High resolution radiosonde data: UCAR/JOSS Procedures

High resolution radiosonde data

1  Format conversion procedures

1.1 Conversion to JOSS CLASS format (all datasets except 08508, 72208, 72402, 74494, KCEJ)
    1.1.1 The raw parameters, in their native resolution, were kept without     
    1.1.2 The ascension rate was calculated for each data point (excluding      
          the surface, where it was given a missing value) based on the         
          altitude and time at two levels, the current level and the previous   
          level.  If the data point for which the ascension rate was being      
          calculated had missing time or altitude, the ascension rate was not   
          calculated at that level and was flagged as missing.  If the          
          data point prior to that for which the ascension rate was             
          being calculated had a missing time or altitude, then the             
          data point two data points prior to the present one was               
          used, and so on until one with non-missing time and altitude          
          was found.  If there are no non-missing previous data points          
          the ascension rate is set to missing.                                 
    1.1.3 The U and V wind components were calculated based on the wind         
          speed and direction at the wind data levels                           
    1.1.4 Dew points were calculated via the equations from Bolton (1980)       
          Due to CLASS format constraints, Dew Points less than -99.9 Deg C     
          were given a value of -99.9 Deg C                                     
    1.1.5 The latitude and longitude position of the radiosonde                 
          was calculated based on (Snyder, 1987).  See Snyder page 159          
          equations 20-14, 20-15, 20-18, and 21-15.                             

1.2 Lajes(08508) dataset conversion to JOSS CLASS format
   1.2.1  Meteo-France/CNRM received the high resolution data set from INMG.    
          Due to the lower resolution of these data in the upper levels,        
          Meteo-France/CNRM included data from the TEMP (GTS) messages          
          within the high resolution dataset.                                   
   1.2.2  This data set was hand entered at the site (Lajes), and contained     
          many typographical errors.  Meteo-France/CNRM and UCAR/JOSS have      
          corrected such errors as have been found.  Any remaining              
          typographical errors should be minimal, but caution should still      
          be used.                                                              
   1.2.3  As the time from launch was not available in the original files, it   
          was estimated with a ascension rate of 5m/s (excluding at the surface,
          where it was given a missing value).                                  
   1.2.4  Meteo-France/CNRM converted the data to a high resolution JOSS        
          CLASS format file, without quality control flags.  These JOSS         
          CLASS format soundings were then passed along to UCAR/JOSS for        
          further processing and quality control procedures as described        
   1.2.5  The raw variable vertical resolution temperature,                     
          relative humidity, altitude, pressure, dew point,                     
          wind direction, and wind speed were kept without change.              
   1.2.6  The ascension rate was not calculated for this data set due to        
          the lack of time information.                                         
   1.2.7  The U and V wind components were calculated based on                  
          the wind speed and direction at the level.                            
   1.2.8  Due to CLASS format constraints, Dew Points less than                 
          -99.9 Deg C were given a value of -99.9 Deg C and were                
          flagged as being questionable.                                        
   1.2.9  The latitude and longitude position of the radiosonde                 
          was not calculated due to the lack of time information.               

1.3 Charleston(72208) and Chatham(74494) datasets conversion
   1.3.1  The raw 6 s vertical resolution time, temperature,                    
          relative humidity, altitude, and pressure were kept without change.   
   1.3.2  The ascension rate was calculated for each data point                 
          (excluding the surface, where it was given a missing                  
          value) based on the altitude and time at two levels,                  
          the current 6 s level and the previous 6 s level.  If the             
          data point for which the ascension rate was being calculated          
          had missing time or altitude, the ascension rate was not              
          calculated at that level and was flagged as missing.  If the          
          data point prior to that for which the ascension rate was             
          being calculated had a missing time or altitude, then the             
          data point two data points prior to the present one was               
          used, and so on until one with non-missing time and altitude          
          was found.  If there are no non-missing previous data points          
          the ascension rate is set to missing.                                 
   1.3.3  Dew points were calculated via the equations from Bolton (1980).      
          Due to CLASS format constraints, Dew Points less than -99.9 Deg C     
          were given a value of -99.9 Deg C and were flagged as being           
   1.3.4  In past derivation of winds using the raw 6-sec resolution            
          elevation and azimuth angle data containing elevation angle           
          oscillations occasionally led to large oscillations in wind           
          velocity, specifically at low elevation angles (Williams 1993).       
          The general approach to correct this problem was to remove the        
          outlier radiosonde position data before computing the wind            
          components. This process required fitting a ninth order polynomial    
          to the azimuth and elevation angle data from 360 seconds to the       
          end of the sounding, then comparing the calculated residuals and      
          observed values, and finally removing the outliers when present.      
