Source code for epygram.formats.GRIB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) Météo France (2014-)
# This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law.
Contains classes for GRIB resource and GRIB individual message,
editions 1 and 2.

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals, division

__all__ = ['GRIB']

import datetime
import os
import numpy
import copy
import sys
import six
import tempfile
import uuid

import footprints
from footprints import proxy as fpx, FPDict, FPList
from bronx.meteo.conversion import q2R
from bronx.syntax.parsing import str2dict

from epygram import config, epygramError, util
from epygram.base import FieldSet, FieldValidity
from epygram.resources import FileResource
from epygram.util import (Angle, RecursiveObject,
                          separation_line, write_formatted_dict)
from epygram.fields import H2DField
from epygram.geometries.H2DGeometry import gauss_latitudes
from epygram.geometries.VGeometry import pressure2altitude
from epygram.geometries.SpectralGeometry import (SpectralGeometry,
from . import grib_utilities

import gribapi

epylog = footprints.loggers.getLogger(__name__)

# FIXME: temporary conversion of surface types
onetotwo = {1:1,  # ground or water surface
            20:20,  # isothermal level
            100:100,  # isobaric surface
            102:101,  # mean sea level
            103:102,  # height above mean sea level
            105:103,  # height above ground
            109:119,  # hybrid pressure coord level
            111:106,  # depth below land surface (!!! cm -> m !!!)
            113:107,  # isentropic (theta) level
            115:108,  # level at specified pressure difference from ground to level
            117:109,  # potential vorticity surface
twotoone = {v:k for (k, v) in onetotwo.items()}

[docs]def parse_GRIBstr_todict(strfid): """Parse and return a dict GRIB fid from a string.""" fid = str2dict(strfid, try_convert=int) return fid
[docs]class GRIBmessage(RecursiveObject, dict): """ Class implementing a GRIB message as an object. """ fid_keys = {1:['name', 'shortName', 'indicatorOfParameter', 'paramId', 'indicatorOfTypeOfLevel', 'typeOfLevel', 'level', 'topLevel', 'bottomLevel', 'editionNumber', 'table2Version'], 2:['name', 'shortName', 'discipline', 'parameterCategory', 'parameterNumber', 'editionNumber', 'typeOfFirstFixedSurface', 'level', 'topLevel', 'typeOfSecondFixedSurface', 'bottomLevel', 'tablesVersion']} def __init__(self, source, ordering=config.GRIB_default_ordering, packing=None, sample=None, grib_edition=None, other_GRIB_options=None): """ Initialize a GRIBmessage from either sources. :param source: being a tuple of either form:\n - ('file', '*filename*' [, *offset_position*]) *filename* being a relative or absolute path to the file it is read in. n = *offset_position*, if given, enables to read the n+1'th GRIB message in file. Defaults to 0. Negative value counts from the end. - ('field', :class:`epygram.fields.H2DField`) - ('gribid', *gribid*) *gribid* being an integer, refering to the *gribid* of a GRIB_API message in memory. - ('sample', '*samplename*') *samplename* being the name of the sample from which to be generated. In case **source** is a field, some options can be forced: :param ordering: flattening of 2D data :param packing: options of packing and compression in GRIB (dict). :param sample: to use a specific sample GRIB. Specific syntax 'file:$filename$' takes the first message in $filename$ as sample. :param grib_edition: to force a GRIB edition number (1, 2). :param other_GRIB_options: other options to be specified in GRIB, as a dict(GRIBkey=value) """ super(GRIBmessage, self).__init__() self.built_from = source[0] if self.built_from == 'file': self._file = open(source[1], 'r') # if position specified, go to position of message if len(source) == 3: n = source[2] if n < 0: N = gribapi.grib_count_in_file(self._file) n = N + n for _ in range(n): gid = gribapi.grib_new_from_file(self._file, headers_only=True) gribapi.grib_release(gid) # load message in memory and save gribid self._gid = gribapi.grib_new_from_file(self._file) elif self.built_from == 'field': self._build_msg_from_field(source[1], ordering=ordering, packing=packing, sample=sample, grib_edition=grib_edition, other_GRIB_options=other_GRIB_options) elif self.built_from == 'gribid': self._gid = source[1] elif self.built_from == 'sample': self._gid = self._clone_from_sample(source[1]) else: raise NotImplementedError("not yet.") def __del__(self): try: gribapi.grib_release(self._gid) except (gribapi.GribInternalError, AttributeError): pass self.clear() def __getitem__(self, item): if item not in list(self.keys()): self._readattribute(item) if item not in list(self.keys()): raise KeyError(item + " not in GRIBmessage keys.") return super(GRIBmessage, self).__getitem__(item) def __setitem__(self, key, value): if value is not None: if gribapi.__version__ <= '1.10.4': if isinstance(value, numpy.float): value = float(value) elif isinstance(value, value = int(value) if isinstance(value, six.string_types): # gribapi str/unicode incompatibility v = str(value) else: v = value gribapi.grib_set(self._gid, str(key), v) # gribapi str/unicode incompatibility else: gribapi.grib_set_missing(self._gid, str(key)) # gribapi str/unicode incompatibility super(GRIBmessage, self).__setitem__(key, value)
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None): """Same as dict.get(), but try to read attribute first.""" try: value = self.__getitem__(key) except (KeyError, gribapi.GribInternalError): value = default return value
def _clone_from_sample(self, sample): """Clone a sample GRIB message.""" sample_gid = gribapi.grib_new_from_samples(str(sample)) # gribapi str/unicode incompatibility gid = gribapi.grib_clone(sample_gid) gribapi.grib_release(sample_gid) return gid def _clone_from_file(self, filename): """Clone first GRIB message from file.""" f = open(filename, 'r') original_gid = gribapi.grib_new_from_file(f) gid = gribapi.grib_clone(original_gid) gribapi.grib_release(original_gid) f.close() return gid def _readattribute(self, attribute, array=False): """Actual access to the attributes.""" if attribute != 'values': if not array: try: # force to get as integer # bug in GRIB_API ? 1, 103 & 105 => 'sfc' if attribute in ('typeOfFirstFixedSurface', 'indicatorOfTypeOfLevel', 'typeOfSecondFixedSurface', # type error when setting key 'centre' if str 'centre', 'originatingCentre'): attr = gribapi.grib_get(self._gid, str(attribute), int) # gribapi str/unicode incompatibility else: attr = gribapi.grib_get(self._gid, str(attribute)) # gribapi str/unicode incompatibility except gribapi.GribInternalError as e: # differenciation not well done... PB in gribapi if str(e) == 'Passed array is too small': attr = gribapi.grib_get_double_array(self._gid, str(attribute)) # gribapi str/unicode incompatibility else: raise type(e)(str(e) + ' : "' + attribute + '"') else: attr = gribapi.grib_get_double_array(self._gid, str(attribute)) # gribapi str/unicode incompatibility else: attr = gribapi.grib_get_values(self._gid) super(GRIBmessage, self).