Source code for epygram.H2DField

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import copy

from epygram.base import Field, FieldValidity
from epygram import config, util, H2DGeometry, SpectralGeometry, epygramError
import numpy

[docs]class H2DField(Field): """ Horizontal 2-Dimensions field class. A field is defined by its identifier 'fid', its data, its geometry (gridpoint and optionally spectral), and its validity. The natural being of a field is gridpoint, so that: a field always has a gridpoint geometry, but it has a spectral geometry only in case it is spectral. """ _collector = ('field',) _footprint = dict( attr = dict( geometry = dict(type = H2DGeometry), validity = dict( type = FieldValidity, optional = True, default = FieldValidity()), spectral_geometry = dict( type = SpectralGeometry, optional = True), processtype = dict( optional = True, info = "Generating process.") ) ) @property
[docs] def spectral(self): """ Returns True if the field is spectral. """ return self.spectral_geometry != None ############## # ABOUT DATA # ##############
[docs] def sp2gp(self): """ Transforms the spectral field into gridpoint, according to its spectral geometry. Replaces data on site. The spectral transform subroutine is actually included in the spectral geometry's *sp2gp()* method. """ if self.spectral: if self.geometry.rectangular_grid: # LAM gpdims = {} for dim in ['X','Y','X_CIzone','Y_CIzone']: gpdims[dim] = self.geometry.dimensions[dim] else: # global gpdims = {} for dim in ['lat_number', 'lon_number_by_lat']: gpdims[dim] = self.geometry.dimensions[dim] data2d = self.geometry.reshape_data(self.spectral_geometry.sp2gp(, gpdims)) self._attributes['spectral_geometry'] = None self.setdata(data2d)
[docs] def gp2sp(self, spectral_geometry): """ Transforms the gridpoint field into spectral space, according to the *spectral geometry* mandatorily passed as argument. Replaces data on site. The spectral transform subroutine is actually included in the spectral geometry's *gp2sp()* method. """ if not self.spectral: if not isinstance(spectral_geometry, SpectralGeometry): raise epygramError("a spectral geometry (SpectralGeometry instance) must be passed as argument to gp2sp()") if self.geometry.rectangular_grid: # LAM if self.geometry.grid['LAMzone'] != 'CIE': raise epygramError("this field is not bi-periodicized: it cannot be transformed into spectral space.") gpdims = {} for dim in ['X','Y','X_CIzone','Y_CIzone']: gpdims[dim] = self.geometry.dimensions[dim] data1d = else: # global gpdims = {} for dim in ['lat_number', 'lon_number_by_lat']: gpdims[dim] = self.geometry.dimensions[dim] data1d = self._attributes['spectral_geometry'] = spectral_geometry self.setdata(spectral_geometry.gp2sp(data1d, gpdims))
[docs] def getdata(self, subzone=None): """ Returns the field data, with 2D shape if the field is not spectral, 1D if spectral. - *subzone*: optional, among ('C', 'CI'), for LAM fields only, returns the data resp. on the C or C+I zone. Default is no subzone, i.e. the whole field. Shape of 2D data: \n - Rectangular grids:\n grid[0,0] is SW, grid[-1,-1] is NE \n grid[0,-1] is SE, grid[-1,0] is NW - Gauss grids:\n grid[0,:Nj] is first (Northern) band of latitude, masked after Nj = number of longitudes for latitude j \n grid[-1,:Nj] is last (Southern) band of latitude (idem). """ if not self.spectral and subzone and 'LAMzone' in self.geometry.grid.keys(): data = self.geometry.extract_subzone(, subzone) else: data = return data
[docs] def setdata(self, data): """ Sets field data, checking *data* to be: - 2D if not spectral, - 1D if spectral. """ if not self.spectral and len(numpy.shape(data)) != 2: raise epygramError("gridpoint data must be 2D array.") elif self.spectral and len(numpy.shape(data)) != 1: raise epygramError("spectral data must be 1D array.") super(H2DField, self).setdata(data)