          Applying some additional smoothing helped rectify the more extensive  
          problem occurring when low elevation angles were within 10 degrees    
          of the limiting angles (LA).  When the elevation angle was between    
          (LA + 7.5) and (LA + 10), the new elevation angle was computed using  
          a 2 min linear fit.  When the elevation angle was between (LA + 5)    
          and (LA + 7.5), the new elevation angle was computed using a 3 min    
          linear fit.  When the elevation angle was less than (LA + 5), the     
          new elevation angle was calculated employing a 4 min linear fit.      
          No frequency smoothing occurred when the number of low elevation      
          angle observations was greater than 20% of the total number of        
          observations.  A Finite Fourier Series analysis performed using       
          the elevation angle's residuals allowed removal of 90-190 second      
          periods and smoothing periods below 30 seconds.                       
          Obtaining the u and v wind components entailed fitting a 2 min        
          second order polynomial to the position except for the beginning      
          and end minute (or 1.5 minutes if over 50 mb) which used a 3 min      
          fit.  A linear fit was used when there were less than 15% of the      
          total number of points, not including the beginning or end of the     
          flight, on one side of the point under going the wind value           
   1.3.5  The latitude and longitude position of the radiosonde                 
          was calculated based on (Snyder, 1987).  See Snyder page 159          
          equations 20-14, 20-15, 20-18, and 21-15.                             

1.4 Wallops(72402) dataset conversion to JOSS CLASS format
   1.4.1  These soundings arrived at JOSS in three seperate files, one          
          containing ~ 1.2 second vertical resolution PTH data, a second        
          file containing significant level PTH data, and a third file          
          containing one minute vertical resolution wind data.                  
   1.4.2  The significant level files contained the independently measured      
          surface data point.  The second data point in the significant level   
          file contains the time after release.  The time difference between    
          these two points was saved.  Since the 1.2 second data file did not   
          have any way of finding the release point we used the pressure,       
          temperature and RH from the second point (in the significant level    
          file) to search the 1.2 second PTH file for the sonde's release       
          point.  This can be done since the data within the significant        
          level files was derived from data within the 1.2 second PTH files.    
          The 1.2 second PTH  file was searched for the point matching the      
          second point's (again from the sig level file) pressure,              
          temperature, and relative humidity. When this matching point was      
          found , the 1.2 second file was then searched for the datum closest   
          to the matching point's time minus the time difference saved          
          previously.  We then assumed that this matching point was the         
          release point and this became the zero point in the final file.       
          All the 1.2 second vertical resolution PTH data points whose times    
          occurred after this release point were written to the final file.     
          The release point usually occurred well beyond the zero time within   
          the 1.2 second PTH file.  In order to make the release point's time   
          zero, its original time was subtracted from the remaining datum's     
          times.  This is reflected in the final file's first point having      
          a negative time.  This point is the independent surface               
          observation mentioned above and was saved for this reason.            
   1.4.3  Altitudes for the 1.2 second vertical resolution PTH data were        
          derived using the hypsometric equation using the virtual temperature. 
          Note, many times the launch point found in the 1.2 second vertical    
          resolution PTH file had altitudes unequal but close to 13 meters.     
          However this value was kept and all altitudes were calculated using   
          this surface height. If the dew point was missing, the dry            
          bulb temp was used in place of the virtual temperature.               
   1.4.4  Wind and 1.2 sec resolution PTH data points having the same times     
          were merged into one point except for the zero time. The zero time    
          wind was assumed to be an independent surface observation and         
          therefore was assigned to the significant level file's surface point, 
          the very first point in the final file.  The wind for the zero time   
          within the final file remained missing.  Otherwise, the wind data was 
          placed by altitude and its time was set to missing. If the wind and   
          1.2 sec vertical resolution PTH altitudes were sufficiently close,    
          the points were combined, using the calculated PTH altitude. If a     
          wind altitude was missing, it was placed in the final file by time,   
          with its time then set to missing.                                    
   1.4.5  The raw pressure, temperature, relative humidity, wind direction,     
          and wind speed were kept without change.                              
   1.4.6  The ascension rate was calculated for each data point (excluding      
          the release point and the independent surface observation where it    
          was given a missing value) based on the altitude and time at two      
          levels, the current level and the previous level.  If the data        
          point for which the ascension rate was being calculated had           
          missing time or altitude, the ascension rate was not calculated at    
          that level and was flagged as missing.  If the data point prior       
          to that for which the ascension rate was being calculated had a       
          missing time or altitude, then the data point two data points prior   
          to the present one was used, and so on until one with non-missing     
          time and altitude was found.  If there are no non-missing previous    
          data points the ascension rate is set to missing.                     
