Erreur d’exécution plugins/auto/escal/v5.1.4/inclusions/inc-rubrique_normal.html
Erreur d’exécution plugins/auto/escal/v5.1.4/inclusions/inc-rubrique_normal.html
From ECLIS 6.4 : Charging CPU on another account for a whole simulation is easy, if your user is allowed for that ; just tell which one, at experiment setup stage, by setting parameter OTHER_ACCOUNT in you param_ file, as e.g. in OTHER_ACCOUNT=mgie. This stores a variable of the same name in (…)
If there is any parameter for which you do not find the definition on the relevant index page, this is a documentation bug ; please report it to
For a new experiment, you just have to quote the relevant version of the installer script as the INSTALL parameter. Example : INSTALL= senesi/eclis/V5.9/scripts/install
For an old one : usually, there is upward compatibility between versions of ECLIS. So, you can use a new version of ECLIS for (…)
My simulation did not end properly
For the time being, there is no better hint than those in this section. Sorry !
My job output is very short and non-informative
If your job output is that short, and begins with a line like “#MTOOL include files=epilog.step,banner.end”, this means that "", the tool which assembles steps outputs, is not in your PATH.
This happens only iff : you run on tori (…)