__setitem__(attribute, attr) def _set_array_attribute(self, attribute, value): """Setter for array attributes.""" gribapi.grib_set_array(self._gid, str(attribute), value) # gribapi str/unicode incompatibility def _build_msg_from_field(self, field, ordering=config.GRIB_default_ordering, packing=None, sample=None, grib_edition=None, other_GRIB_options=None): """ Build the GRIB message from the field, using a template. :param field: a :class:`epygram.base.Field`. :param ordering: flattening of 2D data :param packing: options of packing and compression in GRIB (dict). :param sample: to use a specific sample GRIB. Specific syntax 'file:$filename$' takes the first message in $filename$ as sample. :param grib_edition: to force a GRIB edition number (1, 2). :param other_GRIB_options: other options to be specified in GRIB, as a dict(GRIBkey=value) """ if not isinstance(field, H2DField): raise NotImplementedError("not yet.") # part 0 --- determine grib_edition if grib_edition is None: try: grib_edition = field.fid['GRIB2'].get('editionNumber', config.GRIB_default_edition) except KeyError: try: grib_edition = field.fid['GRIB1'].get('editionNumber', config.GRIB_default_edition) except KeyError: grib_edition = config.GRIB_default_edition # part 1 --- set sample and preset packing if packing is None: if field.spectral: packing = {'packingType':'spectral_simple', 'bitsPerValue':24} else: packing = config.GRIB_default_packing[grib_edition] # get packingType... required_packingType = packing.get('packingType', None) if required_packingType is not None: if 'grid' in required_packingType and field.spectral or\ 'spectral' in required_packingType and not field.spectral: required_packingType = None # ... to determine sample if sample is None: # try to get an appropriate sample, or a default one if required_packingType is None: if field.spectral: sample = 'sh_ml_grib' + str(grib_edition) else: sample = config.GRIB_default_sample[grib_edition] else: # if 'gauss' in # sample = 'gg_sfc_grib' + str(grib_edition) # else: sample = 'GRIB' + str(grib_edition) + required_packingType[4:] # [4:] to remove leading 'grid_*' if sample + '.tmpl' not in os.listdir(config.GRIB_samples_path): sample = config.GRIB_default_sample[grib_edition] # reset packing "on the fly" if field is uniform if field.max() - field.min() < config.epsilon: packing = {'packingType':'grid_simple'} required_packingType = packing['packingType'] sample = 'GRIB' + str(grib_edition) + required_packingType[4:] # clone from sample if sample.startswith('file:'): sample = sample[5:] self._gid = self._clone_from_file(sample) else: self._gid = self._clone_from_sample(sample) # part 2 --- parameter if grib_edition == 1: param_list = ['table2Version', 'indicatorOfParameter'] for k in param_list: self[k] = field.fid['GRIB1'][k] else: if 'GRIB2' in field.fid: self['tablesVersion'] = field.fid['GRIB2'].get('tablesVersion', config.GRIB_default_tablesVersion) else: self['tablesVersion'] = field.fid['generic'].get('tablesVersion', config.GRIB_default_tablesVersion) param_list = ['discipline', 'parameterCategory', 'parameterNumber'] for k in param_list: if 'GRIB2' in field.fid: self[k] = field.fid['GRIB2'][k] else: self[k] = field.fid['generic'][k] # part 3 --- context if grib_edition == 2: for p in config.GRIB_default_production_parameters.keys(): self[p] = config.GRIB_default_production_parameters[p] try: process_id = int(field.processtype) except ValueError: process_id = config.GRIB_default_production_parameters['generatingProcessIdentifier'] self['generatingProcessIdentifier'] = process_id # part 4 --- validity if grib_edition == 2: self['hoursAfterDataCutoff'] = None self['minutesAfterDataCutoff'] = None self['dataDate'] = int(field.validity.getbasis(fmt='IntStr')[:8]) self['dataTime'] = int(field.validity.getbasis(fmt='IntStr')[8:12]) term_in_seconds = field.validity.term().total_seconds() cumulative = field.validity.cumulativeduration() if cumulative: startStep_in_seconds = (field.validity.term() - cumulative).total_seconds() if grib_edition == 1: self['timeRangeIndicator'] = 4 else: self['productDefinitionTemplateNumber'] = 8 else: if grib_edition == 1: self['timeRangeIndicator'] = 0 else: self['productDefinitionTemplateNumber'] = 0 if term_in_seconds / 3600. < config.epsilon: self['stepUnits'] = 'h' # hours if cumulative: self['startStep'] = int(startStep_in_seconds // 3600) self['endStep'] = int(term_in_seconds // 3600) else: self['stepUnits'] = 's' # seconds if cumulative: self['startStep'] = int(startStep_in_seconds) self['endStep'] = int(term_in_seconds) # part 5 --- geometry if not field.spectral: # 5.1 : earth shape if not hasattr(field.geometry, 'geoid'): epylog.warning("geometry has no geoid: assume 'shapeOfTheEarth' = 6.") self['shapeOfTheEarth'] = 6 else: if (field.geometry.geoid.get('a') == grib_utilities.pyproj_geoid_shapes[6]['a'] and field.geometry.geoid.get('b') == grib_utilities.pyproj_geoid_shapes[6]['b']) or \ field.geometry.geoid.get('geoidradius') == grib_utilities.myproj_geoid_shapes[6]['geoidradius']: self['shapeOfTheEarth'] = 6 else: found = False for s, g in grib_utilities.pyproj_geoid_shapes.items(): if s in (0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9) and field.geometry.geoid == g: self['shapeOfTheEarth'] = s break found = True if not found: radius = field.geometry.geoid.get('geoidradius') if radius is None: radius = field.geometry.geoid.get('a') if radius is None or radius != field.geometry.geoid.get('b'): radius = None if radius is not None: self['shapeOfTheEarth'] = 1 self['scaleFactorOfRadiusOfSphericalEarth'] = 1 self['scaledValueOfRadiusOfSphericalEarth'] = radius else: a = field.geometry.geoid.get('a', field.geometry.geoid.get('geoidmajor')) b = field.geometry.geoid.get('b', field.geometry.geoid.get('geoidminor')) if a is None or b is None: raise epygramError("unable to encode geoid.") else: self['shapeOfTheEarth'] = 7 self['scaleFactorOfMajorAxisOfOblateSpheroidEarth'] = 1 self['scaledValueOfMajorAxisOfOblateSpheroidEarth'] = a self['scaleFactorOfMinorAxisOfOblateSpheroidEarth'] = 1 self['scaledValueOfMinorAxisOfOblateSpheroidEarth'] = b # 5.2: dimensions if field.geometry.rectangular_grid: self['Ni'] = field.geometry.dimensions['X'] self['Nj'] = field.geometry.dimensions['Y'] else: pass # done below # 5.3: type of geometry if == 'regular_lonlat': self['gridType'] = 'regular_ll' self['iDirectionIncrementInDegrees'] = field.geometry.grid['X_resolution'].get('degrees') self['jDirectionIncrementInDegrees'] = field.geometry.grid['Y_resolution'].get('degrees') elif field.geometry.projected_geometry: self['gridType'] = if == 'lambert': # lambda0 in geoid in case shapeOfTheEarth == 9 lambda0 = field.geometry.geoid.get('lambda0', field.geometry.projection['reference_lon'].get('degrees')) self['LoVInDegrees'] = util.positive_longitude(lambda0) lat_0 = field.geometry.projection.get('reference_lat', None) lat_1 = field.geometry.projection.get('secant_lat1', None) lat_2 = field.geometry.projection.get('secant_lat2', None) if lat_0 is None: lat_1 = lat_1.get('degrees') lat_2 = lat_2.get('degrees') lat_0 = (lat_1 + lat_2) / 2. elif lat_1 is None and lat_2 is None: lat_0 = lat_0.get('degrees') lat_1 = lat_2 = lat_0 self['LaDInDegrees'] = lat_0 self['Latin1InDegrees'] = lat_1 self['Latin2InDegrees'] = lat_2 if abs(field.geometry.projection['rotation'].get('degrees')) > config.epsilon: raise NotImplementedError("*rotation* attribute of projection != 0.") elif == 'polar_stereographic': if abs(field.geometry.projection['reference_lat'].get('degrees') - 90.) < config.epsilon: self['projectionCentreFlag'] = 0 else: self['projectionCentreFlag'] = 1 lat_ts = field.geometry.projection.get('secant_lat', field.geometry.projection['reference_lat']).get('degrees') try: self['LaDInDegrees'] = lat_ts except gribapi.GribInternalError: if abs(lat_ts - numpy.copysign(60., field.geometry.projection['reference_lat'].get('degrees'))) > config.epsilon: raise epygramError("unable to write polar stereographic geometry to GRIB1 if *secant_lat* is not +/-60 degrees.") self['orientationOfTheGridInDegrees'] = field.geometry.projection['reference_lon'].get('degrees') if abs(field.geometry.projection['rotation'].get('degrees')) > config.epsilon: raise NotImplementedError("*rotation* attribute of projection != 0.") elif == 'mercator': lat_ts = field.geometry.projection.get('secant_lat', field.geometry.projection['reference_lat']).get('degrees') try: self['LaDInDegrees'] = lat_ts except gribapi.GribInternalError: pass # TOBECHECKED: in GRIB1, lat_ts=0. ? if abs(field.geometry.projection['rotation'].get('degrees')) > config.epsilon: raise NotImplementedError("*rotation* attribute of projection != 0.") if in ('lambert', 'polar_stereographic'): self['DxInMetres'] = field.geometry.grid['X_resolution'] self['DyInMetres'] = field.geometry.grid['Y_resolution'] else: self['DiInMetres'] = field.geometry.grid['X_resolution'] self['DjInMetres'] = field.geometry.grid['Y_resolution'] elif 'gauss' in if == 'rotated_reduced_gauss': self['gridType'] = 'reduced_stretched_rotated_gg' self['longitudeOfStretchingPoleInDegrees'] = field.geometry.grid['pole_lon'].get('degrees') self['latitudeOfStretchingPoleInDegrees'] = field.geometry.grid['pole_lat'].get('degrees') self['stretchingFactor'] = field.geometry.grid['dilatation_coef'] elif == 'reduced_gauss': if field.geometry.grid.get('dilatation_coef') != 