   1.4.7  Dew points were calculated via the equations from Bolton (1980).      
          Due to CLASS format constraints, Dew Points less than -99.9 Deg C     
          were given a value of -99.9 Deg C and were flagged as being           
   1.4.8  The latitude and longitude position of the radiosonde was calculated  
          based on (Snyder, 1987).  See Snyder page 159 equations 20-14,        
          20-15, 20-18, and 21-15.                                              
   1.4.9  The missing pressures for the one-minute winds not combined with      
          an exisiting 1.2 second vertical resolution PTH datum were linearly   
          interpolated using the pressures and altitudes from the times         
          immediately before and after the missing pressure's time. The         
          following equation details the procedure:                             
          wind pressure = p1 + (p2 - p1)*[(Walt - h1)/(h2 - h1)], under the     
          conditions:h2 > Walt > h1 and p2 < p1, where hn is the height of      
          the nth pressure surface, pn is the nth pressure, and Walt is the     
          altitude of the wind data. If an altitude was missing, then the       
          equation became the following: wind pressure = [p1 + p2]/2.           
          These values were only calculated to make these wind values visible   
          for visual quality control (see below).  These values should not      
          be used.                                                              

1.5 R/V KNORR dataset conversion to JOSS CLASS format
   1.5.1  FASTEX Experiment                                                     
                                                                          The raw 10 s vertical resolution time, temperature,                   
          relative humidity, altitude, pressure, dew point,                     
          wind direction, and wind speed were kept without change.              
                                                                          The ascension rate was calculated for each data point                 
          (excluding the surface, where it was given a missing                  
          value) based on the altitude and time at two levels,                  
          the current 10 s level and the previous 10 s level.  If the           
          data point for which the ascension rate was being calculated          
          had missing time or altitude, the ascension rate was not              
          calculated at that level and was flagged as missing.  If the          
          data point prior to that for which the ascension rate was             
          being calculated had a missing time or altitude, then the             
          data point two data points prior to the present one was               
          used, and so on until one with non-missing time and altitude          
          was found.  If there are no non-missing previous data points          
          the ascension rate is set to missing.                                 
                                                                          Due to CLASS format constraints, Dew Points less than                 
          -99.9 Deg C were given a value of -99.9 Deg C and were                
          flagged as being questionable.                                        
                                                                          The latitude and longitude position of the radiosonde                 
          was calculated based on (Snyder, 1987).  See Snyder page 159          
          equations 20-14, 20-15, 20-18, and 21-15.                             
                                                                          The quality codes from the source agency were ignored, except in      
          one case.  The winds within the first 120 seconds were flagged as     
          questionable as they were in source data.  This was due to these      
          winds being interpolated from the surface and the 120 sec data        
          point due to the 240 sec smoothing interval used by the source        
          agency to derive wind values.                                         
   1.5.2  LabSea Experiment                                                     
                                                                          The raw 10 s vertical resolution time, temperature,                   
          relative humidity, altitude, pressure, dew point,                     
          wind direction, and wind speed were kept without change.              
                                                                          The ascension rate was calculated for each data point                 
          (excluding the surface, where it was given a missing                  
          value) based on the altitude and time at two levels,                  
          the current 10 s level and the previous 10 s level.  If the           
          data point for which the ascension rate was being calculated          
          had missing time or altitude, the ascension rate was not              
          calculated at that level and was flagged as missing.  If the          
          data point prior to that for which the ascension rate was             
          being calculated had a missing time or altitude, then the             
          data point two data points prior to the present one was               
          used, and so on until one with non-missing time and altitude          
          was found.  If there are no non-missing previous data points          
          or if the ascension rate value was < 1 m/s or >12m/s the              
          ascension rate is set to the estimated value of 5 m/s.                
                                                                          Due to CLASS format constraints, Dew Points less than                 
          -99.9 Deg C were given a value of -99.9 Deg C and were                
          flagged as being questionable.                                        
                                                                          The latitude and longitude position of the radiosonde                 
          was calculated based on the estimated trajectory of the               
          radiosonde. The trajectory of the radiosonde was calculated           
          based on altitude, ascension rate and wind values                     
          at the current level and the prior calculated position. If the        
          wind is missing at the current level, the first previous wind         
          value is used. If there is no non-missing previous data points,       
          the estimated trajectory of the radiosonde is the vertical above      
          the launching point.                                                  
                                                                          No quality code is set except when Dew Point are given a              
          value of -99.9 Deg C.                                                 

2  Quality Control Procedures

2.1 JOSS Quality Control Procedures
     These datasets underwent the JOSS QC process which consisted of internal   
     consistency checks and visual quality control. The internal consistency    
     checks included gross limit checks on all parameters and vertical          
     consistency checks on temperature, pressure, and ascension rate.  JOSS     
     then visually examined each sounding.                                      
