrnrlat, ax=ax) elif isinstance(specificproj, tuple) and \ specificproj[0] == 'nsper' and \ isinstance(specificproj[1], dict): sat_height = specificproj[1].get('sat_height', 3000) * 1000. b = Basemap(resolution=gisquality, projection=specificproj[0], lon_0=specificproj[1].get('lon', lon0), lat_0=specificproj[1].get('lat', lat0), satellite_height=sat_height, ax=ax) return b
[docs] def global_shift_center(self, longitude_shift): """ Shifts the center of the geometry by *longitude_shift* (in degrees). *longitude_shift* has to be a multiple of the grid's resolution in longitude. """ corners = self.gimme_corners_ll() if abs(abs(degrees_nearest_mod(corners['ur'][0] - corners['ul'][0], 0.)) - self.grid['X_resolution'].get('degrees')) < config.epsilon: if abs(longitude_shift % self.grid['X_resolution'].get('degrees')) > config.epsilon: raise epygramError("*longitude_shift* has to be a multiple" + " of the grid's resolution in longitude.") self._center_lon = Angle(self._center_lon.get('degrees') + longitude_shift, 'degrees') self.grid['input_lon'] = Angle(self.grid['input_lon'].get('degrees') + longitude_shift, 'degrees') else: raise epygramError("unable to shift center if " + "lon_max - lon_min != X_resolution.")
[docs] def linspace(self, end1, end2, num): """ Returns evenly spaced points over the specified interval. Points are lined up in the geometry. :param end1: must be a tuple (lon, lat) in degrees. :param end2: must be a tuple (lon, lat) in degrees. :param num: number of points, including point1 and point2. """ if num < 2: raise epygramError("'num' must be at least 2.") (x1, y1) = self.ll2xy(*end1) (x2, y2) = self.ll2xy(*end2) xy_linspace = list(zip(numpy.linspace(x1, x2, num=num), numpy.linspace(y1, y2, num=num))) return [self.xy2ll(*xy) for xy in xy_linspace]
[docs] def distance(self, end1, end2): """ Computes the distance between two points along a straight line in the geometry. :param end1: must be a tuple (lon, lat) in degrees. :param end2: must be a tuple (lon, lat) in degrees. Warning: requires the :mod:`pyproj` module. """ import pyproj plast = end1 distance = 0 g = pyproj.Geod(ellps='sphere') for p in self.linspace(end1, end2, 1000)[1:]: distance += g.inv(plast[0], plast[1], *p)[2] plast = p return distance
[docs] def resolution_ll(self, lon, lat): """ Returns the local resolution at the nearest point of lon/lat. It's the distance between this point and its closest neighbour. :param lon: longitude of the point in degrees :param lat: latitude of the point in degrees """ return self.resolution_ij(*self.ll2ij(lon, lat))
[docs] def resolution_ij(self, i, j): """ Returns the distance to the nearest point of (i,j) point. :param i: X index of point in the 2D matrix of gridpoints :param j: Y index of point in the 2D matrix of gridpoints """ (iint, jint) = (numpy.rint(i).astype('int'), numpy.rint(j).astype('int')) points_list = [(iint + oi, jint + oj) for oi in [-1, 0, 1] for oj in [-1, 0, 1] if (oi, oj) != (0, 0)] return numpy.array([self.distance(self.ij2ll(iint, jint), self.ij2ll(*p)) for p in points_list]).min()
[docs] def azimuth(self, end1, end2): """ Initial bearing from *end1* to *end2* points in geometry. :param end1: must be a tuple (lon, lat) in degrees. :param end2: must be a tuple (lon, lat) in degrees. """ (x1, y1) = self.ll2xy(*end1) (x2, y2) = self.ll2xy(*end2) return (numpy.degrees(numpy.arctan2(x2 - x1, y2 - y1)) + 180.) % 360. - 180.
def _what_grid(self, out=sys.stdout, arpifs_var_names=False): """ Writes in file a summary of the grid of the field. :param out: the output open file-like object :param arpifs_var_names: if True, prints the equivalent 'arpifs' variable names. """ grid = self.grid dimensions = self.dimensions varname = '' (lons, lats) = self.get_lonlat_grid() corners = self.gimme_corners_ll() write_formatted(out, "Kind of Geometry", 'Regular Lon/Lat') if arpifs_var_names: varname = ' (ELONC)' write_formatted(out, "Center Longitude in deg" + varname, self._center_lon.get('degrees')) if arpifs_var_names: varname = ' (ELATC)' write_formatted(out, "Center Latitude in deg" + varname, self._center_lat.get('degrees')) if arpifs_var_names: varname = ' (EDELX)' write_formatted(out, "Resolution in X, in deg" + varname, grid['X_resolution'].get('degrees')) if arpifs_var_names: varname = ' (EDELY)' write_formatted(out, "Resolution in Y, in deg" + varname, grid['Y_resolution'].get('degrees')) if arpifs_var_names: varname = ' (ELX)' write_formatted(out, "Domain width in X, in deg" + varname, grid['X_resolution'].get('degrees') * dimensions['X']) if arpifs_var_names: varname = ' (ELY)' write_formatted(out, "Domain width in Y, in deg" + varname, grid['Y_resolution'].get('degrees') * dimensions['Y']) write_formatted(out, "Max Longitude in deg", lons.max()) write_formatted(out, "Min Longitude in deg", lons.min()) write_formatted(out, "Max Latitude in deg", lats.max()) write_formatted(out, "Min Latitude in deg", lats.min()) write_formatted(out, "Low-Left corner Longitude in deg", corners['ll'][0]) write_formatted(out, "Low-Left corner Latitude in deg", corners['ll'][1]) write_formatted(out, "Low-Right corner Longitude in deg", corners['lr'][0]) write_formatted(out, "Low-Right corner Latitude in deg", corners['lr'][1]) write_formatted(out, "Upper-Left corner Longitude in deg", corners['ul'][0]) write_formatted(out, "Upper-Left corner Latitude in deg", corners['ul'][1]) write_formatted(out, "Upper-Right corner Longitude in deg", corners['ur'][0]) write_formatted(out, "Upper-Right corner Latitude in deg", corners['ur'][1]) def __eq__(self, other): """Test of equality by recursion on the object's attributes.""" if self.__class__ == other.__class__ and \ set(self.__dict__.keys()) == set(other.__dict__.keys()): selfcp = self.copy() othercp = other.copy() for obj in [selfcp, othercp]: obj.grid.pop('input_lon', None) obj.grid.pop('input_lat', None) obj.grid.pop('input_position', None) obj._proj = None ok = super(D3RegLLGeometry, selfcp).__eq__(othercp) else: ok = False return ok
[docs]class D3ProjectedGeometry(D3RectangularGridGeometry): """ Handles the geometry for a Projected 3-Dimensions Field. """ _collector = ('geometry',) _footprint = dict( attr=dict( name=dict( values=set(['lambert', 'mercator', 'polar_stereographic', 'space_view'])), projection=dict( type=FPDict, info="Handles projection information."), projtool=dict( optional=True, default=config.default_projtool, info="To use pyproj or epygram.myproj."), geoid=dict( type=FPDict, optional=True, default=FPDict(config.default_geoid), info="Geoid definition in projections.") ) ) @property def secant_projection(self): """ Is the projection secant to the sphere ? (or tangent)""" return ('secant_lat' in self.projection or 'secant_lat1' in self.projection) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(D3ProjectedGeometry, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def compute_center_proj(p, center): if center == self.grid['input_position']: self._center_lon = self.grid['input_lon'] self._center_lat = self.grid['input_lat'] else: # x1, y1: coordinates in non rotated proj of input point x1, y1 = p(float(self.grid['input_lon'].get('degrees')), float(self.grid['input_lat'].get('degrees'))) # offset between center and input points is known in rotated proj # dx, dy is the offset in non rotated proj (dx, dy) = self._rotate_axis( (center[0] - self.grid['input_position'][0]) * self.grid['X_resolution'], (center[1] - self.grid['input_position'][1]) * self.grid['Y_resolution'], 'xy2ll') # xc, yc: coordinates of center point in non rotated proj xc = x1 + dx yc = y1 + dy center_lon, center_lat = p(xc, yc, inverse=True) self._center_lon = Angle(center_lon, 'degrees') self._center_lat = Angle(center_lat, 'degrees') if self.projtool == 'pyproj': import pyproj projtool = pyproj projdict = {'lambert':'lcc', 'mercator':'merc', 'polar_stereographic':'stere', 'space_view':'geos'} elif self.projtool == 'myproj': raise Warning("use of 'myproj' projtool is DEPRECATED ! Should rather use 'pyproj' instead, check config.") from epygram import myproj projtool = myproj projdict = {'lambert':'lambert', 'mercator':'mercator', 'polar_stereographic':'polar_stereographic', 'space_view':'space_view'} proj = projdict[] # build proj if self.grid['LAMzone'] is not None: nx = self.dimensions['X_CIzone'] ny = self.dimensions['Y_CIzone'] io = self.dimensions.get('X_CIoffset', 0) jo = self.dimensions.get('Y_CIoffset', 0) centerPoint = (io + (float(nx) - 1) / 2., jo + (float(ny) - 1) / 2.) # Coordinates of center point else: nx = self.dimensions['X'] ny = self.dimensions['Y'] centerPoint = ((float(nx) - 1) / 2., (float(ny) - 1) / 2.) # Coordinates of center point # CAUTION: x0, y0 are deeply linked with ij2xy and xy2ij methods: # the origin of the grid is the center of the domain ! if == 'lambert': if self.secant_projection: lat_1 = self.projection['secant_lat1'].get('degrees') lat_2 = self.projection['secant_lat2'].get('degrees') m1 = math.cos(math.radians(lat_1)) m2 = math.cos(math.radians(lat_2)) t1 = math.tan(math.pi / 4. - math.radians(lat_1) / 2.) t2 = math.tan(math.pi / 4. - math.radians(lat_2) / 2.) self._K = (math.log(m1) - math.log(m2)) / \ (math.log(t1) - math.log(t2)) else: lat_1 = self.projection['reference_lat'].get('degrees') lat_2 = self.projection['reference_lat'].get('degrees') self._K = abs(self.projection['reference_lat'].get('cos_sin')[1]) p = projtool.Proj(proj=proj, lon_0=self.projection['reference_lon'].get('degrees'), lat_1=lat_1, lat_2=lat_2, **self.geoid) compute_center_proj(p, centerPoint) x0, y0 = p(self._center_lon.get('degrees'), self._center_lat.get('degrees')) self._proj = projtool.Proj(proj=proj, lon_0=self.projection['reference_lon'].get('degrees'), lat_1=lat_1, lat_2=lat_2, x_0=-x0, y_0=-y0, **self.geoid) elif == 'mercator': if self.secant_projection: lat_ts = self.projection['secant_lat'].get('degrees') else: lat_ts = 0. p = projtool.Proj(proj=proj, lon_0=self.projection['reference_lon'].get('degrees'), lat_ts=lat_ts, **self.geoid) compute_center_proj(p, centerPoint) x0, y0 = p(self._center_lon.get('degrees'), self._center_lat.get('degrees')) self._proj = projtool.Proj(proj=proj, lon_0=self.projection['reference_lon'].get('degrees'), lat_ts=lat_ts, x_0=-x0, y_0=-y0, **self.geoid) elif == 'polar_stereographic': lat_0 = self.projection['reference_lat'].get('degrees') if self.secant_projection: lat_ts = self.projection['secant_lat'].get('degrees') else: lat_ts = self.projection['reference_lat'].get('degrees') p = projtool.Proj(proj=proj, lon_0=self.projection['reference_lon'].get('degrees'), lat_0=lat_0, lat_ts=lat_ts, **self.geoid) compute_center_proj(p, centerPoint) x0, y0 = p(self._center_lon.get('degrees'), self._center_lat.get('degrees')) self._proj = projtool.Proj(proj=proj, lon_0=self.projection['reference_lon'].get('degrees'), lat_0=lat_0, lat_ts=lat_ts, x_0=-x0, y_0=-y0, **self.geoid) elif == 'space_view': latSat = self.projection['satellite_lat'].get('degrees') lonSat = self.projection['satellite_lon'].get('degrees') height = self.projection['satellite_height'] # Height above ellipsoid if latSat != 0: raise epygramError("Only space views with satellite_lat=0 are allowed") p = projtool.Proj(proj=proj, h=height, lon_0=lonSat) compute_center_proj(p, centerPoint) x0, y0 = p(self._center_lon.get('degrees'), self._center_lat.get('degrees')) self._proj = projtool.Proj(proj=proj, h=height, lon_0=lonSat, x_0=-x0, y_0=-y0) else: raise NotImplementedError("projection: " + def _rotate_axis(self, x, y, direction): """ Internal method used to rotate x/y coordinates to handle rotated geometries. :param direction:, if evals to 'xy2ll', direction used when converting (x, y) to (lat, lon). if evals to 'll2xy', direction used when converting (lat, lon) to (x, y). """ if self.projection['rotation'].get('degrees') == 0: return (x, y) else: beta = self.projection['rotation'].get('radians') if direction == 'xy2ll': return (numpy.array(x) * numpy.cos(-beta) + numpy.array(y) * numpy.sin(-beta), - numpy.array(x) * numpy.sin(-beta) + numpy.array(y) * numpy.cos(-beta)) elif direction == 'll2xy': return (numpy.array(x) * numpy.cos(beta) + numpy.array(y) * numpy.sin(beta), - numpy.array(x) * numpy.sin(beta) + numpy.array(y) * numpy.cos(beta)) else: raise epygramError('Wrong direction of rotation.') def _consistency_check(self): """Check that the geometry is consistent.""" if == 'lambert': sets_of_keys = (['reference_lon', 'reference_lat', 'rotation'], ['reference_lon', 'secant_lat1', 'secant_lat2', 'rotation']) elif in ('polar_stereographic', 'mercator'): sets_of_keys = (['reference_lon', 'reference_lat', 'rotation'], ['reference_lon', 'reference_lat', 'secant_lat', 'rotation']) elif == 'space_view': sets_of_keys = ['satellite_lat', 'satellite_lon', 'satellite_height', 'rotation', 'reference_lon'] sets_of_keys = (sets_of_keys, sets_of_keys) else: raise NotImplementedError("projection: " + if set(self.projection.keys()) != set(sets_of_keys[0]) and \ set(self.projection.keys()) != set(sets_of_keys[1]): # print self.projection.keys() raise epygramError("attributes for projection " + + " must consist in keys: " + str(sets_of_keys[0]) + " or " + str(sets_of_keys[1])) for a in ['reference_lon', 'reference_lat', 'rotation', 'secant_lat1', 'secant_lat2', 'secant_lat', 'satellite_lat', 'satellite_lon']: assert isinstance(self.projection.get(a, Angle(0., 'degrees')), Angle) grid_keys = ['LAMzone', 'X_resolution', 'Y_resolution', 'input_lon', 'input_lat', 'input_position'] if set(self.grid.keys()) != set(grid_keys): raise epygramError("grid attribute must consist in keys: " + str(grid_keys)) assert isinstance(self.grid['input_lon'], Angle) assert isinstance(self.grid['input_lat'], Angle) LAMzone_values = [None, 'CI', 'CIE'] if self.grid['LAMzone'] not in LAMzone_values: raise epygramError("grid['LAMzone'] must be among " + str(LAMzone_values)) dimensions_keys = ['X', 'Y'] if self.grid['LAMzone'] in ('CI', 'CIE'): dimensions_keys.extend(['X_Iwidth', 'Y_Iwidth', 'X_Czone', 'Y_Czone', 'X_CIzone', 'Y_CIzone']) if self.grid['LAMzone'] == 'CIE': dimensions_keys.extend(['X_CIoffset', 'Y_CIoffset']) if set(self.dimensions.keys()) != set(dimensions_keys): raise epygramError("dimensions attribute must consist in keys: " + str(dimensions_keys)) if self.projection['rotation'].get('degrees') != 0.0: epylog.warning('*rotation* != 0. may not have been thoroughly tested...') # TOBECHECKED: here and there, ...
[docs] def select_subzone(self, subzone): """ If a LAMzone defines the geometry, select only the *subzone* from it and return a new geometry object. :param subzone: among ('C', 'CI'). """ assert subzone in ('C', 'CI'), \ 'unknown subzone : ' + subzone if self.grid.get('LAMzone') is not None: geom_kwargs = copy.copy(self._attributes) geom_kwargs['grid'] = copy.copy(self.grid) geom_kwargs['dimensions'] = copy.copy(self.dimensions) if subzone == 'CI': io = self.dimensions.get('X_CIoffset', 0) jo = self.dimensions.get('Y_CIoffset', 0) centerPoint = (io + (float(self.dimensions['X_CIzone']) - 1) / 2., jo + (float(self.dimensions['Y_CIzone']) - 1) / 2.) # Coordinates of center point geom_kwargs['grid']['LAMzone'] = subzone geom_kwargs['dimensions'] = {'X':self.dimensions['X_CIzone'], 'Y':self.dimensions['Y_CIzone'], 'X_CIzone':self.dimensions['X_CIzone'], 'Y_CIzone':self.dimensions['Y_CIzone'], 'X_Iwidth':self.dimensions['X_Iwidth'], 'Y_Iwidth':self.dimensions['Y_Iwidth'], 'X_Czone':self.dimensions['X_Czone'], 'Y_Czone':self.dimensions['Y_Czone']} elif subzone == 'C': centerPoint = ((float(self.dimensions['X']) - 1) / 2., (float(self.dimensions['Y']) - 1) / 2.) # Coordinates of center point geom_kwargs['grid']['LAMzone'] = None geom_kwargs['dimensions'] = {'X':self.dimensions['X_Czone'], 'Y':self.dimensions['Y_Czone']} geom_kwargs['grid']['input_lon'] = self._center_lon geom_kwargs['grid']['input_lat'] = self._center_lat geom_kwargs['grid']['input_position'] = centerPoint new_geom = fpx.geometry(**geom_kwargs) else: new_geom = self return new_geom
[docs] def getcenter(self): """ Returns the coordinate of the grid center as a tuple (center_lon, center_lat). """ return (self._center_lon, self._center_lat)
[docs] def ij2xy(self, i, j, position=None): """ Return the (x, y) coordinates of point *(i,j)*, in the projection. :param i: X index of point in the 2D matrix of gridpoints :param j: Y index of point in the 2D matrix of gridpoints :param position: position to return with respect to the model cell. Defaults to self.position_on_horizontal_grid. Note that origin of coordinates in projection is the center of the C+I domain. """ if isinstance(i, list) or isinstance(i, tuple): i = numpy.array(i) if isinstance(j, list) or isinstance(j, tuple): j = numpy.array(j) Xresolution = self.grid['X_resolution'] Yresolution = self.grid['Y_resolution'] if self.grid.get('LAMzone', None) is None: Xpoints = self.dimensions['X'] Ypoints = self.dimensions['Y'] else: Xpoints = self.dimensions['X_CIzone'] Ypoints = self.dimensions['Y_CIzone'] Xorigin = 0. Yorigin = 0. # origin of coordinates is the center of CI domain i0 = self.dimensions.get('X_CIoffset', 0) + float(Xpoints - 1) / 2. j0 = self.dimensions.get('Y_CIoffset', 0) + float(Ypoints - 1) / 2. (oi, oj) = self._getoffset(position) x = Xorigin + (i - i0 + oi) * Xresolution y = Yorigin + (j - j0 + oj) * Yresolution return (x, y)
[docs] def xy2ij(self, x, y, position=None): """ Return the (i, j) indexes of point *(x, y)*, in the 2D matrix of gridpoints. :param x: X coordinate of point in the projection :param y: Y coordinate of point in the projection :param position: position to return with respect to the model cell. Defaults to self.position_on_horizontal_grid. Caution: (*i,j*) are float (the nearest grid point is the nearest integer). Note that origin of coordinates in projection is the center of the C+I domain. """ if isinstance(x, list) or isinstance(x, tuple): x = numpy.array(x) if isinstance(y, list) or isinstance(y, tuple): y = numpy.array(y) Xresolution = self.grid['X_resolution'] Yresolution = self.grid['Y_resolution'] if self.grid.get('LAMzone', None) is None: Xpoints = self.dimensions['X'] Ypoints = self.dimensions['Y'] else: Xpoints = self.dimensions['X_CIzone'] Ypoints = self.dimensions['Y_CIzone'] Xorigin = 0. Yorigin = 0. # origin of coordinates is the center of CI domain i0 = self.dimensions.get('X_CIoffset', 0) + float(Xpoints - 1) / 2. j0 = self.dimensions.get('Y_CIoffset', 0) + float(Ypoints - 1) / 2. (oi, oj) = self._getoffset(position) i = i0 + (x - Xorigin) / Xresolution - oi j = j0 + (y - Yorigin) / Yresolution - oj return (i, j)
