How to use a new version of ECLIS with an old experiment
How to use a new version of ECLIS with an old experiment
For a new experiment, you just have to quote the relevant version of the installer script as the INSTALL parameter. Example : INSTALL=~senesi/eclis/V5.9/scripts/install
For an old one : usually, there is upward compatibility between versions of ECLIS. So, you can use a new version of ECLIS for running an old experiment, by applying a few (and reversible !) changes to your experiment’s files :
- in file ’EXPID_his’, change the path for the script of your experiment on line ’PROO’
- in file ’EXPID.conf’, change all occurrences of the ECLIS old version path to the new one ; this applies at least to values of CM and HOM_TOOL (and may apply to PLUGINS and UPDNAMOCE). If you move from V5.7 or earlier, also add :
You can even do that on a running experiment, provided that you do both soon enough before your experiment’s next ’relance’
If this proves unsuccessful, you can reinstall your experiment using the new version for INSTALL value (this will not erase any output file on cougar), and then change the DAFC and DATF parameters in the EXPID_his file to reflect the actual progress of the simulation.