 2.1.1 Automated Quality Control Procedures                                     
                                                                              Gross Limit Checks                                                
                 These checks were conducted on each sounding and data were     
                 automatically flagged as appropriate.  Only the data point     
                 under examination was flagged.  JOSS conducted the following   
                 gross limit checks on the FASTEX sounding datasets.  In the    
                 table P = pressure, T = temperature, RH = relative humidity,   
                 U = U wind component, V = V wind component, B = bad, and       
                 Q = questionable.                                              
                                               Parameter(s)    Flag             
     Parameter          Gross Limit Check        Flagged      Applied           
     Pressure           < 0 mb or > 1050 mb      P               B              
     Altitude           < 0 m  or > 40000 m      P, T, RH        Q              
     Temperature        < -80C or > 30C             T            Q              
     Dew Point          < -99.9C or > 25C              RH        Q              
                        > Temperature               T, RH        Q              
     Relative Humidity  < 0% or > 100%                 RH        B              
     Wind Speed         < 0 m/s or > 100 m/s       U, V          Q              
                        > 150 m/s                  U, V          B              
     U Wind Component   < 0 m/s or > 100 m/s       U             Q              
                        > 150 m/s                  U             B              
     V Wind Component   < 0 m/s or > 100 m/s          V          Q              
                        > 150 m/s                     V          B              
     Wind Direction     < 0 deg or > 360 deg       U, V          B              
     Ascent Rate        < -30 m/s or > 10 m/s    P, T, RH        Q              
                                                                              Vertical Consistency Checks                                       
                 These checks were conducted on each sounding and data were     
                 automatically flagged as appropriate. The Auto QC software     
                 employed six-second averaging for these checks. These checks   
                 were started at the lowest level of the sounding and           
                 compared neighboring six-second average values.  In the case   
                 of checks ensuring that the values increased/decreased         
                 as expected, only the data point under examination was         
                 flagged.  However, for the other checks, all of the data       
                 points used in the examination were flagged.  All items within 
                 the table are as previously defined.                           
                        Vertical Consistency   Parameter(s)    Flag             
     Parameter                 Check             Flagged      Applied           
     Time               decreasing/equal         None          None             
     Altitude           decreasing/equal         P, T, RH        Q              
     Pressure           increasing/equal         P, T, RH        Q              
                        > 1 mb/s or < -1 mb/s    P, T, RH        Q              
                        > 2 mb/s or < -2 mb/s    P, T, RH        B              
     Temperature        < -15 C/km               P, T, RH        Q              
                        < -30 C/km               P, T, RH        B              
          from surface to 800 mb:                                               
                        >  25 C/km (not applied                                 
                                   at p < 275mb) P, T, RH        Q              
                        >  40 C/km (not applied                                 
                                   at p < 275mb) P, T, RH        B              
          for pressures < 800 mb:                                               
                        >   5 C/km (not applied                                 
                                   at p < 275mb) P, T, RH        Q              
                        >  30 C/km (not applied                                 
                                   at p < 275mb) P, T, RH        B              
     Ascent Rate        change of > 3 m/s                                       
                               or < -3 m/s       P               Q              
                        change of > 5 m/s                                       
                               or < -5 m/s       P               B              
  2.1.2 Visual Quality Control Procedures                                        
          Each sounding was then visually examined for problems that            
          were not able to be captured via the automated checks                 
          described in item .1 above.  These problems typically                 
          included oddities in the dew point and wind profiles.  These          
          two parameters can be highly variable, and hence, the                 
          automated checking is more difficult.  The visual checking            
          procedure has two main purposes:  First, as a check on the            
          results provided by the automatic checks, and second, as a            
          more stringent check on the more variable parameters.                 

3  Additional quality control processing informations or dataset remarks:
03005     Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checking - September 1997)                 
          The VIZ winds had occasionally significant problems.  As an example   
          of typical problems there is the 10 February release at 0300 UTC      
          which had a 100 mb layer centered around 800 mb with wind speeds      
          over 100 m/s and rapid directional shifts.                            
          Additional quality control processing information                     
          Timestamp    Comment                                                  
          ---------    -------                                                  
          30 May,1997: problem with the wind data launch time corrected on the  
                       following dates:                                         
                       19970219 14:16    19970206 14:22    19970206 17:25       
                       19970117 05:27    19970209 05:21    19970224 02:19       
                       19970118 05:28    19970219 20:17                         
03026     Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checking - September 1997)                 
          These soundings were of generally good quality.                       
03240     Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checking - September 1997)                 
          These soundings were of generally good quality.                       
03496     Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checking - September 1997)                 
          These soundings were of generally good quality.                       
