New rules for the Newsletter !

Sorry, no "News" part this time. It is of course a pity, all the more since some teams sent contributions. But the Newsletters are so late that informations became obsolete. So, why such a delay ?

There are many causes to this problem :

However the problem is not a new one. Along the last years, the ALADIN Newsletter changed significantly, and in the right direction in my opinion, even it was sometimes proposed to suppress it (too much work for too few readers ?). This is quite clear from the following figures :



4 Newsletters

2 Newsletters

154 pages all together

341 pages all together

10 papers (mainly verification)

27 papers (mainly research)

PhD reports :10 pages

PhD reports : 101 pages

> editorial board : 1½ person

> editorial board : 1 person

The other topics : general informations, operational suites, ALADIN and ALATNET developments did not change that much in volume (globally).

Just the editing task now requires more than two months work per Newsletter, and there is only one person to do it (among other non negligible duties). This is too much and cannot last. In the meantime the presently used platform and tool will disappear within the end of this year, in the context of a general move to Linux.

So here is the proposal from the Toulouse Support Team to alleviate the editorial stuff. Indeed, more a requirement than a proposal.

A. The format of contributions

Up to now : ANYTHING !

==> Editorial requirement : Use of Open Office

B. The form of contributions

==> Editorial requirement : Please, check English and READABILITY at home first !

C. The content of contributions

==> volunteers are welcome !

The present editor
Dominique Giard