Source code for epygram.profiles

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy

from epygram import config
from epygram.base import FieldSet

# Constants
Cpd = config.Cpd
Rd = config.Rd
Rv = config.Rv

### FORMULAS ###

[docs]def hybridpressureAB2fluxpressure(A, B, Psurf): """ Computes the pressure at flux levels defined by hybrid-pressure coefficients. - *A* = table of A coefficients \n - *B* = table of B coefficients \n - *Psurf* = surface pressure in Pa. \n Returns a table of pressure. """ if not len(A) == len(B): raise ValueError("A, B must have the same size.") # to numpy A = numpy.array(A) B = numpy.array(B) # computation pi_tilde = A + B*Psurf return pi_tilde
[docs]def hybridpressureAB2masspressure(A, B, Psurf): """ Computes the pressure at mass levels defined by hybrid-pressure coefficients. - *A* = table of A coefficients \n - *B* = table of B coefficients \n - *Psurf* = surface pressure in Pa. \n Returns a table of pressure. """ pi_tilde = hybridpressureAB2fluxpressure(A, B, Psurf) pi = flux2masspressures(pi_tilde) return pi
[docs]def flux2masspressures(pi_tilde, Ptop=config.default_Ptop): """ Converts pressures at flux levels to mass levels. """ L = len(pi_tilde) if not isinstance(pi_tilde, numpy.ndarray): pi_tilde = numpy.array(pi_tilde) pi = numpy.zeros(L) for k in range(1, L+1): ik = k-1 # python arranging if k == 1: pi[ik] = (pi_tilde[ik] - Ptop) / (1. + Cpd/Rd) else: pi[ik] = numpy.sqrt(pi_tilde[ik]*pi_tilde[ik-1]) return pi
[docs]def mass2fluxpressures(pi, Ptop=config.default_Ptop): """ Converts pressures at mass levels to flux levels. """ L = len(pi) if not isinstance(pi, numpy.ndarray): pi = numpy.array(pi) pi_tilde = numpy.zeros(L) for k in range(1, L+1): ik = k-1 # python arranging if k == 1: pi_tilde[ik] = (pi[ik] + Ptop) * (1. + Cpd/Rd) else: pi_tilde[ik] = pi[ik]**2 / pi_tilde[ik-1] return pi_tilde
[docs]def pressure2altitude(R, T, pi=None, pi_tilde=None, Pdep=0., Phi_surf=0): """ Converts a pressure profile to mass-levels altitude (= height above ground if *Phi_surf == 0*). The pressure can be given at mass levels (*pi*) or flux levels (*pi_tilde*), or both (assuming they are consistent), with unit: Pa. - *R* = table of R = specific gas constant (J/kg/K) \n - *T* = table of Temperature (K) \n - *Pdep* = table of Pressure departure: P-Pi, where P is the hydrostatic pressure and Pi the Non-Hydrostatic pressure (Pa). \n 0. if Hydrostatic (default) \n - *Phi_surf* = surface geopotential (J/kg) """ # get full pressures if pi == None: pi = flux2masspressures(pi_tilde) elif pi_tilde == None: pi_tilde = mass2fluxpressures(pi) else: if not isinstance(pi, numpy.ndarray): pi = numpy.array(pi) if not isinstance(pi_tilde, numpy.ndarray): pi_tilde = numpy.array(pi_tilde) L = len(pi) if not len(pi) == len(pi_tilde) == len(R) == len(T): raise ValueError("R, T, pi, pi_tilde must have the same size.") if not isinstance(R, numpy.ndarray): R = numpy.array(R) if not isinstance(T, numpy.ndarray): T = numpy.array(T) if not isinstance(Pdep, numpy.ndarray): Pdep = numpy.array(Pdep) # Pre-computation delta = numpy.zeros(L) alpha = numpy.zeros(L) for k in range(1, L+1): ik = k-1 # python arranging if k == 1: delta[ik] = 1. + Cpd/Rd alpha[ik] = 1. else: delta[ik] = (pi_tilde[ik] - pi_tilde[ik-1]) / pi[ik] alpha[ik] = 1 - pi[ik]/pi_tilde[ik] # Geopotential Phi = numpy.zeros(L) partialsum = numpy.zeros(L) for k in reversed(range(1, L+1)): ik = k-1 # python arranging if k == L: partialsum[ik] = 0. else: partialsum[ik] = partialsum[ik+1] + R[ik+1]*T[ik+1]*delta[ik+1]/(1.+Pdep[ik+1]/pi[ik+1]) Phi[ik] = Phi_surf + partialsum[ik] + R[ik]*T[ik]*alpha[ik]/(1.+Pdep[ik]/pi[ik]) # Altitude z = Phi / config.g0 return z
[docs]def hybridpressureAB2altitude(A, B, R, T, Psurf, Pdep=0., Phi_surf=0, Ptop=config.default_Ptop): """ Computes the altitude of mass levels defined by hybrid-pressure coefficients. (= height above ground if *Phi_surf == 0*). - *A* = table of A coefficients \n - *B* = table of B coefficients \n - *Psurf* = surface pressure in Pa. \n - *R* = table of R = specific gas constant (J/kg/K) \n - *T* = table of Temperature (K) \n - *Pdep* = table of Pressure departure: P-Pi, where P is the hydrostatic pressure and Pi the Non-Hydrostatic pressure (Pa). \n 0. if Hydrostatic (default) \n - *Phi_surf* = surface geopotential (J/kg) """ if not len(A) == len(B) == len(R) == len(T): raise ValueError("A, B, R, T, must have the same size.") pi_tilde = hybridpressureAB2fluxpressure(A, B, Psurf) pi = flux2masspressures(pi_tilde, Ptop=Ptop) z = pressure2altitude(R, T, pi=pi, pi_tilde=pi_tilde, Pdep=Pdep, Phi_surf=Phi_surf) return z