03502     Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checking - September 1997)                 
          These soundings were of generally good quality.                       
03808     Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checking - September 1997)                 
          These soundings were of generally good quality.                       
03920     Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checking - September 1997)                 
          These soundings were of generally good quality.                       
03953     Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checking - September 1997)                 
          These soundings were of generally good quality.                       
04018     Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checking - September 1997)                 
          These soundings were of generally good quality.                       
04220     Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checking - September 1997)                 
          These soundings were of generally good quality.                       
04270     Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checking - September 1997)                 
          These soundings were of generally good quality.                       
04339     Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checking - September 1997)                 
          These soundings were of generally good quality.                       
04360     Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checking - September 1997)                 
          These soundings were of generally good quality.                       
          Additional quality control processing information                     
          Timestamp    Comment                                                  
          ---------    -------                                                  
          01 Dec,1997: addition of radiosoundings at 06UTC and 18UTC            
06011     Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checking - September 1997)                 
          These soundings were of generally good quality.                       
07110     Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checking - September 1997)                 
          The pressure levels above 100 mb, and especially those above 50 mb    
          were significantly affected by "bouncing".  That is there is a data   
          point with a much higher than average ascension rate followed by a    
          data point with a much lower than average ascension rate.  The        
          automated check that flags this type of error is from section 6.1.2   
          the ascension rate change check.  Over 3.2% of all data points at     
          Brest were affected.  The average rate over all FASTEX soundings      
          was only 0.28%.  And for Brest, of those data points above 50 mb      
          about 40% were flagged as either questionable or bad due to this      
          The Loran-C chain receiving had intermitent significant problems      
          during FASTEX, this led to winds of uneven quality at Brest.  At      
          lower and middle levels (up to 300 mb) about 5% of the winds were     
          either flagged as bad or questionable or were missing.  At levels     
          above 300 mb this went up to 10-20%.  An example of the significant   
          problems that are sometimes present is found in the 5 February        
          sounding taken at 0600 UTC.  This sounding includes many drastic      
          wind speed changes of 10-40 m/s as well as drastic directional shifts.
          Additional quality control processing information                     
          Timestamp    Comment                                                  
          ---------    -------                                                  
          29 Jul,1997: Soundings dated 19970115:05:57 and 19970215:11:19        
		       interpolated from middle resolution data                               
07145     Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checking - September 1997)                 
          The pressure levels above 100 mb, and especially those above 50 mb    
          were significantly affected by "bouncing".  That is there is a data   
          point with a much higher than average ascension rate followed by a    
          data point with a much lower than average ascension rate.  The        
          automated check that flags this type of error is from section 6.1.2   
          the ascension rate change check.  Over 10.1% of all data points at    
          Trappes were affected.  The average rate over all FASTEX soundings    
          was only 0.28%.  And for Trappes, of those data points above 50 mb    
          about 43% were flagged as either questionable or bad due to this      
          problem.  There was also a higher rate of above acceptable            
          ascension rates (> 10m/s) at Trappes (2.11%) versus the entire        
          FASTEX sounding dataset (0.36%).                                      
          The Loran-C chain receiving had intermitent significant problems      
          during FASTEX, this led to winds of uneven quality at Trappes.  At    
          nearly all levels about 5-10% of the winds were either flagged as     
          bad or questionable or were missing.  An example of the significant   
          The winds at Trappes were also of uneven quality.  At nearly all      
          levels about 5-10% of the winds were either flagged as bad or         
          questionable or were missing.                                         
          Additional quality control processing information                     
          Timestamp    Comment                                                  
          ---------    -------                                                  
          29 Jul,1997: Sounding dated 19970218:17:20                            
		       interpolated from middle resolution data                               
          28 Aug,1997: Soundings dated 19970118:14:47 and 19970119:23:25        
		       interpolated from middle resolution data                               
07510     Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checking - September 1997)                 
          The pressure levels above 100 mb, and especially those above 50 mb    
          were significantly affected by "bouncing".  That is there is a data   
          point with a much higher than average ascension rate followed by a    
          data point with a much lower than average ascension rate.  The        
          automated check that flags this type of error is from section 6.1.2   
          the ascension rate change check.  Over 8.0% of all data points at     
          Bordeaux were affected.  The average rate over all FASTEX soundings   
          was only 0.28%.  And for Bordeaux, of those data points above 50 mb   
          about 50% were flagged as either questionable or bad due to this      
          problem.  There was also a higher rate of above acceptable            
          ascension rates (> 10m/s) at Bordeaux (2.30%) versus the entire       
          FASTEX sounding dataset (0.36%).                                      