1.: self['gridType'] = 'reduced_stretched_gg' self['stretchingFactor'] = field.geometry.grid['dilatation_coef'] else: self['gridType'] = 'reduced_gg' self['global'] = 1 self['latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees'] = field.geometry.grid['latitudes'][0].get('degrees') self['longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees'] = 0. self['latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees'] = field.geometry.grid['latitudes'][-1].get('degrees') self['longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees'] = 360. - 360. / field.geometry.dimensions['lon_number_by_lat'][-1] self['Nj'] = field.geometry.dimensions['lat_number'] self['N'] = field.geometry.dimensions['lat_number'] // 2 self._set_array_attribute('pl', field.geometry.dimensions['lon_number_by_lat']) else: raise NotImplementedError("not yet.") else: # spectral case if == 'bi-fourier': # TODO: update when spectral LAM accepted by WMO and implemented in grib_api self['gridType'] = 'sh' # in bi-fourier case, this is a bypass self['J'] = max(field.spectral_geometry.truncation['in_X'], field.spectral_geometry.truncation['in_Y']) self['K'] = self['J'] self['M'] = self['J'] elif == 'legendre': self['gridType'] = 'sh' self['sphericalHarmonics'] = 1 self['J'] = field.spectral_geometry.truncation['max'] self['K'] = field.spectral_geometry.truncation['max'] self['M'] = field.spectral_geometry.truncation['max'] else: raise NotImplementedError(' == ' + # 5.4: vertical geometry if grib_edition == 1: self['indicatorOfTypeOfLevel'] = twotoone.get(field.geometry.vcoordinate.typeoffirstfixedsurface, 255) if len(field.geometry.vcoordinate.levels) > 1: raise epygramError("field has more than one level") self['level'] = field.geometry.vcoordinate.levels[0] if self['indicatorOfTypeOfLevel'] == 109: self['numberOfVerticalCoordinateValues'] = len(field.geometry.vcoordinate.grid['gridlevels']) * 2 ab = [ab[1]['Ai'] for ab in field.geometry.vcoordinate.grid['gridlevels']] + \ [ab[1]['Bi'] for ab in field.geometry.vcoordinate.grid['gridlevels']] self._set_array_attribute('pv', ab) else: pass # !!! this should be done but it changes gridType !!! # self['numberOfVerticalCoordinateValues'] = 0 elif grib_edition == 2: if len(field.geometry.vcoordinate.levels) > 1: raise epygramError("field has more than one level") self['scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface'] = 0 self['scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface'] = 0 self['level'] = field.geometry.vcoordinate.levels[0] self['typeOfFirstFixedSurface'] = field.geometry.vcoordinate.typeoffirstfixedsurface self['level'] = field.geometry.vcoordinate.levels[0] if self['typeOfFirstFixedSurface'] == 119: self['numberOfVerticalCoordinateValues'] = len(field.geometry.vcoordinate.grid['gridlevels']) ab = [ab[1]['Ai'] for ab in field.geometry.vcoordinate.grid['gridlevels']] + \ [ab[1]['Bi'] for ab in field.geometry.vcoordinate.grid['gridlevels']] self._set_array_attribute('pv', ab) if hasattr(field.geometry.vcoordinate, 'typeofsecondfixedsurface'): self['typeOfSecondFixedSurface'] = field.geometry.vcoordinate.typeofsecondfixedsurface else: self['typeOfSecondFixedSurface'] = 255 if hasattr(field.geometry.vcoordinate, 'toplevel'): self['topLevel'] = field.geometry.vcoordinate.toplevel else: if 'GRIB2' in field.fid: self['topLevel'] = field.fid['GRIB2'].get('topLevel', field.geometry.vcoordinate.levels[0]) else: self['topLevel'] = field.fid['generic'].get('topLevel', field.geometry.vcoordinate.levels[0]) if hasattr(field.geometry.vcoordinate, 'bottomlevel'): self['bottomLevel'] = field.geometry.vcoordinate.bottomlevel else: if 'GRIB2' in field.fid: self['bottomLevel'] = field.fid['GRIB2'].get('bottomLevel', field.geometry.vcoordinate.levels[0]) else: self['bottomLevel'] = field.fid['generic'].get('bottomLevel', field.geometry.vcoordinate.levels[0]) # part 6 --- ordering if not field.spectral: self.update(ordering) # part 7 --- other options if other_GRIB_options is not None: try: for k, v in other_GRIB_options.items(): self[k] = v except gribapi.GribInternalError as e: epylog.warning('set ' + k + ' failed: ' + str(e)) # part 8 --- set first gridpoint according to ordering if not field.spectral: if field.geometry.rectangular_grid: corners = field.geometry.gimme_corners_ll() if self['iScansNegatively'] == 0 and \ self['jScansPositively'] == 0: self['longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees'] = util.positive_longitude(corners['ul'][0]) self['latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees'] = util.positive_longitude(corners['ul'][1]) if self['gridType'] == 'regular_ll': self['longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees'] = util.positive_longitude(corners['lr'][0]) self['latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees'] = util.positive_longitude(corners['lr'][1]) elif self['iScansNegatively'] == 0 and \ self['jScansPositively'] == 1: self['longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees'] = util.positive_longitude(corners['ll'][0]) self['latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees'] = util.positive_longitude(corners['ll'][1]) if self['gridType'] == 'regular_ll': self['longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees'] = util.positive_longitude(corners['ur'][0]) self['latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees'] = util.positive_longitude(corners['ur'][1]) elif self['iScansNegatively'] == 1 and \ self['jScansPositively'] == 0: self['longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees'] = util.positive_longitude(corners['ur'][0]) self['latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees'] = util.positive_longitude(corners['ur'][1]) if self['gridType'] == 'regular_ll': self['longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees'] = util.positive_longitude(corners['ll'][0]) self['latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees'] = util.positive_longitude(corners['ll'][1]) elif self['iScansNegatively'] == 1 and \ self['jScansPositively'] == 1: self['longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees'] = util.positive_longitude(corners['lr'][0]) self['latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees'] = util.positive_longitude(corners['lr'][1]) if self['gridType'] == 'regular_ll': self['longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees'] = util.positive_longitude(corners['ul'][0]) self['latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees'] = util.positive_longitude(corners['ul'][1]) else: raise NotImplementedError('this ordering: not yet.') else: if not(self['iScansNegatively'] == 0 and self['jScansPositively'] == 0): raise NotImplementedError('this ordering: not yet.') # part 9 --- values values = field.getdata(d4=True).copy() if isinstance(values, and values.mask.any(): if self['editionNumber'] == 2: self['bitMapIndicator'] = 0 self['bitmapPresent'] = 1 self['missingValue'] = values.fill_value values = field.geometry.fill_maskedvalues(values) else: # bitmap in GRIB1 ? raise NotImplementedError("didn't succeed to make this work") values = values.squeeze() if not field.spectral: # is it necessary to pre-write values ? (packingType != from sample) # Yes it is (don't really know why...) """if required_packingType is None: # unable to guess pre_write = True else: try: pre_write = required_packingType != self['packingType'] except gribapi.GribInternalError: pre_write = True""" pre_write = True if pre_write: self.set_values(values) self.set_packing(packing) self.set_values(values)
[docs] def set_packing(self, packing): """ Specific method to set **packing** because the order of the elements is important. :param dict packing: GRIB keys from packing. """ packing = copy.copy(packing) if packing.get('bitsPerValue') is not None and \ packing.get('bitsPerValue') > config.GRIB_max_bitspervalue: # problem with bitsPerValue = 30 at least epylog.warning(('GRIB encoding higher than {} ' + '(bits per value): {} : may be untrustful.'). format(config.GRIB_max_bitspervalue, packing.get('bitsPerValue'))) if config.GRIB_force_bitspervalue: packing['bitsPerValue'] = config.GRIB_max_bitspervalue order = ['packingType', 'complexPacking', 'boustrophedonicOrdering', 'bitsPerValue'] for k in order: if k in packing: try: self[k] = packing.pop(k) except gribapi.GribInternalError: if config.GRIB_packing_fatal: raise for k, v in packing.items(): # remaining items self[k] = v