[docs] def getvalue_ij(self, i, j): """ Returns the value of the field on point of indices (*i, j*). Take care (*i, j*) is python-indexing, ranging from 0 to dimension - 1. """ if self.geometry.rectangular_grid: if not self.geometry.point_is_inside_domain(*self.geometry.ij2ll(i, j)): raise ValueError("point is out of field domain.") elif 'reduced_gauss' in if j >= self.geometry.dimensions['lat_number'] or j < 0: raise ValueError("j-index out of grid.") if i >= self.geometry.dimensions['lon_number_by_lat'][j] or i < 0: raise ValueError("i-index out of grid: " + \ str(i) + " out of [0," + \ str(self.geometry.dimensions['lon_number_by_lat'][j])+"[.") value = numpy.copy([j, i]) if numpy.shape(value) in ((1,), ()): value = float(value) return value
[docs] def getvalue_ll(self, lon, lat, interpolation='nearest', neighborinfo=False): """ Returns the value of the field on point of coordinates (*lon, lat*): \n - if *interpolation == 'nearest'* (default), returns the value of the nearest neighboring gridpoint; - if *interpolation == 'linear'*, computes and returns the field value with linear spline interpolation; - if *interpolation == 'cubic'*, computes and returns the field value with cubic spline interpolation. If *neighborinfo* is set to **True**, returns a tuple *(value, (lon, lat))*, with *(lon, lat)* being the actual coordinates of the neighboring gridpoint (only for *interpolation == 'nearest'*). *lon* and *lat* may be longer than 1. Warning: for interpolation on Gauss geometries, requires the :mod:`pyproj` module. """ if self.spectral: raise epygramError("field must be gridpoint to get value of a lon/lat point.") try: N = len(lon) except Exception: N = 1 lon = numpy.array([lon]) lat = numpy.array([lat]) (i, j) = self.geometry.ll2ij(lon, lat) ri = numpy.rint(i).astype('int') rj = numpy.rint(j).astype('int') if interpolation == 'nearest': value = self.getvalue_ij(ri, rj) if neighborinfo: (lon, lat) = self.geometry.ij2ll(ri, rj) if numpy.shape(lon) in ((1,), ()): lon = float(lon) lat = float(lat) value = (value, (lon, lat)) elif interpolation in ('linear', 'cubic'): from scipy.interpolate import interp2d if interpolation == 'linear': m = 1 points_num = 4 elif interpolation == 'cubic': m = 2 points_num = 16 (gridlons, gridlats) = self.geometry.get_lonlat_grid() nvalue = numpy.zeros(N) for n in range(N): if self.geometry.rectangular_grid: if not self.geometry.point_is_inside_domain(lon[n], lat[n]): raise ValueError("point ("+str(lon[n])+", "+str(lat[n])+") is out of field domain.") try: lons = gridlons[rj[n]-m:rj[n]+m+1, ri[n]-m:ri[n]+m+1] lats = gridlats[rj[n]-m:rj[n]+m+1, ri[n]-m:ri[n]+m+1] values =[rj[n]-m:rj[n]+m+1, ri[n]-m:ri[n]+m+1] except IndexError: raise epygramError("point ("+str(lon[n])+", "+str(lat[n])+ \ ") too close to field domain borders (less than "+\ str(m)+" gridpoints) for " + interpolation + " interpolation.") else: #Gauss from pyproj import Geod g = Geod(ellps='sphere') # fixed earth radius... j_n = max(0, rj[n]-2) j_x = min(self.geometry.dimensions['lat_number'], rj[n]+3) lons_inter = gridlons[j_n:j_x, :].flatten() lats_inter = gridlats[j_n:j_x, :].flatten() values_inter =[j_n:j_x, :].flatten() points_inter = len(values_inter) dist_inter = g.inv(lons_inter, lats_inter, lon[n]*numpy.ones(points_inter), lat[n]*numpy.ones(points_inter))[2] sorted_dists = sorted(dist_inter)[0:points_num] lons = numpy.zeros(points_num) lats = numpy.zeros(points_num) values = numpy.zeros(points_num) for i in range(points_num): for k in range(len(values_inter)): if dist_inter[k] == sorted_dists[i]: lons[i] = lons_inter[k] lats[i] = lats_inter[k] values[i] = values_inter[k] break f = interp2d(lons, lats, values, kind=interpolation) value = f(lon[n], lat[n]) nvalue[n] = value value = nvalue try: value = float(value) except Exception: pass return copy.copy(value) ################### # PRE-APPLICATIVE # ################### # (but useful and rather standard) ! # [so that, subject to continuation through updated versions, # including suggestions/developments by users...]
