A description of available documentation for running CNRM-CM
This doc site has grown over the years, and may be uneasy to use. the present page tries to compensate for that, by indexing and describing a selection of pages and documentation
- Basics
- CNRM-CM’s engine is Eclis, a set of bash and python scripts
- Tools and tips
- When installing an experiment, there are some useful options : -nrst, -noask, -nogo
- Troubleshooting for a simulation
- How to carry on a simulation (brelan, xrelan) or automate its monitoring (verifrelan, itere_verif)
- Managing simulation outputs and house-keeping on HPC and archive
- Re-running experiment’s final post-processing step (with assembling, QC ..)
- Working with an alternate accounts on HPC or on the storage system
- Designing an ensemble of simulations
- Advanced topics
- Eclis Plugins allow to tune CNRM-CM to your needs
- Standard plugins are plugins for implementing commonly used configurations (LAM, nudging, carbon cycle ...)
- You can let Eclis run your own model, either coupled of forced (applies to Grisli, AGRIF, toy model ...)
- Eclis changes history
- CMIP6 with CNRM-CM and Eclis
- The comprehensive explanation is made of these two documents, which complements each other : faire un run CMIP6 v2 and faire un run CMIP6 v3
- There is also a set of useful information which includes a vademecum for runing a simulation, a Home Data Request users guide
- Marie-Pierre Moine designed a quite comprehensive and self-consistent user’s guide which is only slightly outdated
- The series of meetings held for preparing and ’doing’ CMIP6 has sytematic reports
Our colleagues at Cerfacs have designed two pages of links to Eclis doc, on their own site (restricted access) : top_level and other topics