epygram.fields.V1DField — Vertical 1-D Field

Contains the class that handle a Vertical 1D field.

class epygram.fields.V1DField.V1DField(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: epygram.fields.D3Field.D3Field

Vertical 1-Dimension (column) field class. A field is defined by its identifier ‘fid’, its data, its geometry, and its validity.


    attr = dict(
        comment = dict(
            access = 'rwd', 
            alias = set([]), 
            default = None, 
            optional = True, 
            outcast = set([]), 
            remap = dict(), 
            type = str, 
            values = set([]),
        data = dict(
            access = 'rxx', 
            alias = set([]), 
            default = None, 
            optional = True, 
            outcast = set([]), 
            remap = dict(), 
            values = set([]),
        fid = dict(
            access = 'rwx', 
            alias = set([]), 
            default = None, 
            optional = False, 
            outcast = set([]), 
            remap = dict(), 
            type = footprints.stdtypes.FPDict, 
            values = set([]),
        geometry = dict(
            access = 'rwx', 
            alias = set([]), 
            default = None, 
            info = 'Geometry defining the position of the field gridpoints.', 
            optional = False, 
            outcast = set([]), 
            remap = dict(), 
            type = epygram.geometries.V1DGeometry.V1DGeometry, 
            values = set([]),
        processtype = dict(
            access = 'rxx', 
            alias = set([]), 
            default = None, 
            info = 'Generating process.', 
            optional = True, 
            outcast = set([]), 
            remap = dict(), 
            values = set([]),
        spectral_geometry = dict(
            access = 'rxx', 
            alias = set([]), 
            default = None, 
            info = 'For a spectral field, its spectral geometry handles                       spectral transforms and dimensions.', 
            optional = True, 
            outcast = set([]), 
            remap = dict(), 
            type = epygram.geometries.SpectralGeometry.SpectralGeometry, 
            values = set([]),
        structure = dict(
            access = 'rxx', 
            alias = set([]), 
            default = None, 
            info = 'Type of Field geometry.', 
            optional = False, 
            outcast = set([]), 
            remap = dict(), 
            values = set(['V1D']),
        validity = dict(
            access = 'rwx', 
            alias = set([]), 
            default = epygram.base.FieldValidityList::<<
                    as_list:: [epygram.base.FieldValidity::<epygram.base.FieldValidity object at 0x7f7afd4df690>]
            info = 'Validity of the field.', 
            optional = True, 
            outcast = set([]), 
            remap = dict(), 
            type = epygram.base.FieldValidityList, 
            values = set([]),
    bind = [], 
    info = 'Not documented', 
    only = dict(), 
    priority = dict(
        level = footprints.priorities.PriorityLevel::DEFAULT,
plotfield(labels=None, fidkey=None, Ycoordinate=None, unit='SI', title=None, logscale=False, ema=False, zoom=None, colorbar='vertical', graphicmode='colorshades', minmax=None, levelsnumber=21, center_cmap_on_0=False, colormap='jet', minmax_in_title=True, contourcolor='k', contourwidth=1, contourlabel=True, datefmt='%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S %Z', linecolor='black', linestyle='-', force_mode=False, repeat=False, interval=1000)[source]

Makes a simple (profile) plot of the field. Help on arguments can be found in actual plot functions docstrings.


  • force_mode = False (default) to plot an hovmoller plot

    if several validities are available, a simple profile plot otherwise. hovmoller to force an hovmoller plot profile to force a simple profile plot animation to force an animation plot


epygram.fields.V1DField.plotprofiles(profiles, labels=None, fidkey=None, Ycoordinate=None, unit='SI', title=None, logscale=False, ema=False, zoom=None)

To plot a series of profiles. Returns a matplotlib Figure.


  • profiles being a epygram.base.FieldSet of epygram.fields.V1DField, or a single epygram.fields.V1DField.

    All profiles are supposed to have the same unit, and the same vertical coordinate.

  • labels = a list of labels for the profiles (same length and same order).

  • fidkey = key of fid for labelling the curve with fid[fidkey];

    if None, labels with raw fid.

  • Ycoordinate = label for the Y coordinate.

  • unit = label for X coordinate.

  • title = title for the plot.

  • logscale = to set Y logarithmic scale

  • ema = to make emagram-like plots of Temperature

  • zoom: a dict containing optional limits to zoom on the plot.

    Syntax: e.g. {‘ymax’:500, ...}.

epygram.fields.V1DField.plotverticalhovmoller(profile, fidkey=None, Ycoordinate=None, title=None, logscale=False, zoom=None, colorbar='vertical', graphicmode='colorshades', minmax=None, levelsnumber=21, center_cmap_on_0=False, colormap='jet', minmax_in_title=True, contourcolor='k', contourwidth=1, contourlabel=True, datefmt='%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S %Z')

Makes a simple vertical Hovmöller plot of the field.


  • profile being a epygram.fields.V1DField

  • fidkey = type of fid for entitling the plot with fid[fidkey],

    if title is None; if None, labels with raw fid.

  • Ycoordinate = label for the Y coordinate.

  • title = title for the plot.

  • logscale = to set Y logarithmic scale

  • zoom: a dict containing optional limits to zoom on the plot.

    Syntax: e.g. {‘ymax’:500, ...}.

  • colorbar: if False, hide colorbar the plot; else, befines the colorbar orientation, among (‘horizontal’, ‘vertical’). Defaults to ‘vertical’.

  • graphicmode: among (‘colorshades’, ‘contourlines’).

  • minmax: defines the min and max values for the plot colorbar.

    Syntax: [min, max]. [0.0, max] also works. Default is min/max of the field.

  • levelsnumber: number of levels for contours and colorbar.

  • center_cmap_on_0: aligns the colormap center on the value 0.

  • colormap: name of the matplotlib colormap to use.

  • minmax_in_title: if True and minmax != None, adds min and max values in title

  • contourcolor: color or colormap to be used for ‘contourlines’ graphicmode. It can be either a legal html color name, or a colormap name.

  • contourwidth: width of contours for ‘contourlines’ graphicmode.

  • contourlabel: displays labels on contours.

  • datefmt: date format to use

Warning: requires matplotlib.

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