Source code for epygram.formats.LFA

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Contains the class to handle LFA format.

__all__ = ['LFA']

import os
import numpy

from footprints import FPDict

import epygram
from epygram import epygramError, config, util
from epygram import arpifs4py
from epygram.base import Resource
from epygram.fields import MiscField

[docs]class LFA(Resource): """Class implementing all specificities for LFA resource format.""" _footprint = dict( attr=dict( format=dict( values=set(['LFA']), default='LFA') ) ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Constructor. See its footprint for arguments. """ self.isopen = False super(LFA, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if not self.fmtdelayedopen:
[docs] def open(self, openmode=None): """ Opens the LFA in Fortran sense. - *openmode*: optional, to open with a specific openmode, eventually different from the one specified at initialization. """ super(LFA, self).open(openmode=openmode) if self.openmode in ('r', 'a'): # open, getting logical unit if self.openmode == 'r': self._unit = arpifs4py.wlfaouv(self.container.abspath, 'R') elif self.openmode == 'a': self._unit = arpifs4py.wlfaouv(self.container.abspath, 'A') self.isopen = True self.empty = False elif self.openmode == 'w': # open self._unit = arpifs4py.wlfaouv(self.container.abspath, 'W') self.isopen = True self.empty = True
[docs] def close(self): """Closes a LFA properly.""" if self.isopen: try: arpifs4py.wlfafer(self._unit) except Exception: raise IOError("closing " + self.container.abspath) self.isopen = False # Cleanings if self.openmode == 'w' and self.empty: os.remove(self.container.abspath) ################ # ABOUT FIELDS # ################
[docs] def find_fields_in_resource(self, seed=None): """ Returns a list of the fields from resource whose name match the given *seed*. - *seed*: might be a regular expression, a list of regular expressions or *None*. If *None* (default), returns the list of all fields in resource. """ if seed == None: fieldslist = self.listfields() elif isinstance(seed, str): fieldslist = util.find_re_in_list(seed, self.listfields()) elif isinstance(seed, list): fieldslist = [] for s in seed: fieldslist += util.find_re_in_list(s, self.listfields()) if fieldslist == []: raise epygramError("no field matching '" + seed + \ "' was found in resource " + \ self.container.abspath) return fieldslist
[docs] def readfield(self, fieldname, getdata=True): """Reads a field in resource.""" field = MiscField(fid=FPDict({'LFA':fieldname})) if getdata: (fieldtype, fieldlength) = arpifs4py.wlfacas(self._unit, fieldname) if fieldtype[0] == 'R': (data, fieldlength) = arpifs4py.wlfalecr(self._unit, fieldname, fieldlength) elif fieldtype[0] == 'I': (data, fieldlength) = arpifs4py.wlfaleci(self._unit, fieldname, fieldlength) elif fieldtype[0] == 'C': (data, fieldlength) = arpifs4py.wlfalecc(self._unit, fieldname, fieldlength, config.LFA_maxstrlen) data = [data[i].strip() for i in range(fieldlength)] field.setdata(numpy.array(data)) return field
[docs] def writefield(self, field): """Writes a Field in resource.""" #TOBECHECKED: writing not tested raise epygramError("writefield routine has not been tested...\ If you need to, you might face problems...") if not isinstance(field, epygram.base.Field): raise epygramError("'field' argument has to be a\ epygram.base.Field.") data = numpy.array( if len(data.shape) != 1: raise epygramError("LFA can only hold 1D arrays.") if data.dtype[0:5] == 'float': arpifs4py.wlfaecrr(self._unit, field.fid['LFA'], data) elif data.dtype[0:3] == 'int': arpifs4py.wlfaecri(self._unit, field.fid['LFA'], data) elif data.dtype[0:3] == 'str': arpifs4py.wlfaecrc(self._unit, field.fid['LFA'], data) else: raise epygramError("LFA can only hold float, int or str arrays.")
[docs] def listfields(self): """ Returns a list containing the LFA identifiers of all the fields of the resource. """ return super(LFA, self).listfields()
@Resource._openbeforedelayed def _listfields(self): """ Returns a list containing the names of the fields in LFA. """ (list_length, fieldslist) = arpifs4py.wlfalaft(self._unit, config.LFA_max_num_fields, config.LFA_maxstrlen) fieldslist = [fieldslist[i].strip() for i in range(list_length)] return fieldslist