          The Loran-C chain receiving had intermitent significant problems      
          during FASTEX, this led to winds of uneven quality at Bordeaux.  At   
          nearly all levels about 5-15% of the winds were either flagged as     
          bad or questionable or were missing.  An example of the significant   
          problems that are sometimes present is found in the 24 January        
          sounding taken at 0600 UTC.  This sounding includes wind speed        
          oscillations of 20 m/s, drastic speed and direction shifts among      
          other problems.                                                       
08001     Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checking - September 1997)                 
          These soundings were of generally good quality.                       
08508     Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checking - February 1998)                  
          Typograpical Errors                                                   
          As noted above, there were many typographical errors within this      
          data set that were corrected by Meteo-France and UCAR/JOSS.  There    
          may be other typographical errors that were too small to have         
          been detected or had no obvious correction.  Caution should be        
          Humidity Values                                                       
          Data from two different data sets were used in the development of     
          this data set by Meteo-France, the high resolution data set           
          provided by INMG and the TEMP messages.  These data sources used      
          different methods in their treatments of very large dew point         
          The high resolution data set (those data points within the sounding   
          the relative humidity as measured.                                    
          The TEMP messages (those data points within the sounding that are     
          at pressure levels that are not evenly divisible by 5) set any dew    
          point depression greater than 30 C to 30 C (i.e. leading to an        
          artificially high relative humidity value relative to that which      
          was measured).                                                        
          The effect of this is that in very dry conditions at lower levels     
          the data points from the TEMP message have relative humidity          
          values that are higher than those at the surrounding high             
          resolution data points.  This is really noticable only when the       
          relative humidity drops to 1-2% at pressure levels from the           
          surface to about 500-600 mb.  Such data have been flagged as          
          questionable during the UCAR/JOSS viusal quality control              
          Additional quality control processing information                     
          Timestamp    Comment                                                  
          ---------    -------                                                  
          18 Dec,1997: correction on data for the following dates:              
                       19970208 11:16 19970209 23:24 19970216 23:26             
          30 Dec,1997: addition of radiosoundings from January                  
          30 Jan,1998: minor corrections on dew point values and on launching   
08522     Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checking - September 1997)                 
          These soundings were of generally good quality.                       
          Additional quality control processing information                     
          Timestamp    Comment                                                  
          ---------    -------                                                  
          10 Jun,1997: updating of quality flags for interpolated values        
08579     Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checking - September 1997)                 
          These soundings were of generally good quality.                       
          Additional quality control processing information                     
          Timestamp    Comment                                                  
          ---------    -------                                                  
          10 Jun,1997: updating of quality flags for interpolated values        
71600     Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checking - September 1997)                 
          These soundings were of generally good quality.                       
71801     Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checking - September 1997)                 
          Many of the soundings from St. Johns had significant low level        
          humidity problems.  The first radiosonde humidity is much lower       
          than the independently measured surface humidity.  The subsequent     
          radiosonde humidity values then return to the expected levels.  An    
          example of this type of problem can be seen in the sounding from      
          1 January at 0000 UTC, a small portion of which is shown below:       
                    Time  Press  Temp  Dewpt  RH                                
                     sec    mb     C     C     %                                
                     0.0  971.2  -7.2 -10.9  75.0                               
                     3.6  968.0  -7.2 -36.0   8.0                               
                    15.0  962.2  -7.9 -18.1  43.8                               
                    30.6  950.4  -8.7 -14.3  63.8                               
                    60.0  927.8 999.0 999.0 999.0                               
                    75.0  916.3 -11.4 -13.7  83.1                               
          The surface RH is 75%, the first radiosonde RH is only 8%, the        
          radiosonde RH then recovers to more expected values.                  
          Additional quality control processing information                     
          Timestamp    Comment                                                  
          ---------    -------                                                  
          03 Jul,1997: data received in the FASTEX Central Archive: pressure,   
                       height, temperature, dewpoint depression and relative    
                       humidity at significant levels (no high resolution data  
                       available for meteorological parameters); 1mn height and 
                       wind data.                                               
                       data calculated in the FASTEX Central Archive: U and V   
                       wind components, ascension rate, latitude and longitude  
                       position of the radiosonde .                             
                       due to CLASS format constraints, dew points less than    
                       -99.9 Deg C were given a value of -99.9 Deg C and were   
                       flagged as being estimated.                              
71816     Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checking - September 1997)                 
          These soundings were of generally good quality.                       
71906     Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checking - September 1997)                 
          These soundings were of generally good quality.                       
72208     Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checking - September 1997)                 
          These soundings were of generally good quality.                       
72402     Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checking - September 1997)                 
          These soundings were of generally good quality.                       
74494     Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checking - September 1997)                 
          These soundings were of generally good quality.                       
78016     Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checking - September 1997)                 
          Several of the soundings from Bermuda had significant problems.       
