# =================================================================== # Example of a parameter file for defining a CNRM-CM experiment # =================================================================== # Version 4.1 - 27 oct 2009 #!/bin/bash # Parameter file for CNRM-CM5 CMIP5 PICTL experiment # xxx denotes a location where some parameter still has a draft value # Parameters most prone to changes stand at the beginning EXPID=`basename $0 | sed -e 's/param_//g'` cat > $FTDIR/param_${EXPID} <<'EOF' # Please refer to http://intra-udc.cnrm.meteo.fr/donnees/simulation/menu.html # for further explanations (URL valid as of sept 2009) # Syntax is according to your $SHELL # Sections are : # DESCRIBING THE EXPERIMENT # PERIOD TO PROCESS, AND JOBS GRANULARITY # JOBS CHARACTERISTICS # OUTPUT FILES : DIAGNOSTICS, RESTART, LISITINGS # NAMELISTS USED. # RESTART FILES. # FORCINGS AND THEIR EVOLUTION # FOR ADVANCED USE # The environment variable EXPID is a reserved word. # Quoting base directory for various files. BASE=~mgie009 # valid on Tori # =================================================================== # DESCRIBING THE EXPERIMENT # =================================================================== # The experiment label EXPID provided as argument to the experiment # installation script should agree with the name of the current file # according to the pattern : "param_$EXPID" # The next string will be used to document diagnostic fields TITRE="Simulation AMIP TEST" # E-mail to send error messages RUNMAIL=somebody@meteo.fr # Group of the experiment (to regroup experiment on cougar and on relance directory) GROUP=TESTING/ # =================================================================== # PERIOD TO PROCESS, AND JOBS GRANULARITY # =================================================================== # The period will be processed in multiple jobs. Each job will process # a number of months. The first month of the first job may begin at any # date in the month, provided there is a valid ocean initial state for # that date (either climatology or a restart).Later months will be entire. # Initial date of the run INIDATE=19750101 # Last date of the run ENDDATE=20081231 # Start time of the run INITIME=0 # How many months should we process in each job NMONTH=12 # # =================================================================== # JOBS CHARACTERISTICS # =================================================================== # These characteristics apply to each of the re-launched jobs. They may # be changed during the experiment in file $RELDIR/$EXP_his # =================================================================== # Elapsed time and memory usage on the frontal computer ELAPSFRONT=01:30:00 ; MEMFRONT=8gb # Elapsed time and memory usage on the number crunching computer ELAPS=05:00:00 ; MEM=20gb # NFS queue on the number crunching computer (can be "test", or "giec") QUEUE=vector # How many nodes and processors per node are used ? NN=1 ; NNP=8 # =================================================================== # OUTPUT FILES: DIAGNOSTICS, RESTART, LISITINGS # =================================================================== # Listings are saved in the "relance" directory # Quoting the models which listing will be saved, by a key-letter or keyword: # all, A (Atm), O (ocean), R (River), G (Ice), C (Coupler) SAVE_LISTING=no # Diagnostics and restarts are saved on the archive machine according # (by default) to the standard CNRM-CM file organization . See section # "advanced use" and variables $(modele)[RES|OUT]ARCH for changing it. # To save restarts every 6h (for nudging or Aladin) put 'all' # Otherwise put the period of saving for restart: # if 1 ---> save restarts every month # if 12 ---> save restarts every year # Anyway, if the processed dates interval is less than this period, # you will get a restart corresponding to the day after the last # processed day. SAVE_RESTART_PER=12 # =================================================================== # NAMELISTS USED. # =================================================================== # Namelist files can be on any rcp-reachable remote machine or cougar. # If you want to share such a parameter file and the files it uses, # remember to use either absolute path or the form "~account/..." MACH_NAMELIST=tori ATMNAMREF=~mgie009/arpege/namarpv5_force_tl127l31r_rrtm_sfx_v3_ecume SFXNAMREF=~mrgu556/relances/namelists/surfex/OPTIONS.nam.3-LT.4.ecume # =================================================================== # RESTART