[docs] def plotfield(self, subzone=None, label=None, gisquality='i', specificproj=None, existingbasemap=None, minmax=None, graphicmode='colorshades', levelsnumber=21, colormap='jet', center_cmap_on_0=False, drawrivers=False, llgridstep=None, colorbar='right', minmax_in_title=True, departments=False, existingfigure=None, pointsize=20, contourcolor='blue', contourwidth=1, contourlabel=True): """ Makes a simple plot of the field, with a number of options. Requires :mod:`matplotlib` Options: \n - *subzone*: among ('C', 'CI'), for LAM fields only, plots the data resp. on the C or C+I zone. \n Default is no subzone, i.e. the whole field. - *gisquality*: among ('c', 'l', 'i', 'h', 'f') -- by increasing quality. Defines the quality for GIS elements (coastlines, countries boundaries...). Cf. 'basemap' doc for more details. - *specificproj*: among ('kav7', 'cyl', 'ortho', 'nsperXXXX'), to represent data on these kinds of projections. \n Else, the default projection is the grid projection for LAM fields, 'moll' for global fields. \n Cf. 'basemap' doc for more details. The XXXX of 'nsperXXXX' defines the satellite height in km. - *existingbasemap*: as making Basemap is the most time-consuming step, it is possible to bring an already existing basemap object. In that case, all the above options are ignored, overwritten by those of the *existingbasemap*. - *label*: title for the plot. Default is field identifier. - *minmax*: defines the min and max values for the plot colorbar. \n Syntax: [min, max]. [0.0, max] also works. Default is min/max of the field. - *graphicmode*: among ('colorshades', 'contourlines', 'points'). - *levelsnumber*: number of levels for contours and colorbar. - *colormap*: name of the **matplotlib** colormap to use. - *center_cmap_on_0*: aligns the colormap center on the value 0. - *drawrivers*: to add rivers on map. - *colorbar*: if *False*, hide colorbar the plot; else, befines the colorbar position, among ('bottom', 'right'). Defaults to 'right'. - *llgridstep*: specific step between two lon/lat gridlines, in degrees. \n Default depends on domain size. - *minmax_in_title*: if True and minmax != None, adds min and max values in title. - *departments*: if True, adds the french departments on map (instead of countries). - *pointsize*: size of points for *graphicmode* == 'points'. - *contourcolor*: color or colormap to be used for 'contourlines' graphicmode. It can be either a legal html color name, or a colormap name. - *contourwidth*: width of contours for 'contourlines' graphicmode. - *contourlabel*: displays labels on contours. This method uses (hence requires) 'matplotlib' and 'basemap' libraries. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.colors import cnames plt.rc('font', family='serif') plt.rc('figure', figsize=config.plotsizes) if colormap not in plt.colormaps(): if colormap in config.colormaps: util.add_cmap(colormap) else: from mpl_toolkits.basemap import cm if colormap in cm.datad.keys(): plt.register_cmap(name=colormap, cmap=cm.__dict__[colormap]) if graphicmode == 'contourlines': if contourcolor in cnames: colormap = None else: if contourcolor not in plt.colormaps(): util.add_cmap(contourcolor) colormap = contourcolor contourcolor = None if self.spectral: raise epygramError("please convert to gridpoint with sp2gp() method before plotting.") if existingfigure == None: f = plt.figure() else: f = existingfigure if existingbasemap == None: bm = self.geometry.make_basemap(gisquality=gisquality, subzone=subzone, specificproj=specificproj) else: bm = existingbasemap bm.drawcoastlines() if departments: import json with open(config.installdir+'/data/departments.json', 'r') as dp: depts = json.load(dp)[1] for d in range(len(depts)): for part in range(len(depts[d])): dlon = depts[d][part][0] dlat = depts[d][part][1] (x, y) = bm(dlon, dlat) bm.plot(x, y, color='0.25') else: bm.drawcountries() if drawrivers: bm.drawrivers(color='blue') meridians = numpy.arange(0,360,20) parallels = numpy.arange(-90,90,20) if self.geometry.rectangular_grid: corners = self.geometry.gimme_corners_ll(subzone=subzone) minlon = min([c[0] for c in (corners['ul'], corners['ll'])]) maxlon = max([c[0] for c in (corners['ur'], corners['lr'])]) maxlon = util.degrees_nearest_mod(maxlon, minlon) minlat = min([c[1] for c in (corners['ll'], corners['lr'])]) maxlat = max([c[1] for c in (corners['ul'], corners['ur'])]) if llgridstep: meridians = numpy.arange(int(minlon)-llgridstep, maxlon+llgridstep, llgridstep) parallels = numpy.arange(int(minlat)-llgridstep, maxlat+llgridstep, llgridstep) else: if abs(maxlon-minlon) < 15.: meridians = numpy.arange(0,360,2) elif abs(maxlon-minlon) < 25.: meridians = numpy.arange(0,360,5) elif abs(maxlon-minlon) < 90.: meridians = numpy.arange(0,360,10) if abs(maxlat-minlat) < 15.: parallels = numpy.arange(-90,90,2) elif abs(maxlat-minlat) < 25.: parallels = numpy.arange(-90,90,5) elif abs(maxlat-minlat) < 90.: parallels = numpy.arange(-90,90,10) elif llgridstep: meridians = numpy.arange(0, 360, llgridstep) parallels = numpy.arange(-90, 90, llgridstep) if bm.projection in ('ortho', 'nsper'): bm.drawparallels(parallels, labels=[False,False,False,False]) else: bm.drawparallels(parallels, labels=[True,False,False,False]) if bm.projection in ('spstere', 'npstere'): bm.drawmeridians(meridians, labels=[True,False,False,True]) elif bm.projection in ('ortho', 'moll', 'nsper'): bm.drawmeridians(meridians, labels=[False,False,False,False]) else: bm.drawmeridians(meridians, labels=[False,False,False,True]) bm.drawmeridians([0], labels=[False]*4, linewidth=1, dashes=[10,1]) bm.drawparallels([0], labels=[False]*4, linewidth=1, dashes=[10,1]) (lons, lats) = self.geometry.get_lonlat_grid(subzone=subzone) x, y = bm(lons, lats) data =, -config.mask_outside, config.mask_outside) m = data.min() M = data.max() if minmax != None: if minmax_in_title: minmax_in_title = '(min: ' + \ '{: .{precision}{type}}'.format(m, type='E', precision=3) + \ ' // max: ' + \ '{: .{precision}{type}}'.format(M, type='E', precision=3) + ')' try: m = float(minmax[0]) except Exception: m = data.min() try: M = float(minmax[1]) except Exception: M = data.max() else: minmax_in_title = '' if abs(m-M) > config.epsilon: levels = numpy.linspace(m, M, levelsnumber) vmin = vmax = None if center_cmap_on_0: vmax = max(abs(m), M) vmin = -vmax else: raise epygramError("cannot plot uniform field.") L = int((levelsnumber-1)//15) +1 hlevels = [levels[l] for l in range(len(levels)-(L/3+1)) if l%L == 0] + [levels[-1]] if graphicmode == 'colorshades': if not self.geometry.rectangular_grid: xf =,x).compressed() yf =,y).compressed() zf = data.compressed() pf = bm.contourf(xf, yf, zf, levels, tri=True) else: pf = bm.contourf(x, y, data, levels, cmap=colormap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) if colorbar: cb = bm.colorbar(pf, location=colorbar, pad="5%", ticks=hlevels) if minmax_in_title != '': cb.set_label(minmax_in_title) elif graphicmode == 'contourlines': if not self.geometry.rectangular_grid: xf = x.compressed() yf = y.compressed() zf = data.compressed() pf = bm.contour(xf, yf, zf, levels=levels, colors=contourcolor, cmap=colormap, linewidths=contourwidth, tri=True) #FIXME: problem of duplicate points with arpege grid else: pf = bm.contour(x, y, data, levels=levels, colors=contourcolor, cmap=colormap, linewidths=contourwidth) if contourlabel: f.axes[0].clabel(pf, colors=contourcolor, cmap=colormap) elif graphicmode == 'points': xf = x.flatten() yf = y.flatten() zf =, m, M) pf = bm.scatter(xf, yf, c=zf, s=pointsize, marker=',', linewidths=0, cmap=colormap, vmin=m, vmax=M) if colorbar: cb = bm.colorbar(pf, location=colorbar, pad="5%", ticks=hlevels) if minmax_in_title != '': cb.set_label(minmax_in_title) if label == None: f.axes[0].set_title(str(self.fid) + "\n" + str(self.validity.get())) else: f.axes[0].set_title(label) return f