@property def grib_edition(self): return self['editionNumber']
[docs] def set_values(self, values): """ Wrapper to set **values** as a 2D array if gridpoint or 1D if spectral. """ if len(values.shape) == 1: gribapi.grib_set_values(self._gid, values) elif len(values.shape) == 2: self.set_2Dvalues(values)
[docs] def set_2Dvalues(self, values): """ Wrapper to set **values** as a 2D array, in coherence with ordering parameters already set beforehand. """ if self['iScansNegatively'] == 0 and \ self['jScansPositively'] == 0 and \ self['jPointsAreConsecutive'] == 0: if isinstance(values, data1d = values[:, :].compressed() else: data1d = values[::-1, :].flatten(order='C') elif self['iScansNegatively'] == 0 and \ self['jScansPositively'] == 1 and \ self['jPointsAreConsecutive'] == 0: if isinstance(values, data1d = values[::-1, :].compressed() else: data1d = values[:, :].flatten(order='C') elif self['iScansNegatively'] == 1 and \ self['jScansPositively'] == 0 and \ self['jPointsAreConsecutive'] == 0: if isinstance(values, data1d = values[:, ::-1].compressed() else: data1d = values[::-1, ::-1].flatten(order='C') elif self['iScansNegatively'] == 1 and \ self['jScansPositively'] == 1 and \ self['jPointsAreConsecutive'] == 0: if isinstance(values, data1d = values[::-1, ::-1].compressed() else: data1d = values[:, ::-1].flatten(order='C') else: raise NotImplementedError('this ordering: not yet.') gribapi.grib_set_values(self._gid, data1d)
def _read_spectralgeometry(self): """ Returns a SpectralGeometry object containing the spectral geometry information of the GRIB message. """ if self['gridType'] == 'sh': if not self['J'] == self['K'] == self['M']: raise NotImplementedError("case: not J==K==M") spgeom = SpectralGeometry(space='legendre', truncation={'max':self['J']}) else: raise NotImplementedError('gridType==' + self['gridType']) return spgeom def _read_geometry(self): """ Returns a geometry object containing the geometry information of the GRIB message. """ geoid = config.default_geoid try: geoid = grib_utilities.pyproj_geoid_shapes[self['shapeOfTheEarth']] except KeyError: if self['shapeOfTheEarth'] == 1: radius = (float(self['scaledValueOfRadiusOfSphericalEarth']) / 10 ** self['scaleFactorOfRadiusOfSphericalEarth']) geoid = {'a':radius, 'b':radius} elif self['shapeOfTheEarth'] in (3, 7): a = (float(self['scaledValueOfMajorAxisOfOblateSpheroidEarth']) / 10 ** self['scaleFactorOfMajorAxisOfOblateSpheroidEarth']) b = (float(self['scaledValueOfMinorAxisOfOblateSpheroidEarth']) / 10 ** self['scaleFactorOfMinorAxisOfOblateSpheroidEarth']) if self['shapeOfTheEarth'] == 3: a *= 1000 b *= 1000 geoid = {'a':a, 'b':b} else: raise except gribapi.GribInternalError: pass kwargs_vcoord = {'structure': 'V'} kwargs_vcoord['position_on_grid'] = 'mass' if self.grib_edition == 1: kwargs_vcoord['typeoffirstfixedsurface'] = onetotwo.get(self['indicatorOfTypeOfLevel'], 255) kwargs_vcoord['levels'] = [self['level']] if self['indicatorOfTypeOfLevel'] in (112,): kwargs_vcoord['toplevel'] = self['topLevel'] kwargs_vcoord['bottomlevel'] = self['bottomLevel'] elif self.grib_edition == 2: kwargs_vcoord['typeoffirstfixedsurface'] = self['typeOfFirstFixedSurface'] kwargs_vcoord['levels'] = [self['level']] if self['typeOfSecondFixedSurface'] != 255: kwargs_vcoord['typeofsecondfixedsurface'] = self['typeOfSecondFixedSurface'] kwargs_vcoord['toplevel'] = self['topLevel'] kwargs_vcoord['bottomlevel'] = self['bottomLevel'] if kwargs_vcoord['typeoffirstfixedsurface'] == 119: try: self._readattribute('pv', array=True) A_and_B = self['pv'] except gribapi.GribInternalError: epylog.warning('Error while reading A/B vertical levels coefficients ! Ignore.') A_and_B = [] Ai = A_and_B[:len(A_and_B) // 2] Bi = A_and_B[len(A_and_B) // 2:] kwargs_vcoord['grid'] = {'gridlevels': tuple([(i + 1, FPDict({'Ai':Ai[i], 'Bi':Bi[i]})) for i in range(len(Ai))]), 'ABgrid_position':'flux'} vcoordinate = fpx.geometry(**kwargs_vcoord) if self['gridType'] != 'sh' and 'gg' not in self['gridType']: dimensions = {'X':self.get('Nx', self['Ni']), 'Y':self.get('Ny', self['Nj'])} if self['iScansNegatively'] == 0 and self['jScansPositively'] == 0: input_position = (0, dimensions['Y'] - 1) elif self['iScansNegatively'] == 0 and self['jScansPositively'] == 1: input_position = (0, 0) elif self['iScansNegatively'] == 1 and self['jScansPositively'] == 0: input_position = (dimensions['X'] - 1, dimensions['Y'] - 1) elif self['iScansNegatively'] == 1 and self['jScansPositively'] == 1: input_position = (dimensions['X'] - 1, 0) if self['gridType'] == 'regular_ll': geometryname = 'regular_lonlat' grid = {'input_lon':Angle(self['longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees'], 'degrees'), 'input_lat':Angle(self['latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees'], 'degrees'), 'input_position':input_position, 'X_resolution':Angle(self['iDirectionIncrementInDegrees'], 'degrees'), 'Y_resolution':Angle(self['jDirectionIncrementInDegrees'], 'degrees') } projection = None elif self['gridType'] in ('polar_stereographic',): geometryname = self['gridType'] if self['projectionCentreFlag'] == 0: lat_0 = 90. else: lat_0 = -90. # In GRIB1, LaD is not present but resolution is supposed to # be given at 60deg lat_ts = self.get('LaDInDegrees', numpy.copysign(60, lat_0)) # !!! dirty bypass of erroneous GRIBs from OSI-SAF !.. if self['centreDescription'] == 'Oslo': epylog.warning(' '.join(['for centre:', self['centreDescription'], "(OSI-SAF)" "and polar stereographic" + "projection, lat_ts is taken in" + "3rd position in attribute 'pv[]'" + "of GRIB message !"])) (a, b, lat_ts) = self['pv'] geoid = {'a':a, 'b':b} projection = {'reference_lon':Angle(float(self['orientationOfTheGridInDegrees']), 'degrees'), 'reference_lat':Angle(lat_0, 'degrees'), 'secant_lat':Angle(lat_ts, 'degrees'), 'rotation':Angle(0., 'degrees') } # TOBEDELETED: in GRIB stereo-polar projection, the resolution is supposed # to be given at 60deg (GRIB1) and 'LaD'deg (GRIB2) # m = (1. + numpy.copysign(1., lat_0) * numpy.sin(numpy.radians(lat_0))) / \ # (1. + numpy.copysign(1., lat_0) * numpy.sin(numpy.radians(lat_ts))) m = 1 grid = {'X_resolution':float(self['DxInMetres']) * m, 'Y_resolution':float(self['DyInMetres']) * m, 'input_lon':Angle(self['longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees'], 'degrees'), 'input_lat':Angle(self['latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees'], 'degrees'), 'input_position':input_position, 'LAMzone':None} elif self['gridType'] in ('lambert',): geometryname = self['gridType'] lon_0 = geoid.get('lambda0', self['LoVInDegrees']) # lambda0 in geoid in case shapeOfTheEarth == 9 lat_0 = self['LaDInDegrees'] lat_1 = self['Latin1InDegrees'] lat_2 = self['Latin2InDegrees'] projection = {'reference_lon':Angle(lon_0, 'degrees'), 'rotation':Angle(0., 'degrees')} if abs(lat_1 - lat_2) < config.epsilon: projection['reference_lat'] = Angle(lat_0, 'degrees') else: projection['secant_lat1'] = Angle(lat_1, 'degrees') projection['secant_lat2'] = Angle(lat_2, 'degrees') grid = {'X_resolution':float(self['DxInMetres']), 'Y_resolution':float(self['DyInMetres']), 'input_lon':Angle(self['longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees'], 'degrees'), 'input_lat':Angle(self['latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees'], 'degrees'), 'input_position':input_position, 'LAMzone':None} elif self['gridType'] in ('mercator',): geometryname = self['gridType'] lat_ts = self['LaDInDegrees'] projection = {'reference_lon':Angle(0., 'degrees'), 'reference_lat':Angle(0., 'degrees'), 'rotation':Angle(0., 'degrees')} if abs(lat_ts) > config.epsilon: projection['secant_lat'] = lat_ts grid = {'X_resolution':float(self['DiInMetres']), 'Y_resolution':float(self['DjInMetres']), 'input_lon':Angle(self['longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees'], 'degrees'), 'input_lat':Angle(self['latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees'], 'degrees'), 'input_position':input_position, 'LAMzone':None} elif 'gg' in self['gridType']: projection = None latitudes = gauss_latitudes(self['Nj']) grid = {'latitudes':FPList([Angle(l, 'degrees') for l in latitudes])} if self['gridType'] == 'reduced_gg': geometryname = 'reduced_gauss' grid['dilatation_coef'] = 1. elif self['gridType'] == 'regular_gg': geometryname = 'regular_gauss' grid['dilatation_coef'] = 1. else: if 'stretched' in self['gridType']: grid['dilatation_coef'] = self['stretchingFactor'] else: grid['dilatation_coef'] = 1. if 'rotated' in self['gridType']: grid['pole_lon'] = Angle(self['longitudeOfStretchingPoleInDegrees'], 'degrees') grid['pole_lat'] = Angle(self['latitudeOfStretchingPoleInDegrees'], 'degrees') geometryname = 'rotated_reduced_gauss' if 'reduced' in self['gridType']: self._readattribute('pl', array=True) # pre-load with array=True to bypass gribapi error lon_number_by_lat = self['pl'] elif 'regular' in self['gridType']: lon_number_by_lat = [self['Ni'] for _ in range(self['Nj'])] else: raise NotImplementedError('gauss grid of that type' + self['gridType']) dimensions = {'max_lon_number':int(max(lon_number_by_lat)), 'lat_number':len(latitudes), 'lon_number_by_lat':FPList([int(n) for n in lon_number_by_lat]) } elif self['gridType'] == 'sh': # spherical harmonics: => forced to a linear gauss grid projection = None spgeom = self._read_spectralgeometry() gpdims = gridpoint_dims_from_truncation(spgeom.truncation, grid='linear') latitudes = gauss_latitudes(gpdims['lat_number']) grid = {'latitudes':FPList([Angle(l, 'degrees') for l in latitudes]), 'dilatation_coef':1.} dimensions = gpdims geometryname = 'reduced_gauss' # try to have roughly the same zonal resolution as on equator lon_number_by_lat = 2 * gpdims['lat_number'] * numpy.cos(numpy.radians(latitudes)) lon_number_by_lat = [min(nearest_greater_FFT992compliant_int(n), dimensions['max_lon_number']) for n in lon_number_by_lat] dimensions['lon_number_by_lat'] = FPList(lon_number_by_lat) else: raise NotImplementedError("not yet !") # Make geometry object kwargs_geom = dict(structure='H2D', name=geometryname, grid=grid, dimensions=dimensions, vcoordinate=vcoordinate, projection=projection, position_on_horizontal_grid='center', geoid=geoid) geometry = fpx.geometry(**kwargs_geom) return geometry def _read_validity(self): """ Returns a :class:`epygram.base.FieldValidity` object containing the validity of the GRIB message. """ accepted_tRI = (0, 1, 2, 4, 10, 113, 123) year = int(str(self['dataDate'])[0:4]) month = int(str(self['dataDate'])[4:6]) day = int(str(self['dataDate'])[6:8]) dataTime = '{:0>{width}}'.format(self['dataTime'], width=4) hour = int(dataTime[0:2]) minutes = int(dataTime[2:4]) basis = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minutes) cum = None if self['stepUnits'] == 1: timeunitfactor = 3600 if self['timeRangeIndicator'] in accepted_tRI: term = self['endStep'] term = datetime.timedelta(seconds=term * timeunitfactor) if self['timeRangeIndicator'] in (2, 4) or self['productDefinitionTemplateNumber'] == 8: cum = self['endStep'] - self['startStep'] cum = datetime.timedelta(seconds=cum * timeunitfactor) elif self['timeRangeIndicator'] in (113, 123,): epylog.warning('not able to interpret timeRangeIndicator={}'.format(self['timeRangeIndicator'])) else: raise NotImplementedError("'timeRangeIndicator' not in {}.".format(accepted_tRI)) validity = FieldValidity(basis=basis, term=term, cumulativeduration=cum) return validity
[docs] def update(self, E, **F): """ M.update([E, ]**F) -> None. Update D from dict/iterable E and F. If E present and has a .keys() method, does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] If E present and lacks .keys() method, does: for (k, v) in E: D[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k in F: D[k] = F[k] """ if isinstance(E, dict): items = list(E.items()) elif '__iter__' in dir(E): items = E for (k, v) in items: self[k] = v for k in F: self[k] = F[k]
[docs] def genfid(self): """Generates and returns a GRIB-type epygram fid from the message.""" fid_keys = copy.copy(self.fid_keys[self.grib_edition]) if self['topLevel'] == self['bottomLevel']: fid_keys.pop(fid_keys.index('topLevel')) fid_keys.pop(fid_keys.index('bottomLevel')) fid = {'GRIB' + str(self.grib_edition):FPDict({k:self[k] for k in fid_keys})} if self.grib_edition == 1: # Here we should complete the generic part of fid pass elif self.grib_edition == 2: fid['generic'] = copy.copy(fid['GRIB2']) return fid
[docs] def readkeys(self, namespace=None): """ Reads and returns the available keys of the message. :param namespace: the namespace of keys to be read, among:\n - **None**: to get all keys present in message, - 'ls': to get the same default keys as the grib_ls, - 'mars': to get the keys used by MARS. """ if isinstance(namespace, six.string_types): namespace = str(namespace) # gribapi str/unicode incompatibility key_iter = gribapi.grib_keys_iterator_new(self._gid, namespace=namespace) namespace = [] while gribapi.grib_keys_iterator_next(key_iter): namespace.append(gribapi.grib_keys_iterator_get_name(key_iter)) gribapi.grib_keys_iterator_delete(key_iter) return namespace
[docs] def readmessage(self, namespace=None): """ Reads the meta-data of the message. :param namespace: the namespace of keys to be read, among:\n - **None**: to get all keys present in message, - ['myKey1', 'myKey2', ...] for any custom namespace, - 'ls': to get the same default keys as the grib_ls, - 'mars': to get the keys used by MARS. """ self.clear() if namespace in (None, 'ls', 'mars'): namespace = self.readkeys(namespace=namespace) for k in namespace: self._readattribute(k)
[docs] def asfield(self, getdata=True, footprints_proxy_as_builder=config.footprints_proxy_as_builder, get_info_as_json=None): """ Returns an :class:`epygram.base.Field` made out from the GRIB message. :param getdata: if *False*, only metadata are read, the field do not contain data. :param footprints_proxy_as_builder: if **True**, uses footprints.proxy to build fields. :param get_info_as_json: if not **None**, writes the keys given in *get_info_as_json* as json in field.comment. """ if footprints_proxy_as_builder: builder = fpx.field else: builder = H2DField field_kwargs = {} field_kwargs['fid'] = self.genfid() try: field_kwargs['validity'] = self._read_validity() except (epygramError, NotImplementedError): if config.GRIB_ignore_validity_decoding_errors: field_kwargs['validity'] = FieldValidity() else: raise field_kwargs['spectral_geometry'] = None field_kwargs['processtype'] = self['generatingProcessIdentifier'] geometry = self._read_geometry() if self['gridType'] == 'sh': field_kwargs['spectral_geometry'] = self._read_spectralgeometry() field_kwargs['geometry'] = geometry field_kwargs['structure'] = geometry.structure try: field_kwargs['units'] = self['units'] except gribapi.GribInternalError: try: field_kwargs['units'] = self['parameterUnits'] except gribapi.GribInternalError: pass if get_info_as_json is not None: import json comment = {} for k in get_info_as_json: try: comment[k] = self[k] except gribapi.GribInternalError: pass field_kwargs['comment'] = json.dumps(comment) field = builder(**field_kwargs) if getdata: data1d = self['values'] if 'gauss' in if self['gridType'] == 'sh': data2d = data1d else: if self['iScansNegatively'] == 0 and \ self['jScansPositively'] == 0 and \ self['jPointsAreConsecutive'] == 0: data2d = geometry.reshape_data(data1d[:]) else: raise NotImplementedError("not yet !") else: if self['iScansNegatively'] == 0 and \ self['jScansPositively'] == 0 and \ self['jPointsAreConsecutive'] == 0: data2d = data1d.reshape((self['Nj'], self['Ni']), order='C')[::-1, :] elif self['iScansNegatively'] == 0 and \ self['jScansPositively'] == 1 and \ self['jPointsAreConsecutive'] == 0: data2d = data1d.reshape((self['Nj'], self['Ni']), order='C')[:, :] elif self['iScansNegatively'] == 1 and \ self['jScansPositively'] == 0 and \ self['jPointsAreConsecutive'] == 0: data2d = data1d.reshape((self['Nj'], self['Ni']), order='C')[::-1, ::-1] elif self['iScansNegatively'] == 1 and \ self['jScansPositively'] == 1 and \ self['jPointsAreConsecutive'] == 0: data2d = data1d.reshape((self['Nj'], self['Ni']), order='C')[:, ::-1] else: raise NotImplementedError("not yet !") if ((self['editionNumber'] == 2 and self['bitMapIndicator'] == 0) or (self['editionNumber'] == 1 and self['bitmapPresent'] == 1)): data2d =, self['missingValue']) field.setdata(data2d) return field
