Working with other accounts on HPC and on the storage system
Use parameter OTHER_ACCOUNT, and environment variable CM_FTOPTIONS
From ECLIS 6.4 :
- Charging CPU on another account for a whole simulation is easy, if your user is allowed for that ; just tell which one, at experiment setup stage, by setting parameter OTHER_ACCOUNT in you param_ file, as e.g. in
. This stores a variable of the same name in the _his file. You may toggle the use of this alternate account by modifying variable USE_OTHER_ACCOUNT in the _his file (allowed values are ’yes’ and ’no’) - Saving files on archive machine under antoher account is possible, provided that you have setup the relevant passwords in the relevant place (e.g. using ftmotpasse on Beaufix) ; you drive the use of this account by modifying, for the relevant jobs, the environment variable CM_FTOPTIONS (which is used as an argument to the file transfer commands - both for put and get) ; you may modify this variable either :
- quite permanently in your /.bash_profile ; this will apply to all running experiments
- or for one experiment only :
- either by manually editing the experiment configuration file and inserting
FTGETOPT=" -u mgie003"
andFTPUTOPT=" -u mgie003"
- or at the experiment setup stage by adding in your param file :
INSTALL_ADD='echo FTGETOPT=\" -u mgie003\" >> $RELEXP/$EXPID.conf ; echo FTPUTOPT=\" -u mgie003\" >> $RELEXP/$EXPID.conf'
- either by manually editing the experiment configuration file and inserting