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Overview of the compilation logfile

First, in the compilation logfile you will get the echo of the configuration options used, and an echo of the main steps before the compilation start. Then the compilation of each file is shortly displayed.
If the compilation is not successful you will get at the bottom of the logfile the list of files (listing or source file) which failed. Meanwhile the previous libraries you made, if concerned by the compilation failure, will be removed.

All the executables you made previously will be removed, too, even if not concerned by the compilation failure. This is a weakness of GmkPack

If the compilation is sucessfull, you will get a report of the object libraries made and then a report of the linking step.
If the linking step is successful you will get the full path of your executables ; otherwise the reports of the load commands which failed are displayed and GmkPack will finally report which executables failed.

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EL KHATIB Ryad 2008-05-23