FILES. # =================================================================== # Input restart files can be on any rcp-reachable remote machine or cougar. # Default is cougar MACH_RESTART=cougar EXPREF=AMIPv1 ; DATREF=19750101 # Otherwise, set the filenames explicitly ; # Each setting will anyway supersede the value driven by EXPREF hm=/home/m/mgie/mgie009 ATMREST=$hm/CMIP5/$EXPREF/atm/restart/$EXPREF.rst.atm.P$DATREF SFXREST=$hm/CMIP5/$EXPREF/sfx/restart/$EXPREF.rst.sfx.P${DATREF} # =================================================================== # FORCINGS AND THEIR EVOLUTION # =================================================================== # # For each forcing 2 variables : # YEAR_XXX : defining how the forcing evolves depending on the year of the simulation # FORXXX : pattern for filename used for the forcing, which can includes keywords YYYY # and MM, where YYYY will be replaced by current year and MM will be replaced by current # month at execution time, using the scheme described below # # In case FORXXX does no contain the string YYYY then YEAR_XXX is not used! # In case FORXXX does no contain YYYY nor MM the forcing will be fixed # (except for GHG gases where the year is read in the file, not in the name of the file) # # In case FORXXX contains YYYY # if YEAR_XXX is less or equal to 4 characters # --> YYYY will be replaced by YEAR_XXX in FORXXX (always the same YYYY # during the simulation, but YYYY can be a string or a year number) # # if YEAR_XXX is more than 4 characters, it should be of the form : # SCEN_YYY1_YYY2 : in this case the forcing will evolve every year between # YYY1 and YYY2 and will be equal to YYY1 before year YYY1 # and will be equal to YYY2 afetr year YYY2 # SCED_YYY1_YYY2 : similar to previous case but the forcing evolves only # every decade (ex: from 1985 to 1994, YYYY=1990) # # Geometry for arpege - Used for computing forcing filenames GEOM=tl127l31r # Boundary conditions : orography, land use ... # By exception, for boundary conditions, XXX=BCD but pattern is named BCOND YEAR_BCD=no ; BCOND=~mrga561/bcond/nclim4_${GEOM}_mMM # SST YEAR_SST=SCEN_1975_2009 ; FORSST=~mrgu541/clim/sst${GEOM}/sst_amipsfx_YYYYMM.ieee # GHG gases YEAR_GHG=SCEN_1975_2008 ; FORGHG=~mrgu548/forcages/ghg_et_solaire_cmip5/GHG_RCP45.dat # Sulfate aerosols YEAR_SUL=no ; FORSUL=~mrgu548/clim/amip/aero_balkanski_SO4.1989MM.ieee # Volcanic aerosols YEAR_VOL=SCEN_1975_1999 ; FORVOL=~mrgu556/clim/aero_volcans_$GEOM/aero_Ammann_vo.YYYYMM.ieee # Cas particulier ici YEAR_OZO=no ; FOROZO=~mrgs536/clim/ozone_sl_$GEOM/PROBnecCOEF_60_v3.2_coeff7.MM.ieee # FIXED AEROSOLS # Black Carbon YEAR_BCA=no ; FORBCA=~mrgu548/clim/amip/aero_balkanski_BC.1989MM.ieee # Organic Carbon YEAR_ORA=no ; FORORA=~mrgu548/clim/amip/aero_balkanski_POM.1989MM.ieee # Sand Dust YEAR_SDA=no ; FORSDA=~mrgu548/clim/amip/aero_balkanski_CIDUST.1989MM.ieee # Sea Salt YEAR_SSA=no ; FORSSA=~mrgu548/clim/amip/aero_baltegen_SS.1989MM.ieee # =================================================================== # FOR ADVANCED USE # =================================================================== # Valid on yuki as of 14/9/09 : # Where to find shell script tools TOOL=~mrgu556/public/toolbox/v3 # Script implementing the coupled model #script=$BASE/arpege/script_force.4.2.ddh script=~mrgu556/public/arpege/script_force.4.2 # Models binaries, their data and related tools # Bin adapted for wter conservation #ATMEXE=~mgie009/pack/arp502_export.02.SX8R20r400.x.pack/bin/ARPCLIM ATMEXE=~mrga589/public/arp502/bin/ald502_export.02.exe UPDCLI=~mrgu556/arpege/library/updcli_gen_1 ; UPDOZO=~mrgs536/arpege/library/updozo5.1.v5 # Temporary location to store output data. STORE_LOC=$FTDIR # Archive directories on cougar used to save diagnostics and # restarts. Next lines follow the CNRM-CM5 standard file organization # for CMIP5 outputs # The experiment can belong to a group (corresponding parent # directories will be automatically created) EXPARCHDIR=${GROUP}$EXPID # Will hold a copy of the current file ATMARCH=$EXPARCHDIR/atm; ATMRESARCH=$ATMARCH/restart ; ATMOUTARCH=$ATMARCH/output SFXARCH=$EXPARCHDIR/sfx; SFXRESARCH=$SFXARCH/restart ; SFXOUTARCH=$SFXARCH/output # Directory for automatic relance (and hence job outputs). Default # value is fine for most uses RELDIR=$HOME/relances/$EXPARCHDIR EOF INSTALLER=~mrgu556/public/arpege/instexp_force.2.4 cd $FTDIR grep "xxx" param_$EXPID [ ! $? ] && echo -e "\nThere is still some xxx in parameters file\n" && exit $INSTALLER $EXPID rm param_$EXPID