epygram.geometries.SpectralGeometry — Spectral Geometry class

Contains the class that handles spectral parameters and spectral transforms.

class epygram.geometries.SpectralGeometry.SpectralGeometry(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: epygram.util.RecursiveObject, footprints.FootprintBase

Handles the spectral geometry and transforms for a H2DField.


    attr = dict(
        space = dict(
            access = 'rwx', 
            alias = set([]), 
            default = None, 
            info = 'Name of spectral space.', 
            optional = False, 
            outcast = set([]), 
            remap = dict(), 
            values = set([]),
        truncation = dict(
            access = 'rwx', 
            alias = set([]), 
            default = None, 
            info = 'Handles the spectral truncation parameters.', 
            optional = False, 
            outcast = set([]), 
            remap = dict(), 
            type = footprints.stdtypes.FPDict, 
            values = set([]),
    bind = [], 
    info = 'Not documented', 
    only = dict(), 
    priority = dict(
        level = footprints.priorities.PriorityLevel::DEFAULT,
compute_xy_spderivatives(data, gpdims, spectral_coeff_order='model')

Compute the derivatives of the spectral data contained in data in spectral space (assumed this spectral geometry is that of data) and return it in gridpoint space, defined by its dimensions contained in gpdims.

Returns: (dz/dx, dz/dy)

Input and output data are both 1D.

gp2sp(data, gpdims, spectral_coeff_order='model')[source]

Makes the transform of the gridpoint data contained in data to the spectral space and truncation of this object, and returns the spectral data.

Input and output data are both 1D.

sp2gp(data, gpdims, spectral_coeff_order='model')[source]

Makes the transform of the spectral data contained in data (assumed this spectral geometry is that of ‘data’) to gridpoint space, defined by its dimensions contained in gpdims, and returns the gridpoint data.

Input and output data are both 1D.

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