Source code for epygram.V2DGeometry

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy

from footprints import FootprintBase, FPList
from epygram.util import RecursiveObject

[docs]class V2DGeometry(RecursiveObject, FootprintBase): """ Handles the geometry for a Vertical 2-Dimension Field (section). For now, the grid of a V2DGeometry is defined as a collection of columns of V1DGeometry. """ _collector = ('geometry',) _footprint = dict( attr = dict( structure = dict( values = set(['V2D'])), grid = dict( type = FPList, info = "Handles description of the grid, as a collection of V1DGeometry objects."), position_on_grid = dict( optional = True, info = "Position of points w/r to the vertical grid.", values = set(['mass', 'flux']), default = 'mass') ) ) @property
[docs] def dimensions(self): """ Returns the dimensions of the grid as a dict. """ return {'X':len(self.grid), 'Z':self.grid[0].grid['fieldlevels_number']}
[docs] def ends(self): """ Returns the coordinates of the two ends of the section as a tuple of tuples. """ return ((self.grid[0].hlocation['lon'], self.grid[0].hlocation['lat']), (self.grid[-1].hlocation['lon'], self.grid[-1].hlocation['lat']))
[docs] def coordinate(self): """ Returns the coordinate type of the section (actually, that of its first profile, but all profiles should have the same coordinate). """ return self.grid[0].coordinate
[docs] def hybrid2pressure(self, Psurf, gridposition=None): """ Converts a hybrid_pressure coordinate grid into pressure. *Psurf* is the transect of surface pressure, needed for integration of Ai and Bi. If *gridposition* is given ('mass' or 'flux'), the target grid is computed accordingly. If not, the pressures are computed at the hybrid-pressure gridposition (i.e. flux generally). """ for p in range(self.dimensions['X']): self.grid[p].hybrid2pressure(Psurf[p], gridposition=gridposition)
[docs] def hybrid2altitude(self, R, T, Psurf, Pdep=None, Phi_surf=None): """ Converts a hybrid_pressure coordinate grid into altitude of mass levels. - *R* is the section array of specific gas constant (J/kg/K). - *T* is the section array of temperature (K). - *Psurf* is the transect of surface pressure, needed for integration of Ai and Bi. - *Pdep* is the optional section array of NH pressure departures. - *Phi_surf* is the optional transect of surface geopotential. If given, the final coordinate is altitude above sea level, else height above ground surface. """ if Pdep == None: Pdep = numpy.zeros((self.dimensions['Y'], self.dimensions['X'])) if Phi_surf == None: Phi_surf = numpy.zeros(self.dimensions['X']) for p in range(self.dimensions['X']): self.grid[p].hybrid2altitude(R[:,p], T[:,p], Psurf[p], Pdep=Pdep[:,p], Phi_surf=Phi_surf[p])
[docs] def pressure2altitude(self, R, T, Pdep=None, Phi_surf=None ): """ Converts a pressure coordinate grid (on mass or flux levels) to altitude on mass levels). - *R* is the section array of specific gas constant (J/kg/K). - *T* is the section array of temperature (K). - *Pdep* is the optional section array of NH pressure departures. - *Phi_surf* is the optional transect of surface geopotential. If given, the final coordinate is altitude above sea level, else height above ground surface. """ if Pdep == None: Pdep=numpy.zeros((self.dimensions['Y'], self.dimensions['X'])) if Phi_surf == None: Phi_surf = numpy.zeros(self.dimensions['X']) for p in range(self.dimensions['X']): self.grid[p].pressure2altitude(R[:,p], T[:,p], Pdep=Pdep[:,p], Phi_surf=Phi_surf[p])