[docs] def stats(self, subzone=None): """ Computes some basic statistics on the field, as a dict containing: {'min', 'max', 'mean', 'std', 'quadmean', 'nonzero'}. See each of these methods for details. - *subzone*: optional, among ('C', 'CI'), for LAM fields only, plots the data resp. on the C or C+I zone. \n Default is no subzone, i.e. the whole field. """ return {'min':self.min(subzone=subzone), 'max':self.max(subzone=subzone), 'mean':self.mean(subzone=subzone), 'std':self.std(subzone=subzone), 'quadmean':self.quadmean(subzone=subzone), 'nonzero':self.nonzero(subzone=subzone)}
[docs] def min(self, subzone=None): """ Returns the minimum value of data. """ data = self.getdata(subzone=subzone) return, -config.mask_outside, config.mask_outside).min()
[docs] def max(self, subzone=None): """ Returns the maximum value of data. """ data = self.getdata(subzone=subzone) return, -config.mask_outside, config.mask_outside).max()
[docs] def mean(self, subzone=None): """ Returns the mean value of data. """ data = self.getdata(subzone=subzone) return, -config.mask_outside, config.mask_outside).mean()
[docs] def std(self, subzone=None): """ Returns the standard deviation of data. """ data = self.getdata(subzone=subzone) return, -config.mask_outside, config.mask_outside).std()
[docs] def quadmean(self, subzone=None): """ Returns the quadratic mean of data. """ data = self.getdata(subzone=subzone) return numpy.sqrt((, -config.mask_outside, config.mask_outside)**2).mean())
[docs] def nonzero(self, subzone=None): """ Returns the number of non-zero values (whose absolute value > config.epsilon). """ data = self.getdata(subzone=subzone) return numpy.count_nonzero(abs(, -config.mask_outside, config.mask_outside)) > config.epsilon)
[docs] def what(self, out, vertical_geometry=True, cumulativeduration=True): """ Writes in file a summary of the field. Args: \n - *out*: the output open file-like object (duck-typing: *out*.write() only is needed). - *vertical_geometry*: if True, writes the vertical geometry of the field. """ firstcolumn_width = 50 secondcolumn_width = 16 sepline = '{:-^{width}}'.format('', width=firstcolumn_width + secondcolumn_width + 1) + '\n' def write_formatted(dest, label, value): dest.write('{:<{width}}'.format(label, width=firstcolumn_width) \ + ':' \ + '{:>{width}}'.format(str(value), width=secondcolumn_width) \ + '\n') v_geometry = self.geometry.vcoordinate geometryname = grid = self.geometry.grid dimensions = self.geometry.dimensions validity = self.validity out.write("################\n") out.write("### VALIDITY ###\n") out.write("################\n") write_formatted(out, "Validity", validity.get()) write_formatted(out, "Basis", validity.getbasis()) write_formatted(out, "Term", validity.term()) if cumulativeduration: write_formatted(out, "Duration for cumulative quantities", validity.cumulativeduration()) write_formatted(out, "Kind of producting process", self.processtype) out.write(sepline) out.write("\n") out.write("###########################\n") out.write("### HORIZONTAL GEOMETRY ###\n") out.write("###########################\n") write_formatted(out, "Rectangular grid ( = LAM or reg. Lon/Lat)", self.geometry.rectangular_grid) if self.geometry.rectangular_grid: if 'LAMzone' in grid.keys(): write_formatted(out, "Zone", grid['LAMzone']) write_formatted(out, "Total points in X (NDLON)", dimensions['X']) write_formatted(out, "Total points in Y (NDGL)", dimensions['Y']) if grid['LAMzone'] == 'CIE': write_formatted(out, "Points of C+I in X", dimensions['X_CIzone']) write_formatted(out, "Points of C+I in Y", dimensions['Y_CIzone']) write_formatted(out, "Low-left X offset for I zone (NDLUN-1)", dimensions['X_CIoffset']) write_formatted(out, "Low-left Y offset for I zone (NDGUN-1)", dimensions['Y_CIoffset']) write_formatted(out, "Width of I strip in X", dimensions['X_Iwidth']) write_formatted(out, "Width