"Réseau Formation Recherche": PhD Studies

The former RFR support no longer exists but PhD studies go on in Toulouse or at home ...

Report in Newsletter 16.

Research activities with the 3D model: The uniformly accelerating motion scheme for the 3D model is under development. The application on the horizontal is automatic. The challenge is on the vertical. The vertical motion in a hydrostatic model is restricted by the hydrostatic assumption. We try to use this limitation in order to construct an explicit estimate of the vertical acceleration in the environment of a hydrostatic model with a hybrid vertical coordinate.

Research activities with the 1D model: The study of the second order accuracy of the SL schemes for the treatment of the non-linear residual has been finalized. The conclusion is that this part of the 2TLSL method is more flexible but also less important for the quality of the entire SL scheme. The predictor-corrector method has been compared with the other 2TLSL techniques. The conclusion is that the method, in its trajectory part, is equivalent to the uniformly accelerating motion scheme and is only slightly better in terms of overall performance.

Report in Newsletter 16.

Mark is no longer a PhD student since he defended with succes his "cotutelle" PhD on January 25th, 2000, in Lujbljana (SLO). Thus Mark is now a French Doctor (from Université Paul Sabatier in Toulouse) and a Sloven Doctor (from University of Ljubljana).

30 people, including the 9 members of the jury attended to this successful defense : the speech (15 minutes in French and 35 minutes in Sloven) was followed by one hour of questions; the mention was "très honorable avec félicitations" for the French University (even without any knowledge of French, that's sound very good ... and, in fact, it is).

A glimpse of his PhD work.