[docs] def write_to_file(self, ofile): """ *ofile* being an open file-like object designing the physical GRIB file to be written to. """ gribapi.grib_write(self._gid, ofile)
[docs]class GRIB(FileResource): """Class implementing all specificities for GRIB resource format.""" _footprint = dict( attr=dict( format=dict( values=set(['GRIB']), default='GRIB') ) ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.isopen = False super(GRIB, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self.openmode in ('r', 'a'): _file = open(self.container.abspath, 'r') isgrib = _file.readline() _file.close() if isgrib[0:4] != 'GRIB': raise IOError("this resource is not a GRIB one.") if not self.fmtdelayedopen:
[docs] def open(self, openmode=None): """ Opens a GRIB and initializes some attributes. :param openmode: optional, to open with a specific openmode, eventually different from the one specified at initialization. """ super(GRIB, self).open(openmode=openmode) self._file = open(self.container.abspath, self.openmode) self.isopen = True
[docs] def close(self): """ Closes a GRIB. """ if hasattr(self, '_file'): self._file.close() self.isopen = False
@property @FileResource._openbeforedelayed def messages_number(self): """Counts the number of messages in file.""" return gribapi.grib_count_in_file(self._file)
[docs] def listfields(self, onlykey=None, select=None, complete=False): """ Returns a list containing the GRIB identifiers of all the fields of the resource. :param onlykey: can be specified as a string or a tuple of strings, so that only specified keys of the fid will returned. :param select: can be specified as a dict(key=value) to restrain the list of fields to those that match the key:value pairs. :param complete: list fields with their natural fid + generic one. """ if select is not None: additional_keys = [k for k in select.keys() if k not in GRIBmessage.fid_keys[1] + GRIBmessage.fid_keys[2]] else: additional_keys = [] fidlist = super(GRIB, self).listfields(additional_keys=additional_keys) if select is not None: fidlist = [f for f in fidlist if all([f[k] == select[k] for k in select.keys()])] if onlykey is not None: if isinstance(onlykey, six.string_types): fidlist = [f[onlykey] for f in fidlist] elif isinstance(onlykey, tuple): fidlist = [{k:f[k] for k in onlykey} for f in fidlist] if complete: fidlist = [{'GRIB' + str(f['editionNumber']):f} for f in fidlist] for f in fidlist: if 'GRIB2' in f: f['generic'] = f['GRIB2'] return fidlist
def _listfields(self, additional_keys=[]): """Returns a list of GRIB-type fid of the fields inside the resource.""" fidlist = [] _file = open(self.container.abspath, 'r') while True: fid = {} gid = gribapi.grib_new_from_file(_file, headers_only=True) if gid is None: break n = gribapi.grib_get(gid, b'editionNumber') # gribapi str/unicode incompatibility for k in GRIBmessage.fid_keys[n] + additional_keys: # bug in GRIB_API ? 1, 103 & 105 => 'sfc' if k in ('typeOfFirstFixedSurface', 'indicatorOfTypeOfLevel', 'typeOfSecondFixedSurface', # type error when setting key 'centre' if str 'centre', 'originatingCentre'): fid[k] = gribapi.grib_get(gid, str(k), int) # gribapi str/unicode incompatibility elif k in ('topLevel', 'bottomLevel'): if gribapi.grib_get(gid, b'topLevel') != gribapi.grib_get(gid, b'bottomLevel'): # gribapi str/unicode incompatibility fid[k] = gribapi.grib_get(gid, str(k)) # gribapi str/unicode incompatibility else: fid[k] = gribapi.grib_get(gid, str(k)) # gribapi str/unicode incompatibility gribapi.grib_release(gid) fidlist.append(fid) _file.close() return fidlist
[docs] def split_UV(self, fieldseed): """ Return two lists of fids corresponding respectively to U and V components of wind, given a *fieldseed*. Syntax example: 'shortName':'u+v', or 'indicatorOfParameter':'33+34' """ if isinstance(fieldseed, six.string_types): fieldseed = parse_GRIBstr_todict(fieldseed) seeds = [fieldseed.copy(), fieldseed.copy()] for i in (0, 1): for k, v in seeds[i].items(): if isinstance(v, six.string_types) and '+' in v: v = v.split('+')[i] try: seeds[i][k] = int(v) except ValueError: seeds[i][k] = v Ufid = self.find_fields_in_resource(seeds[0]) Vfid = self.find_fields_in_resource(seeds[1]) return (sorted(Ufid), sorted(Vfid))
[docs] def get_message_at_position(self, position): """ Returns the message at position *position*, from 0 (first message) to messages_number-1 (last message). Negative position starts from the end: -1 is last message. Should not be used sequentially, probably very inefficient. """ return GRIBmessage(('file', self.container.abspath, position))
[docs] def iter_messages(self, headers_only=True): """ Iterates sequentially on messages, returning messages. :param headers_only: if False, read data from messages. """ try: ok = not self._sequential_file.closed if not ok: except AttributeError: self._sequential_file = open(self.container.abspath, 'r') gid = gribapi.grib_new_from_file(self._sequential_file, headers_only=headers_only) if gid is not None: msg = GRIBmessage(('gribid', gid)) else: msg = None self._sequential_file.close() return msg
[docs] def iter_fields(self, getdata=True, **kwargs): """ Iterates sequentially on messages, returning fields. :param getdata: if False, do not read data from the messages. """ fld = self.iter_messages(headers_only=False) if fld is not None: fld = fld.asfield(getdata=getdata, **kwargs) return fld
[docs] def sortfields(self, sortingkey, onlykey=None): """ Returns a sorted list of fields with regards to the given *sortingkey* of their fid, as a dict of lists. :param sortingkey: key on which to sort out fields :param onlykey: specified as a string or a tuple of strings, so that only specified keys of the fid will returned. """ sortedfields = {} listoffields = self.listfields() onlykeylistoffields = self.listfields(onlykey=onlykey) for f in range(len(listoffields)): try: category = listoffields[f][sortingkey] except KeyError: category = 'None' field = onlykeylistoffields[f] if category in sortedfields: sortedfields[category].append(field) else: sortedfields[category] = [field] return sortedfields
[docs] def find_fields_in_resource(self, seed=None, generic=False, **_): """ Returns a list of the fields from resource whose name match the given seed. :param seed: might be:\n - a 'handgrip', i.e. a dict where you can store all requested GRIB keys, e.g. {'shortName':'t', 'indicatorOfTypeOfLevel':'pl', 'level':850}, - a list of handgrips - a string like "{'shortName':'t', 'level':850}", that would be converted to a dict handgrip - *None*. If *None* (default), returns the list of all fields in resource. :param generic: if True, returns complete fid's, union of {'FORMATname':fieldname} and the according generic fid of the fields. """ if seed is None or isinstance(seed, dict): fieldslist = self.listfields(select=seed) elif isinstance(seed, list): fieldslist = [] for s in seed: if isinstance(s, six.string_types): s = parse_GRIBstr_todict(s) fieldslist.extend(self.listfields(select=s)) elif isinstance(seed, six.string_types): fieldslist = self.listfields(select=parse_GRIBstr_todict(seed)) else: raise epygramError("unknown type for seed: " + str(type(seed))) if fieldslist == []: raise epygramError("no field matching '" + str(seed) + "' was found in resource " + self.container.abspath) if generic: fieldslist2 = [copy.copy(f) for f in fieldslist] for f in fieldslist2: if f['editionNumber'] == 1: f['typeOfFirstFixedSurface'] = onetotwo.get(f['indicatorOfTypeOfLevel'], 255) fieldslist = [(fieldslist[i], fieldslist2[i]) for i in range(len(fieldslist))] return fieldslist