[docs]def gfl2R(q, ql=0., qi=0., qr=0., qs=0., qg=0.): """ Computes air specific gas constant R according to specific humidity, and hydrometeors if present. """ q = numpy.array(q) ql = numpy.array(ql) qi = numpy.array(qi) qr = numpy.array(qr) qs = numpy.array(qs) qg = numpy.array(qg) R = Rd + (Rv-Rd)*q - Rd*(ql+qi+qr+qs+qg) return R ################ ### GRAPHICS ### ################
[docs]def plotprofiles(profiles, labels=None, fidtype=None, Ycoordinate=None, unit='SI', title=None, logscale=False, ema=False, zoom=None): """ To plot a series of profiles. Returns a :mod:`matplotlib` *Figure*. Args: \n - *profiles* being a :class:`epygram.base.FieldSet` of :class:`epygram.V1DField`, or a single :class:`epygram.V1DField`. \n All profiles are supposed to have the same unit, and the same vertical coordinate. - *labels* = a list of labels for the profiles (same length and same order). - *fidtype* = type of fid for labelling the curve with *fid[fidtype]*; if *None*, labels with raw fid. - *Ycoordinate* = label for the Y coordinate. - *unit* = label for X coordinate. - *title* = title for the plot. - *logscale* = to set Y logarithmic scale - *ema* = to make emagram-like plots of Temperature - *zoom*: a dict containing optional limits to zoom on the plot. \n Syntax: e.g. {'ymax':500, ...}. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.rc('font', family='serif') plt.rc('figure', autolayout=True) colors = ['red', 'blue', 'green', 'orange', 'magenta', 'darkolivegreen', 'yellow', 'salmon', 'black'] linestyles = ['-', '--', '-.', ':'] if not isinstance(profiles, FieldSet): p = profiles.deepcopy() profiles = FieldSet() profiles.append(p) p0 = profiles[0] if p0.geometry.coordinate in ('hybrid_pressure', 'pressure'): reverseY = True else: reverseY = False if p0.geometry.coordinate == 'hybrid_pressure': Y = range(1, p0.geometry.grid['fieldlevels_number']+1) if Ycoordinate == None: if p0.geometry.coordinate == 'hybrid_pressure': Ycoordinate = 'Level \nHybrid-Pressure \ncoordinate' elif p0.geometry.coordinate == 'pressure': Ycoordinate = 'Pressure (hPa)' elif p0.geometry.coordinate == 'altitude': Ycoordinate = 'Altitude (m)' elif p0.geometry.coordinate == 'height': Ycoordinate = 'Height (m)' elif p0.geometry.coordinate == 'potential_vortex': Ycoordinate = 'Potential \nvortex \n(PVU)' else: Ycoordinate = 'unknown \ncoordinate' # Figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6., 9.)) if logscale: ax.set_yscale('log') if reverseY: plt.gca().invert_yaxis() i = 0 for p in profiles: if p.geometry.coordinate == 'pressure': Y = numpy.array(p.geometry.grid['levels']) / 100 elif p.geometry.coordinate in ('altitude', 'height', 'potential_vortex'): Y = numpy.array(p.geometry.grid['levels']) if labels != None: label = labels[i] else: if fidtype != None: label = p.fid[fidtype] else: label = str(p.fid) data = if ema: mindata = numpy.inf maxdata = -numpy.inf alpha = 0.75 templines = numpy.arange(round(min(data),-1)-10, round(max(data),-1)+10+50, 10) for t in templines: plt.plot([t, t+(max(data)-min(data)) * alpha], [max(Y), min(Y)], color='grey', linestyle=':') ax.set_yticks(numpy.linspace(0,1000, 11)) data = data + abs(Y-Y[-1]) * (max(data)-min(data))/(max(Y)-min(Y)) * alpha unit = 'K' mindata = min(mindata, min(data)) maxdata = max(maxdata, max(data)) plt.plot(data, Y, label=label, color=colors[i%len(colors)], linestyle=linestyles[i//len(colors)]) i += 1 # Decoration if reverseY: ax.set_ylim(bottom=max(Y)) else: ax.set_ylim(bottom=min(Y)) if zoom != None: if 'ymin' in zoom.keys(): ax.set_ylim(bottom=zoom['ymin']) if 'ymax' in zoom.keys(): ax.set_ylim(top=zoom['ymax']) if title != None: ax.set_title(title) legend = ax.legend(loc='upper right', shadow=True) for label in legend.get_texts(): label.set_fontsize('medium') ax.set_xlabel(r'$'+unit+'$') ax.set_ylabel(Ycoordinate) if ema: plt.grid(axis='y') plt.xlim(mindata-10, maxdata+10) else: plt.grid() return fig