[docs] def ll2xy(self, lon, lat): """ Return the (x, y) coordinates of point *(lon, lat)* in degrees. :param lon: longitude of point in degrees :param lat: latitude of point in degrees Note that origin of coordinates in projection is the center of the C+I domain. """ if isinstance(lon, list) or isinstance(lon, tuple): lon = numpy.array(lon) if isinstance(lat, list) or isinstance(lat, tuple): lat = numpy.array(lat) lon = degrees_nearest_mod(lon, self.projection['reference_lon'].get('degrees')) xy = self._proj(lon, lat) return self._rotate_axis(*xy, direction='ll2xy')
[docs] def xy2ll(self, x, y): """ Return the (lon, lat) coordinates of point *(x, y)* in the 2D matrix of gridpoints*(i,j)*, in degrees. :param x: X coordinate of point in the projection :param y: Y coordinate of point in the projection Note that origin of coordinates in projection is the center of the C+I domain. """ if isinstance(x, list) or isinstance(x, tuple): x = numpy.array(x) if isinstance(y, list) or isinstance(y, tuple): y = numpy.array(y) (a, b) = self._rotate_axis(x, y, direction='xy2ll') ll = self._proj(a, b, inverse=True) return ll
[docs] def ij2ll(self, i, j, position=None): """ Return the (lon, lat) coordinates of point *(i,j)*, in degrees. :param i: X index of point in the 2D matrix of gridpoints :param j: Y index of point in the 2D matrix of gridpoints :param position: lat lon position to return with respect to the model cell. Defaults to self.position_on_horizontal_grid. """ return self.xy2ll(*self.ij2xy(i, j, position))
[docs] def ll2ij(self, lon, lat, position=None): """ Return the (i, j) indexes of point *(lon, lat)* in degrees, in the 2D matrix of gridpoints. :param lon: longitude of point in degrees :param lat: latitude of point in degrees :param position: lat lon position to return with respect to the model cell. Defaults to self.position_on_horizontal_grid. Caution: (*i,j*) are float. """ return self.xy2ij(*self.ll2xy(lon, lat), position=position)
[docs] def map_factor(self, lat): """Returns the map factor at the given latitude(s) *lat* in degrees.""" lat = numpy.radians(lat) if == 'mercator': if self.secant_projection: lat_0 = self.projection['secant_lat'].get('radians') else: lat_0 = 0. m = numpy.cos(lat_0) / numpy.cos(lat) elif == 'polar_stereographic': if self.secant_projection: lat_0 = self.projection['secant_lat'].get('radians') else: lat_0 = self.projection['reference_lat'].get('radians') m = (1. + numpy.copysign(1., lat_0) * numpy.sin(lat_0)) / \ (1. + numpy.copysign(1., lat_0) * numpy.sin(lat)) elif == 'lambert': if self.secant_projection: lat_0 = self.projection['secant_lat2'].get('radians') else: lat_0 = self.projection['reference_lat'].get('radians') m = (numpy.cos(lat_0) / numpy.cos(lat)) ** (1. - self._K) * \ ((1. + numpy.copysign(1., lat_0) * numpy.sin(lat_0)) / (1. + numpy.copysign(1., lat_0) * numpy.sin(lat))) ** self._K else: raise epygramError("projection " + + " not implemented.") return m
[docs] def map_factor_field(self, position=None): """ Returns a new field whose data is the map factor over the field. :param position: grid position with respect to the model cell. Defaults to self.position_on_horizontal_grid. """ f = fpx.field(structure='H2D', geometry=self, fid={'geometry':'Map Factor'}, units='-') lats = self.get_lonlat_grid(position=position)[1] data = self.map_factor(lats) f.setdata(data) return f
[docs] def mesh_area(self, lat): """ Compute the area of a mesh/gridpoint, given its latitude. """ return self.grid['X_resolution'] * self.grid['Y_resolution'] / (self.map_factor(lat)**2)
[docs] def mesh_area_field(self, position=None): """ Returns a new field whose data is the mesh area of gridpoints, i.e. X_resolution x Y_resolution / m^2, where m is the local map factor. :param position: grid position with respect to the model cell. Defaults to self.position_on_horizontal_grid. """ m = self.map_factor_field(position=position) dxdy = self.grid['X_resolution'] * self.grid['Y_resolution'] m.setdata(dxdy /**2) m.fid['geometry'] = 'Mesh Area' m.units = 'm^2' return m
[docs] def make_basemap(self, gisquality='i', subzone=None, specificproj=None, zoom=None, ax=None): """ Returns a :class:`matplotlib.basemap.Basemap` object of the 'ad hoc' projection (if available). This is designed to avoid explicit handling of deep horizontal geometry attributes. :param gisquality: defines the quality of GIS contours, cf. Basemap doc. Possible values (by increasing quality): 'c', 'l', 'i', 'h', 'f'. :param subzone: defines the LAM subzone to be included, in LAM case, among: 'C', 'CI'. :param specificproj: enables to make basemap on the specified projection, among: 'kav7', 'cyl', 'ortho', ('nsper', {...}) (cf. Basemap doc). \n In 'nsper' case, the {} may contain:\n - 'sat_height' = satellite height in km; - 'lon' = longitude of nadir in degrees; - 'lat' = latitude of nadir in degrees. \n Overwritten by *zoom*. :param zoom: specifies the lon/lat borders of the map, implying hereby a 'cyl' projection. Must be a dict(lonmin=, lonmax=, latmin=, latmax=). Overwrites *specificproj*. :param ax: a matplotlib ax on which to plot; if None, plots will be done on matplotlib.pyplot.gca() """ from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap if zoom is not None: if specificproj not in [None, 'cyl', 'merc']: raise epygramError("projection can only be cyl/merc in zoom mode.") specificproj = True if specificproj is None: # corners if self.projection['rotation'].get('degrees') == 0.: (llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat) = self.ij2ll(*self.gimme_corners_ij(subzone)['ll']) (urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat) = self.ij2ll(*self.gimme_corners_ij(subzone)['ur']) else: (imin, jmin) = self.gimme_corners_ij(subzone)['ll'] (imax, jmax) = self.gimme_corners_ij(subzone)['ur'] border = [(imin, j) for j in range(jmin, jmax + 1)] + \ [(imax, j) for j in range(jmin, jmax + 1)] + \ [(i, jmin) for i in range(imin, imax + 1)] + \ [(i, jmax) for i in range(imin, imax + 1)] ilist, jlist = list(zip(*border)) (x, y) = self.ij2xy(numpy.array(ilist), numpy.array(jlist)) # in model coordinates (x, y) = self._rotate_axis(x, y, direction='xy2ll') # non-rotated coordinates (llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat) = self.xy2ll(*self._rotate_axis(x.min(), y.min(), direction='ll2xy')) (urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat) = self.xy2ll(*self._rotate_axis(x.max(), y.max(), direction='ll2xy')) # defaults if == 'lambert': if self.secant_projection: lat_0 = (self.projection['secant_lat1'].get('degrees') + self.projection['secant_lat2'].get('degrees')) / 2. b = Basemap(resolution=gisquality, projection='lcc', lat_1=self.projection['secant_lat1'].get('degrees'), lat_2=self.projection['secant_lat2'].get('degrees'), lat_0=lat_0, lon_0=self.projection['reference_lon'].get('degrees'), llcrnrlon=llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat=llcrnrlat, urcrnrlon=urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat=urcrnrlat, ax=ax) else: b = Basemap(resolution=gisquality, projection='lcc', lat_0=self.projection['reference_lat'].get('degrees'), lon_0=self.projection['reference_lon'].get('degrees'), llcrnrlon=llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat=llcrnrlat, urcrnrlon=urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat=urcrnrlat, ax=ax) elif == 'mercator': if self.secant_projection: lat = 'secant_lat' else: lat = 'reference_lat' b = Basemap(resolution=gisquality, projection='merc', lat_ts=self.projection[lat].get('degrees'), lon_0=self._center_lon.get('degrees'), llcrnrlon=llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat=llcrnrlat, urcrnrlon=urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat=urcrnrlat, ax=ax) elif == 'polar_stereographic': if self.secant_projection: lat = 'secant_lat' else: lat = 'reference_lat' b = Basemap(resolution=gisquality, projection='stere', lat_ts=self.projection[lat].get('degrees'), lat_0=numpy.copysign(90., self.projection[lat].get('degrees')), lon_0=self.projection['reference_lon'].get('degrees'), llcrnrlon=llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat=llcrnrlat, urcrnrlon=urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat=urcrnrlat, ax=ax) elif == 'space_view': b = Basemap(resolution=gisquality, projection='geos', lon_0=self.projection['satellite_lon'].get('degrees'), ax=ax) else: raise epygramError("Projection name unknown.") else: # corners if zoom: llcrnrlon = zoom['lonmin'] llcrnrlat = zoom['latmin'] urcrnrlon = zoom['lonmax'] urcrnrlat = zoom['latmax'] #specificproj = 'cyl' if llcrnrlat <= -89.0 or \ urcrnrlat >= 89.0: specificproj = 'cyl' else: specificproj = 'merc' else: (imin, jmin) = self.gimme_corners_ij(subzone)['ll'] (imax, jmax) = self.gimme_corners_ij(subzone)['ur'] border = [(imin, j) for j in range(jmin, jmax + 1)] + \ [(imax, j) for j in range(jmin, jmax + 1)] + \ [(i, jmin) for i in range(imin, imax + 1)] + \ [(i, jmax) for i in range(imin, imax + 1)] ilist, jlist = list(zip(*border)) (lons, lats) = self.ij2ll(numpy.array(ilist), numpy.array(jlist)) llcrnrlon, urcrnrlon = lons.min(), lons.max() llcrnrlat, urcrnrlat = lats.min(), lats.max() # specificproj lon0 = self._center_lon.get('degrees') lat0 = self._center_lat.get('degrees') if specificproj == 'kav7': b = Basemap(resolution=gisquality, projection=specificproj, lon_0=lon0, llcrnrlon=llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat=llcrnrlat, urcrnrlon=urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat=urcrnrlat, ax=ax) elif specificproj == 'ortho': b = Basemap(resolution=gisquality, projection=specificproj, lon_0=lon0, lat_0=lat0, ax=ax) elif specificproj in ('cyl', 'merc'): b = Basemap(resolution=gisquality, projection=specificproj, llcrnrlon=llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat=llcrnrlat, urcrnrlon=urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat=urcrnrlat, ax=ax) elif specificproj == 'moll': b = Basemap(resolution=gisquality, projection=specificproj, lon_0=lon0, llcrnrlon=llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat=llcrnrlat, urcrnrlon=urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat=urcrnrlat, ax=ax) elif isinstance(specificproj, tuple) and \ specificproj[0] == 'nsper' and \ isinstance(specificproj[1], dict): sat_height = specificproj[1].get('sat_height', 3000) * 1000. b = Basemap(resolution=gisquality, projection=specificproj[0], lon_0=specificproj[1].get('lon', lon0), lat_0=specificproj[1].get('lat', lat0), satellite_height=sat_height, ax=ax) else: raise epygramError('unknown **specificproj**: ' + str(specificproj)) return b
[docs] def linspace(self, end1, end2, num): """ Returns evenly spaced points over the specified interval. Points are lined up in the geometry. :param end1: must be a tuple (lon, lat) in degrees. :param end2: must be a tuple (lon, lat) in degrees. :param num: number of points, including point1 and point2. """ if num < 2: raise epygramError("'num' must be at least 2.") (x1, y1) = self.ll2xy(*end1) (x2, y2) = self.ll2xy(*end2) xy_linspace = list(zip(numpy.linspace(x1, x2, num=num), numpy.linspace(y1, y2, num=num))) return [tuple(numpy.around(self.xy2ll(*xy), 8)) for xy in xy_linspace]
[docs] def distance(self, end1, end2): """ Computes the distance between two points along a straight line in the geometry. :param end1: must be a tuple (lon, lat) in degrees. :param end2: must be a tuple (lon, lat) in degrees. """ (x1, y1) = self.ll2xy(*end1) (x2, y2) = self.ll2xy(*end2) # distance on the projected surface distance = numpy.sqrt((x1 - x2) ** 2 + (y1 - y2) ** 2) # map factor computed as the mean over 100 points along the line # between point1 and point2 mean_map_factor = numpy.array([self.map_factor(lat) for (_, lat) in self.linspace(end1, end2, 10)]).mean() return distance / mean_map_factor
[docs] def resolution_ll(self, lon, lat): """ Returns the local resolution at the nearest point of lon/lat. It's the distance between this point and its closest neighbour. :param lon: longitude of the point in degrees :param lat: latitude of the point in degrees """ return self.resolution_ij(*self.ll2ij(lon, lat))
[docs] def resolution_ij(self, i, j): """ Returns the distance to the nearest point of (i,j) point. :param i: X index of point in the 2D matrix of gridpoints :param j: Y index of point in the 2D matrix of gridpoints """ (iint, jint) = (numpy.rint(i).astype('int'), numpy.rint(j).astype('int')) points_list = [(iint + oi, jint + oj) for oi in [-1, 0, 1] for oj in [-1, 0, 1] if (oi, oj) != (0, 0)] return numpy.array([self.distance(self.ij2ll(iint, jint), self.ij2ll(*p)) for p in points_list]).min()
[docs] def azimuth(self, end1, end2): """ Initial bearing from *end1* to *end2* points in geometry. :param end1: must be a tuple (lon, lat) in degrees. :param end2: must be a tuple (lon, lat) in degrees. """ (x1, y1) = self.ll2xy(*end1) (x2, y2) = self.ll2xy(*end2) beta = self.projection['rotation'].get('degrees') return (numpy.degrees(numpy.arctan2(x2 - x1, y2 - y1)) - beta + 180.) % 360. - 180.
[docs] def make_section_geometry(self, end1, end2, points_number=None, resolution=None, position=None): """ Returns a projected V2DGeometry. :param end1: must be a tuple (lon, lat) in degrees. :param end2: must be a tuple (lon, lat) in degrees. :param points_number: defines the total number of horizontal points of the section (including ends). If None, defaults to a number computed from the *ends* and the *resolution*. :param resolution: defines the horizontal resolution to be given to the field. If None, defaults to the horizontal resolution of the field. :param position: defines the position of data in the grid (defaults to 'center') """ if resolution is not None and points_number is not None: raise epygramError("only one of resolution and " + " points_number can be given.") (x1, y1) = self.ll2xy(*end1) (x2, y2) = self.ll2xy(*end2) distance = numpy.sqrt((x1 - x2) ** 2 + (y1 - y2) ** 2) if resolution is None and points_number is None: resolution = 0.5 * (self.resolution_ll(*end1) + self.resolution_ll(*end2)) points_number = int(numpy.rint(distance / resolution)) + 1 if resolution > distance: raise epygramError("'ends' are too near: pure" + " interpolation between two gridpoints.") if points_number is not None: if points_number < 2: raise epygramError("'points_number' must be at least 2.") resolution = distance / (points_number - 1) else: points_number = int(numpy.rint(distance / resolution)) + 1 rotation = numpy.arctan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1) + self.projection['rotation'].get('radians') vcoordinate = fpx.geometry(structure='V', typeoffirstfixedsurface=255, levels=[]) grid = {'LAMzone':None, 'X_resolution':resolution, 'Y_resolution':resolution, 'input_lon':Angle(end1[0], 'degrees'), 'input_lat':Angle(end1[1], 'degrees'), 'input_position':(0, 0)} projection = dict(self.projection) projection['rotation'] = Angle(rotation, 'radians') dimensions = {'X':points_number, 'Y':1} kwargs_geom = dict(structure='V2D',, grid=FPDict(grid), dimensions=FPDict(dimensions), projection=FPDict(projection), geoid=self.geoid, position_on_horizontal_grid='center' if position is None else position, vcoordinate=vcoordinate) return fpx.geometry(**kwargs_geom)
[docs] def compass_grid(self, subzone=None, position=None): """ Get the compass grid, i.e. the angle between Y-axis and North for each gridpoint. :param subzone: optional, among ('C', 'CI'), for LAM grids only, returns the grid resp. for the C or C+I zone off the C+I+E zone. \n Default is no subzone, i.e. the whole field. :param position: position of lonlat grid with respect to the model cell. Defaults to self.position_on_horizontal_grid. """ (lons, _) = self.get_lonlat_grid(subzone=subzone, position=position) if == 'lambert': if self.secant_projection: k = numpy.copysign(self._K, self.projection['secant_lat1'].get('degrees') + self.projection['secant_lat1'].get('degrees')) else: k = numpy.copysign(self._K, self.projection['reference_lat'].get('degrees')) elif == 'mercator': k = 0. elif == 'polar_stereographic': k = self.projection['reference_lat'].get('cos_sin')[1] theta = k * (lons - self.projection['reference_lon'].get('degrees')) - \ self.projection.get('rotation', 0.).get('degrees') # TOBECHECKED: rotation return theta
[docs] def reproject_wind_on_lonlat(self, u, v, lon=None, lat=None, map_factor_correction=True, reverse=False): """ Reprojects a wind vector (u, v) on the grid onto real axes, i.e. with components on true zonal/meridian axes. :param u: the u == zonal-on-the-grid component of wind :param v: the v == meridian-on-the-grid component of wind :param lon: longitudes of points in degrees, if u/v are not vectors on the whole grid :param lat: latitudes of points in degrees, if u/v are not vectors on the whole grid :param map_factor_correction:, applies a correction of magnitude due to map factor. :param reverse: if True, apply the reverse reprojection. """ theta = (-1) ** int(reverse) * self.compass_grid() costheta = numpy.cos(-theta * numpy.pi / 180.) sintheta = numpy.sin(-theta * numpy.pi / 180.) if numpy.shape(u) == costheta.shape: # whole grid if map_factor_correction: m = self.map_factor_field().getdata() else: m = numpy.ones(costheta.shape) if reverse: m = 1. / m ru = m * (u * costheta - v * sintheta) rv = m * (u * sintheta + v * costheta) else: # some points ru = numpy.ndarray(numpy.shape(u)) rv = numpy.ndarray(numpy.shape(v)) for k in range(len(u)): if map_factor_correction: m = self.map_factor(lat[k]) else: m = 1. if reverse: m = 1. / m (i, j) = self.ll2ij(lon[k], lat[k]) i = int(i) j = int(j) c = costheta[j, i] s = sintheta[j, i] ru[k] = m * (u[k] * c - v[k] * s) rv[k] = m * (u[k] * s + v[k] * c) return (ru, rv)