of I strip in Y", dimensions['Y_Iwidth']) elif grid['LAMzone'] == 'CI': write_formatted(out, "Width of I strip in X", dimensions['X_Iwidth']) write_formatted(out, "Width of I strip in Y", dimensions['Y_Iwidth']) if self.spectral: write_formatted(out, "Truncation in X (NMSMAX)", self.spectral_geometry.truncation['in_X']) write_formatted(out, "Truncation in Y (NSMAX)", self.spectral_geometry.truncation['in_Y']) else: write_formatted(out, "Total points in X (NDLON)", dimensions['X']) write_formatted(out, "Total points in Y (NDGL)", dimensions['Y']) out.write(sepline) if self.geometry.projected_geometry: projection = self.geometry.projection # projection projmap = {'regular_lonlat':'Regular Lon/Lat', 'lambert':'Lambert (conformal conic)', 'mercator':'Mercator', 'polar_stereographic':'Polar Stereographic'} if geometryname == 'polar_stereographic': write_formatted(out, "Kind of projection", projection['pole']+projmap[geometryname]) else: write_formatted(out, "Kind of projection", projmap[geometryname]) write_formatted(out, "Sinus of Reference Latitude", projection['reference_lat'].get('cos_sin')[1]) write_formatted(out, "Reference Longitude in deg (ELON0)", projection['reference_lon'].get('degrees')) write_formatted(out, "Reference Latitude in deg (ELAT0)", projection['reference_lat'].get('degrees')) (lons, lats) = self.geometry.get_lonlat_grid(subzone='CI') corners = self.geometry.gimme_corners_ll(subzone='CI') write_formatted(out, "Center Longitude (of C+I) in deg (ELONC)", projection['center_lon'].get('degrees')) write_formatted(out, "Center Latitude (of C+I) in deg (ELATC)", projection['center_lat'].get('degrees')) write_formatted(out, "Resolution in X, in metres (EDELX)", grid['X_resolution']) write_formatted(out, "Resolution in Y, in metres (EDELY)", grid['Y_resolution']) write_formatted(out, "Domain width (of C+I) in X, in metres (ELX)", grid['X_resolution'] * dimensions['X_CIzone']) write_formatted(out, "Domain width (of C+I) in Y, in metres (ELY)", grid['Y_resolution'] * dimensions['Y_CIzone']) write_formatted(out, "Max Longitude (of C+I) in deg", lons.max()) write_formatted(out, "Min Longitude (of C+I) in deg", lons.min()) write_formatted(out, "Max Latitude (of C+I) in deg", lats.max()) write_formatted(out, "Min Latitude (of C+I) in deg", lats.min()) write_formatted(out, "Low-Left corner (of C+I) Longitude in deg", corners['ll'][0]) write_formatted(out, "Low-Left corner (of C+I) Latitude in deg", corners['ll'][1]) write_formatted(out, "Low-Right corner (of C+I) Longitude in deg", corners['lr'][0]) write_formatted(out, "Low-Right corner (of C+I) Latitude in deg", corners['lr'][1]) write_formatted(out, "Upper-Left corner (of C+I) Longitude in deg", corners['ul'][0]) write_formatted(out, "Upper-Left corner (of C+I) Latitude in deg", corners['ul'][1]) write_formatted(out, "Upper-Right corner (of C+I) Longitude in deg", corners['ur'][0]) write_formatted(out, "Upper-Right corner (of C+I) Latitude in deg", corners['ur'][1]) elif geometryname == 'regular_lonlat': (lons, lats) = self.geometry.get_lonlat_grid() corners = self.geometry.gimme_corners_ll() write_formatted(out, "Kind of Geometry", 'Regular Lon/Lat') write_formatted(out, "Center Longitude in deg (ELONC)", grid['center_lon'].get('degrees')) write_formatted(out, "Center Latitude in deg (ELATC)", grid['center_lat'].get('degrees')) write_formatted(out, "Resolution in X, in deg (EDELX)", grid['X_resolution'].get('degrees')) write_formatted(out, "Resolution in Y, in deg (EDELY)", grid['Y_resolution'].get('degrees')) write_formatted(out, "Domain width in X, in deg (ELX)", grid['X_resolution'].get('degrees') * dimensions['X']) write_formatted(out, "Domain width in Y, in deg (ELY)", grid['Y_resolution'].get('degrees') * dimensions['Y']) write_formatted(out, "Max Longitude in deg", lons.max()) write_formatted(out, "Min Longitude in deg", lons.min()) write_formatted(out, "Max