[docs] def readfield(self, handgrip, getdata=True, footprints_proxy_as_builder=config.footprints_proxy_as_builder, get_info_as_json=None): """ Finds in GRIB the message that correspond to the *handgrip*, and returns it as a :class:`epygram.base.Field`. If several messages meet the requirements, raises error (use readfields() method instead). :param dict handgrip: a dict where you can store all requested GRIB keys for discrimination... E.g. {'shortName':'t', 'indicatorOfTypeOfLevel':'pl', 'level':850} will return the Temperature at 850hPa field. :param getdata: if False, the data is not read, the field consist in the meta-data only. :param footprints_proxy_as_builder: if True, uses footprints.proxy to build fields. True decreases performance. :param get_info_as_json: if not None, writes the keys given in *get_info_as_json* as json in field.comment. """ if isinstance(handgrip, six.string_types): handgrip = parse_GRIBstr_todict(handgrip) matchingfields = self.readfields(handgrip, getdata=getdata, footprints_proxy_as_builder=footprints_proxy_as_builder, get_info_as_json=get_info_as_json) # filter out those unfiltered by the below GRIBAPI bug filtered_matchingfields = FieldSet() for field in matchingfields: fid = field.fid.get('GRIB1', field.fid.get('GRIB2')) if all([fid.get(k, None) in (v, None) for k, v in handgrip.items()]): filtered_matchingfields.append(field) if len(filtered_matchingfields) > 1: raise epygramError("several fields found for that *handgrip*;" + " please refine.") elif len(filtered_matchingfields) == 0: raise epygramError("inconsistency in *handgrip*; check again" + " values and types of values") return filtered_matchingfields[0]
[docs] def readfields(self, handgrip, getdata=True, footprints_proxy_as_builder=config.footprints_proxy_as_builder, get_info_as_json=None): """ Finds in GRIB the message(s) that correspond to the *handgrip*, and returns it as a :class:`epygram.base.FieldSet` of :class:`epygram.base.Field`. :param dict handgrip: a dict where you can store all requested GRIB keys for discrimination... E.g. {'shortName':'t', 'indicatorOfTypeOfLevel':'pl'} will return all the Temperature fields on Pressure levels. :param getdata: if False, the data is not read, the field consist in the meta-data only. :param footprints_proxy_as_builder: if True, uses footprints.proxy to build fields. True decreases performance. :param get_info_as_json: if not None, writes the keys given in *get_info_as_json* as json in field.comment. *handgrip* is a dict where you can store all requested GRIB keys... """ if config.GRIB_safe_indexes: # FIXME: well not me, gribapi: grib index workaround # find an available AND unique filename self._index_alias = str(tempfile.mkstemp(dir=config.GRIB_safe_indexes, suffix=str(uuid.uuid4()))[1]) os.remove(self._index_alias) os.symlink(self.container.abspath, self._index_alias) else: self._index_alias = self.container.abspath # try:finally: ensure the removal of the temporary link try: matchingfields = self._readfields(handgrip, getdata=getdata, footprints_proxy_as_builder=footprints_proxy_as_builder, get_info_as_json=get_info_as_json) finally: if config.GRIB_safe_indexes: os.unlink(self._index_alias) del self._index_alias return matchingfields
def _readfields(self, handgrip, getdata=True, footprints_proxy_as_builder=config.footprints_proxy_as_builder, get_info_as_json=None): """Actual method.""" if isinstance(handgrip, six.string_types): handgrip = parse_GRIBstr_todict(handgrip) matchingfields = FieldSet() idx = gribapi.grib_index_new_from_file(self._index_alias, [str(k) for k in handgrip.keys()]) # gribapi str/unicode incompatibility # filter for k, v in handgrip.items(): # BUG in gribapi ? type conversion seems not to work for index if k == 'indicatorOfTypeOfLevel' and isinstance(v, int): # GRIB1 type_conv_GRIB1 = {1:'sfc', 8:'sfc', # 20:'20', 100:'pl', 102:'sfc', 103:'sfc', 105:'sfc', 109:'ml', 111:'sfc', 112:'sfc', # 113:'sfc', # 115:'115', 117:'pv', 200:'sfc', } v = type_conv_GRIB1.get(v, str(v)) elif k == 'typeOfFirstFixedSurface' and isinstance(v, int): # GRIB2 type_conv_GRIB2 = {1:'sfc', 100:'pl', 102:'sfc', 103:'sfc', 109:'pv', 119:'hpl', } v = type_conv_GRIB2.get(v, str(v)) if isinstance(v, six.string_types): # gribapi str/unicode incompatibility v = str(v) gribapi.grib_index_select(idx, str(k), v) # gribapi str/unicode incompatibility # load messages while True: gid = gribapi.grib_new_from_index(idx) if gid is None: break msg = GRIBmessage(('gribid', gid)) matchingfields.append(msg.asfield(getdata=getdata, footprints_proxy_as_builder=footprints_proxy_as_builder, get_info_as_json=get_info_as_json)) del msg gribapi.grib_index_release(idx) if len(matchingfields) == 0: raise epygramError("no field matching *handgrip* was found.") return matchingfields @FileResource._openbeforedelayed def writefield(self, field, ordering=config.GRIB_default_ordering, packing=None, sample=None, grib_edition=None, other_GRIB_options=None): """ Writes a Field as a GRIBmessage into the GRIB resource. :param field: a :class:`epygram.base.Field` instance :param ordering: way of ordering data in GRIB, dict of GRIB keys. :param packing: options of packing and compression in GRIB (dict). :param sample: to use a specific sample GRIB :param grib_edition: to force a GRIB edition number (1, 2). :param other_GRIB_options: other options to be specified in GRIB, as a dict(GRIBkey=value) """ if not isinstance(field, H2DField): raise NotImplementedError("'field' argument other than a H2DField.") m = GRIBmessage(('field', field), ordering=ordering, packing=packing, sample=sample, grib_edition=grib_edition, other_GRIB_options=other_GRIB_options) m.write_to_file(self._file)
[docs] def extractprofile(self, handgrip, lon=None, lat=None, geometry=None, vertical_coordinate=None, interpolation='nearest', cheap_height=True, external_distance=None): """ Extracts a vertical profile from the GRIB resource, given a handgrip and the geographic location (*lon*/*lat*) of the profile. :param handgrip: MUST define the parameter and the type of levels :param lon: the longitude of the desired point. :param lat: the latitude of the desired point. :param geometry: the geometry on which extract data. If None, it is built from lon/lat. :param vertical_coordinate defines the requested vertical coordinate of the V1DField (cf. `epygram.geometries.vertical_coordinates` possible values). :param interpolation: defines the interpolation function used to compute the profile at requested lon/lat from the fields grid:\n - if 'nearest' (default), extracts profile at the horizontal nearest neighboring gridpoint; - if 'linear', computes profile with horizontal linear spline interpolation; - if 'cubic', computes profile with horizontal cubic spline interpolation. :param cheap_height: if True and *vertical_coordinate* among ('altitude', 'height'), the computation of heights is done without taking hydrometeors into account (in R computation) nor NH Pressure departure (Non-Hydrostatic data). Computation therefore faster. :param external_distance: can be a dict containing the target point value and an external field on the same grid as self, to which the distance is computed within the 4 horizontally nearest points; e.g. {'target_value':4810, 'external_field':an_H2DField_with_same_geometry}. If so, the nearest point is selected with distance = |target_value -| """ field3d = fpx.field(fid={'GRIB':handgrip}, structure='3D', resource=self, resource_fids=[handgrip]) if geometry is None: if None in [lon, lat]: raise epygramError("You must give a geometry or lon *and* lat") pointG = field3d.geometry.make_profile_geometry(lon, lat) else: if lon is not None or lat is not None: raise epygramError("You cannot provide lon or lat when geometry is given") if geometry.structure != "V1D": raise epygramError("geometry must be a V1D") pointG = geometry profile = self.extract_subdomain(handgrip, pointG, interpolation=interpolation, vertical_coordinate=vertical_coordinate, external_distance=external_distance, cheap_height=cheap_height, field3d=field3d) return profile