def _what_projection(self, out=sys.stdout, arpifs_var_names=False): """ Writes in file a summary of the projection of the field's grid. :param out: the output open file-like object :param arpifs_var_names: if True, prints the equivalent 'arpifs' variable names. """ projection = self.projection grid = self.grid dimensions = self.dimensions varname = '' projmap = {'regular_lonlat':'Regular Lon/Lat', 'lambert':'Lambert (conformal conic)', 'mercator':'Mercator', 'polar_stereographic':'Polar Stereographic', 'space_view':'Space View'} write_formatted(out, "Kind of projection", projmap[]) if == 'space_view': write_formatted(out, "Satellite Longitude in deg", projection['satellite_lon'].get('degrees')) write_formatted(out, "Satellite Latitude in deg", projection['satellite_lat'].get('degrees')) write_formatted(out, "Reference Longitude in deg", projection['reference_lon'].get('degrees')) else: if self.secant_projection: if == 'lambert': write_formatted(out, "Secant Latitude 1 in deg", projection['secant_lat1'].get('degrees')) write_formatted(out, "Secant Latitude 2 in deg", projection['secant_lat2'].get('degrees')) else: write_formatted(out, "Secant Latitude in deg", projection['secant_lat'].get('degrees')) else: write_formatted(out, "Sinus of Reference Latitude", projection['reference_lat'].get('cos_sin')[1]) if arpifs_var_names: varname = ' (ELAT0)' write_formatted(out, "Reference Latitude in deg" + varname, projection['reference_lat'].get('degrees')) if arpifs_var_names: varname = ' (ELON0)' write_formatted(out, "Reference Longitude in deg" + varname, projection['reference_lon'].get('degrees')) write_formatted(out, "Angle of rotation in deg", projection['rotation'].get('degrees')) if self.grid.get('LAMzone', False): (lons, lats) = self.get_lonlat_grid() corners = self.gimme_corners_ll() else: (lons, lats) = self.get_lonlat_grid(subzone='CI') corners = self.gimme_corners_ll(subzone='CI') if arpifs_var_names: varname = ' (ELONC)' write_formatted(out, "Center Longitude (of C+I) in deg" + varname, self._center_lon.get('degrees')) if arpifs_var_names: varname = ' (ELATC)' write_formatted(out, "Center Latitude (of C+I) in deg" + varname, self._center_lat.get('degrees')) if arpifs_var_names: varname = ' (EDELX)' write_formatted(out, "Resolution in X, in metres" + varname, grid['X_resolution']) if arpifs_var_names: varname = ' (EDELY)' write_formatted(out, "Resolution in Y, in metres" + varname, grid['Y_resolution']) if self.grid['LAMzone'] is None: dimX = dimensions['X'] dimY = dimensions['Y'] else: dimX = dimensions['X_CIzone'] dimY = dimensions['Y_CIzone'] if arpifs_var_names: varname = ' (ELX)' write_formatted(out, "Domain width (of C+I) in X, in metres" + varname, grid['X_resolution'] * dimX) if arpifs_var_names: varname = ' (ELY)' write_formatted(out, "Domain width (of C+I) in Y, in metres" + varname, grid['Y_resolution'] * dimY) write_formatted(out, "Max Longitude (of C+I) in deg", lons.max()) write_formatted(out, "Min Longitude (of C+I) in deg", lons.min()) write_formatted(out, "Max Latitude (of C+I) in deg", lats.max()) write_formatted(out, "Min Latitude (of C+I) in deg", lats.min()) write_formatted(out, "Low-Left corner (of C+I) Longitude in deg", corners['ll'][0]) write_formatted(out, "Low-Left corner (of C+I) Latitude in deg", corners['ll'][1]) write_formatted(out, "Low-Right corner (of C+I) Longitude in deg", corners['lr'][0]) write_formatted(out, "Low-Right corner (of C+I) Latitude in deg", corners['lr'][1]) write_formatted(out, "Upper-Left corner (of C+I) Longitude in deg", corners['ul'][0]) write_formatted(out, "Upper-Left corner (of C+I) Latitude in deg", corners['ul'][1]) write_formatted(out, "Upper-Right corner (of C+I) Longitude in deg", corners['ur'][0]) write_formatted(out, "Upper-Right corner (of C+I) Latitude in deg", corners['ur'][1]) def __eq__(self, other): """Test of equality by recursion on the object's attributes.""" if self.__class__ == other.__class__ and \ set(self.__dict__.keys()) == set(other.__dict__.keys()): selfcp = self.deepcopy() othercp = other.deepcopy() for obj in [selfcp, othercp]: obj.grid.pop('input_lon', None) obj.grid.pop('input_lat', None) obj.grid.pop('input_position', None) obj._proj = None ok = super(D3ProjectedGeometry, selfcp).__eq__(othercp) ok = ok and (self.getcenter() == other.getcenter()) else: ok = False return ok
[docs]class D3GaussGeometry(D3Geometry): """ Handles the geometry for a Global Gauss grid 3-Dimensions Field. """ _collector = ('geometry',) _footprint = dict( attr=dict( name=dict( values=set(['rotated_reduced_gauss', 'reduced_gauss', 'regular_gauss'])), ) ) def _consistency_check(self): """Check that the geometry is consistent.""" grid_keys = ['dilatation_coef', 'latitudes'] if == 'rotated_reduced_gauss': grid_keys.extend(['pole_lon', 'pole_lat']) if set(self.grid.keys()) != set(grid_keys): raise epygramError("grid attribute must consist in keys: " + str(grid_keys)) assert isinstance(self.grid['latitudes'][0], Angle), \ "'latitudes' attribute of grid must be a list of Angle objects." if == 'rotated_reduced_gauss': assert isinstance(self.grid['pole_lon'], Angle) assert isinstance(self.grid['pole_lat'], Angle) dimensions_keys = ['max_lon_number', 'lat_number', 'lon_number_by_lat'] if set(self.dimensions.keys()) != set(dimensions_keys): raise epygramError("dimensions attribute must consist in keys: " + str(dimensions_keys)) if == 'rotated_reduced_gauss' \ and nearlyEqual(self.grid['pole_lon'].get('degrees'), 0.) \ and nearlyEqual(self.grid['pole_lat'].get('degrees'), 90.): self._attributes['name'] = 'reduced_gauss' self.grid.pop('pole_lon') self.grid.pop('pole_lat')
[docs] def ij2ll(self, i, j, position=None): """ Return the (lon, lat) coordinates of point *(i,j)*, in degrees. :param i: X index of point in the 2D matrix of gridpoints :param j: Y index of point in the 2D matrix of gridpoints :param position: lat lon position to return with respect to the model cell. Defaults to self.position_on_horizontal_grid. """ if self._getoffset(position) != (0., 0.): raise NotImplementedError("horizontal staggered grids for reduced\ gauss grid are not implemented.") if isinstance(i, list) or isinstance(i, tuple) or\ isinstance(i, numpy.ndarray): lat = [self.grid['latitudes'][n].get('degrees') for n in j] lon = [(numpy.pi * 2 * i[n]) / self.dimensions['lon_number_by_lat'][j[n]] for n in range(len(j))] else: lat = self.grid['latitudes'][j].get('degrees') lon = (numpy.pi * 2. * i) / self.dimensions['lon_number_by_lat'][j] lon = numpy.degrees(lon) (lon, lat) = self._rotate_stretch(lon, lat, reverse=True) return (lon, lat)
[docs] def ll2ij(self, lon, lat, position=None): """ Return the (*i, j*) coordinates in the 2D matrix of gridpoints, of the gridpoint nearest to (*lon*, *lat*). :param lon: longitude of point in degrees :param lat: latitude of point in degrees :param position: lat lon position to return with respect to the model cell. Defaults to self.position_on_horizontal_grid. """ if isinstance(lon, list) or isinstance(lon, tuple): lon = numpy.array(lon) if isinstance(lat, list) or isinstance(lat, tuple): lat = numpy.array(lat) return self.nearest_points(lon, lat, {'n': '1'}, position)
def _allocate_colocation_grid(self, compressed=False, as_float=False): """ Creates the array for lonlat grid. Just a trick to avoid recomputing the array for several fields that share their geometry. :param compressed: if True, return 1D arrays, else 2D masked arrays. :param as_float: if True, return arrays with dtype float64, else int64. """ Jmax = self.dimensions['lat_number'] Imax = self.dimensions['lon_number_by_lat'] igrid = [] jgrid = [] for j in range(Jmax): for i in range(Imax[j]): igrid.append(i) jgrid.append(j) if as_float: igrid = numpy.array(igrid, dtype=numpy.float64) jgrid = numpy.array(jgrid, dtype=numpy.float64) else: igrid = numpy.array(igrid) jgrid = numpy.array(jgrid) if not compressed: igrid = self.reshape_data(igrid) jgrid = self.reshape_data(jgrid) return (igrid, jgrid) def _clear_buffered_gauss_grid(self): """Deletes the buffered lonlat grid if any.""" if hasattr(self, '_buffered_gauss_grid'): del self._buffered_gauss_grid @property def gridpoints_number(self, **_): """Returns the number of gridpoints of the grid.""" return sum(self.dimensions['lon_number_by_lat'])
[docs] def get_lonlat_grid(self, position=None, d4=False, nb_validities=0, **_): """ Returns a tuple of two tables containing one the longitude of each point, the other the latitude, with 2D shape. Shape of 2D data in Gauss grids: \n - grid[0, 0:Nj] is first (Northern) band of latitude, masked after Nj = number of longitudes for latitude j \n - grid[-1, 0:Nj] is last (Southern) band of latitude (idem). :param position: position of lonlat grid with respect to the model cell. Defaults to self.position_on_horizontal_grid. :param d4: - if True, returned values are shaped in a 4 dimensions array - if False, shape of returned values is determined with respect to geometry. d4=True requires nb_validities > 0 :param nb_validities: number of validities represented in data values """ # !!! **useless enables the method to receive arguments specific to # other geometries but useless here ! Do not remove. if hasattr(self, '_buffered_gauss_grid') and \ self._buffered_gauss_grid.get('filled'): lons = self._buffered_gauss_grid['lons'] lats = self._buffered_gauss_grid['lats'] else: (igrid, jgrid) = self._allocate_colocation_grid(compressed=True, as_float=False) (lons, lats) = self.ij2ll(igrid, jgrid, position) lons = self.reshape_data(lons) lats = self.reshape_data(lats) if config.FA_buffered_gauss_grid: if not hasattr(self, '_buffered_gauss_grid'): self._buffered_gauss_grid = {'lons':lons, 'lats':lats} else: # trick: the arrays remain pointers to where they were # created, so that they can be shared by several geometry # objects or fields ! self._buffered_gauss_grid['lons'].data[...] = lons[...].data self._buffered_gauss_grid['lons'].mask[...] = lons[...].mask self._buffered_gauss_grid['lats'].data[...] = lats[...].data self._buffered_gauss_grid['lats'].mask[...] = lons[...].mask self._buffered_gauss_grid['filled'] = True if d4: lons, lats = self._reshape_lonlat_4d(lons, lats, nb_validities) elif not d4 and nb_validities != 0: raise ValueError("*nb_validities* must be 0 when d4==False") return (lons, lats)