Latitude in deg", lats.max()) write_formatted(out, "Min Latitude in deg", lats.min()) write_formatted(out, "Low-Left corner Longitude in deg", corners['ll'][0]) write_formatted(out, "Low-Left corner Latitude in deg", corners['ll'][1]) write_formatted(out, "Low-Right corner Longitude in deg", corners['lr'][0]) write_formatted(out, "Low-Right corner Latitude in deg", corners['lr'][1]) write_formatted(out, "Upper-Left corner Longitude in deg", corners['ul'][0]) write_formatted(out, "Upper-Left corner Latitude in deg", corners['ul'][1]) write_formatted(out, "Upper-Right corner Longitude in deg", corners['ur'][0]) write_formatted(out, "Upper-Right corner Latitude in deg", corners['ur'][1]) elif geometryname == 'academic': write_formatted(out, "Kind of Geometry", 'Academic') else: # global gridmap = {'reduced_gauss':'Reduced Gauss', 'rotated_reduced_gauss':'Rotated Reduced Gauss'} write_formatted(out, "Grid", gridmap[geometryname]) if geometryname == 'rotated_reduced_gauss': write_formatted(out, "Pole Longitude", grid['pole_lon'].get('degrees')) write_formatted(out, "Pole Latitude", grid['pole_lat'].get('degrees')) write_formatted(out, "Dilatation coefficient", grid['dilatation_coef']) write_formatted(out, "Number of latitudes", dimensions['lat_number']) write_formatted(out, "Maximum number of longitudes on a parallel", dimensions['max_lon_number']) if self.spectral: write_formatted(out, "Truncation", self.spectral_geometry.truncation['max']) out.write(sepline) out.write("\n") if vertical_geometry: out.write("#########################\n") out.write("### VERTICAL GEOMETRY ###\n") out.write("#########################\n") for k,v in v_geometry.items(): write_formatted(out, k, v) out.write(sepline) out.write("\n") ############# # OPERATORS # #############
def _check_operands(self, other): """ Internal method to check compatibility of terms in operations on fields. """ if isinstance(other, self.__class__): if self.spectral != other.spectral: raise epygramError("cannot operate a spectral field with a non-spectral field.") if self.geometry.dimensions != other.geometry.dimensions: raise epygramError("operations on fields cannot be done if fields do not share their gridpoint dimensions.") if self.spectral_geometry != other.spectral_geometry: raise epygramError("operations on fields cannot be done if fields do not share their spectral geometry.") else: super(H2DField, self)._check_operands(other) def __add__(self, other): """ Definition of addition, 'other' being: - a scalar (integer/float) - another Field of the same subclass. Returns a new Field whose data is the resulting operation, with 'fid' = {'op':'+'} and null validity. """ newfield = super(H2DField, self)._add(other, geometry=self.geometry, spectral_geometry=self.spectral_geometry) return newfield def __mul__(self, other): """ Definition of multiplication, 'other' being: - a scalar (integer/float) - another Field of the same subclass. Returns a new Field whose data is the resulting operation, with 'fid' = {'op':'*'} and null validity. """ newfield = super(H2DField, self)._mul(other, geometry=self.geometry, spectral_geometry=self.spectral_geometry) return newfield def __sub__(self, other): """ Definition of substraction, 'other' being: - a scalar (integer/float) - another Field of the same subclass. Returns a new Field whose data is the resulting operation, with 'fid' = {'op':'-'} and null validity. """ newfield = super(H2DField, self)._sub(other, geometry=self.geometry, spectral_geometry=self.spectral_geometry) return newfield def __div__(self, other): """ Definition of division, 'other' being: - a scalar (integer/float) - another Field of the same subclass. Returns a new Field whose data is the resulting operation, with 'fid' = {'op':'/'} and null validity. """ newfield = super(H2DField, self)._div(other, geometry=self.geometry, spectral_geometry=self.spectral_geometry) return newfield