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In this subsection we consider that an administrator has installed GmkPack on a public place for a community of developers and that he has build reference packs on top of which developers can make their own packs.

The following variables should be set and exported in the Shell profile file (.bash_profile in Bash, .profile in Ksh, .user_profile at ECMWF ...) :

GMKROOT : the directory where GmkPack has been installed by the administrator
GMKFILE : the filename inside GmkPack which contains the operating system characteristics : compilers names, compilers options, loading options, ...
The absolute filename is $GMKROOT/arch/$GMKFILE. This variable is provided by the administrator.
GMKTMP : a temporary working directory for GmkPack . It can be set to $TMPDIR if the system administrator of the computer has provided it.
ROOTPACK : the administrator's packs directory.
HOMEPACK : the the developer's packs directory.
HOMEBIN : the developer's executables directory. It can be $HOMEPACK if there is much disk space ; otherwise it is better to choose a semi-temporary directory. Inside a pack, the executables are visible in the directory bin but actually this directory is a symbolic link to $HOMEBIN/$(packname)/bin where $(packname) is the name of the pack.

Then the paths should be modified respectively to access the toolbox and the man pages of GmkPack :

export PATH=$GMKROOT/util:$PATH
Note that on some systems the variable MANPATH could be replaced by CATMAN.

Exemple :

export GMKROOT=/home/khatib/bin/gmkpack
export ROOTPACK=/home/master/rootpack
export HOMEPACK=$HOME/pack
export HOMEBIN=$WORKDIR/pack
export PATH=$GMKROOT/util:$PATH

Make sure that these variables are properly set and exported, either by executing your profile again, or by opening a new session.

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EL KHATIB Ryad 2008-05-23