[docs] def extractsection(self, handgrip, end1=None, end2=None, geometry=None, points_number=None, resolution=None, vertical_coordinate=None, interpolation='linear', cheap_height=True): """ Extracts a vertical section from the GRIB resource, given its handgrip and the geographic (lon/lat) coordinates of its ends. The section is returned as a V2DField. :param handgrip: MUST define the parameter and the type of levels :param end1: must be a tuple (lon, lat). :param end2: must be a tuple (lon, lat). :param geometry: is the geometry on which extract data. If None, defaults to linearily spaced positions computed from *points_number*. :param points_number: defines the total number of horizontal points of the section (including ends). If None, defaults to a number computed from the *ends* and the *resolution*. :param resolution: defines the horizontal resolution to be given to the field. If None, defaults to the horizontal resolution of the field. :param vertical_coordinate: defines the requested vertical coordinate of the V2DField (cf. `epygram.geometries.vertical_coordinates` possible values). :param interpolation: defines the interpolation function used to compute the profile points locations from the fields grid: \n - if 'nearest', each horizontal point of the section is taken as the horizontal nearest neighboring gridpoint; - if 'linear' (default), each horizontal point of the section is computed with linear spline interpolation; - if 'cubic', each horizontal point of the section is computed with linear spline interpolation. :param cheap_height: if True and *vertical_coordinate* among ('altitude', 'height'), the computation of heights is done without taking hydrometeors into account (in R computation) nor NH Pressure departure (Non-Hydrostatic data). Computation therefore faster. """ field3d = fpx.field(fid={'GRIB':handgrip}, structure='3D', resource=self, resource_fids=[handgrip]) if geometry is None: if None in [end1, end2]: raise epygramError("You must give a geometry or end1 *and* end2") sectionG = field3d.geometry.make_section_geometry(end1, end2, points_number=points_number, resolution=resolution) else: if end1 is not None or end2 is not None: raise epygramError("You cannot provide end1 or end2 when geometry is given") if geometry.structure != "V2D": raise epygramError("geometry must be a V2D") sectionG = geometry section = self.extract_subdomain(handgrip, sectionG, interpolation=interpolation, vertical_coordinate=vertical_coordinate, cheap_height=cheap_height, field3d=field3d) return section
[docs] def extract_subdomain(self, handgrip, geometry, vertical_coordinate=None, interpolation='linear', cheap_height=True, external_distance=None, field3d=None): """ Extracts a subdomain from the GRIB resource, given its handgrip and the geometry to use. :param handgrip: MUST define the parameter and the type of levels :param geometry: is the geometry on which extract data. :param vertical_coordinate: defines the requested vertical coordinate of the V2DField (cf. `epygram.geometries.vertical_coordinates` possible values). :param interpolation: defines the interpolation function used to compute the profile points locations from the fields grid: \n - if 'nearest', each horizontal point of the section is taken as the horizontal nearest neighboring gridpoint; - if 'linear' (default), each horizontal point of the section is computed with linear spline interpolation; - if 'cubic', each horizontal point of the section is computed with linear spline interpolation. :param cheap_height: if True and *vertical_coordinate* among ('altitude', 'height'), the computation of heights is done without taking hydrometeors into account (in R computation) nor NH Pressure departure (Non-Hydrostatic data). Computation therefore faster. # TODO: not implemented yet """ if field3d is None: field3d = fpx.field(fid={'GRIB':handgrip}, structure='3D', resource=self, resource_fids=[handgrip]) subdomain = field3d.extract_subdomain(geometry, interpolation=interpolation, exclude_extralevels=True, external_distance=external_distance) # preparation for vertical coords conversion if vertical_coordinate not in (None, subdomain.geometry.vcoordinate.typeoffirstfixedsurface): # P => H necessary profiles if subdomain.geometry.vcoordinate.typeoffirstfixedsurface == 100 and \ vertical_coordinate in (102, 103): side_profiles = {'t':'t', 'q':'q'} for p in sorted(side_profiles.keys(), reverse=True): # reverse to begin by t try: # try to extract profiles for each lon/lat and each parameter if handgrip.get('shortName') == side_profiles[p]: # already extracted as requested profile side_profiles[p] = subdomain else: if 'typeOfFirstFixedSurface' in handgrip: side_handgrip = {'typeOfFirstFixedSurface':handgrip.get('typeOfFirstFixedSurface')} elif 'indicatorOfTypeOfLevel' in handgrip: side_handgrip = {'indicatorOfTypeOfLevel':handgrip.get('indicatorOfTypeOfLevel')} side_handgrip['shortName'] = p side_profiles[p] = self.extract_subdomain(side_handgrip, geometry, interpolation=interpolation, external_distance=external_distance) side_profiles[p] = side_profiles[p].getdata() except epygramError: # fields not present in file if p in ('t', 'q'): raise epygramError("Temperature and Specific" + " Humidity must be in" + " resource.") else: side_profiles[p] = numpy.zeros(side_profiles['t'].shape) R = q2R(*[side_profiles[p] for p in ['q']]) if vertical_coordinate == 102: raise NotImplementedError("vertical_coordinate=={}.".format(vertical_coordinate)) # surface_geopotential = geopotential.getvalue_ll(*geometry.get_lonlat_grid(), # interpolation=interpolation, # one=False, # external_distance=external_distance) # del geopotential else: surface_geopotential = numpy.zeros(geometry.get_lonlat_grid()[0].size) # effective vertical coords conversion vertical_mean = 'geometric' if subdomain.geometry.vcoordinate.typeoffirstfixedsurface == 100 and \ vertical_coordinate in (102, 103): subdomain.geometry.vcoordinate = pressure2altitude(subdomain.geometry.vcoordinate, R, side_profiles['t'], vertical_mean, Pdep=side_profiles['pdep'], Phi_surf=surface_geopotential) else: raise NotImplementedError("this vertical coordinate" + " conversion.") return subdomain
[docs] def what(self, out=sys.stdout, mode='one+list', sortfields=None, details=None, **_): """ Writes in file a summary of the contents of the GRIB. :param out: the output open file-like object :param mode: among ('one+list', 'fid_list', 'what', 'ls', 'mars'), \n - 'one+list' = gives the validity/geometry of the first field in GRIB, plus the list of fid. - 'fid_list' = gives only the fid of each field in GRIB. - 'what' = gives the values of the keys from each GRIB message that are used to generate an **epygram** field from the message (slower). - 'ls' = gives the values of the 'ls' keys from each GRIB message. - 'mars' = gives the values of the 'mars' keys from each GRIB message. :param sortfields: name of the fid key used to sort fields; e.g. 'typeOfLevel'; only for *mode* = 'one+list' or 'fid_list'. :param details: if 'compression', gives the 'packingType' and 'bitsPerValue' parameters of field packing. Only with 'what' mode. """ out.write("### FORMAT: " + self.format + "\n") out.write("(For a more thorough insight into GRIB files, use 'grib_dump')") out.write("\n") if mode == 'one+list': onefield = self.get_message_at_position(0).asfield(getdata=False) g0 = onefield.geometry.footprint_as_dict() g0.pop('vcoordinate') while True: m = self.iter_messages() if m is None: break try: v = m._read_validity() except (epygramError, NotImplementedError): if config.GRIB_ignore_validity_decoding_errors: v = FieldValidity() else: raise if v.get() != onefield.validity.get(): epylog.error(str(m._read_validity())) epylog.error(str(onefield.validity)) raise epygramError("several validities found in file: " + "'one+list' mode disabled; " + "try mode 'ls' or 'mars'.") onefield.what(out, vertical_geometry=False, cumulativeduration=False, fid=True) out.write("######################\n") out.write("### LIST OF FIELDS ###\n") out.write("######################\n") listoffields = self.listfields() out.write("Number: " + str(len(listoffields)) + "\n") if mode in ('what', 'ls', 'mars'): out.write(separation_line) while True: m = self.iter_messages() if m is None: break # end of file if mode == 'what': _ = m.asfield(getdata=False) if details == 'compression': m._readattribute('packingType') m._readattribute('bitsPerValue') elif mode in ('ls', 'mars'): m.readmessage(mode) m._readattribute('name') m_dict = dict(m) write_formatted_dict(out, m_dict) elif sortfields: out.write("sorted by: " + sortfields + "\n") out.write(separation_line) sortedfields = self.sortfields(sortfields) for category in sorted(sortedfields.keys()): out.write(sortfields + ": " + str(category) + '\n') out.write('--------------------' + '\n') for f in sortedfields[category]: f.pop(sortfields) write_formatted_dict(out, f) out.write('--------------------' + '\n') else: out.write(separation_line) for f in listoffields: write_formatted_dict(out, f) out.write(separation_line)