[docs] def get_datashape(self, force_dimZ=None, dimT=None, d4=False, **_): """ Returns the data shape according to the geometry. :param force_dimZ: if supplied, force the Z dimension instead of that of the vertical geometry :param dimT: if supplied, is the time dimension to be added to the data shape :param d4: - if True, shape is 4D (need to specify *dimT*) - if False, shape is 3D if dimZ > 1 else 2D """ dimY = self.dimensions['lat_number'] dimX = self.dimensions['max_lon_number'] if force_dimZ is not None: dimZ = force_dimZ else: dimZ = len(self.vcoordinate.levels) if d4: assert dimT is not None, \ "*dimT* must be supplied with *d4*=True" shape = [dimT, dimZ, dimY, dimX] else: shape = [] if self.datashape['k'] or dimZ > 1: shape.append(dimZ) shape.append(dimY) shape.append(dimX) return tuple(shape)
[docs] def reshape_data(self, data, first_dimension=None, d4=False): """ Returns a 2D data (horizontal dimensions) reshaped from 1D, according to geometry. :param data: the 1D data (or 3D with a T and Z dimensions, or 2D with either a T/Z dimension, to be specified), of dimension concording with geometry. In case data is 3D, T must be first dimension and Z the second. :param first_dimension: in case data is 2D, specify what is the first dimension of data among ('T', 'Z') :param d4: - if True, returned values are shaped in a 4 dimensions array - if False, shape of returned values is determined with respect to geometry """ assert 1 <= len(data.shape) <= 3 shp_in = data.shape nb_levels = 1 nb_validities = 1 if len(shp_in) == 2: assert first_dimension in ('T', 'Z'), \ "*first_dimension* must be among ('T', 'Z') if *data*.shape == 2" if first_dimension == 'T': nb_validities = shp_in[0] elif first_dimension == 'Z': nb_levels = shp_in[0] elif len(shp_in) == 3: nb_validities = shp_in[0] nb_levels = shp_in[1] assert nb_levels in (1, len(self.vcoordinate.levels)), \ "vertical dimension of data must be 1 or self.vcoordinate.levels=" + \ str(self.vcoordinate.levels) shp4D = self.get_datashape(dimT=nb_validities, force_dimZ=nb_levels, d4=True) data4D = ind_end = 0 for j in range(self.dimensions['lat_number']): ind_begin = ind_end ind_end = ind_begin + self.dimensions['lon_number_by_lat'][j] if len(shp_in) == 1: buff = data[slice(ind_begin, ind_end)] data4D[0, 0, j, slice(0, self.dimensions['lon_number_by_lat'][j])] = buff elif len(shp_in) == 2: buff = data[:, slice(ind_begin, ind_end)] if nb_levels > 1: data4D[0, :, j, slice(0, self.dimensions['lon_number_by_lat'][j])] = buff else: data4D[:, 0, j, slice(0, self.dimensions['lon_number_by_lat'][j])] = buff elif len(shp_in) == 3: buff = data[:, :, slice(ind_begin, ind_end)] data4D[:, :, j, slice(0, self.dimensions['lon_number_by_lat'][j])] = buff if ind_end != data.shape[-1]: print(ind_end, data.shape[-1]) raise epygramError("data have a wrong length") if d4 or len(shp_in) == 3: data_out = data4D else: if len(shp_in) == 1: data_out = data4D[0, 0, :, :] elif len(shp_in) == 2: if first_dimension == 'T': data_out = data4D[:, 0, :, :] elif first_dimension == 'Z': data_out = data4D[0, :, :, :] return data_out
[docs] def fill_maskedvalues(self, data, fill_value=None): """ Returns a copy of *data* with 'real' masked values (i.e. not those linked to reduced Gauss) filled with *fill_value*. *data* must be already 4D for simplicity reasons. """ assert isinstance(data, assert len(data.shape) == 4 data_filled = mask = numpy.zeros(, dtype=numpy.bool_) for j in range(self.dimensions['lat_number']): i0 = self.dimensions['lon_number_by_lat'][j] mask[:, :, j, i0:] = True data_filled.mask = mask return data_filled
[docs] def horizontally_flattened(self, data): """ Returns a copy of *data* with horizontal dimensions flattened and compressed (cf. *data* must be 4D for simplicity reasons. """ assert len(data.shape) == 4 assert isinstance(data, data3D = numpy.empty(tuple(list(data.shape[:2]) + [self.gridpoints_number])) for t in range(data.shape[0]): for k in range(data.shape[1]): data3D[t, k, :] = data[t, k, :, :].compressed() return data3D
[docs] def make_basemap(self, gisquality='l', specificproj=None, zoom=None, ax=None, **_): """ Returns a :class:`matplotlib.basemap.Basemap` object of the 'ad hoc' projection (if available). This is designed to avoid explicit handling of deep horizontal geometry attributes. :param gisquality: defines the quality of GIS contours, cf. Basemap doc. \n Possible values (by increasing quality): 'c', 'l', 'i', 'h', 'f'. WARNING: this is forced to 'l' inside (except if a zoom is given), for time-consumption reasons. :param specificproj: enables to make basemap on the specified projection, among: 'kav7', 'cyl', 'ortho', ('nsper', {...}) (cf. Basemap doc). \n In 'nsper' case, the {} may contain:\n - 'sat_height' = satellite height in km; - 'lon' = longitude of nadir in degrees; - 'lat' = latitude of nadir in degrees. \n Overwritten by *zoom*. :param zoom: specifies the lon/lat borders of the map, implying hereby a 'cyl' projection. Must be a dict(lonmin=, lonmax=, latmin=, latmax=). \n Overwrites *specificproj*. :param ax: a matplotlib ax on which to plot; if None, plots will be done on matplotlib.pyplot.gca() """ # !!! **_ enables the method to receive arguments specific to # other geometries, useless here ! Do not remove. from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap if zoom is None: gisquality = 'l' # forced for Gauss, for time-consumption reasons... # corners llcrnrlon = -180 llcrnrlat = -90 urcrnrlon = 180 urcrnrlat = 90 # make basemap if zoom is not None: # zoom case llcrnrlon = zoom['lonmin'] llcrnrlat = zoom['latmin'] urcrnrlon = zoom['lonmax'] urcrnrlat = zoom['latmax'] if llcrnrlat <= -89.0 or \ urcrnrlat >= 89.0: specificproj = 'cyl' else: specificproj = 'merc' if specificproj is None: # defaults if 'rotated' in lon0 = self.grid['pole_lon'].get('degrees') else: lon0 = 0.0 b = Basemap(resolution=gisquality, projection='moll', lon_0=lon0, ax=ax) else: # specificproj if 'rotated' in lon0 = self.grid['pole_lon'].get('degrees') lat0 = self.grid['pole_lat'].get('degrees') else: lon0 = 0.0 lat0 = 0.0 if specificproj == 'kav7': b = Basemap(resolution=gisquality, projection=specificproj, lon_0=lon0, llcrnrlon=llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat=llcrnrlat, urcrnrlon=urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat=urcrnrlat, ax=ax) elif specificproj == 'ortho': b = Basemap(resolution=gisquality, projection=specificproj, lon_0=lon0, lat_0=lat0, ax=ax) elif specificproj in ('cyl', 'merc'): b = Basemap(resolution=gisquality, projection=specificproj, llcrnrlon=llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat=llcrnrlat, urcrnrlon=urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat=urcrnrlat, ax=ax) elif specificproj == 'moll': b = Basemap(resolution=gisquality, projection=specificproj, lon_0=lon0, llcrnrlon=llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat=llcrnrlat, urcrnrlon=urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat=urcrnrlat, ax=ax) elif isinstance(specificproj, tuple) and \ specificproj[0] == 'nsper' and \ isinstance(specificproj[1], dict): sat_height = specificproj[1].get('sat_height', 3000) * 1000. b = Basemap(resolution=gisquality, projection=specificproj[0], lon_0=specificproj[1].get('lon', lon0), lat_0=specificproj[1].get('lat', lat0), satellite_height=sat_height, ax=ax) return b
[docs] def resolution_ll(self, lon, lat): """ Returns the average meridian resolution (worst directional resolution) at point position. :param lon: longitude of the point in degrees :param lat: latitude of the point in degrees """ return self.resolution_j(self.ll2ij(lon, lat)[1])
[docs] def meridian_resolution_j(self, j): """ Returns the average meridian resolution at longitude circle number *j*. """ jint = numpy.rint(j).astype('int') jm1 = jint - 1 jp1 = jint + 1 if jm1 == -1: dist = self.distance(self.ij2ll(0, jint), self.ij2ll(0, jp1)) elif jp1 == self.dimensions['lat_number']: dist = self.distance(self.ij2ll(0, jint), self.ij2ll(0, jm1)) else: dist = (self.distance(self.ij2ll(0, jint), self.ij2ll(0, jp1)) + self.distance(self.ij2ll(0, jint), self.ij2ll(0, jm1))) / 2. return dist
[docs] def zonal_resolution_j(self, j): """ Returns the average zonal resolution at longitude circle number j. """ jint = numpy.rint(j).astype('int') return self.distance(self.ij2ll(0, jint), self.ij2ll(1, jint))
[docs] def resolution_j(self, j): """ Returns the average meridian resolution at longitude circle number j. """ return self.meridian_resolution_j(j)