          As an example of the most severe problem there is the sounding        
          from 23 January at 0000 UTC.  Below is a small section of that        
           Time  Press  Temp  Dewpt  RH    Uwind  Vwind  Wspd  Dir              
            sec    mb     C     C     %     m/s    m/s   m/s   deg              
          1410.0  433.9 -23.5 -50.0   7.0    8.1   -1.0   8.2 277.0             
          1420.0  431.0 -23.9 -49.1   8.0    8.1   -1.1   8.2 278.0             
          1430.0  428.0 -24.3 -49.4   8.0    8.1   -1.1   8.2 278.0             
          1440.0  425.0 -24.8 -49.8   8.0    8.1   -1.1   8.2 278.0             
          1450.0  422.2 -25.2 -50.2   8.0    8.0   -1.1   8.1 278.0             
          1460.0  419.5 -17.7 -35.9  19.0   16.6   -0.6  16.6 272.0             
          1470.0  430.6 -18.1 -36.2  19.0   16.8   -0.9  16.8 273.0             
          1480.0  427.8 -18.5 -36.0  20.0   16.9   -1.2  16.9 274.0             
          1490.0  424.8 -19.0 -36.5  20.0   17.0   -1.5  17.1 275.0             
          1500.0  421.8 -19.5 -36.4  21.0   17.2   -1.8  17.3 276.0             
          1510.0  419.0 -19.9 -36.3  22.0   17.4   -2.1  17.5 277.0             
          Not the dramatic change in all parameters between 1450 and 1460       
          seconds.  All data prior to 1450 seconds is consistent with the       
          1450 second data, while all data after 1460 seconds is consistent     
          with the 1460 second data.  It appears as though this sounding        
          was either combined with another at some point in its processing      
          at Bermuda, or else, less likely, had measurement problems.           
          Other soundings that may also have this problem include:              
           8 January  0600 UTC and 1800 UTC                                     
          23 January  0000 UTC and 0600 UTC                                     
           5 February 0000 UTC                                                  
          25 February 1200 UTC                                                  
          Additional quality control processing information                     
          Timestamp    Comment                                                  
          ---------    -------                                                  
          10 Jun,1997: updating of quality flags for interpolated values        
EOGW      Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checking - September 1997)                 
          There are a significant amount of missing winds in these files.       
          Up to 400 mb about 20% of the winds are missing, starting at          
          300 mb that increase to 25% and the amount of missing increase        
          such that above 100 mb about 50% of the winds are missing.            
          Many files have very little or no winds.  Victor Bugaev used          
          the Vaisala Global Positioning System (GPS) windfinding system        
          which was in a development period during FASTEX.  FASTEX was          
          the first operational use of the Vaisala GPS windfinding system       
          and some software problems were present that led to this              
          missing wind problem.                                                 
          Additional quality control processing information                     
          Timestamp    Comment                                                  
          ---------    -------                                                  
          16 Jul,1998: Ship position corrected for the sounding                 
                       dated 19970213 05:31 longitude=-34.92 not  34.81         
FNOU      Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checking - September 1997)                 
          The soundings from Fort Fleur D'Eppe appeared to be of generally good 
FNPH      Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checking - September 1997)                 
          The soundings from Fort Desaix appeared to be of generally good       
          Additional quality control processing information                     
          Timestamp    Comment                                                  
          ---------    -------                                                  
          25 Jul,1997: Sounding dated 19970113:11:06                            
                       interpolated from middle resolution data                 
          25 Aug,1997: Corrections at low levels ; soundings dated:             
                       19970207:23:06 19970219:11:15 19970221:23:12             
                       19970222:23:02 19970224:23:19                            
FZVN      Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checking - September 1997)                 
          The winds at this site were often missing.  About 25-30% of all       
          data point had missing winds.  Le Suroit used the Vaisala Global      
          Positioning System (GPS) windfinding system which was in a            
          development period during FASTEX.  FASTEX was the first               
          operational use of the Vaisala GPS windfinding system and some        
          software problems were present that led to this missing wind          
KCEJ      Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checking - September 1997)                 
          The winds within 200 mb of the surface were missing about 30% of      
          the time.                                                             
          Additional quality control processing information                     
          Timestamp    Comment                                                  
          ---------    -------                                                  
          07 Jul,1997: LABSEA experiment                                        
                       data received in the FASTEX Central Archive: position of 
                       the ship at launching date (decimal degrees); pressure   
                       (hPa), geopotential (m), temperature (C), humidity (%),  
                       dewpoint (C), wind speed (kt) and direction (deg); data  
                       every 2 seconds for the first 300 seconds after launch,  
                       every 5 seconds after.                                   
                       data calculated in the FASTEX Central Archive: U and V   
                       wind components, ascension rate, latitude and longitude  
                       position of the radiosonde.                              
                       due to CLASS format constraints, dew points less than    
                       -99.9 Deg C were given a value of -99.9 Deg C and were   
                       flagged as being estimated.                              