[docs] def resolution_field(self, direction='meridian'): """ Returns a field whose values are the local resolution in m. :param direction: among ('zonal', 'meridian'), direction in which the resolution is computed. """ assert direction in ('zonal', 'meridian') resolutions = [getattr(self, direction + '_resolution_j')(j) for j in range(self.dimensions['lat_number'])] resol_2d = ([0].data.shape).transpose() * numpy.array(resolutions)).transpose() resol_2d.mask = self.get_lonlat_grid()[0].mask f = fpx.field(structure='H2D', geometry=self, fid={'geometry':direction + ' resolution'}, units='m') f.setdata(resol_2d) return f
[docs] def distance_to_nearest_neighbour_ll(self, lon, lat): """ Returns the local resolution at the nearest point of lon/lat. It's the distance between this point and its closest neighbour. :param lon: longitude of the point in degrees :param lat: latitude of the point in degrees """ return self.distance_to_nearest_neighbour_ij(*self.ll2ij(lon, lat))
[docs] def distance_to_nearest_neighbour_ij(self, i, j): """ Returns the distance to the nearest point of (i,j) point :param i: X index of point in the 2D matrix of gridpoints :param j: Y index of point in the 2D matrix of gridpoints """ # FIXME: not sure this is exactly computed (iint, jint) = (numpy.rint(i).astype('int'), numpy.rint(j).astype('int')) points_list = [] for oi in [-1, 0, 1]: for oj in [-1, 0, 1]: oj = 0 if (oi, oj) != (0, 0): pi = iint + oi pj = jint + oj if pj < self.dimensions['lat_number'] and pj >= 0: pi = pi % self.dimensions['lon_number_by_lat'][pj] points_list.append((pi, pj)) return numpy.array([self.distance(self.ij2ll(iint, jint), self.ij2ll(*p)) for p in points_list]).min()
[docs] def point_is_inside_domain_ll(self, lon, *_, **__): """ Returns True if the point(s) of lon/lat coordinates is(are) inside the field. This is always the case in Gauss grids, no real meaning. :param lon: longitude of the point in degrees :param lat: latitude of the point in degrees :param margin: considers the point inside if at least 'margin' points far from the border. The -0.1 default is a safety for precision errors. :param position: position of the grid with respect to the model cell. Defaults to self.position_on_horizontal_grid. """ try: N = len(lon) except Exception: N = 1 if N == 1: inside = True else: inside = [True for _ in range(N)] return inside
[docs] def point_is_inside_domain_ij(self, i, j, margin=-0.1): """ Returns True if the point(s) of lon/lat coordinates is(are) inside the field. :param i: X index of point in the 2D matrix of gridpoints :param j: Y index of point in the 2D matrix of gridpoints :param margin: considers the point inside if at least 'margin' points far from the border. The -0.1 default is a safety for precision errors. """ try: N = len(i) except Exception: N = 1 if N == 1: inside = True if j >= self.dimensions['lat_number'] or j < 0: inside = False if i >= self.dimensions['lon_number_by_lat'][j] or i < 0: inside = False else: inside = [self.point_is_inside_domain_ij(i[n], j[n], margin=margin) for n in range(N)] return inside
def _rotate_stretch(self, lon, lat, reverse=False): """ Internal method used to transform true lon/lat into rotated and stretched lon/lat. :param lon: longitude in degrees :param lat: latitude in degrees :param reverse: if True, do the reverse transform. Computation adapted from arpifs/transform/trareca.F90 and tracare.F90. """ if == 'rotated_reduced_gauss': KTYP = 2 else: KTYP = 1 PFACDI = self.grid['dilatation_coef'] ZDBLC = 2.0 * PFACDI ZC2P1 = PFACDI * PFACDI + 1. ZC2M1 = PFACDI * PFACDI - 1. ZCRAP = -ZC2M1 / ZC2P1 ZEPS = config.epsilon if isinstance(lon, list) or isinstance(lon, tuple): lon = numpy.array(lon) if isinstance(lat, list) or isinstance(lat, tuple): lat = numpy.array(lat) if not reverse: if 'rotated' in lon0 = self.grid['pole_lon'].get('degrees') else: lon0 = 0.0 lon = degrees_nearest_mod(lon, lon0) PSLAR = numpy.sin(numpy.radians(lat)) PSLOR = numpy.sin(numpy.radians(lon)) PCLOR = numpy.cos(numpy.radians(lon)) if KTYP == 2: # Complete ARPEGE (PCLAP, PSLAP) = self.grid['pole_lat'].get('cos_sin') (PCLOP, PSLOP) = self.grid['pole_lon'].get('cos_sin') ZCLAR = numpy.sqrt(1. - PSLAR * PSLAR) ZA = PSLAP * PSLAR + PCLAP * ZCLAR * \ (PCLOP * PCLOR + PSLOP * PSLOR) PSLAC = (ZCRAP + ZA) / (1. + ZA * ZCRAP) ZB = 1. / numpy.sqrt(numpy.maximum(ZEPS, 1. - ZA * ZA)) PCLOC = (PCLAP * PSLAR - PSLAP * ZCLAR * (PCLOP * PCLOR + PSLOP * PSLOR)) * ZB PSLOC = ZCLAR * (PSLOP * PCLOR - PCLOP * PSLOR) * ZB PSLAC = numpy.maximum(-1., numpy.minimum(1., PSLAC)) PCLOC = numpy.maximum(-1., numpy.minimum(1., PCLOC)) PSLOC = numpy.maximum(-1., numpy.minimum(1., PSLOC)) if isinstance(PSLOC, numpy.ndarray): for k in range(0, len(PSLOC)): if PCLOC[k] * PCLOC[k] + PSLOC[k] * PSLOC[k] < 0.5: PSLOC[k] = 1. PCLOC[k] = 0. else: if PCLOC * PCLOC + PSLOC * PSLOC < 0.5: PSLOC = 1. PCLOC = 0. else: # Schmidt PSLOC = PSLOR PCLOC = PCLOR PSLAC = (ZC2P1 * PSLAR - ZC2M1) / (ZC2P1 - ZC2M1 * PSLAR) PSLAC = numpy.maximum(-1., numpy.minimum(1., PSLAC)) lat = numpy.arcsin(PSLAC) lon = numpy.arctan2(PSLOC, PCLOC) % (numpy.pi * 2) elif reverse: PSLAC = numpy.sin(numpy.radians(lat)) PCLOC = numpy.cos(numpy.radians(lon)) PSLOC = numpy.sin(numpy.radians(lon)) if KTYP == 2: # Complete ARPEGE (PCLAP, PSLAP) = self.grid['pole_lat'].get('cos_sin') (PCLOP, PSLOP) = self.grid['pole_lon'].get('cos_sin') ZCLAC = numpy.sqrt(1. - PSLAC * PSLAC) ZA = 1. / (ZC2P1 + ZC2M1 * PSLAC) ZB = ZC2P1 * PSLAC + ZC2M1 ZC = ZDBLC * PCLAP * ZCLAC * PCLOC + ZB * PSLAP PSLAR = ZC * ZA ZD = ZA / numpy.sqrt(numpy.maximum(ZEPS, 1. - PSLAR * PSLAR)) ZE = ZB * PCLAP * PCLOP - ZDBLC * ZCLAC * \ (PSLAP * PCLOC * PCLOP - PSLOP * PSLOC) ZF = ZB * PCLAP * PSLOP - ZDBLC * ZCLAC * \ (PSLAP * PCLOC * PSLOP + PCLOP * PSLOC) PCLOR = ZE * ZD PSLOR = ZF * ZD PSLAR = numpy.maximum(-1., numpy.minimum(1., PSLAR)) PCLOR = numpy.maximum(-1., numpy.minimum(1., PCLOR)) PSLOR = numpy.maximum(-1., numpy.minimum(1., PSLOR)) else: # Schmidt PSLOR = PSLOC PCLOR = PCLOC PSLAR = (ZC2P1 * PSLAC + ZC2M1) / (ZC2P1 + ZC2M1 * PSLAC) PSLAR = numpy.maximum(-1., numpy.minimum(1., PSLAR)) lon = numpy.arctan2(PSLOR, PCLOR) lat = numpy.arcsin(PSLAR) lon = numpy.degrees(lon) lat = numpy.degrees(lat) return (lon, lat)
[docs] def map_factor(self, lon, lat): """ Returns the map factor at the given longitude/latitude(s) :param lon: longitude in degrees :param lat: latitude in degrees """ pc = self.grid['dilatation_coef'] (_, plab) = self._rotate_stretch(lon, lat) zlat1 = numpy.radians(plab) # From rotated/streched sphere to rotated zinterm = 1. / pc * numpy.cos(zlat1) / (1. + numpy.sin(zlat1)) zlat2 = 2. * numpy.arctan((1. - zinterm) / (1. + zinterm)) zm = numpy.cos(zlat1) / numpy.cos(zlat2) return zm
[docs] def map_factor_field(self, position=None): """ Returns a new field whose data is the map factor over the field. :param position: grid position with respect to the model cell. Defaults to self.position_on_horizontal_grid. """ f = fpx.field(structure='H2D', geometry=self, fid={'geometry':'Map Factor'}, units='-') (lons, lats) = self.get_lonlat_grid(position=position) data = self.map_factor(stretch_array(lons), stretch_array(lats)) data = self.reshape_data(data) f.setdata(data) return f
[docs] def reproject_wind_on_lonlat(self, u, v, lon, lat, map_factor_correction=True, reverse=False): """ Reprojects a wind vector (u, v) on rotated/stretched sphere onto real sphere, i.e. with components on true zonal/meridian axes. :param u: the u == zonal-on-the-grid component of wind :param v: the v == meridian-on-the-grid component of wind :param lon: longitudes of points in degrees :param lat: latitudes of points in degrees :param map_factor_correction: applies a correction of magnitude due to map factor. :param reverse: if True, apply the reverse reprojection. lon/lat are coordinates on real sphere. """ pc = self.grid['dilatation_coef'] if 'rotated' in plac = self.grid['pole_lat'].get('degrees') else: plac = 90. (plob, plab) = self._rotate_stretch(lon, lat) # the below formulas seem to be working with # lon_on_rotated_sphere begining below pole_of_rotation, # hence a 180° rotation. plob += 180. pust = u pvst = v # Adapted from J.M.Piriou's pastrv.F90 zlon1 = numpy.radians(plob) zlat1 = numpy.radians(plab) zlatp = numpy.radians(plac) # From rotated/streched sphere to rotated zinterm = 1. / pc * numpy.cos(zlat1) / (1. + numpy.sin(zlat1)) zlat2 = 2. * numpy.arctan((1. - zinterm) / (1. + zinterm)) zlon2 = zlon1 # Map factor if map_factor_correction: zm = numpy.cos(zlat1) / numpy.cos(zlat2) # zm = self.map_factor(lon, lat) # but redundant computations else: if self.grid['dilatation_coef'] != 1.: epylog.warning('check carefully *map_factor_correction* w.r.t. dilatation_coef') zm = numpy.ones(zlat1.shape) # From rotated sphere to real sphere # Compute latitude on real sphere zsla3 = -numpy.cos(zlat2) * numpy.cos(zlon2) * numpy.cos(zlatp) + numpy.sin(zlat2) * numpy.sin(zlatp) if (zsla3 > 1.).any() or (zsla3 < -1.).any(): epylog.warning('reproject_wind_on_lonlat: zsla3=' + str(zsla3)) zsla3 = min(1., max(-1., zsla3)) zlat3 = numpy.arcsin(zsla3) # Real North components zca = (numpy.cos(zlat2) * numpy.sin(zlatp) + numpy.sin(zlat2) * numpy.cos(zlatp) * numpy.cos(zlon2)) / \ numpy.cos(zlat3) zsa = numpy.cos(zlatp) * numpy.sin(zlon2) / numpy.cos(zlat3) # Wind transformation if reverse: zm = 1. / zm zsa = -zsa pusr = zm * (zca * pust - zsa * pvst) pvsr = zm * (zsa * pust + zca * pvst) return (pusr, pvsr)
[docs] def nearest_points(self, lon, lat, request, position=None, external_distance=None): """ Returns a list of the (i, j) position of the points needed to perform an interpolation. :param lon: longitude of point in degrees. :param lat: latitude of point in degrees. :param request: criteria for selecting the points, among: * {'n':'1'} - the nearest point * {'n':'2*2'} - the 2*2 square points around the position * {'n':'4*4'} - the 4*4 square points around the position * {'n':'N*N'} - the N*N square points around the position: N must be even * {'radius':xxxx, 'shape':'square'} - the points which are xxxx metres around the position in X or Y direction * {'radius':xxxx, 'shape':'circle'} - the points within xxxx metres around the position. (default shape == circle) :param position: position in the model cell of the lat lon position. Defaults to self.position_on_horizontal_grid. :param external_distance: can be a dict containing the target point value and an external field on the same grid as self, to which the distance is computed within the 4 horizontally nearest points; e.g. {'target_value':4810, 'external_field':a_3DField_with_same_geometry}. If so, the nearest point is selected with distance = |target_value -| """ if self._getoffset(position) != (0., 0.): raise NotImplementedError("horizontal staggered grids for " + "reduced gauss grid are not implemented.") # ## internal functions def nearest_lats(latrs, num): """ Internal method used to find the nearest latitude circles. *latrs* is the rotated and streched latitude. *num* is: - 2 to find the two surrounding latitude cicles, - 3 to find the nearest latitude circles plus the one above and the one under. - 4 to find the two surrounding latitude circles plus the preceding one and the following one. - and so on... """ if not numpy.all(numpy.array(latitudes[1:]) <= numpy.array(latitudes[:-1])): raise ValueError('latitudes must be in descending order') distmin = None nearest = None for n in range(0, len(latitudes)): dist = latrs - latitudes[n] if distmin is None or abs(dist) < abs(distmin): distmin = dist nearest = n if num == 2: lats = [nearest, (nearest - numpy.copysign(1, distmin)).astype('int')] elif num == 3: lats = [nearest - 1, nearest, nearest + 1] elif num % 2: # odd lats = [nearest - k for k in reversed(range(1, num // 2 + 1))] + \ [nearest, ] + \ [nearest + k for k in range(1, num // 2 + 1)] elif not num % 2: # even lats = [nearest - k for k in reversed(range(1, num // 2))] + \ [nearest, ] + \ [nearest + k for k in range(1, num // 2 + 1)] return lats def nearest_lons(lonrs, latnum, num): """ Internal method used to find the nearest points on a latitude circle. Args:\n - *lonrs* is the rotated and streched longitude. - *num* is: - 1 to find the nearest point, - 2 to find the two surrounding points, - 4 to find the two surrounding points plus the preceding one and the following one. - and so on - *latnum*: if -1 (resp. -2), we search for the opposite longitude on the first (resp. second) latitude circle. The same is true for the other pole. """ lonrs = numpy.radians(lonrs) if latnum < 0: # We are near the pole, have to look-up on the first latitudes # circles, symmetrically with regards to the pole j = abs(latnum) - 1 lonnummax = self.dimensions['lon_number_by_lat'][j] i = ((lonrs - numpy.pi) % (numpy.pi * 2)) * \ lonnummax / (numpy.pi * 2) elif latnum >= len(latitudes): # j = len(latitudes) - 1 j = len(latitudes) - (latnum - len(latitudes)) - 1 # TOBECHECKED: next circle past the pole lonnummax = self.dimensions['lon_number_by_lat'][j] i = ((lonrs - numpy.pi) % (numpy.pi * 2)) * \ lonnummax / (numpy.pi * 2) else: j = latnum lonnummax = self.dimensions['lon_number_by_lat'][latnum] i = lonrs * lonnummax / (numpy.pi * 2) if num == 1: lons = (numpy.rint(i).astype('int') % lonnummax, j) elif num == 2: lons = [(numpy.floor(i).astype('int') % lonnummax, j), ((numpy.floor(i).astype('int') + 1) % lonnummax, j)] elif num % 2: # odd raise NotImplementedError("but is it necessary ?") elif not num % 2: # even ii = numpy.floor(i).astype('int') lons = [((ii - k) % lonnummax, j) for k in reversed(range(1, num // 2))] + \ [(ii % lonnummax, j)] + \ [((ii + k) % lonnummax, j) for k in reversed(range(1, num // 2 + 1))] return lons def nearest(lon, lat, lonrs, latrs): """ Internal method used to find the nearest point. lon/lat are the true coordinate, lonrs/latrs are rotated and streched coordinates. """ distance = None nearpoint = None for latnum in nearest_lats(latrs, 3): point = nearest_lons(lonrs, latnum, 1) dist = self.distance((lon, lat), self.ij2ll(*point)) if distance is None or dist < distance: nearpoint = point distance = dist return nearpoint def nearests(lonrs, latrs, n): """ Internal methods used to find the n*n points surrunding the point lonrs/latrs, lonrs/latrs are rotated and stretched coordinates. """ points = [] for j in nearest_lats(latrs, n): points.extend(nearest_lons(lonrs, j, n)) return points # ## actual algorithm # initializations if isinstance(lon, list) or isinstance(lon, tuple): lon = numpy.array(lon) if isinstance(lat, list) or isinstance(lat, tuple): lat = numpy.array(lat) latitudes = [self.grid['latitudes'][n].get('degrees') for n in range(0, self.dimensions['lat_number'])] # compute rotated/stretched lon/lat (lonrs, latrs) = self._rotate_stretch(lon, lat) # 1.A: nearest point is needed only nsquare_match = _re_nearest_sq.match(request.get('n', '')) if nsquare_match: assert'n') =='m'), \ "anisotropic request {'n':'N*M'} is not supported." if external_distance is not None: assert request == {'n':'1'} def _increments(n): def _rng(n): return numpy.arange(-n // 2 + 1, n // 2 + 1) if == 'academic' and self.dimensions['X'] == 1: i_incr = _rng(1) else: i_incr = _rng(n) if == 'academic' and self.dimensions['Y'] == 1: j_incr = _rng(1) else: j_incr = _rng(n) return (i_incr, j_incr) if request == {'n':'1'} and not external_distance: if isinstance(lat, numpy.ndarray) and lat.shape != (): j = numpy.zeros(len(lat), i = numpy.zeros(len(lat), for k in range(0, len(lat)): (i[k], j[k]) = nearest(lon[k], lat[k], lonrs[k], latrs[k]) else: (i, j) = nearest(lon, lat, lonrs, latrs) points = [(i, j)] # 2.: several points are needed else: # 2.1: how many ? if external_distance: n = 1 elif request.get('radius'): if isinstance(lat, numpy.ndarray): raise NotImplementedError("request:{'radius':..., 'shape':'radius'} with several points.") resolution = self.resolution_ll(lon, lat) n = max(numpy.around(float(request['radius']) / float(resolution)).astype('int') * 2, 1) elif nsquare_match: n = int('n')) else: raise epygramError("unrecognized **request**: " + str(request)) # 2.2: get points if isinstance(lat, numpy.ndarray): i = numpy.zeros((len(lat), n * n), j = numpy.zeros((len(lat), n * n), for k in range(len(lat)): points = nearests(lonrs[k], latrs[k], n) for p in range(n * n): i[k, p], j[k, p] = points[p] points = [(i[:, p], j[:, p]) for p in range(n * n)] else: points = nearests(lonrs, latrs, n) # 2.3: only select the nearest with regards to external_distance if external_distance: distance = None for p in points: dist = abs(external_distance['external_field'].getvalue_ij(*p, one=True) - external_distance['target_value']) if distance is None or dist < distance: nearpoint = p distance = dist points = [nearpoint] elif request.get('shape') == 'circle': points = [(i, j) for (i, j) in points if self.distance((lon, lat), self.ij2ll(i, j)) <= request['radius']] return points[0] if request == {'n':'1'} else points
def _what_grid_dimensions(self, out=sys.stdout, spectral_geometry=None): """ Writes in file a summary of the grid & dimensions of the field. :param out: the output open file-like object :param spectral_geometry: an optional dict containing the spectral truncature {'max':}. """ grid = self.grid dimensions = self.dimensions gridmap = {'reduced_gauss':'Reduced Gauss', 'rotated_reduced_gauss':'Rotated Reduced Gauss', 'regular_gauss':'Regular Gauss'} write_formatted(out, "Grid", gridmap[]) if == 'rotated_reduced_gauss': write_formatted(out, "Pole Longitude", grid['pole_lon'].get('degrees')) write_formatted(out, "Pole Latitude", grid['pole_lat'].get('degrees')) write_formatted(out, "Dilatation coefficient", grid['dilatation_coef']) write_formatted(out, "Number of latitudes", dimensions['lat_number']) write_formatted(out, "Maximum number of longitudes on a parallel", dimensions['max_lon_number']) if spectral_geometry is not None: write_formatted(out, "Truncation", spectral_geometry['max']) def __eq__(self, other): """Test of equality by recursion on the object's attributes.""" if self.__class__ == other.__class__ and \ set(self.__dict__.keys()).discard('_buffered_gauss_grid') == \ set(other.__dict__.keys()).discard('_buffered_gauss_grid'): selfcp = self.deepcopy() selfcp._clear_buffered_gauss_grid() othercp = other.deepcopy() othercp._clear_buffered_gauss_grid() ok = super(D3GaussGeometry, selfcp).__eq__(othercp) else: ok = False return ok
footprints.collectors.get(tag='geometrys').fasttrack = ('structure', 'name')