          08 Aug,1997: LABSEA experiment                                        
                       addition of 5 soundings on the following dates:          
                       19970202 23:03    19970213 22:25    19970215 20:09       
                       19970220 14:15    19970227 10:05                         
OXTS2     Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checking - September 1997)                 
          The soundings from Irena Arctica appeared to be of generally good     
          quality with the following caveats.                                   
          First, Irena Arctica was among those most affected by a problem       
          of "bouncing".  That is there is a data point with a much higher      
          than average ascension rate followed by a data point with a much      
          lower than average ascension rate.  The automated check that flags    
          this type of error is from section 6.1.2 the ascension rate change    
          check.  Over 2.5% of all data points at Irena Arctica were affected.  
          The average rate over all FASTEX soundings was only 0.28%.  There     
          was also a higher rate of above acceptable ascension rates (> 10m/s)  
          at Irena Arctica (1.06%) versus the entire FASTEX sounding dataset    
          Second, several soundings had a low level humidity problem in which   
          the first radiosonde humidity is much lower than the independently    
          measured surface humidity.  The subsequent radiosonde humidity        
          values then return to the expected levels.  An example of this        
          type of problem can be seen in the sounding from 16 January at        
          1200 UTC, a small protion of which is shown below:                    
                     Time  Press  Temp  Dewpt  RH                               
                      sec    mb     C     C     %                               
                    ------ ------ ----- ----- -----                             
                       0.0  999.5  -0.7  -2.1  90.2                             
                      10.0  995.6  -0.7 -12.3  41.1                             
                      20.0  990.2  -0.8  -6.4  65.8                             
                      30.0  984.5  -1.4  -5.8  72.0                             
                      40.0  978.0  -1.9  -5.6  75.8                             
          The surface RH is 90%, the first radiosonde RH is only 41%, the       
          radiosonde RH then recovers to more expected values.                  
          Additional quality control processing information                     
          Timestamp    Comment                                                  
          ---------    -------                                                  
           5 Sep,1997: correction on latitude and longitude on the following    
                       date: 19970212 22:59                                     
TFTA      Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checking - September 1997)                 
          The winds at this site were often missing.  About 25-30% of all       
          data point had missing winds.  Aegir used the Vaisala Global          
          Positioning System (GPS) windfinding system which was in a            
          development period during FASTEX.  FASTEX was the first               
          operational use of the Vaisala GPS windfinding system and some        
          software problems were present that led to this missing wind          
          Additional quality control processing information                     
          Timestamp    Comment                                                  
          ---------    -------                                                  
          16 Jul,1998: Ship position corrected for the sounding                 
                       dated 19970212 05:53 latitude= 45.85  not  48.85         
V2EZ      Dataset Remarks (from OFPS checking - September 1997)                 
          The soundings from Godafoss appeared to be of generally good          
          quality with the following caveat.                                    
          There were two varieties of low level humidity problems observed      
          with the soundings from the Godafoss.                                 
          First, several soundings beginning on 18 February had very low        
          independently measured surface humidities.  For example, the          
          18 February sounding taken at 18 UTC had an independently measured    
          surface RH of 1.0%, while the first radiosonde RH was 60.2% and       
          the radiosonde RH values above that point were consistant with that   
          Second, several soundings had a low level humidity problem in which   
          the first radiosonde humidity is much lower than the independently    
          measured surface humidity.  The subsequent radiosonde humidity        
          values then return to the expected levels.  An example of this        
          type of problem can be seen in the sounding from 16 February at       
          0000 UTC, a small protion of which is shown below:                    
                     Time  Press  Temp  Dewpt  RH                               
                      sec    mb     C     C     %                               
                    ------ ------ ----- ----- -----                             
                       0.0  991.5   1.8   0.3  89.8                             
                      10.0  986.4   1.4 -12.4  35.0                             
                      20.0  980.6   0.8  -6.1  59.9                             
                      30.0  975.1   0.2  -5.8  64.0                             
          The surface RH is 90%, the first radiosonde RH is only 35%, the       
          radiosonde RH then recovers to more expected values.                  
          Additional quality control processing information                     
          Timestamp    Comment                                                  
          ---------    -------                                                  
          16 Jul,1998: Ship position corrected for the soundings dated:         
                       19970105 23:40 longitude =-67    not -60.7               
                       19970121 23:21 latitude  = 52.33 not  55.33              
                       19970219 23:00 longitude =-46.42 not -40.42              

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Updated: 2 February 1999